954 resultados para Hospitals infantils


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Conflicts of interest were potentially great but they were minimized by the great conviction from both Doctors and Health Ministry that something had to be done to improve data on perinatal health. To decrease the number of hospitals where deliveries took place, to concentrate doctors, nurses and equipment, to define staff and to acquire equipment and to train nurses and paediatricians was the way. One the point of view of cost-effectiveness, centralization of expensive technologies, and development of expertise concentrating cases in a same centre - Surgery, VLBW, etc- and lowering mortality rates and get better outcomes were clear health gains. In 1989 after the political decision of closing small maternities the committee return to villages and cities to explain to political local power and people, the decision, which kind of care they will have in the future, why and expected gains. Level I hospitals and Health Centers stop to have deliveries; Health Centers were given a great responsibility: the follow up of the most part of the normal pregnancies by GP. There was no economic pressure because the National Health Service is free, there are no economic incentives for obstetrical or neonatal care, hospitals are financed through ICD, hospital level is defined according to both delivery and newborn care. In 1989 the rule was “No results can be obtained without the interested and responsible participation of all – institutions and people”. At that time the emphasis was on training. There are geographic influences on regionalization for example for islands and inner and far geographic areas. Also we would like to emphasize the influence of demographics on regionalization. As birth rate continues to decrease the hospitals left open 20 years ago with more than 1500 deliveries have to be closed now because the number of deliveries decreased. It was much more difficult and unacceptable to close some few maternities now than 20 years ago. All the difference was that at that time reasons were explained and now it was a Minister order. Other fearful events are the opening of private hospitals, the lowering gross national income, the economic difficulties and financial problems.


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ABSTRACT: This quantitative study investigated the attitudes toward the mentally ill in professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The research questions explored were centered on the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and also on the difference between the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and demographic variables. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in attitude between direct care providers and supportive professionals toward the mentally ill clients. The Community Attitudes towards Mentally Ill (CAMI) scale (Dear & Taylor, 1982; Taylor, Dear & Hall, 1979; Taylor & Dear, 1981) was used. A total of 72 members of the staff, including 55 directly involved staff and 17 supportive staff members, participated in the survey. A summary interpretation of the main findings in this thesis reinforces the assumption that negative attitudes towards people with mental illness received in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital are in existence, even though the majority have favorable attitudes towards the mentally ill. This suggests that persons with mental illness may encounter stigmatizing attitudes from mental health professionals. This study represents one of the first to explore professionals’ attitudes towards the mentally ill. It is hoped that this work will highlight the need to explore the influence of attitudes in the delivery of high quality healthcare. The provider–patient relationship is at the heart of effective treatment and the detrimental impact of prejudicial judgments on this relationship should not be ignored. This study also demonstrates that professionals with different roles report different attitudes and this suggest that they would behave differently towards patients with mental illness. The directly involved professionals have been found to have more positive attitudes than the supportive professional and this seems to show that as individuals improve their ability to interact with persons with mental illness, they become more tolerant. The present study demonstrates that the sociodemographic variables tested have no impact on the attitudes of the professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The extent of mental health training (as part of general health training) and duration of experience of working in mental health settings did not influence attitudes. Finally, this study demonstrates that there is no correlation between the attitudes towards mentally ill patients and their inclusion in the process of decision-making.


