970 resultados para Hereditary Pancreatitis
Dentre as doenças cardiovasculares, a trombose venosa (TV) destaca-se pela associação entre fatores de riscos adquiridos e fatores genéticos. A resistência hereditária à proteína C ativada tem sido identificada como a principal causa dos casos de trombose venosa, sendo frequentemente associada à mutação fator V Leiden (G1694A). Em indivíduos homozigotos, o risco de trombose venosa é 50 a 100 vezes maior que em pacientes homozigotos normais, enquanto em pacientes heterozigotos o risco é de 5 a 10 vezes. Baseado na necessidade de avaliação e acompanhamento de pacientes com casos de trombose venosa e prevenção de seus respectivos familiares, foi desenvolvido um método simples de discriminação alélica do fator V da coagulação utilizando PCR em tempo real. Foram selecionados 67 pacientes com histórico de TV e 51 indivíduos sem histórico de TV. Primeiramente, a discriminação alélica do fator V foi realizada através de PCR convencional seguida de digestão enzimática (Mnl). Posteriormente, o diagnóstico foi realizado por PCR em tempo real. Ambos os métodos foram baseados no polimorfismo G1691A, sendo no segundo utilizado fluoróforos VIC e FAM para marcar os nucleotídeos G e A, respectivamente. A técnica de PCR-RFLP foi utilizada para diagnosticar 95 indivíduos homozigotos normais, 21 heterozigotos e 2 homozigotos FVL. Utilizando PCR em tempo real foram obtidos os mesmos resultados. A máxima similaridade entre os resultados obtidos por PCR em tempo real e PCR-RFLP indicou precisão significativa do novo método de discriminação e visualização alélica do fator V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O câncer colorretal é um grave problema de saúde pública na região norte, sendo a 3a neoplasia mais frequente entre os homens e a 2a entre as mulheres. Cerca de 10% destes tumores são hereditários e a polipose adenomatosa familial está entre as principais causas destes. Mutações no gene APC são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de tumores nestes pacientes e estão presentes desde a fase mais precoce na carcinogênese, além disso, existe uma relação entre o tipo de mutação e apresentação clínica da doença. Até o presente momento não existe uma publicação com o perfil de mutação do gene APC na região norte do país. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal, identificar o perfil de mutações no gene APC em famílias do estado do Pará. Um total de 15 pacientes foi analisado provenientes de cinco famílias, todos atendidos no UNACON do HUJBB. Foi realizado a extração de DNA do sangue periférico e realizado um sequenciamento direto em um membro de cada família, obtendo desta forma um screening molecular e os demais membros da família foram genotipados pela técnica ARMS. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos softwares que acompanham o próprio produto. Neste estudo foram encontrados mutações nos 15 membros estudados (provenientes das 5 famílias), 40% das quais eram do tipo frameshift, 35% silenciadoras e 20% nonsense. Sendo que 60% de todas as mutações ocorreram na região MCR. Entre as três mutações mais frequentes na literatura, neste estudo foram encontradas duas: códon 1309 (em 40% dos indivíduos) e no códon 1061 (em 10% dos indivíduos). Estes números foram bem diferentes dos encontrados na literatura, reforçando o papel da miscigenação na frequência das mutações. A mutação c.3956delC foi a única encontrada em todas as famílias analisadas, o que pode comportar-se como um forte biomarcador desta síndrome. A avaliação clínica dos pacientes confirmou a correlação genótipo/fenótipo, sendo um fator determinante para o direcionamento clínico e aconselhamento genético. A plataforma confeccionada para análise de mutações pela técnica ARMS será de grande utilidade, já que conseguiu detectar mutações no 15 indivíduos estudados a um custo bem inferior que o sequenciamento direto por PCR.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The exercise-induced collapse (EIC) is a hereditary disease characterized by muscle weakness, impaired locomotion and collapse after intense exercise. This autossomic recessive disorder affects mainly Labrador Retriever presenting the mutation c.767G>T in the dynamin 1 (DNM1) gene. The objective of this study is to report the first case of exercise-induced collapse in Labrador Retriever in Brazil. The molecular test detected the specific genetic mutation and confirmed the clinical diagnosis in a Labrador Retriever with clinical history of weakness and collapse after exercise. It is important to include this disease as part of the differential diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases in Labrador Retriever and use the molecular test to guide matings.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatic disorder in cats that is second only to hepatic lipidosis in frequency. The cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis complex is known as the diseases that involve the biliar tract inflammation and may extend to the liver. The classification of the cholangiohepatitis is still controversial, in this present study the following classification was used: Acute Cholangiohepatitis, Chronic Cholangiohepatitis, Lymphocitic Cholangitis. The cholangiohepatitis may be associated with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, this association is known as feline triaditis. The diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, alterations in laboratory exams and ultrasonography alterations, but the definitive diagnosis is only possible through liver biopsy. The treatment for each type of cholangiohepatitis differs, hence the importance of the right diagnosis. This study aimed to do a review over the ethiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for this disease
