887 resultados para Herbert Gold Mine


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Gold is one of the rarer metals in nature, and chemically it is one of the most inactive. Gold forms stable, natural compounds with few other elements, and only with metals.


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The accepted chemical reactions in the dissolution of gold by cyanide solutions require the presence of gold, cyanide, water, and oxygen. The importance of dissolved oxygen in cyanide solutions as a factor is recognized by those familiar with cyanidation. Manufacturers of cyanidation equipment realize the necessity of oxygen, as shown by the appliances they have developed which are attached to the agitators in order to saturate the cyanide solutions with air.


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An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with other metals, and amalgamation is the art of making or forming amalgams. In metallurgical language the word is limited to the means adopted for the recovery of gold and silver from their ores by the use of mercury.


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Carbon and carbonaceous material have been known to have a deleterious effect upon the cyanidation of gold and silver ores since the very beginning of the process. Organic matter is a common source of impu­rities in cyanide solution, its reducing effect being notorious.


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Since the development of cyanidation into a highly efficient process for treating gold ores, many papers have been written on its various aspects. Although, there has been much work done on it, the chemistry of the reaction is not yet completely understood.


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Secondary Enrichment of Copper at the Madison Gold Skarn Deposit, Silver Star District, Montana. This paper focuses on the chemical reactions responsible for secondary enrichment of copper...we argue that most of the secondary Cu enrichment occurred during a late hydrothermal event that replaced the high temperature skarn mineral assemblage with hematitic jasperoid. Evidence favoring this "hypogene" Cu enrichment hypothesis is presented.


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The Golden Sunlight Mine is in the northern part of the Cardwell mining district on the eastern slope of a small range that rises by a series of benches to an elevation of 7,200 at a point five miles east of the town of Whitehall in Jefferson County.


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An examination of the Ermont Mine was requested by the owners, Messrs. J. R. Bowles and R. B. Caswell, to determine the amount and grade of ore developed, the advisability of constructing a mill at the present time, and to recommend future development work.


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Mercury has been known since ancient times. In fact, one mine, the "Almaden" in Spain, has been worked continuously since Roman times. It has been used during all this time for the recovery of free gold from gold concentrates, and from black sand and galena in concentrates from placer work.


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The Purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of concentrating scheelite from Wilfley table gold concentrates from the mill of the Jardine Mining Company; and to determine whether such concentration is economically feasible and the product of sufficiently high grade to meet commercial specifications for such a product.


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The Koyukuk Mining District was one of several northern, turn of the century, gold rush regions. Miners focused their efforts in this region on the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River and on several of its tributaries. Mining in the Koyukuk began in the 1880s and the first rush occurred in 1898. Continued mining throughout the early decades of the 1900s has resulted in an historic mining landscape consisting of structures, equipment, mining shafts, waste rock, trash scatters, and prospect pits. Modern work continues in the region alongside these historic resources. An archaeological survey was completed in 2012 as part of an Abandoned Mine Lands survey undergone with the Bureau of Land Management, Michigan Technological University, and the University of Alaska Anchorage. This thesis examines the discrepancy between the size of mining operations and their respective successes in the region while also providing an historical background on the region and reports on the historical resources present.


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Very little work has been done towards the recovery of zinc from mine water because the zinc content of the water is generally low. As different from copper, which can very easily be replaced by iron in any of its solutions, zinc is very high up in the electro-chemical series and so the few metals above zinc, most of which are rare and hence expensive, cannot be used to replace zinc from its solution.


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During the course of this investigation of the ores of the Big Seven mine, Neihart, Montana, the writer has attempted, through a mi­croscopic study of polished sections, to ascertain the hypogene or supergene character of the ore minerals present in the ore suite.


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate and attempt to concentrate low grade cyanided tailings rejected from the old Montana Mining and milling Company's mill situated 4 miles below the town of Marysville, Montana.


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The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain if advantage could be taken of the copper in the precipitates as a collecting agent of the precious metals in the direct smelting furnace.The products produced to be low grade anode bullion and a slag low in precious metals, high in zinc and lead.