948 resultados para Growth hormone releasing factor.


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Major depression belongs to the most serious and widespread psychiatric disorders in today’s society. There is a great need for the delineation of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as for the identification of novel targets for its treatment. In this thesis, transgenic mice of the endocannabinoid and the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system were investigated to determine the putative role of these systems for depression-like phenotypes in mice. In the first part of the thesis, we found that the endocannabinoid system was prominently involved in a brain region-specific and temporally controlled manner in acute as well as in chronic stress processing. Genetic deletion in combination with pharmacological intervention revealed the importance of a fully functional endocannabinoid system for efficient neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping. Accordingly, cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor-deficient mice displayed several depression-like symptoms and molecular alterations, including “behavioral despair”, stress hormone hypersecretion and decreased glucocorticoid receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. However, the endocannabinoid system was dispensable for the efficacy of currently used antidepressant drugs. To facilitate future endocannabinoid research, a transgenic mouse was generated, which overexpressed the CB1 receptor protein fused to a fluorescent protein. In the second part of the thesis, conditional brain region-specific CRH overexpressing mice were evaluated as a model for pathological chronic CRH hyperactivation. Mutant mice showed aberrant neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping and hyperarousal due to CRH-induced activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain. Mutant mice appeared to share similarities with naturally occurring endogenous CRH activation in wild-type mice and were sensitive to acute pharmacological blockade of CRH receptor type 1 (CRH-R1). Thus, CRH overexpressing mice serve as an ideal in vivo tool to evaluate the efficacy of novel CRH-R1 antagonists. Together, these findings highlight the potential of transgenic mice for the understanding of certain endo-phenotypes (isolated symptoms) of depression and their molecular correlates.


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Endocrine resistance in breast cancer remains a major clinical problem and is caused by crosstalk mechanisms of growth factor receptor cascades, such as the erbB and PI3K/AKT pathways. The possibilities a single breast cancer cell has to achieve resistance are manifold. We developed a model of 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (OHT)‑resistant human breast cancer cell lines and compared their different expression patterns, activation of growth factor receptor pathways and compared cells by genomic hybridization (CGH). We also tested a panel of selective inhibitors of the erbB and AKT/mTOR pathways to overcome OHT resistance. OHT‑resistant MCF-7-TR and T47D-TR cells showed increased expression of HER2 and activation of AKT. T47D-TR cells showed EGFR expression and activated MAPK (ERK-1/2), whereas in resistant MCF-7-TR cells activated AKT was due to loss of CTMP expression. CGH analyses revealed remarkable aberrations in resistant sublines, which were predominantly depletions. Gefitinib inhibited erbB signalling and restored OHT sensitivity in T47D-TR cells. The AKT inhibitor perifosine restored OHT sensitivity in MCF-7-TR cells. All cell lines showed expression of receptors for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) I and II, and analogs of GnRH-I/II restored OHT sensitivity in both resistant cell lines by inhibition of erbB and AKT signalling. In conclusion, mechanisms to escape endocrine treatment in breast cancer share similarities in expression profiling but are based on substantially different genetic aberrations. Evaluation of activated mediators of growth factor receptor cascades is helpful to predict response to specific inhibitors. Expression of GnRH-I/II receptors provides multi-targeting treatment strategies.


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Aldosterone levels are markedly elevated during normal pregnancy but fall even though volume contracts when preeclampsia occurs. The level of aldosterone in either condition cannot be explained solely by the activity of the renin-angiotensin II system. In normal gestation, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is thought to maintain vascular health, but its role in adrenal hormone production is unknown. We hypothesized that the role of VEGF in the adrenal gland is to maintain vascular health and regulate aldosterone production. Here, we demonstrate that supernatant of endothelial cells grown in the presence of VEGF enhanced aldosterone synthase activity in human adrenocortical cells. VEGF either alone or combined with angiotensin II increased aldosterone production in adrenal cells. These data suggest that endothelial cell-dependent and independent activation of aldosterone is regulated by VEGF. In contrast to angiotensin II, VEGF did not upregulate the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. Consistent with this observation, angiotensin II stimulated both aldosterone and cortisol synthesis from progesterone, whereas VEGF stimulated selectively aldosterone production. In rats, overexpression of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, an endogenous VEGF inhibitor, led to adrenocortical capillary rarefaction and fall in aldosterone concentrations that correlated inversely with soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 levels. These findings may explain why aldosterone increases so markedly during normal gestation and why preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, is associated with inappropriately low aldosterone levels in spite of relatively lower plasma volumes.


