960 resultados para Ground Cover
High-resolution ac susceptibility and thermal conductivity measurement on Cu2Te2O5X2 (X=Br,Cl) single crystals are reported. For Br-sample, sample dependence prevents one from distinguishing between possibilities of magnetically ordered and spin-singlet ground states. In Cl-sample a three-dimensional transition at 18.5 K is accompanied by almost isotropic behavior of susceptibility and almost switching behavior of thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity studies suggest the presence of a tremendous spin-lattice coupling characterizing Cl- but not Br-sample. Below the transition Cl-sample is in a complex magnetic state involving AF order but also the elements consistent with the presence of a gap in the excitation spectrum.
Résumé: Dans le contexte d'un climat de plus en plus chaud, la localisation du pergélisol dans les terrains sédimentaires à forte déclivité et l'évaluation des mouvements de terrain qui y ont cours s'avèrent primordiales. S'insérant dans cette problématique, ce travail de thèse s'articule autour de deux axes de recherche différents. D'un point de vue statique, cette recherche propose une étude de la distribution et des caractéristiques du pergélisol dans les éboulis de la zone périglaciaire alpine. D'un point de vue dynamique, une analyse de l'influence des caractéristiques du pergélisol (teneur en glace, température du pergélisol, etc.) et des variations des températures de l'air et du sol sur les vitesses de fluage des corps sédimentaires gelés est effectuée. Afin de répondre à ce double objectif, l'approche "terrain" a été privilégiée. Pour déterminer la répartition et les caractéristiques du pergélisol, les méthodes traditionnelles de prospection du pergélisol ont été utilisées, à savoir la mesure de la température du sol à la base du manteau neigeux (BTS), la mesure de la température du sol en continu ainsi que la méthode géoélectrique. Les mouvements de terrain ont pour leur part été mesurés à l'aide d'un GPS différentiel. L'étude de la distribution du pergélisol a été effectuée dans une quinzaine d'éboulis situés dans les régions du Mont Gelé (Verbier-Nendaz) et d'Arolla principalement. Dans la plupart des cas, un pergélisol a pu être mis en évidence dans la partie inférieure des accumulations sédimentaires, alors que la partie médiane des éboulis n'est, le plus souvent, pas gelée. Si cette absence de pergélisol se prolonge parfois dans les portions sommitales des pentes, les mesures réalisées montrent que dans d'autres cas des sédiments gelés y sont à nouveau présents. Les résistivités électriques mesurées dans les portions gelées des éboulis étudiés sont dans la plupart des cas nettement inférieures à celles mesurées sur les glaciers rocheux. Des études préalables ont montré que des circulations d'air internes sont responsables de l'anomalie thermique négative et, lorsqu'il existe, du pergélisol que l'on trouve dans la partie inférieure d'éboulis situés plus de 1000 m plus bas que la limite inférieure régionale du pergélisol discontinu. L'étude de quatre sites de basse altitude (1400-1900 m), et notamment l'équipement du site de Dreveneuse (Préalpes Valaisannes) avec deux forages, des capteurs de température de surface et un anémomètre a permis de vérifier et de préciser le mécanisme de ventilation actif au sein des éboulis froids de basse altitude. Ce mécanisme fonctionne de la manière suivante: en hiver, l'air contenu dans l'éboulis, plus chaud et plus léger que l'air extérieur, monte à l'intérieur de l'accumulation sédimentaire et est expulsé dans ses parties sommitales. Cet effet de cheminée provoque une aspiration d'air froid à l'intérieur de la partie inférieure de l'éboulis, causant ainsi un sur-refroidissement marqué du terrain. En été, le mécanisme s'inverse, l'éboulis étant plus froid que l'air environnant. De l'air froid est alors expulsé au bas de la pente. Une ventilation ascendante hivernale a pu être mise en évidence dans certains des éboulis de haute altitude étudiés. Elle est probablement en grande partie responsable de la configuration particulière des zones gelées observées. Même si l'existence d'un effet de cheminée n'a pu être démontrée dans tous les cas, du fait notamment de la glace interstitielle qui entrave le cheminement de l'air, des indices laissant présager son possible fonctionnement existent dans la quasi totalité des éboulis étudiés. L'absence de pergélisol à des altitudes qui lui sont favorables pourrait en tous les cas s'expliquer par un réchauffement du terrain lié à des expulsions d'air relativement chaud. L'étude des mouvements de terrain a été effectuée sur une dizaine de sites, principalement sur des glaciers rocheux, mais également sur une moraine de poussée et - II - Résumé ? abstract quelques éboulis. Plusieurs glaciers rocheux présentent des formes de déstabilisation récente (niches d'arrachement, blocs basculés, apparition de la matrice fine à la surface, etc.), ce qui témoigne d'une récente accélération des vitesses de déplacement. Ce phénomène, qui semble général à l'échelle alpine, est probablement à mettre sur le compte du réchauffement du pergélisol depuis une vingtaine d'années. Les vitesses mesurées sur ces formations sont souvent plus élevées que les valeurs habituellement proposées dans la littérature. On