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Portuguese health care system was created in 1979. It is universal and for free. Expenses are supported by the State through taxes. The modern perinatal care system started by the end of 1970. The first neonatal intensive care units were created in 1980, the Portuguese Neonatal Society in 1985 and the National Neonatal Transport System in 1987. Until the seventies of twentieth century and even during eighties there were more than 200 hospitals with deliveries, a great part without obstetrician or paediatrician, a great percentage of pregnancies had no prenatal care, there were few neonatal intensive care units and perinatal mortality rate was one of the highest in the European countries. In 1987 an Experts Committee was nominated by the Health Ministry aiming to collect and analyse data on perinatal care and to suggest improvements. The Report resulting from this work is the main document on which is based the reform. The reform was a 9 years program in 3 years stages aiming to close hospitals with less than 1500 deliveries/year, to reclassify hospitals, to create Coordinating Units between health centres and hospitals, to equip neonatal intensive and intermediate care units, to define needs of obstetricians, paediatricians and nurses for each centre and to promote specialised training in neonatology for paediatricians and nurses. Levels of perinatal care were defined as well as localization of each level of hospital according to the number of deliveries in one geographic area, geographic difficulties and existing routes and connections. Steps for opening and closure of different levels of hospitals were very well programmed. The organization, capacities, number of obstetricians, neonatologists and nurses as well as equipment for each level of care was defined. Rules for pregnant women and newborns transfer from level II to level III hospitals were also well described. A specific training is neonatology was created starting in 1990. This organization resulted in an impressive decrease in mortality rates at all levels and still it is the policy we have today.


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BACKGROUND: Sporotrichosis is a subacute or chronic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Sporothrix schenckii. The first and most traditional treatment is potassium iodide in satured solution (SSKI) used by DE BEURMANN in 1907. For its effectiveness, it is still used for cutaneous sporotrichosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the treatment of cutaneous sporotrichosis with SSKI in relation to clinical cure, side effects, length of treatment and reactivation. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records over a 24-year period (1981-2005). Patients of all ages who were treated in the hospital´s division of dermatology were included in the study providing that they had a positive culture of S. schenckii. Satured solution of potassium iodide (3 to 6g per day) was the treatment prescribed. For children, half of the dose was prescribed. RESULTS: The lymphocutaneous disease was prevalent, the cure rate was 94.7%, side effects were described in 5.5% of the cases, mean length of treatment was 3.5 months and possible reactivation was observed in 11.1%. CONCLUSION: SSKI is an effective drug, with many side effects, but with low frequency. Resolution was for maximum six months of treatment. SSKI has been found to be a very effective drug in this retrospective study of culture-proven cases of cutaneous and lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis. It should be used as first drug of choice especially in resource-limited settings.


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INTRODUCTION: A contribution to the regional epidemiological profile of the most common fungal agents in Public Health Services in Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, including university hospitals and polyclinics. METHODS: Clinical specimens (n = 1,496) from 1,078 patients were collected, submitted to direct mycological exam (potash or stick tape method) and cultured in specific mediums. Dermatophytic and non-dermatophytic agents were identified according to micromorphology (Ridell technique). RESULTS: The majority of the 1,496 specimens were skin (n = 985) and nail exams (n = 472). Of the 800 positive cultures, 246 (30.8%) corresponded to dermatophytes and 336 (42%) to yeasts of the genus Candida, 190 (23.7%) to other yeasts, 27 (3.4%) to non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi and one (0.1%) the agent of subcutaneous mycosis. Lesions considered primary occurred in greater numbers (59.5%) than recurrent lesions (37.4%), with a greater concentration of positivity occurring on the arms and legs. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidities, allergies and diabetes mellitus were conditions associated with greater positivity in direct mycological exams and cultures. Positive culture was considered a definitive diagnosis of fungal infection and confirmed 47.8% of diagnostic hypotheses.


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HIV/AIDS-associated visceral leishmaniasis may display the characteristics of an aggressive disease or without specific symptoms at all, thus making diagnosis difficult. The present study describes the results of diagnostic tests applied to a series of suspected VL cases in HIV-infected/AIDS patients admitted in referral hospitals in Pernambuco, Brazil. From a total of 14 eligible patients with cytopenias and/or fever of an unknown etiology, and indication of bone marrow aspirate, 10 patients were selected for inclusion in the study. Diagnosis was confirmed by the following examinations: Leishmania detection in bone marrow aspirate, direct agglutination test, indirect immunofluorescence, rK39 dipstick test, polymerase chain reaction and latex agglutination test. Five out of the ten patients were diagnosed with co-infection. A positive direct agglutination test was recorded for all five co-infected patients, the Leishmania detection and latex agglutination tests were positive in four patients, the rK39 dipstick test in three, the indirect immunofluorescence in two and a positive polymerase chain reaction was recorded for one patient. This series of cases was the first to be conducted in Brazil using this set of tests in order to detect co-infection. However, no consensus has thus far been reached regarding the most appropriate examination for the screening and monitoring of this group of patients.