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OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is critically involved in the control of cartilage matrix metabolism. It is well known that IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is increased during osteoarthritis (OA), but its function(s) is not known. In other cells, IGFBP-3 can regulate IGF-I action in the extracellular environment and can also act independently inside the cell; this includes transcriptional gene control in the nucleus. These studies were undertaken to localize IGFBP-3 in human articular cartilage, particularly within cells. DESIGN: Cartilage was dissected from human femoral heads derived from arthroplasty for OA, and OA grade assessed by histology. Tissue slices were further characterized by extraction and assay of IGFBPs by IGF ligand blot (LB) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for IGF-I and IGFBP-3 was performed on cartilage from donors with mild, moderate and severe OA. Indirect fluorescence and immunogold-labeling IHC studies were included. RESULTS: LBs of chondrocyte lysates showed a strong signal for IGFBP-3. IHC of femoral cartilage sections at all OA stages showed IGF-I and IGFBP-3 matrix stain particularly in the top zones, and closely associated with most cells. A prominent perinuclear/nuclear IGFBP-3 signal was seen. Controls using non-immune sera or antigen-blocked antibody showed negative or strongly reduced stain. In frozen sections of human ankle cartilage, immunofluorescent IGFBP-3 stain co-localized with the nuclear 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI) stain in greater than 90% of the cells. Immunogold IHC of thin sections and transmission electron immunogold microscopy of ultra-thin sections showed distinct intra-nuclear staining. CONCLUSIONS: IGFBP-3 in human cartilage is located in the matrix and within chondrocytes in the cytoplasm and nuclei. This new finding indicates that the range of IGFBP-3 actions in articular cartilage is likely to include IGF-independent roles and opens the door to studies of its nuclear actions, including the possible regulation of hormone receptors or transcriptional complexes to control gene action.


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The presence of an ovulation-inducing factor (OIF) in the seminal plasma (SP) of several species with spontaneous and induced ovulation, including the rabbit, has been documented. Recent studies have demonstrated that the OIF in the SP of camels (SPCAM) is a nerve growth factor (β-NGF). The aim of this study was to determine if purified β-NGF from mouse submandibular glands or SPCAM could provoke ovulation induction in the rabbit doe. A total of 35 females were synchronized with 25 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (Serigan, Laboratorios Ovejero, Spain) and allocated into 4 groups. Forty-eight hours later (Day 0), does were given a single dose (IM) of 1 mL of saline solution (SS; n = 8); 1 mL of gonadorelin (GnRH; Inducel, Laboratorios Ovejero, Spain; n = 9); 24 µg of β-NGF (2.5S-NGF; Promega, USA; n = 10); or 1 mL of centrifuged raw camel SP (SPCAM; 127 pg mL–1 NGF; n = 8). After treatment, an empty catheter was introduced through the vagina to simulate the nervous/mechanical stimulus of coitus (4 animals per group). Plasma LH concentrations were determined in blood samples taken 30 min before treatment and at 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after injection. Progesterone concentrations were assessed at 0 and 120 min and every 2 days until Day 6 after treatment. Concentrations of β-NGF in camel SP and hormone determinations were made by enzyme immunoassay. Ovulation rate (OR) was determined after euthanasia on Day 7.


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Members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily are involved in diverse physiological activities including development, tissue repair, hormone regulation, bone formation, cell growth, and differentiation. At the cellular level, these functions are initiated by the interaction of ligands with specific transmembrane receptors with intrinsic serine/threonine kinase activity. The signaling pathway that links receptor activation to the transcriptional regulation of the target genes is largely unknown. Recent work in Drosophila and Xenopus signaling suggested that Mad (Mothers against dpp) functions downstream of the receptors of the TGF-β family. Mammalian Mad1 has been reported to respond to bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), but not to TGF-β or activin. We report here the cloning and functional studies of a novel mammalian Mad molecule, Mad3, as well as a rat Mad1 homologue. Overexpression of Mad3 in a variety of cells stimulated basal transcriptional activity of the TGF-β/activin-responsive reporter construct, p3TP-Lux. Furthermore, expression of Mad3 could potentiate the TGF-β- and activin-induced transcriptional stimulation of p3TP-Lux. By contrast, overexpression of Mad1 inhibited the basal as well as the TGF-β/activin induced p3TP-Lux activity. These findings, therefore, support the hypothesis that Mad3 may serve as a mediator linking TGF-β/activin receptors to transcriptional regulation.


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The ability of a peptide hormone to affect many different intracellular targets is thought to be possible because of the modular organization of signal transducing molecules in the cell. Evidence for the presence of signaling modules in metazoan cells, however, is incomplete. Herein we show, with morphology and cell fractionation, that all the components of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway are concentrated in caveolae of unstimulated human fibroblasts. Addition of platelet-derived growth factor to either the intact cell or caveolae isolated from these cells stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation and activates mitogen-activated protein kinases in caveolae. The molecular machinery for kinase activation, therefore, is preorganized at the cell surface of quiescent cells.