note par ailleurs une forte variabilité inter-annuelle des vitesses, qui semblent dépendre de la variation de la température moyenne annuelle de surface. Abstract: In the context of a warmer climate, the localisation of permafrost in steep sedimentary terrain and the measurement of terrain movements that occur in these areas is of great importance. With respect to these problems, this PhD thesis follows two different research axes. From a static point of view, the research presents a study of the permafrost distribution and characteristics in the talus slopes of the alpine periglacial belt. From a dynamic point of view, an analysis of the influence of the permafrost characteristics (ice content, permafrost temperature, etc.) and air and soil temperature variations on the creep velocities of frozen sedimentary bodies is carried out. In order to attain this double objective, the "field" approach was favoured. To determine the distribution and the characteristics of permafrost, the traditional methods of permafrost prospecting were used, i.e. ground surface temperature measurements at the base of the snow cover (BTS), year-round ground temperature measurements and DC-resistivity prospecting. The terrain movements were measured using a differential GPS. The permafrost distribution study was carried out on 15 talus slopes located mainly in the Mont Gelé (Verbier-Nendaz) and Arolla areas (Swiss Alps). In most cases, permafrost was found in the lower part of the talus slope, whereas the medium part was free of ice. In some cases, the upper part of the talus is also free of permafrost, whereas in other cases permafrost is present. Electrical resistivities measured in the frozen parts of the studied talus are in most cases clearly lower than those measured on rock glaciers. Former studies have shown that internal air circulation is responsible for the negative thermal anomaly and, when it exists, the permafrost present in the lower part of talus slopes located more than 1000 m below the regional lower limit of discontinuous permafrost. The study of four low-altitude talus slopes (1400-1900 m), and notably the equipment of Dreveneuse field site (Valais Prealps) with two boreholes, surface temperature sensors and an anemometer permitted to verify and to detail the ventilation mechanism active in low altitude talus slopes. This mechanism works in the following way: in winter, the air contained in the block accumulation is warmer and lighter than the surrounding air and therefore moves upward in the talus and is expelled in its upper part. This chimney effect induces an aspiration of cold air in the interior of the lower part of talus, that causes a strong overcooling of the ground. In summer, the mechanism is reversed because the talus slope is colder than the surrounding air. Cold air is then expelled in the lower part of the slope. Evidence of ascending ventilation in wintertime could also be found in some of the studied high-altitude talus slopes. It is probably mainly responsible for the particular configuration of the observed frozen areas. Even if the existence of a chimney effect could not be demonstrated in all cases, notably because of interstitial ice that obstructs Résumé ? abstract - III - the air circulation, indices of its presence exist in nearly all the studied talus. The absence of permafrost at altitudes favourable to its presence could be explained, for example, by the terrain warming caused by expulsion of relatively warm air. Terrain movements were measured at about ten sites, mainly on rock glaciers, but also on a push moraine and some talus slopes. Field observations reveal that many rock glaciers display recent destabilization features (landslide scars, tilted blocks, presence of fine grained sediments at the surface, etc.) that indicate a probable recent acceleration of the creep velocities. This phenomenon, which seems to be widespread at the alpine scale, is probably linked to the permafrost warming during the last decades. The measured velocities are often higher than values usually proposed in the literature. In addition, strong inter-annual variations of the velocities were observed, which seems to depend on the mean annual ground temperature variations.
This project proposes a preliminary architectural design for a control and data processing center, also known as 'ground segment', for Earth observation satellites.
This paper describes a mesurement system designed to register the displacement of the legs using a two-dimensional laser range sensor with a scanning plane parallel to the ground and extract gait parameters. In the proposed methodology, the position of the legs is estimated by fitting two circles with the laser points that define their contour and the gait parameters are extracted applying a step-line model to the estimated displacement of the legs to reduce uncertainty in the determination of the stand and swing phase of the gait. Results obtained in a range up to 8 m shows that the systematic error in the location of one static leg is lower than 10 mm with and standard deviation lower than 8 mm; this deviation increases to 11 mm in the case of a moving leg. The proposed measurement system has been applied to estimate the gait parameters of six volunteers in a preliminary walking experiment.