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Dada a sua estrutura organizacional complexa e a natureza delicada do serviço prestado, os hospitais carecem de uma gestão eficaz e eficiente que os transforme em organizações de excelência. Fatores externos derivados das atuais imposições governamentais, como a necessidade de reorganização dos serviços no sentido de contenção de custos, a obtenção de resultados económicos positivos e, a incessante necessidade dos utentes em obter um atendimento de qualidade, são fatores que não simplificam o problema. As melhorias da qualidade dos serviços de saúde têm sido difíceis de implementar em Portugal, não só porque estas exigem uma mudança fundamental na forma de pensar e de agir que conduzam à alteração de comportamentos, hábitos e de práticas estabelecidas, mas também, porque estes processos requerem tempo, resiliência e uma participação ativa do Estado, e demais entidades reguladoras. A exigência neste processo torna-se fundamental ao nível da segurança, flexibilidade e da atuação sobre fatores estruturais e comportamentais, dado que os conceitos de economia, eficiência e eficácia são transversais a todos os procedimentos, desde o ato de atendimento, à qualidade dos serviços prestados por todos os profissionais e à performance global dos atores envolvidos. No entanto, apesar da importância de que se reveste um processo de mudança, o conhecimento de facto, por si só, não é suficiente para desencadear e manter esta transformação, ainda não existe uma clara e concreta a correlação entre análise e ação. Entende-se por isso, a necessidade do desenvolvimento do benchmarking hospitalar, integrado na filosofia do Balanced Scorecard, complementado com a opinião dos utentes e dos profissionais destes serviços de saúde, comparando o setor público com o privado. Após efetuada a análise aos dados recolhidos, recorrendo à utilização das metodologias previamente identificadas, concluimos que, a generalidade das hipóteses formuladas se verificaram, tendo, por isso, alcançado os objetivos a que nos propusemos nesta investigação.


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Em Portugal o sistema de saúde assume uma importante função no desenvolvimento económico e social, na medida em que os serviços prestados pelo mesmo influenciam não só o bem-estar social como também a produtividade. O processo de contratualização alia-se ao setor público da saúde através do contrato-programa, o qual pretende estabelecer uma estratégia a seguir. O presente trabalho pretende verificar se o setor público da saúde respeita os princípios de economia, eficiência e eficácia, de um modo geral, pretende-se perceber se os contratos-programa são cumpridos na sua totalidade. Para tal procedeu-se à recolha da informação descrita nos relatórios de gestão dos quinze Hospitais que pertencem à Administração Regional de Saúde do Norte. A incerteza relacionada com os contratos-programa, a não existência de um modelo linear para a divulgação pública dos resultados no âmbito do contrato-programa, e ainda o facto de a totalidade das entidades não ser obrigada a emitir essa publicação, conduz à possibilidade de que não estejam a ser cumpridos os princípios da economia, eficácia e eficiência.


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Introdução: Apesar de em Portugal não haver malária endógena,a crescente mobilidade das populações e os laços históricos com África possibilitam a importação de casos para o nosso país. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para melhorar o conhecimento epidemiológico e clínico da malária importada na região de Lisboa. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo das crianças com malária, internadas em dois hospitais da Grande Lisboa, durante um período de seis anos (1999-2004). Resultados: Foram identificados 134 casos, sendo a mediana das idades de sete anos. A maioria (93,3%) era de origem africana e referia estadia em região endémica (90%). O Plasmodium falciparum foi o agente etiológico mais frequente (73%). A febre foi a manifestação clínica mais frequente, seguida de manifestações gastrointestinais e cefaleias. Ocorreram complicações em 42% dos doentes, sendo a trombocitopenia (19,4%) e a anemia grave (9%) as mais frequentes. A halofantrina e o quinino foram os anti-maláricos mais usados. Conclusões: A malária importada é uma patologia relativamente comum na Grande Lisboa e, dada a inespecificidade do quadro clínico, todas as crianças febris ou doentes com estadia recente num país endémico devem ser rastreadas para esta entidade.


