980 resultados para Herbicides, Urea
Aphids are important agricultural pests and also biological models for studies of insect-plant interactions, symbiosis, virus vectoring, and the developmental causes of extreme phenotypic plasticity. Here we present the 464 Mb draft genome assembly of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. This first published whole genome sequence of a basal hemimetabolous insect provides an outgroup to the multiple published genomes of holometabolous insects. Pea aphids are host-plant specialists, they can reproduce both sexually and asexually, and they have coevolved with an obligate bacterial symbiont. Here we highlight findings from whole genome analysis that may be related to these unusual biological features. These findings include discovery of extensive gene duplication in more than 2000 gene families as well as loss of evolutionarily conserved genes. Gene family expansions relative to other published genomes include genes involved in chromatin modification, miRNA synthesis, and sugar transport. Gene losses include genes central to the IMD immune pathway, selenoprotein utilization, purine salvage, and the entire urea cycle. The pea aphid genome reveals that only a limited number of genes have been acquired from bacteria; thus the reduced gene count of Buchnera does not reflect gene transfer to the host genome. The inventory of metabolic genes in the pea aphid genome suggests that there is extensive metabolite exchange between the aphid and Buchnera, including sharing of amino acid biosynthesis between the aphid and Buchnera. The pea aphid genome provides a foundation for post-genomic studies of fundamental biological questions and applied agricultural problems.
ABSTRACT Viticulture is an activity of great social and economic importance in the lower-middle region of the São Francisco River valley in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the fertility of soils under vineyards is generally poor. To assess the effects of organic and nitrogen fertilization on chemical properties and nitrate concentrations in an Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Plinthustalf), a field experiment was carried out in Petrolina, Pernambuco, on Syrah grapevines. Treatments consisted of two rates of organic fertilizer (0 and 30 m3 ha-1) and five N rates (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha-1), in a randomized block design arranged in split plots, with five replications. The organic fertilizer levels represented the main plots and the N levels, the subplots. The source of N was urea and the source of organic fertilizer was goat manure. Irrigation was applied through a drip system and N by fertigation. At the end of the third growing season, soil chemical properties were determined and nitrate concentration in the soil solution (extracted by porous cups) was determined. Organic fertilization increased organic matter, pH, EC, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC, but decreased exchangeable Cu concentration in the soil by complexation of Cu in the organic matter. Organic fertilization raised the nitrate concentration in the 0.20-0.40 m soil layer, making it leachable. Nitrate concentration in the soil increased as N rates increased, up to more than 300 mg kg-1 in soil and nearly 800 mg L-1 in the soil solution, becoming prone to leaching losses.
ABSTRACT Information on fertilizer management for cotton in narrow-row cropping system is scarce; therefore, studies are needed to improve nutrient stewardship for such systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nitrogen and potassium application on yield and fiber quality of cotton under a narrow-row system. A field trial was carried out for three years, where the treatments were set up in an incomplete factorial arrangement [(4 × 4) + 1] under a randomized block design, with four N rates (20, 40, 60, and 80 kg ha-1), four K2O rates (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1), and one control (no N or K2O), for a total of 17 treatments, with four replicates. Urea and potassium chloride were applied on the soil surface 20 days after crop emergence. Varieties used were FMT 701 (2009/2010 and 2010/2011) and FMT 709 (2011/2012). Cotton yield and fiber quality parameters were measured. In the narrow-row cropping system, cotton lint yield was positively affected by N and K application. Cotton yield in relation to K applications was not dependent on N rates. Potassium application increased the micronaire index and fiber resistance, whereas high N rates reduced fiber resistance.
BACKGROUND: Dermatophytes are the main cause of onychomycosis, but various non-dermatophyte moulds (NDMs) are often the infectious agents in abnormal nails. In particular, Fusarium spp. and other NDMs are mostly insensitive to standard onychomycosis treatment with topical agents as well as with oral terbinafine and itraconazole.¦OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work is to report the efficacy of a topical amphotericin B solution on NDM onychomycosis in a series of 8 patients resistant to multiple conventional topical and systemic treatments.¦METHODS: Treatment consisted in the application of an optimized amphotericin B solution once daily to the affected nails and surrounding tissue. No mechanical debridement or medications were allowed except for trimming excessively long nails or in some cases occasionally applying urea-based cream to soften thickened nail plates.¦RESULTS: Onychomycosis was clinically cured in all patients after a 12-month treatment. Mycological cure was obtained in all but 1 patient.¦CONCLUSIONS: Topical amphotericin B is an efficacious, safe, cheap and easy-to-apply treatment which should be considered as first-line therapy for NDM onychomycosis.
