939 resultados para INFORMATION PROCESSING
This special issue is a collection of the selected papers published on the proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA) held in Wuhan, China in 2005. The articles focus on the innovative applications of data mining approaches to the problems that involve large data sets, incomplete and noise data, or demand optimal solutions.
Learning from mistakes has proven to be an effective way of learning in the interactive document classifications. In this paper we propose an approach to effectively learning from mistakes in the email filtering process. Our system has employed both SVM and Winnow machine learning algorithms to learn from misclassified email documents and refine the email filtering process accordingly. Our experiments have shown that the training of an email filter becomes much effective and faster
An emerging issue in the field of astronomy is the integration, management and utilization of databases from around the world to facilitate scientific discovery. In this paper, we investigate application of the machine learning techniques of support vector machines and neural networks to the problem of amalgamating catalogues of galaxies as objects from two disparate data sources: radio and optical. Formulating this as a classification problem presents several challenges, including dealing with a highly unbalanced data set. Unlike the conventional approach to the problem (which is based on a likelihood ratio) machine learning does not require density estimation and is shown here to provide a significant improvement in performance. We also report some experiments that explore the importance of the radio and optical data features for the matching problem.
A complete workflow specification requires careful integration of many different process characteristics. Decisions must be made as to the definitions of individual activities, their scope, the order of execution that maintains the overall business process logic, the rules governing the discipline of work list scheduling to performers, identification of time constraints and more. The goal of this paper is to address an important issue in workflows modelling and specification, which is data flow, its modelling, specification and validation. Researchers have neglected this dimension of process analysis for some time, mainly focussing on structural considerations with limited verification checks. In this paper, we identify and justify the importance of data modelling in overall workflows specification and verification. We illustrate and define several potential data flow problems that, if not detected prior to workflow deployment may prevent the process from correct execution, execute process on inconsistent data or even lead to process suspension. A discussion on essential requirements of the workflow data model in order to support data validation is also given..
Pattern discovery in a long temporal event sequence is of great importance in many application domains. Most of the previous work focuses on identifying positive associations among time stamped event types. In this paper, we introduce the problem of defining and discovering negative associations that, as positive rules, may also serve as a source of knowledge discovery. In general, an event-oriented pattern is a pattern that associates with a selected type of event, called a target event. As a counter-part of previous research, we identify patterns that have a negative relationship with the target events. A set of criteria is defined to evaluate the interestingness of patterns associated with such negative relationships. In the process of counting the frequency of a pattern, we propose a new approach, called unique minimal occurrence, which guarantees that the Apriori property holds for all patterns in a long sequence. Based on the interestingness measures, algorithms are proposed to discover potentially interesting patterns for this negative rule problem. Finally, the experiment is made for a real application.
The application of energy minimisation methods for stereo matching has been demonstrated to produce high quality disparity maps. However the majority of these methods are known to be computationally expensive, requiring minutes or even hours of computation. We propose a fast minimisation scheme that produces strongly competitive results for significantly reduced computation, requiring only a few seconds of computation. In this paper, we present our iterated dynamic programming algorithm along with a quadtree subregioning process for fast stereo matching.
Texture-segmentation is the crucial initial step for texture-based image retrieval. Texture is the main difficulty faced to a segmentation method. Many image segmentation algorithms either can’t handle texture properly or can’t obtain texture features directly during segmentation which can be used for retrieval purpose. This paper describes an automatic texture segmentation algorithm based on a set of features derived from wavelet domain, which are effective in texture description for retrieval purpose. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can efficiently capture the textured regions in arbitrary images, with the features of each region extracted as well. The features of each textured region can be directly used to index image database with applications as texture-based image retrieval.
Spatial data has now been used extensively in the Web environment, providing online customized maps and supporting map-based applications. The full potential of Web-based spatial applications, however, has yet to be achieved due to performance issues related to the large sizes and high complexity of spatial data. In this paper, we introduce a multiresolution approach to spatial data management and query processing such that the database server can choose spatial data at the right resolution level for different Web applications. One highly desirable property of the proposed approach is that the server-side processing cost and network traffic can be reduced when the level of resolution required by applications are low. Another advantage is that our approach pushes complex multiresolution structures and algorithms into the spatial database engine. That is, the developer of spatial Web applications needs not to be concerned with such complexity. This paper explains the basic idea, technical feasibility and applications of multiresolution spatial databases.
In many online applications, we need to maintain quantile statistics for a sliding window on a data stream. The sliding windows in natural form are defined as the most recent N data items. In this paper, we study the problem of estimating quantiles over other types of sliding windows. We present a uniform framework to process quantile queries for time constrained and filter based sliding windows. Our algorithm makes one pass on the data stream and maintains an E-approximate summary. It uses O((1)/(epsilon2) log(2) epsilonN) space where N is the number of data items in the window. We extend this framework to further process generalized constrained sliding window queries and proved that our technique is applicable for flexible window settings. Our performance study indicates that the space required in practice is much less than the given theoretical bound and the algorithm supports high speed data streams.
Terrain can be approximated by a triangular mesh consisting millions of 3D points. Multiresolution triangular mesh (MTM) structures are designed to support applications that use terrain data at variable levels of detail (LOD). Typically, an MTM adopts a tree structure where a parent node represents a lower-resolution approximation of its descendants. Given a region of interest (ROI) and a LOD, the process of retrieving the required terrain data from the database is to traverse the MTM tree from the root to reach all the nodes satisfying the ROI and LOD conditions. This process, while being commonly used for multiresolution terrain visualization, is inefficient as either a large number of sequential I/O operations or fetching a large amount of extraneous data is incurred. Various spatial indexes have been proposed in the past to address this problem, however level-by-level tree traversal remains a common practice in order to obtain topological information among the retrieved terrain data. A new MTM data structure called direct mesh is proposed. We demonstrate that with direct mesh the amount of data retrieval can be substantially reduced. Comparing with existing MTM indexing methods, a significant performance improvement has been observed for real-life terrain data.