935 resultados para H11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government


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Selostus: Tasaruokinnan ja vaihtoehtoisten rehujen soveltuvuus emolehmien talvikauden ruokintaan


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Las relaciones entre actos festivos y espacios arquitectónicos, y las modalidades con que las ceremonias cortesanas llegaban a modificar los centros urbanos y las residen- cias palaciegas, han sido los temas principales del congreso internacional Making Space for Festival, 14001700. Interactions of Architecture and Performance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Festivals, que tuvo lugar del 21 al 24 de marzo de 2013 en el Palacio Pesaro-Papafava de Venecia, residencia de la Universidad de Warwick en la Laguna. La Society for European Festivals Research (SEFR), entidad vinculada a esta universidad, ha promovido el encuentro junto con la Red PALATIUM financia- da por el Research Networking Programme de la European Science Fundation (ESF) (2010-2015), dedicada al estudio de las residencias palaciegas de la Edad Moderna como espacios de intercambios políticos y culturales. El tema de las jornadas nacía de la unión de los intereses científicos de los grupos organizadores, dejando lugar a temáticas diferentes como: la articulación de un mensaje festivo a lo largo del recorri- do de procesiones y entradas públicas, la financiación y los aspectos más prácticos de la puesta en escena de un evento festivo, la tipificación de ceremonias y decoraciones en determinados contextos, el intercambio cultural a través de la fiesta, o la recepción de las modificaciones de los espacios por parte de los espectadores


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Hancornia speciosa Gomes is a fruit tree native from Brazil that belongs to Apocinaceae family, and is popularly known as Mangabeira. Its fruits are widely consumed raw or processed as fruit jam, juices and ice creams, which have made it a target of intense exploitation. The extractive activities and intense human activity on the environment of natural occurrence of H. speciosa has caused genetic erosion in the species and little is known about the ecology or genetic structure of natural populations. The objective of this research was the evaluation of the genetic diversity and genetic structure of H. speciosa var. speciosa. The genetic variability was assessed using 11 allozyme loci with a sample of 164 individuals distributed in six natural populations located in the States of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil. The results showed a high level of genetic diversity within the species (e= 0.36) seeing that the most of the genetic variability of H. speciosa var. speciosa is within its natural populations with low difference among populations ( or = 0.081). The inbreeding values within ( = -0.555) and among populations ( =-0.428) were low showing lacking of endogamy and a surplus of heterozygotes. The estimated gene flow ( m ) was high, ranging from 2.20 to 13.18, indicating to be enough to prevent the effects of genetic drift and genetic differentiation among populations. The multivariate analyses indicated that there is a relationship between genetic and geographical distances, which was confirmed by a spatial pattern analysis using Mantel test (r = 0.3598; p = 0.0920) with 1000 random permutations. The high genetic diversity index in these populations indicates potential for in situ genetic conservation.


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Suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekeminen sovelluksille on erittäin tärkeä osa tuotantoprosessia nykypäivänä. Myös Web-sovelluksia testataan yhä enemmän. Tarve suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekemiselle on selvä. Testattavan ympäristön tämänhetkinen, mutta myös tulevaisuuden toimivuus taataan oikein tehdyillä testeillä ja niitä seuraavilla korjaustoimenpiteillä. Suurten käyttäjämäärien testaaminen manuaalisesti on kuitenkin hyvin vaikeaa. Sirpaleisen ympäristön, kuten palveluihin perustuvien Web-sovellusympäristöjen testaaminen on haaste. Tämän työn aiheena on arvioida työkaluja ja menetelmiä, joilla raskaita teollisia Web-sovelluksia voidaan testata. Tavoitteena on löytää testausmenetelmiä, joilla voidaan luotettavasti simuloida suuria käyttäjämääriä. Tavoitteena on myös arvioida erilaisten yhteyksien ja protokollien vaikutusta Web-sovelluksen suorituskykyyn.