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RESUMO: Este estudo foi realizado com o objectivo de conhecer os efeitos da desinstitucionalização dos doentes psiquiátricos crónicos durante o processo de encerramento do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Este processo incluiu a fusão, em 2008, dos dois principais hospitais psiquiátricos de Lisboa- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) e Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), no Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). Foi criado um grupo controlo de pacientes ainda hospitalizados no CHPL (n=166) para comparação com o grupo de casos desinstitucionalizados (n=146). Desta amostra inicial (n=312) apenas 142 (76 casos e 66 controlos) foram incluídos, sendo as principais causas de exclusão: diagnóstico (patologia orgânica, demência ou debilidade mental, como diagnóstico primário) e transferência entre hospitais. A desinstitucionalização foi principalmente avaliada em termos de psicopatologia, utilização de serviços, satisfação, crime, condição de “sem abrigo” ou morte. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos doentes crónicos pode sair do hospital psiquiátrico para a comunidade sem agravamento da psicopatologia, aumento do crime ou da condição de “sem abrigo”. A satisfação parece estar aumentada na população desinstitucionalizada. A mortalidade, por outro lado, revelou-se uma questão problemática: apesar de não ter sido possível estabelecer uma comparação entre casos e controlos, a Taxa de Mortalidade Standard encontrada neste estudo foi muito superior ao esperado, de acordo com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Um estudo longitudinal da mesma população poderá ser objecto de futura investigação, possivelmente comparada com outra população similar de um programa de desinstitucionalização noutro país.--------- RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer les effets de la désinstitutionnalisation des patients chroniques lors de la fermeture de l'hôpital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Ce processus comprenait la fusion en 2008 de deux grands hôpitaux psychiatriques de Lisbonne: À savoir, Hôpital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) et Hôpital Julio de Matos (HJM), maintenant Centre de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de Lisbonne (CHPL). Il a été créé un groupe contrôle des patients toujours hospitalisés à CHPL (n = 166) pour comparer avec les cas désinstitutionnalisés (n = 146). De cet échantillon initial (n= 312) à peine 142 (76 cas et 66 contrôles) ont été inclus, les principales raisons d'exclusion: diagnostique (maladie organique, démence ou d'arriération mentale comme diagnostic primaire) et les transferts entre hôpitaux. La désinstitutionnalisation a été principalement évaluée en termes de psychopathologie, de l'utilisation des services, la satisfaction, la criminalité, les “sans abri” et de la mort. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des malades chroniques peuvent quitter l'hôpital psychiatrique et s´intégrer dans la communauté sans aggravation de la psychopathologie, augmentation de la criminalité ou du nombre de “sans-abri”. La satisfaction semble être en hausse dans la population désinstitutionnalisée. Toutefois, la mortalité s'est avéré être une question problématique, même si il n´a pas été possible d'établir une comparaison entre les cas et les contrôles, le Taux de Mortalité Standard estimé dans cette étude fut beaucoup plus élevé que prévu, en tenant compte des résultats établis dans la littérature. Une étude longitudinale de la même population pourra faire l'objet de futures recherches, peut-être comparé à une population similaire d'un programme de désinstitutionnalisation dans un autre pays. ----------- ABSTRACT:This study was conducted to assess the effects of deinstitutionalization of “long-stay” patients during the process of closing Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). This process included the fusion, in 2008, of the two main psychiatric hospitals in Lisbon- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) and Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), into Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). A control group of still institutionalized patients in CHPL (n=166) was used as a comparison with the deinstitutionalized population (n=146). Of this 312 initial sample only 142 (76 cases and 66 controls) were included, the main causes of exclusion being diagnoses (organic disease, dementia and mental retardation- as first diagnoses) and transference between hospitals. Deinstitutionalization is mainly evaluated in terms of psychopathology, use of services, satisfaction, crime, vagrancy and deaths. The results show that most long-stay patients can successfully leave psychiatric hospitals and be relocated in the community without an increase in psychopathology, crime or vagrancy. Satisfaction seems to be improved in those patients. On the other hand, mortality remains an issue of concern: Although there was no possibility of comparing it between cases and controls, the Standard Mortality Rate (SMR) in our study was found to be much higher than expected judging by other studies results. A longitudinal further study of this same population will be the matter for a future investigation, possibily compared with another similar population from a desinstitutionalization programme in another country.


