876 resultados para Human Mitochondrial-dna
A dissertação foi elaborada no formato de artigo, intitulado de “Systematic revision of the spotted antpitta Hylopezus macularius, (Grallariidae), with description of a cryptic new species from brazilian Amazonia”, a ser submetido para a revista The AUK, formatado segundo os padrões da revista. Uma revisão sistemática da espécie politípica Hylopezus macularius (Grallariidae), baseada em caracteres morfométricos, de plumagem, vocais e moleculares, é apresentada. As análises morfológicas e vocais foram baseadas, respectivamente, em 45 espécimes e em 104 gravações. As filogenias moleculares basearam-se em 1.371 pares de bases de ADN dos genes mitocondriais 16S, ND2, e cyt b de 26 espécimes, incluindo diversos táxons como grupos externos. Nossos resultados revelaram a existência de um táxon não descrito, endêmico do interflúvio Xingu - Madeira, cripticamente similar morfologicamente ao paraensis, mas distinguível vocal e geneticamente do último e de todos os outros táxons agrupados sob H. macularius. As árvores moleculares obtiveram forte apoio e monofiletismo recíproco entre as quatro linhagens principais de H. macularius, três das quais correspondem aos táxons já nomeados (dilutus, macularius, e paraensis), e um ao táxon anônimo, que é descrito neste trabalho. Nós mostramos que aqueles quatro táxons são mutuamente diagnosticáveis através de uma combinação de características vocais e morfológicas, portanto recomendamos tratá-los como espécies separadas. Datas das árvores moleculares indicaram que as separações entre espécies do complexo ocorreram entre 2.92 e 0.78 milhões de anos, com as separações mais antigas concentradas no noroeste da Amazônia (através do rio Negro) e as mais recentes na parte sudeste da bacia (através do rio Xingu).
O tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, é a espécie de peixes mais popularmente usada para a aquicultura no Brasil, mas não há nenhum estudo comparando a variação genética entre as populações nativas e de cultivo desta espécie. No presente estudo foram analisadas sequências de DNA mitocondrial para avaliar a diversidade genética entre duas populações selvagens, um plantel de produção de alevinos, e uma amostra de estoques de piscicultura, todos da região de Santarém, no oeste do estado do Pará. Níveis similares de diversidade genética foram encontrados em todas as amostras e, surpreendentemente, o plantel mostrou expressiva representação da diversidade genética registrada em populações selvagens. Estes resultados contrastam consideravelmente com os do estudo anterior de estoques cultivados nos estados do Amapá, Pará, Piauí, Rondônia, que registrou apenas dois haplótipos, indicando uma longa história de endogamia nas matrizes utilizadas para a produção de alevinos. Os resultados dos dois estudos mostram dois cenários distintos de aquicultura do tambaqui na Amazônia, que devem ser melhor avaliados, a fim de garantir o sucesso da expansão da atividade na região, e no resto do Brasil, já que o tambaqui e seus híbridos agora são cultivados em todo o país.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Aedes aegypti on Madeira Island (Portugal): genetic variation of a recently introduced dengue vector
The increasing population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on Madeira Island (Portugal) resulted in the first autochthonous dengue outbreak, which occurred in October 2012. Our study establishes the first genetic evaluation based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)] and knockdown resistance ( kdr ) mutations exploring the colonisation history and the genetic diversity of this insular vector population. We included mosquito populations from Brazil and Venezuela in the analysis as putative geographic sources. The Ae. aegyptipopulation from Madeira showed extremely low mtDNA genetic variability, with a single haplotype for COI and ND4. We also detected the presence of two important kdr mutations and the quasi-fixation of one of these mutations (F1534C). These results are consistent with a unique recent founder event that occurred on the island of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes that carry kdr mutations associated with insecticide resistance. Finally, we also report the presence of the F1534C kdr mutation in the Brazil and Venezuela populations. To our knowledge, this is the first time this mutation has been found in South American Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Given the present risk of Ae. aegypti re-invading continental Europe from Madeira and the recent dengue outbreaks on the island, this information is important to plan surveillance and control measures.