1. The effects of "cafeteria feeding" on primiparous Wistar rats during lactation have been studied by measuring circulating levels of glucose, amino acids, lactate, urea and ammonia as well as glycogen levels in liver and muscle. 2. No significant changes in glucose levels were observed despite alterations in blood glucose compartmentation. 3. Compared with controls, the dams given the cafeteria diet had higher liver glycogen stores which were more easily mobilized at the peak of lactation. 4. Rats given the cafeteria diet showed a lower amino acid utilization than controls and adequately maintained circulating levels, as determined by the lower circulating levels of ammonia and urea. 5. No significant differences in body-weight were observed in the period studied despite increasing dam weight after weaning in the cafeteria-fed group. 6. The size of pups of cafeteria-fed dams was greater than that of controls, and the differences were marked after weaning, when the metabolic machinery of the cafeteria pup maintained high protein accretion and body build-up using fat as the main energy substrate characteristic of the preweaning stage. The controls, however, changed to greater utilization of amino acids as an energy substrate and adapted to high-protein (lowbiological-quality) diets with a significantly different pattern of circulating nitrogen distribution.
The fate of a small oral dose of protein given to overnight-starved rats was studied. After 3 h, 62 per cent of the protein amino acids had been absorbed. Most of the absorbed N went into the bloodstream through the portal in the form of amino acids, but urea and ammonia were also present. About one-quarter of all absorbed N was carried as lymph amino acids. The liver was able to take all portal free ammonia and a large proportion of portal amino acids, releasing urea. The hepatic N balance was negative, indicating active proteolysis and net loss of liver protein.
We report the case of a 69-year-old woman, with a BMI of 42.9, suffering from bilateral struvite calculi and who raised end stage renal failure. Urease-synthesizing bacteria, leading to the hydrolysis of urea into ammonium and to an alkaline urine (pH > 7.2), are required for struvite stone formation in humans. Struvite component constitutes the majority of staghom calculi. Patients with struvite stones could lose renal function because of obstructive or pyelonephritic episodes and surgical interventions on the kidney. Therapeutic success needs a follow up by a specialized uro-nephrologist team as soon as possible.
Selostus: Lypsylehmien valkuaisruokinnan ja hedelmällisyyden yhteys: kirjallisuustutkimus valkuaisruokinnan vaikutuksista Suomen olosuhteissa
Selostus: Ureoidun oljen soveltuvuus risteytysemojen talviruokintaan kahdella eri ruokintatasolla
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glucose administered with amino acids before and during exercise on hepatic ureagenesis. Eight mongrel dogs subjected to treadmill running for 150 minutes at 10 km/h on a 12% incline were intravenously infused with either a mixture of amino acids and glucose (AAG) or amino acids alone (AA). The infusion was started 60 minutes before exercise and continued until the end of exercise. The rate of urinary urea excretion increased after infusion of both AAG and AA. However, the rate of urinary urea excretion was significantly lower in the AAG group versus the AA group during the first 1.5 hours of the recovery period ([R0 to R90] 514+/-24 v 637+/-24 mg/h, mean+/-SE, P < .05). Moreover, hepatic urea output was decreased during AAG versus AA infusion (229+/-62 v 367+/-55 microg/kg/min, P < .05). Hepatic glucose production during exercise was also significantly lower in AAG versus AA infusion (354+/-54 v 589+/-56 mg/kg, P < .05). On the other hand, no difference was observed in hepatic total amino acid uptake between the groups. Thus, these results indicate that AAG administered before and during exercise appears to reduce hepatic ureagenesis due to reduced hepatic gluconeogenesis as compared with administration of AA alone. These findings also suggest that nitrogen retention is enhanced by glucose administered during exercise.