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Em 2006, a IEA (Agência Internacional de Energia), publicou alguns estudos de consumos mundiais de energia. Naquela altura, apontava na fabricação de produtos, um consumo mundial de energia elétrica, de origem fóssil de cerca 86,16 EJ/ano (86,16×018 J) e um consumo de energia nos sistemas de vapor de 32,75 EJ/ano. Evidenciou também nesses estudos que o potencial de poupança de energia nos sistemas de vapor era de 3,27 EJ/ano. Ou seja, quase tanto como a energia consumida nos sistemas de vapor da U.E. Não se encontraram números relativamente a Portugal, mas comparativamente com outros Países publicitados com alguma similaridade, o consumo de energia em vapor rondará 0,2 EJ/ano e por conseguinte um potencial de poupança de cerca 0,02 EJ/ano, ou 5,6 × 106 MWh/ano ou uma potência de 646 MW, mais do que a potência de cinco barragens Crestuma/Lever! Trata-se efetivamente de muita energia; interessa por isso perceber o onde e o porquê deste desperdício. De um modo muito modesto, pretende-se com este trabalho dar algum contributo neste sentido. Procurou-se evidenciar as possibilidades reais de os utilizadores de vapor de água na indústria reduzirem os consumos de energia associados à sua produção. Não estão em causa as diferentes formas de energia para a geração de vapor, sejam de origem fóssil ou renovável; interessou neste trabalho estudar o modo de como é manuseado o vapor na sua função de transporte de energia térmica, e de como este poderá ser melhorado na sua eficiência de cedência de calor, idealmente com menor consumo de energia. Com efeito, de que servirá se se optou por substituir o tipo de queima para uma mais sustentável se a jusante se continuarem a verificarem desperdícios, descarga exagerada nas purgas das caldeiras com perda de calor associada, emissões permanentes de vapor para a atmosfera em tanques de condensado, perdas por válvulas nos vedantes, purgadores avariados abertos, pressão de vapor exageradamente alta atendendo às temperaturas necessárias, “layouts” do sistema de distribuição mal desenhados, inexistência de registos de produção e consumos de vapor, etc. A base de organização deste estudo foi o ciclo de vapor: produção, distribuição, consumo e recuperação de condensado. Pareceu importante incluir também o tratamento de água, atendendo às implicações na transferência de calor das superfícies com incrustações. Na produção de vapor, verifica-se que os maiores problemas de perda de energia têm a ver com a falta de controlo, no excesso de ar e purgas das caldeiras em exagero. Na distribuição de vapor aborda-se o dimensionamento das tubagens, necessidade de purgas a v montante das válvulas de controlo, a redução de pressão com válvulas redutoras tradicionais; será de destacar a experiência americana no uso de micro turbinas para a redução de pressão com produção simultânea de eletricidade. Em Portugal não se conhecem instalações com esta opção. Fabricantes da República Checa e Áustria, têm tido sucesso em algumas dezenas de instalações de redução de pressão em diversos países europeus (UK, Alemanha, R. Checa, França, etc.). Para determinação de consumos de vapor, para projeto ou mesmo para estimativa em máquinas existentes, disponibiliza-se uma série de equações para os casos mais comuns. Dá-se especial relevo ao problema que se verifica numa grande percentagem de permutadores de calor, que é a estagnação de condensado - “stalled conditions”. Tenta-se também evidenciar as vantagens da recuperação de vapor de flash (infelizmente de pouca tradição em Portugal), e a aplicação de termocompressores. Finalmente aborda-se o benchmarking e monitorização, quer dos custos de vapor quer dos consumos específicos dos produtos. Esta abordagem é algo ligeira, por manifesta falta de estudos publicados. Como trabalhos práticos, foram efetuados levantamentos a instalações de vapor em diversos sectores de atividades; 1. ISEP - Laboratório de Química. Porto, 2. Prio Energy - Fábrica de Biocombustíveis. Porto de Aveiro. 3. Inapal Plásticos. Componentes de Automóvel. Leça do Balio, 4. Malhas Sonix. Tinturaria Têxtil. Barcelos, 5. Uma instalação de cartão canelado e uma instalação de alimentos derivados de soja. Também se inclui um estudo comparativo de custos de vapor usado nos hospitais: quando produzido por geradores de vapor com queima de combustível e quando é produzido por pequenos geradores elétricos. Os resultados estão resumidos em tabelas e conclui-se que se o potencial de poupança se aproxima do referido no início deste trabalho.