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Pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisenä vapautuneilla sähkömarkkinoilla on voimalaitoksen energiantuotantokustannusten oltava mahdollisimman matalia, tinkimättä kuitenkaan korkeasta käytettävyydestä. Polttoaineen energiasisällön mahdollisimman hyvä hyödyntäminen on ratkaisevan tärkeää voimalaitoksen kannattavuudelle. Polttoainekustannusten osuus on konvektiivisilla laitoksilla yleensä yli puolet koko elinjakson kustannuksista. Kun vielä päästörajat tiukkenevat koko ajan, korostuu polttoaineen korkea hyötykäyttö entisestään. Korkea energiantuotannon luotettavuus ja käytettävyys ovat myös elintärkeitä pyrittäessä kustannusten minimointiin. Tässä työssä on käyty läpi voimalaitoksen kustannuksiin vaikuttavia käsitteitä, kuten hyötysuhdetta, käytettävyyttä, polttoaineen hintoja, ylös- ja alasajoja ja tärkeimpiä häviöitä. Ajostrategiassa ja poikkeamien hallinnassa pyritään hyvään hyötysuhteeseen ja alhaisiin päästöihin joka käyttötilanteessa. Lisäksi on tarkasteltu tiettyjen suureiden, eli höyryn lämpötilan ja paineen, savukaasun hapen pitoisuuden, savukaasun loppulämpötilan, sekä lauhduttimen paineen poikkeamien vaikutusta ohjearvostaan energiantuotantokustannuksiin. Happi / hiilimonoksidi optimoinnissa on otettu huomioon myös pohjatuhkan palamattomat.


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The Cherenkov light flashes produced by Extensive Air Showers are very short in time. A high bandwidth and fast digitizing readout, therefore, can minimize the influence of the background from the light of the night sky, and improve the performance in Cherenkov telescopes. The time structure of the Cherenkov image can further be used in single-dish Cherenkov telescopes as an additional parameter to reduce the background from unwanted hadronic showers. A description of an analysis method which makes use of the time information and the subsequent improvement on the performance of the MAGIC telescope (especially after the upgrade with an ultra fast 2 GSamples/s digitization system in February 2007) will be presented. The use of timing information in the analysis of the new MAGIC data reduces the background by a factor two, which in turn results in an enhancement of about a factor 1.4 of the flux sensitivity to point-like sources, as tested on observations of the Crab Nebula.


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Despite the development of novel typing methods based on whole genome sequencing, most laboratories still rely on classical molecular methods for outbreak investigation or surveillance. Reference methods for Clostridium difficile include ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which are band-comparing methods often difficult to establish and which require reference strain collections. Here, we present the double locus sequence typing (DLST) scheme as a tool to analyse C. difficile isolates. Using a collection of clinical C. difficile isolates recovered during a 1-year period, we evaluated the performance of DLST and compared the results to multilocus sequence typing (MLST), a sequence-based method that has been used to study the structure of bacterial populations and highlight major clones. DLST had a higher discriminatory power compared to MLST (Simpson's index of diversity of 0.979 versus 0.965) and successfully identified all isolates of the study (100 % typeability). Previous studies showed that the discriminatory power of ribotyping was comparable to that of MLST; thus, DLST might be more discriminatory than ribotyping. DLST is easy to establish and provides several advantages, including absence of DNA extraction [polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is performed on colonies], no specific instrumentation, low cost and unambiguous definition of types. Moreover, the implementation of a DLST typing scheme on an Internet database, such as that previously done for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( http://www.dlst.org ), will allow users to easily obtain the DLST type by submitting directly sequencing files and will avoid problems associated with multiple databases.


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Abstract Objective: To compare the diagnostic performance of the three-dimensional turbo spin-echo (3D TSE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique with the performance of the standard two-dimensional turbo spin-echo (2D TSE) protocol at 1.5 T, in the detection of meniscal and ligament tears. Materials and Methods: Thirty-eight patients were imaged twice, first with a standard multiplanar 2D TSE MR technique, and then with a 3D TSE technique, both in the same 1.5 T MRI scanner. The patients underwent knee arthroscopy within the first three days after the MRI. Using arthroscopy as the reference standard, we determined the diagnostic performance and agreement. Results: For detecting anterior cruciate ligament tears, the 3D TSE and routine 2D TSE techniques showed similar values for sensitivity (93% and 93%, respectively) and specificity (80% and 85%, respectively). For detecting medial meniscal tears, the two techniques also had similar sensitivity (85% and 83%, respectively) and specificity (68% and 71%, respectively). In addition, for detecting lateral meniscal tears, the two techniques had similar sensitivity (58% and 54%, respectively) and specificity (82% and 92%, respectively). There was a substantial to almost perfect intraobserver and interobserver agreement when comparing the readings for both techniques. Conclusion: The 3D TSE technique has a diagnostic performance similar to that of the routine 2D TSE protocol for detecting meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament tears at 1.5 T, with the advantage of faster acquisition.


