724 resultados para Guinean graduates


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This paper describes an ongoing collaboration between Boeing Australia Limited and the University of Queensland to develop and deliver an introductory course on software engineering. The aims of the course are to provide a common understanding of the nature of software engineering for all Boeing Australia's engineering staff, and to ensure they understand the practices used throughout the company. The course is designed so that it can be presented to people with varying backgrounds, such as recent software engineering graduates, systems engineers, quality assurance personnel, etc. The paper describes the structure and content of the course, and the evaluation techniques used to collect feedback from the participants and the corresponding results. The immediate feedback on the course indicates that it has been well received by the participants, but also indicates a need for more advanced courses in specific areas. The long-term feedback from participants is less positive, and the long-term feedback from the managers of the course participants indicates a need to expand on the coverage of the Boeing-specific processes and methods. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mentoring is a strategy that may assist the midwifery profession to support new graduates and midwives working in rural and remote areas. We conducted a survey of 1577 New Zealand midwives about their opinions and experiences of mentoring. The questionnaire comprised 33 questions, nine of which were open questions. There was a 44% response rate. While the telephone was commonly utilized by mentors (37%) and mentored midwives (37%), the Internet and email played only a small part. Participants acknowledged the potential of these avenues for communication, but midwives felt that mentoring could be provided only by immediate, face-to-face contact. Nevertheless, e-mentoring could be a viable option and requires further investigation. About one-third of midwives identified geographical isolation as a barrier to being a mentor (38%) and being mentored (36%). The use of e-mentoring could remove the barrier of location and allow the midwife to chose a mentor who meets her needs, rather than because she is the only mentor available.


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This paper reports on the results of a survey of selected University of Queensland (UQ) veterinary students aimed at elucidating factors causing stress during the five undergraduate years of the program. Students from each of the five years were asked to form six- or seven-member focus groups. Each focus group was then interviewed and their opinions sought on causes of ongoing stress and the ranking of those causes into predetermined categories. They were also asked to give their opinions on counseling services available within the university and what, if any, services they would like to see in place to help students with stress-related problems. Students in the first, third, and fourth years of the program rated academic issues as the most likely causes of ongoing stress, while students in the second and fifth years of the program ranked lifestyle and financial issues as more likely to cause ongoing stress. in most cases, students coped well with these causes of stress and tended not to use counseling services available to all UQ students. When faced with stressful issues, students looked to their classmates or family members for help and not to university counseling services. Students were also happy to approach staff members in the Veterinary School when faced with a problem. The authors nevertheless conclude that mechanisms set in place at the undergraduate level to help veterinary students cope with stress should particularly benefit those students when they become new graduates and are faced with the stresses of veterinary practice.


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A mismatch exists in expectations about the requirements of translation between NAATI and those attempting the NAATI test, be they translation practitioners, graduates from translation training programs. This article will examine issues concerning NAATI accreditation for Translators at the professional level in terms of the relevant theoretical frameworks of translation, and assess translation practice in the real translation world, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the NAATI Translator test, its theoretical underpinnings and practical implications.


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Professional attitudes and behaviours have only recently been explicitly recognized by medical educators as legitimate and necessary components of global competence, although the idea of Fitness to Practice has always presupposed acceptable professional behaviour. Medical schools have recently begun to introduce teaching and assessment of professionalism, including attitudes and behaviours. Partly as a result of the difficulty of assessment in this area, selection of students is receiving greater attention, in the pursuit of globally competent graduates. However, selection processes may be overrated for this purpose. Assessing actual attitudes and behaviour during the course is arguably a better way of ensuring that medical graduates are competent in these areas. I argue that judgments about attitudinal and behavioural competence are legitimate, and need be no more arbitrary than those made about scientific or clinical knowledge and skills, but also that these judgments should be restricted to what is agreed to be unacceptable behaviour, rather titan attempting to rate attitudes and behaviour positively. This model introduces students to the way in which their behaviours will be judged in their professional lives by registration authorities. These theoretical positions are illustrated by a recent case of academic failure based on inadequate attitudes and behaviours.