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SUMMARYIntroduction: The majority of nosocomial fungal infections are caused by Candida spp. where C. albicans is the species most commonly identified. Molecular methods are important tools for assessing the origin of the yeasts isolated in hospitals.Methods: This is a study on the genetic profifiles of 39 nosocomial clinical isolates of C. albicans using two typing methods: random amplifified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite, two different primers for each technique were used.Results: RAPD provided 10 and 11 different profiles with values for SAB of 0.84 ± 0.126 and 0.88 ± 0.08 for primers M2 and P4, respectively. Microsatellite using two markers, CDC3 and HIS3, allowed the observation of six and seven different alleles, respectively, with combined discriminatory power of 0.91.Conclusions: Although genetic variability is clear, it was possible to identify high similarity, suggesting a common origin for at least a part of isolates. It is important to emphasize that common origin was proven from yeasts isolated from colonization (urine, catheter or endotracheal secretions) and blood culture from the same patient, indicating that the candidemia must have started from a site of colonization. The combination of RAPD and microsatellite provides a quick and efficient analysis for investigation of similarity among nosocomial isolates of C. albicans.


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SUMMARYStenotrophomonas maltophilia contains a novel chromosomally-encoded qnr gene named Smqnr that contributes to low intrinsic resistance to quinolone. We described Smqnr in 13 clinical isolates of S. maltophilia from two Brazilian hospitals, over a 2-year period. The strains were identified by API 20 NE (bioMérieux, France). Susceptibility by microdilution method to trimetroprim/sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, minocycline, ceftazidime, chloramphenicol and ticarcillin/clavulanate was performed according to CLSI. PCR detection of Smqnr gene was carried out. The sequence of Smqnr was compared with those deposited in GenBank. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of all strains was performed. Thirteen Smqnr positives isolates were sequenced and three novel variants of Smqnr were identified. All 13 Smqnr isolates had distinguishable patterns by PFGE. This is the first report of Smqnr in S. maltophilia isolated in Brazil.


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Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB.Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard.Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37.Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB.


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Visceral Leishmaniasis has been showing remarkable epidemiological changes in recent decades, with marked expansion and an emergence of cases in urban areas of the North, Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. The Kala-azar cases reported here, despite being very characteristic, presented a great difficulty of diagnosis, because the disease is not endemic in Volta Redonda. The child underwent two hospitalizations in different hospitals, but got the correct diagnosis only after 11 months of symptom onset. In this report we discuss the main differential diagnoses and call attention to the suspected symptoms of visceral leishmaniasis in patients with prolonged fever, hepatosplenomegaly and pancytopenia, even in areas not traditionally endemic for the disease.