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Illicit drug analyses usually focus on the identification and quantitation of questioned material to support the judicial process. In parallel, more and more laboratories develop physical and chemical profiling methods in a forensic intelligence perspective. The analysis of large databases resulting from this approach enables not only to draw tactical and operational intelligence, but may also contribute to the strategic overview of drugs markets. In Western Switzerland, the chemical analysis of illicit drug seizures is centralised in a laboratory hosted by the University of Lausanne. For over 8 years, this laboratory has analysed 5875 cocaine and 2728 heroin specimens, coming from respectively 1138 and 614 seizures operated by police and border guards or customs. Chemical (major and minor alkaloids, purity, cutting agents, chemical class), physical (packaging and appearance) as well as circumstantial (criminal case number, mass of drug seized, date and place of seizure) information are collated in a dedicated database for each specimen. The study capitalises on this extended database and defines several indicators to characterise the structure of drugs markets, to follow-up on their evolution and to compare cocaine and heroin markets. Relational, spatial, temporal and quantitative analyses of data reveal the emergence and importance of distribution networks. They enable to evaluate the cross-jurisdictional character of drug trafficking and the observation time of drug batches, as well as the quantity of drugs entering the market every year. Results highlight the stable nature of drugs markets over the years despite the very dynamic flows of distribution and consumption. This research work illustrates how the systematic analysis of forensic data may elicit knowledge on criminal activities at a strategic level. In combination with information from other sources, such knowledge can help to devise intelligence-based preventive and repressive measures and to discuss the impact of countermeasures.


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BACKGROUND: For the past decade (18)F-fluoro-ethyl-l-tyrosine (FET) and (18)F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) have been used for the assessment of patients with brain tumor. However, direct comparison studies reported only limited numbers of patients. Our purpose was to compare the diagnostic performance of FET and FDG-PET. METHODS: We examined studies published between January 1995 and January 2015 in the PubMed database. To be included the study should: (i) use FET and FDG-PET for the assessment of patients with isolated brain lesion and (ii) use histology as the gold standard. Analysis was performed on a per patient basis. Study quality was assessed with STARD and QUADAS criteria. RESULTS: Five studies (119 patients) were included. For the diagnosis of brain tumor, FET-PET demonstrated a pooled sensitivity of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.79-0.98) and pooled specificity of 0.88 (95% CI: 0.37-0.99), with an area under the curve of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.94-0.97), a positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 8.1 (95% CI: 0.8-80.6), and a negative likelihood ratio (LR-) of 0.07 (95% CI: 0.02-0.30), while FDG-PET demonstrated a sensitivity of 0.38 (95% CI: 0.27-0.50) and specificity of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.31-0.99), with an area under the curve of 0.40 (95% CI: 0.36-0.44), an LR+ of 2.7 (95% CI: 0.3-27.8), and an LR- of 0.72 (95% CI: 0.47-1.11). Target-to-background ratios of either FDG or FET, however, allow distinction between low- and high-grade gliomas (P > .11). CONCLUSIONS: For brain tumor diagnosis, FET-PET performed much better than FDG and should be preferred when assessing a new isolated brain tumor. For glioma grading, however, both tracers showed similar performances.


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Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is found in all living organisms. The known polyP functions in eukaryotes range from osmoregulation and virulence in parasitic protozoa to modulating blood coagulation, inflammation, bone mineralization and cellular signalling in mammals. However mechanisms of regulation and even the identity of involved proteins in many cases remain obscure. Most of the insights obtained so far stem from studies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we provide a short overview of the properties and functions of known yeast polyP metabolism enzymes and discuss future directions for polyP research.