The optimization of most pesticide and fertilizer applications is based on overall grove conditions. In this work we measurements. Recently, Wei [9, 10] used a terrestrial propose a measurement system based on a ground laser scanner to LIDAR to measure tree height, width and volume developing estimate the volume of the trees and then extrapolate their foliage a set of experiments to evaluate the repeatability and surface in real-time. Tests with pear trees demonstrated that the accuracy of the measurements, obtaining a coefficient of relation between the volume and the foliage can be interpreted as variation of 5.4% and a relative error of 4.4% in the linear with a coefficient of correlation (R) of 0.81 and the foliar estimation of the volume but without real-time capabilities. surface can be estimated with an average error less than 5 %.
Invasive species are an excellent opportunity to think about the nature society desires, particularly in the face of global changes. Nature and human views of nature are rapidly evolving; our approach to bio- logical invasions through biosecurity institutions and land management policies must evolve in tandem with these changes. We review three dimensions that are insufficiently addressed. First, biological inva- sions are culturally shaped and interpreted. Humans play a major role in the movement and nurturing of alien life, and esthetics, perception, and emotion are deeply implicated in the management of invasive species. What people fear or regret with invasive species are not their effects on nature per se, but their effects on a particular desired nature, and policymaking must reflect this. Second, biological invasions are not restricted to negative impacts. Invasions take place in landscapes where many natural condi- tions have been altered, so policy tools must recognize that invasive species are a functional, structural, and compositional part of transformed ecosystems. In some cases, native species benefit from changes in resource availability caused by invasions or from protections provided by an invasive plant. Finally, invasive species can help ecosystems and people to adapt to global change by maintaining ecosystem processes such as productivity, carbon storage, and nutrient cycling in a context of climate change or land cover transformations. While recognition is growing among ecologists that novel, invaded ecosystems have value, and while the on-the-ground application of biosecurity policies has of necessity adjusted to local contexts and other agendas, invasion biology could aid policymaking by better addressing the three complexities inherent in the three dimensions highlighted above.
Helsinki : Koulumatkailutoimisto 1934
Julkaisusta puuttuu s/s Oihonnan pohjapiirustus, sen paikalla on s/s Wellamon pohjapiirustus toiseen kertaan.
Helsingfors : Suomen matkailutoimisto 1915
Helsinki : The Finnish Tourist Association 1926
Helsinki : The tourist society in Finland 1909 : Hull Tarkemmat teoskuvat osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fd2011-pp00001592
The role of competition for light among plants has long been recognized at local scales, but its potential importance for plant species' distribution at larger spatial scales has largely been ignored. Tree cover acts as a modulator of local abiotic conditions, notably by reducing light availability below the canopy and thus the performance of species that are not adapted to low-light conditions. However, this local effect may propagate to coarser spatial grains. Using 6,935 vegetation plots located across the European Alps, we fit Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for the distribution of 960 herbs and shrubs species to assess the effect of tree cover at both plot and landscape grain sizes (~ 10-m and 1-km, respectively). We ran four models with different combinations of variables (climate, soil and tree cover) for each species at both spatial grains. We used partial regressions to evaluate the independent effects of plot- and landscape-scale tree cover on plant communities. Finally, the effects on species' elevational range limits were assessed by simulating a removal experiment comparing the species' distribution under high and low tree cover. Accounting for tree cover improved model performance, with shade-tolerant species increasing their probability of presence at high tree cover whereas shade-intolerant species showed the opposite pattern. The tree cover effect occurred consistently at both plot and landscape spatial grains, albeit strongest at the former. Importantly, tree cover at the two grain sizes had partially independent effects on plot-scale plant communities, suggesting that the effects may be transmitted to coarser grains through meta-community dynamics. At high tree cover, shade-intolerant species exhibited elevational range contractions, especially at their upper limit, whereas shade-tolerant species showed elevational range expansions at both limits. Our findings suggest that the range shifts for herb and shrub species may be modulated by tree cover dynamics.
The present study evaluated the anatomy, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic potential of grapevine leaves grown under plastic cover. The experiment was carried out in vineyards of Moscato Giallo cultivar covered and uncovered with plastic. A block design with 10 selected plants was used for each area (covered and uncovered). Twelve leaves (six of them fully exposed to solar radiation and six grown under shaded conditions) were collected from each area and were fixed and analyzed microscopically (thickness of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis and of the palisade and spongy parenchymas). Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic potential were determined in the vineyard at veraison and after harvest. Plastic covering increased the thickness of the palisade parenchyma in exposed and shaded leaves due to solar radiation restriction. However, the leaves from the covered vineyard did not have the same response to the restriction of solar radiation, as observed in the uncovered vineyard. The thickness of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis and of the spongy parenchyma did not vary due to solar radiation restriction. Chlorophyll content increased in the leaves of covered plants. The photosynthetic potential of the vines is not affected by solar radiation restriction imposed by plastic cover due to anatomical modification in leaves.