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Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes differentiated cell function in several systems. We recently reported LIF and LIF receptor expression in human fetal pituitary corticotrophs in vivo and demonstrated LIF stimulation of adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) transcription in vitro, suggesting a role for LIF in corticotroph development. We therefore assessed the action of LIF on proliferating murine corticotroph cells (AtT20). LIF impairs proliferation of AtT20 cells (25% reduction versus control, P < 0.03), while simultaneously enhancing ACTH secretion (2-fold, P < 0.001) and augmenting ACTH responsiveness to corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) action (4-fold, P < 0.001). This attenuation of cell growth is due to a block of cell cycle progression from G1 into S phase, as measured by flow cytometric analysis (24 +/- 0.8 versus 11.57 +/- 1.5, P < 0.001). Using bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assays, loss of cells in S phase was confirmed (25 +/- 0.08 to 9.4 +/- 1.4, P < 0.008). In contrast, CRH induced the G2/M phase (3.6 +/- 0.2 to 15.4 +/- 3, P < 0.001). This effect was blunted by LIF (P < 0.001 versus CRH alone). Cyclin A mRNA levels, which decline in S phase, were stimulated 3.5-fold by LIF and markedly suppressed by CRH. These results indicate a LIF-induced cell cycle block occurring at G1/S in corticotroph cells. Thus, LIF reduces proliferation, enhances ACTH secretion, and potentiates effects of CRH on ACTH secretion while blocking effects of CRH on the cell cycle. Responses of these three markers of differentiated corticotroph function indicate LIF to be a differentiation factor for pituitary corticotroph cells by preferential phenotypic switching from proliferative to synthetic.


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The signaling pathways associated with estrogen-induced proliferation of epithelial cells in the reproductive tract have not been defined. To identify receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated in vivo by 17 beta-estradiol (E2), uteri from ovariectomized mice were examined for enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of various receptors and a receptor substrate following treatment with this hormone. Within 4 hr after hormone exposure, extracts showed increased phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) immunoreactivity at several bands, including 170- and 180-kDa; these bands were still apparent at 24 hr after E2. Analysis of immunoprecipitates from uterine extracts revealed that E2 enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) by 6 hr. Comparison of supernatants from IRS-1 and control rabbit IgG immunoprecipitates indicated that the 170-kDa P-Tyr band in extracts was equivalent to IRS-1. The receptors for epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor did not exhibit an E2-induced increase in P-Tyr content. The nonestrogenic steroid hormones examined did not stimulate the P-Tyr content of IGF-1R or IRS-1. Immunolocalization of P-Tyr and IRS-1 revealed strong reactivity in the epithelial layer of the uterus from E2-treated mice, suggesting that the majority of P-Tyr bands observed in immunoblots originate in the epithelium. Since hormonal activation of IRS-1 is epithelial, estrogen-specific, and initiated before maximal DNA synthesis occurs following treatment with hormone, this protein, as part of the IGF-1R pathway, may be important in mediating estrogen-stimulated proliferation in the uterus.


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Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a soluble fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor type 1 (FGFR1) extracellular domain in the circulation and in vascular basement membranes. However, the process of FGFR1 ectodomain release from the plasma membrane is not known. Here we report that the 72-kDa gelatinase A (matrix metalloproteinase type 2, MMP2) can hydrolyze the Val368-Met369 peptide bond of the FGFR1 ectodomain, eight amino acids upstream of the transmembrane domain, thus releasing the entire extracellular domain. Similar results were obtained regardless of whether FGF was first bound to the receptor or not. The action of MMP2 abolished binding of FGF to an immobilized recombinant FGFR1 ectodomain fusion protein and to Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing FGFR1 The released recombinant FGFR1 ectodomain was able to bind FGF after MMP2 cleavage, suggesting that the cleaved soluble receptor maintained its FGF binding capacity. The activity of MMP2 could not be reproduced by the 92-kDa gelatinase B (MMP9) and was inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase type 2. These studies demonstrate that FGFR1 may be a specific target for MMP2 on the cell surface, yielding a soluble FGF receptor that may modulate the mitogenic and angiogenic activities of FGF.


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One of the more intriguing aspects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is its ability to function as both a mitogenic factor for certain mesenchymal cells and a potent growth inhibitor of lymphoid, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Data are presented indicating that c-myc may play a pivotal role in both the mitogenic and antiproliferative actions of TGF beta 1. In agreement with previous studies using C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts constitutively expressing an exogenous c-myc cDNA, we show that AKR-2B fibroblasts expressing a chimeric estrogen-inducible form of c-myc (mycER) are able to form colonies in soft agar in the presence of TGF beta 1 only when c-myc is activated by hormone. Whereas these findings support a synergistic role for c-myc in mitogenic responses to TGF beta 1, we also find that c-myc can antagonize the growth-inhibitory response to TGF beta 1. Mouse keratinocytes (BALB/MK), which are normally growth-arrested by TGF beta 1, are rendered insensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF beta 1 upon mycER activation. This ability of mycER activation to block TGF beta 1-induced growth arrest was found to occur only when the fusion protein was induced with hormone in the early part of G1. Addition of estradiol late in G1 had no suppressive effect on TGF beta 1-induced growth inhibition.