The aim of this work is to present some practical, postmortem biochemistry applications to illustrate the usefulness of this discipline and reassert the importance of carrying out biochemical investigations as an integral part of the autopsy process. Five case reports are presented pertaining to diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult who was not known to suffer from diabetes and in presence of multiple psychotropic substances; fatal flecainide intoxication in a poor metabolizer also presenting an impaired renal function; diabetic ketoacidosis showing severe postmortem changes; primary aldosteronism presented with intracranial hemorrhage and hypothermia showing severe postmortem changes. The cases herein presented can be considered representative examples of the importance of postmortem biochemistry investigations, which may provide significant information useful in determining the cause of death in routine forensic casework or contribute to understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the death process.
Field studies were established in Zavalla and Oliveros, Argentina, during four years in order to optimize Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) chemical control by means of the thermal calendar model in comparison with other criteria (weed height or days after sowing). The effect of three application dates of postemergence herbicides was determined by visual control, density of tillers originated from rhizome bud regrowth, and from crown and shoot bud regrowth, and soybean yield. Following the thermal calendar model criterion, applications during the second date afforded the best control. Weed height for the first date showed little variability between experiments but was highly variable in the second and third application dates, achieving in some cases values greater than 120 cm. For all years, no significant differences were detected for crop yield between the first and second application dates, and yields were always lower for the third date. The greatest rhizome bud regrowth was observed for the earliest application date and the highest crown and shoot bud regrowth was determined for the last application date. Parameters associated with control efficiency showed the best behaviour for the second date. However, plant height at this moment may interfere with herbicide application and the variability exhibited by this parameter highlights the risk of determining control timing using only one decision criterion.
Con el objeto de establecer un rango de referencia para diferentes metabolitos en hembras bovinas B. indicus, se tomaron 5-10 mL de suero sanguíneo a 21 hembras bovinas Brahman registradas en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia. Se determinó la concentración de los diferentes metabolitos que forman parte de un perfil metabólico estándar, como beta-hidroxibutirato, proteína total, albúmina, globulinas, urea, aspartato aminotransferasa (AST), calcio y magnesio. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante la obtención del rango, promedio y desviación estándar (DE). El intervalo de referencia se estableció en el 95% (x±2DE). El promedio y la DE obtenidos para cada metabolito fueron: beta-hidroxibutirato 0,34±0,15 mmol/L; proteína total 81±9 g/L; albúmina 41±3 g/L; globulinas 40±10 g/L; urea 3,31±1,43 mmol/L; AST 158±34 U/L; Ca 2,50±0,21 mmol/L y Mg 1,40±0,44 mmol/L. Se observó que las alteraciones más frecuentes fueron aumento en la concentración de butiratos y globulinas y aumento en la actividad de AST. Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede señalar que los valores encontrados para la concentración de diferentes metabolitos séricos en hembras Brahman mantenidas en pastoreo, son similares a los valores descritos para bovinos B. taurus.
Interdependence is the main feature of dyadic relationships and, in recent years, various statistical procedures have been proposed for quantifying and testing this social attribute in different dyadic designs. The purpose of this paper is to develop several functions for this kind of statistical tests in an R package, known as nonindependence, for use by applied social researchers. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is also developed to facilitate the use of the functions included in this package. Examples drawn from psychological research and simulated data are used to illustrate how the software works.
El funcionamiento y el rendimiento de los grupos en contextos diferentes están relacionados con el grado en que las características de los miembros son complementarias o suplementarias. El presente artículo describe un procedimiento para cuantificar el grado de disimilitud a nivel de grupo. A diferencia de la mayoría de técnicas existentes, el procedimiento que aquí se describe está normalizado y es invariante a los cambios de localización y escala. Por lo tanto, es posible comparar la disimilitud en escalas con diferente métrica y en grupos de distinto tamaño. La disimilitud está medida en términos relativos, independientemente de la posición que ocupan los individuos en la dimensión que mide la escala. Cuando no existe una justificación teórica para combinar las diversas propiedades medidas, se puede cuantificar la disimilitud para cada escala por separado. También es posible obtener las contribuciones diádicas e individuales respecto a la diversidad global y la asignada a cada escala. Las medidas descriptivas pueden ser complementadas con la significación estadística para, así, comparar los resultados obtenidos con distribuciones discretas de referencia, ya sean simétricas o asimétricas. Se ha elaborado un paquete en R que permite obtener los índices descriptivos y los valores p, además de contener las expresiones desarrolladas para simular una amplia variedad de distribuciones discretas de probabilidad.