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Chemical engineering education is challenged around the world by demands and rapid changes encompassing a wide range of technical and social drivers. Graduates must be prepared for practice in increasingly diverse workplace environments in which generic or transferable attributes such as communication and teamwork together with technical excellence are mandated by prospective employers and society at large. If academe is to successfully deliver on these graduate attributes, effective curriculum design needs to include appropriate educational processes as well as course content. Conventional teacher centred approaches, stand-alone courses and retro-fitted remedial modules have not delivered the desired outcomes. Development of the broader spectrum of attributes is more likely when students are engaged with realistic and relevant experiences that demand the integration and practice of these attributes in contexts that the students find meaningful. This paper describes and evaluates The University of Queensland's Project Centred Curriculum in Chemical Engineering (PCC), a programme-wide approach to meeting these requirements. PCC strategically integrates project-based learning with more traditional instruction. Data collected shows improved levels of student attainment of generic skills with institutional and nationally benchmarked indicators showing significant increases in student perceptions of teaching quality, and overall satisfaction with the undergraduate experience. Endorsements from Australian academic, professional and industry bodies also support the approach as more effectively aligning engineering education with professional practice requirements.


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Based primarily on data from indepth interviews with senior journalists and journalism educators as well as a content analysis of journalism curricula, this paper sets out to provide an overview of the demand, overall provision structure, teaching materials and methods of Vietnamese journalism education. It first shows that with a fast expansion in both size and substance, the Vietnamese media system is beginning to feel the urgent need for formal journalism education. However, the country's major journalism programs have been criticised for producing hundreds of unqualified journalism graduates a year. In general, the most deplorable aspects of Vietnamese journalism education include its body of outdated and awkward teaching material, its undue focus on theories and politics at the expense of practical training, its lack of qualified teaching staff and its inadequate teaching resources.


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Successful graduates in today's competitive business environments must possess sound interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively in team situations within, and across, disciplines. However, developing these skills within the higher education curriculum is fraught with organisational and pedagogical difficulties, with many teachers not having the skills, time or resources to facilitate productive group processes. Furthermore, many students find their teamwork experiences frustrating, demanding, conflict-ridden and unproductive. This paper brings together the perspectives and experiences of an engineer and a social scientist in a cross-disciplinary examination of the characteristics of effective teamwork skills and processes. A focus is the development and operation of 'TeamWorker', an innovative online system that helps students and staff manage their team activities and assessment. TeamWorker was created to enhance team teaching and learning processes and outcomes including team creation, administration, development and evaluation. Importantly, TeamWorker can facilitate the early identification of problematic group dynamics, thereby enabling early intervention.


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Teacher educators who advocate new learning approaches hope that their graduates will address the needs of digitally and globally sophisticated students. A critical, enquiry-based framework for teaching attempts to unravel many traditional assumptions about learning, assumptions which continue to shape preservice teachers’ practices even through early career years. Evidence in relation to effective take up of New Learning education approaches by graduates is sparse. This paper will explore how three teacher educators attempt to wrestle with ways New Learning frameworks can transform outmoded yet embedded views in beginning teachers. They ask: Can changed approaches be consolidated and mobilised against some of the adverse conditions that predominate in schools? And if this is possible, what support might be required for beginning teachers who are struggling to implement a change process


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This paper describes an ongoing collaboration between Boeing Australia Limited and the University of Queensland to develop and deliver an introductory course on software engineering for Boeing Australia. The aim of the course is to provide a common understanding for all Boeing Australia's engineering staff of the nature of software engineering and the practices used throughout Boeing Australia. It is meant as an introductory course that can be presented to people with varying backgrounds, such as recent software engineering graduates, systems engineers, quality assurance personnel, etc. The paper describes the structure and content of the course, and the evaluation techniques used to collect feedback from the participants and the corresponding results. The course has been well-received by the participants, but the feedback from the course has indicated a need for more advanced courses in specific areas.


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The Undergraduate Site Learning Program (USLP) is an innovative work-based learning program that addresses the call to develop a broader set ofattributes in engineering graduates. Unlike cooperative education programs, site learning can give students full academic credit for their placement without extending the duration of the degree through the use of an innovative learning alignment model. A cenrralpart ofthis program is a unique course entitled Professional Development in which students articulate and reflect upon the lessons they leom while on placement in industry. Students spend the bulk ofa semester on-site often in remote locations, which requires a flexible approach to course operation and fosters independent learning. Thus the USLP challenges both staff and students and produces outcomes that bofh the alumni and industry value.


