855 resultados para HOMOGENEOUS SPACES
Петра Г. Стайнова - Квази-линдельофовите пространства са въведени от Архангелски като усилване на слабо-линдельофовите. В тази статия се разглеждат няколко свойства на квази-линдельофовите пространства и се правят сравнения със съответни ре- зултати за линдельофовите и слабо-линдельофовите пространства. Дадени са няколко примера, включително на слабо-линдельофово пространство, което не е квази-линдельофово; на пространство, което е топологично произведение на две линдельофови, но не е дори квази-линдельофово, и на пространство, което е квази-линдельофово, но не Суслиново. Накрая са поставени няколко отворени въпроси.
In this paper, we present one approach for extending the learning set of a classification algorithm with additional metadata. It is used as a base for giving appropriate names to found regularities. The analysis of correspondence between connections established in the attribute space and existing links between concepts can be used as a test for creation of an adequate model of the observed world. Meta-PGN classifier is suggested as a possible tool for establishing these connections. Applying this approach in the field of content-based image retrieval of art paintings provides a tool for extracting specific feature combinations, which represent different sides of artists' styles, periods and movements.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B35, 46E35.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 65D30, 32A35, Secondary 41A55.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J45, 60K25
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35G20, 47H30
We investigate the operator associating with a function fєLp2π, 1
We obtain new combinatorial upper and lower bounds for the potential energy of designs in q-ary Hamming space. Combined with results on reducing the number of all feasible distance distributions of such designs this gives reasonable good bounds. We compute and compare our lower bounds to recently obtained universal lower bounds. Some examples in the binary case are considered.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 40C99, 46B99.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B50, 46B70, 46G12.
Multipliers on Spaces of Functions on a Locally Compact Abelian Group with Values in a Hilbert Space
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 43A22, 43A25.