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrinopathies among dogs characterized by hyperglycemia and if not treated properly can be fatal. It occurs by an absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which alters the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins Complications such as cataracts, recurrent infections, pancreatitis and ketoacidosis can arise with the development of the disease. Recognizing these will help the diagnosis, once in some dogs it is not always detected the classical signs of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and weight loss
The genetic inheritance, beyond determining the regular features of all the live beings, can also be the cause of diseases, called as hereditary or genetic diseases. In the case of livestock, especially cattle, little genetic variation, by the use of the same sires for a long time, can facilitate the emergence of problems. In this study, we reviewed eight of the most important genetic diseases in cattle herds around the world, whose mutation has already been characterized. Some of these diseases are reported in Brazil, but there are few studies and articles on this subject, due to the difficulty of a definitive diagnosis, which often is only possible with the use of molecular biology techniques. The knowledge of the disorders and the correct diagnosis are essential to initiate an action plan aimed at eradicating them
The policystycal kidney disease that's a disease congenital autossomal dominant , no connected with the sex , what affect equally manly and females, especially the from race Persian and intersections with animals of that race. The polycystical kidney disease is broadcast the all issue from the individuals affected due at your character hereditary dominant. Yours signals clinical is linked together at the classic signals of Insufficiency Renal Account, such as: nefromegaly, poliury, anorexic, hematury and anemia , because in as much as the animals affected they tend developing this pathology among others secondary systemic problems . The means diagnostic, to ide ntify this pathology as varied, being used principally the of image, permitting a precociou diagnostic. Your treatment consists in master the symptoms caused by kidney insufficiencies Account and furnish, comfort and quality of life for the animals bearers, because it doesn’t have cur. Know the etiology, signals clinical, mediums diagnostic and the treatment is essential tools about to the screening of that disease and also to the future from race Persian and yours intersections obtained across her. The main objective this study was realize a bibliographic review about polycystical kidney disease linking a traditional forms of the diagnostic, treatment and control with new studies recently published about affected felines populations
Osteoarticular diseases are very frequent in small animals, especially dogs. Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative arthropathy in cats and dogs. It is one of the most important skeletal disease in small animals and it is divided into two broad classes: secondary and genetics. The secondary is originated from situations that can cause joint instability like as trauma, ligament problems and obesity among others. The gene for osteoarthritis comes from hereditary problems such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and other diseases that can cause articular instability. The hereditary osteoarticular diseases are important only because they can result in the osteoarthritis. It is important to prevent the joint instability and consequently the clinical signs that affect the quality of life of the animals. The most common clinical signs are intermittent claudication, a decrease in performance, reluctance to jump and climb ladders among others. To prevent the clinical signs or mitigate them, the treatments need to be focused on pain control and especially restoration of the affected joint. The treatments most used are the medical and surgery. Anti-inflammatory and analgesics are used in large scale for pain control and to inhibit inflammatory mediators. Furthermore, medical treatment includes weight reduction, physiotherapy and proper nutrition along with anti-inflammatory and analgesics. Surgical treatments are indicated if there is an inadequate response to medical treatment. Physiotherapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments. Besides the reduction of weight is essential and obesity is unacceptable. Cats also suffer from osteoarthritis, but the diagnosis is rarer than in dogs. Usually the cat’s owners relate the reluctance to jump and drop in performance with senility, and when the disease is diagnosed is already in... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)