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Os Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia são um tipo específico de graduação (tecnólogo), com características próprias, entre as quais, a focalização na especialização dos seus currículos e duração mais curta objetivando uma formação mais rápida. A graduação tecnológica vem sendo amplamente difundida no país desde a segunda metade da década de 1990, após a promulgação da lei no 9.394/96 LDB, e por uma série de decretos, portarias e pareceres do MEC/CNE. Entre as principais metas e objetivos do PNE para a educação superior, se destacam: diversificação do sistema superior de ensino para atender clientelas com demandas específicas de formação; articulação entre currículo e mercado de trabalho; financiamento e gestão; criação de políticas de acesso à educação superior que facilitem o ingresso de alunos provenientes de grupos de maior vulnerabilidade educacional; crescimento da oferta de educação superior para a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo refletir e debater a contribuição dos CSTs na educação profissional do trabalhador brasileiro dentro das perspectivas do PNE. O estudo se fundamenta no método qualitativo, com base numa pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, caracterizada como estudo de caso único, através da pesquisa de campo realizada com alunos em formação e com egressos do Curso de Eletrônica Industrial da Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai Anchieta, na cidade de São Paulo. Para alcançar seus objetivos, o estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira faz uma análise das variáveis que caracterizam o perfil do aluno em formação buscando identificar sua percepção quanto à escolha pelo CST, conhecimento sobre essa modalidade de ensino e as expectativas futuras da profissão. Na segunda parte, o estudo faz uma análise da percepção do egresso acerca das habilidades e competências adquiridas durante a formação, o grau de satisfação com salário e plano de carreira, e a aceitação profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho. No estudo realizado com alunos em formação constatou-se que os índices de evasão escolar das primeiras turmas do curso foram elevados, sendo apontadas como principais causas as dificuldades de conciliação entre o horário de estudo com a do trabalho e as dificuldades econômicas familiares. O perfil do aluno em formação na IES em estudo é majoritariamente da faixa etária entre 18 e 24 anos; do gênero masculino; egresso do ensino médio feito em escola pública; morador em bairro periférico e natural de cidade da RMSP; o próprio aluno é responsável pelo pagamento das mensalidades; não houve interferência de terceiros na sua escolha pelo CST; tem percepção favorável quanto à empregabilidade futura como tecnólogo. A pesquisa com egressos apontou que os mesmos tem percepção favorável quanto à formação profissional recebida, exceto o fato de não terem atendido disciplinas que desenvolvessem competências gerenciais e de negócios; quanto à empregabilidade e perspectivas de carreira mostraram preocupação na valorização profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho; declararam estar insatisfeitos quanto ao salário recebido; quanto à educação continuada reconheceram ser esse o processo que os manterão atualizados profissionalmente. Como conclusão da pesquisa, há recomendação para estudos futuros na sondagem de outras possíveis causas da evasão escolar com alunos dos cursos com outros eixos temáticos e de IES públicas. Igualmente, aponta-se para a necessidade da proposta curricular da IES em estudo oferecer, além das disciplinas técnicas, outras que desenvolvam competências e habilidade em gestão de pessoas e negócios.


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No mundo dos negócios as organizações colocam-se numa procura contínua por diferenciações estratégicas e buscam o talento humano em profissionais cada vez mais competentes. A competência está relacionada ao desempenho e pode ser treinada e desenvolvida de acordo com as atividades e o trabalho prestado. A educação para o trabalho adquire maior importância à medida que aumenta seu papel na dinâmica da sociedade moderna que exige atualização contínua dos saberes e busca reduzir a evasão dos cursos como um de seus desafios. Esta pesquisa procura compreender a evasão escolar a partir da diferença salarial entre grupos de estudantes que abandonaram e finalizaram o curso, entre outras análises. Os dados foram coletados entre alunos ingressantes em dez cursos técnicos de nível médio de uma escola técnica estadual na cidade de São Paulo entre os anos 2009 e 2011. A pesquisa permite concluir que os alunos formados conseguem melhores salários que os evadidos, sendo a média dos salários dos que conseguiram se formar superior em 16,6% à média salarial dos evadidos. A maioria dos alunos evadidos aponta o trabalho como principal causa da evasão escolar. Evidencia-se a presença das políticas públicas para o crédito educacional entre os respondentes, já que 34,8% da amostra possuem bolsas de estudo, do PROUNI ou do crédito educativo do FIES.