Background: Iran is an area of particular interest for investigating goat diversity. Archaeological remains indicate early goat domestication (about 10 000 years ago) in the Iranian Zagros Mountains as well as in the high Euphrates valley and southeastern Anatolia. In addition, mitochondrial DNA data of domestic goats and wild ancestors (C. aegagrusor bezoar) suggest a pre-domestication management of wild populations in southern Zagros and central Iranian Plateau. In this study genetic diversity was assessed in seven Iranian native goat breeds, namely Markhoz, Najdi, Taleshi, Khalkhali, Naini, native Abadeh and Turki-Ghashghaei. A total of 317 animals were characterized using 14 microsatellite loci. Two Pakistani goat populations, Pahari and Teddy, were genotyped for comparison.Results: Iranian goats possess a remarkable genetic diversity (average expected heterozygosity of 0.671 across loci, 10.7 alleles per locus) mainly accounted for by the within-breed component (G(ST) = 5.9%). Positive and highly significant F-IS values in the Naini, Turki-Ghashghaei, Abadeh and Markhoz breeds indicate some level of inbreeding in these populations. Multivariate analyses cluster Iranian goats into northern, central and western groups, with the western breeds relatively distinct from the others. Pakistani breeds show some relationship with Iranian populations, even if their position is not consistent across analyses. Gene flow was higher within regions (west, north, central) compared to between regions but particularly low between the western and the other two regions, probably due to the isolating topography of the Zagros mountain range. The Turki-Ghashghaei, Najdi and Abadeh breeds are reared in geographic areas where mtDNA provided evidence of early domestication. These breeds are highly variable, located on basal short branches in the neighbor-joining tree, close to the origin of the principal component analysis plot and, although highly admixed, they are quite distinct from those reared on the western side of the Zagros mountain range.Conclusions: These observations call for further investigation of the nuclear DNA diversity of these breeds within a much wider geographic context to confirm or re-discuss the current hypothesis (based on maternal lineage data) of an almost exclusive contribution of the eastern Anatolian bezoar to the domestic goat gene pool.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) is the fish species most commonly raised in the Brazilian fish farms. The species is highly adaptable to captive conditions, and is both fast-growing and relatively fecund. In recent years, artificial breeding has produced hybrids with Characiform species, known as “Tambacu” and “Tambatinga”. Identifying hybrids is a difficult process, given their morphological similarities with the parent species. This study presents an innovative molecular approach to the identification of hybrids based primarily on Multiplex PCR of a nuclear gene (a-Tropomyosin), which was tested on 93 specimens obtained from fish farms in northern Brazil. The sequencing of a 505-bp fragment of the Control Region (CR) permitted the identification of the maternal lineage of the specimen, all of which corresponded to C. macropomum. Unexpectedly, only two CR haplotype were found in 93 samples, a very low genetic diversity for the pisciculture of Tambaqui. Multiplex PCR identified 42 hybrids, in contrast with 23 identified by the supplier on the basis of external morphology. This innovative tool has considerable potential for the development of the Brazilian aquaculture, given the possibility of the systematic identification of the genetic traits of both fry-producing stocks, and the fry and juveniles raised in farms.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Many studies use genetic markers to explore population structure and variability within species. However, only a minority use more than one type of marker and, despite increasing evidence of a link between heterozygosity and individual fitness, few ask whether diversity correlates with population trajectory. To address these issues, we analyzed data from the Steller’s sea lion, Eumetiopias jubatus, where three stocks are distributed over a vast geographical range and where both genetic samples and detailed demographic data have been collected from many diverse breeding colonies. To previously published mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) and microsatellite data sets,we have added new data for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, comprising 238 loci scored in 285 sea lions sampled from 23 natal rookeries. Genotypic diversity was low relative to most vertebrates, with only 37 loci (15.5%) being polymorphic. Moreover, contrasting geographical patterns of genetic diversity were found at the three markers, with Nei’s gene diversity tending to be higher for AFLPs and microsatellites in rookeries of the western and Asian stocks, while the highest mtDNA values were found in the eastern stock. Overall, and despite strongly contrasting demographic histories, after applying phylogenetic correction we found little correlation between genetic diversity and either colony size or demography. In contrast, we were able to show a highly significant positive relationship between AFLP diversity and current population size across a range of pinniped species, even though equivalent analyses did not reveal significant trends for either microsatellites or mtDNA.