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Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a bone-derived hormone that regulates phosphate homeostasis. Circulating FGF23 is elevated in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and independently associated with poor renal and cardiovascular outcomes and mortality. Because the study of FGF23 in individuals with normal renal function has received little attention, we examined in a large, population based study of 1128 participants the associations of FGF23 with markers of mineral metabolism and renal function. The median estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of the cohort was 105 ml/min per 1.73 m2, and the median plasma FGF23 was 78.5 RU/ml. FGF23 increased and plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 decreased significantly below an eGFR threshold of 102 and 99 ml/min per 1.73 m2, respectively. In contrast, plasma parathyroid hormone increased continuously with decreasing eGFR and was first significantly elevated at an eGFR of 126 ml/min per 1.73 m2. On multivariable analysis adjusting for sex, age, body mass index, and GFR, FGF23 was negatively associated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and urinary absolute and fractional calcium excretion but not with serum calcium or parathyroid hormone. We found a positive association of FGF23 with plasma phosphate, but no association with urinary absolute or fractional phosphate excretion and, unexpectedly, a positive association with tubular maximum phosphate reabsorption/GFR. Thus, in the absence of CKD, parathyroid hormone increases earlier than FGF23 when the eGFR decreases. The increase in FGF23 occurs at a higher eGFR threshold than previously reported and is closely associated with a decrease in 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. We speculate that the main demonstrable effect of FGF23 in the setting of preserved renal function is suppression of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 rather than stimulation of renal phosphate excretion.


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The objective was to compare testis characteristics of Zebu bulls treated with the GnRH agonist, deslorelin, at different times and for different durations during their development. An additional objective was to determine the usefulness of a stain for the transcription factor GATA-binding protein 4 (GATA-4) as a specific marker for Sertoli cell nuclei in cattle. Bulls (54) were allocated to nine groups (n = 6) and received s.c. deslorelin implants as follows: G1 = from birth to 3 mo of age; G2 = from 3 to 6 mo; G3 = from 6 to 9 mo; G4 = from 9 to 12 mo; G5 = from birth to 15 mo; G6 = from 3 to 15 mo; G7 = from 6 to 15 mo; G8 = from 12 to 15 mo; and G9 (control) = no implant. Bulls were castrated at 19 mo of age. Paraffin sections (10 mu m) were subjected to quantitative morphometry and GATA-4 immunohistochemistry. At castration, all bulls in the control group (6/6) had attained puberty (scrotal circumference ! 28 cm), whereas a smaller proportion (P < 0.05) had reached puberty in G2 (2/5) and G6 (1/ 6). Bulls in G2 and G6 also had a lesser (P < 0.05) testis weight compared with the control group. Total volume of seminiferous epithelium and total daily sperm production in G2 and G6 were only half that observed in the control group. Spermatids were observed in less than 50% of seminiferous tubules in G2, G6, and G7 compared with 82% in the control group (P < 0.05). Staining for GATA-4 was specific for and abundant in the Sertoli cell nucleus in both pre- and postpubertal bulls, and no other cell nucleus inside the seminiferous tubule was positive for GATA-4. Total number of Sertoli cells was not affected by treatment (P = 0.45), but nuclear volume was smaller in G2 and G6 (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. In conclusion, treatment of Zebu bulls with deslorelin had no apparent beneficial effect on testis development and delayed puberty when treatment was initiated at 3 mo of age. Staining for GATA-4 was a useful method for identifying and quantifying Sertoli cell nuclei in both pre- and postpubertal bulls.


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Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gaseous autacoid known to positively regulate vascular tone; however, its role in angiogenesis is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CO on angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 phosphorylation. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured on growth factor- reduced Matrigel and treated with a CO-releasing molecule (CORM-2) or exposed to CO gas (250 ppm). Here, we report the surprising finding that exposure to CO inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell actin reorganisation, cell proliferation, migration and capillary-like tube formation. Similarly, CO suppressed VEGF-mediated phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 at tyrosine residue 1175 and 1214 and basic fibroblast growth factor- (FGF-2) and VEGF-mediated Akt phosphorylation. Consistent with these data, mice exposed to 250 ppm CO (1h/day for 14 days) exhibited a marked decrease in FGF-2-induced Matrigel plug angiogenesis (p<0.05). These data establish a new biological function for CO in angiogenesis and point to a potential therapeutic use for CO as an anti-angiogenic agent in tumour suppression.