780 resultados para Grief - Psychological aspects
Reactions of fourteen nucleophiles with the pseudo-acid chloride of o-benzoylbenzoic acid in two solvents have been studied. The nucleophiles that react primarily at the tetrahedral carbon atom to give pseudo derivatives, are weaker than those that react at the carbonyl carbon atom causing opening of the lactone ring. An explanation for this phenomenon is advanced.
Pseudo-acid chlorides of five 4′-substituted o-benzoylbenzoic acids are converted into a mixture of dilactones with sodium iodide in acetone. The meso-isomer is always formed to a larger extent than the (±)-mixture. These results imply that the radicals involved are not planar.
Nature-based tourism is one of the fastest growing tourism sectors at the moment. It is also the form of tourism that often benefits the economy of rural areas. In addition to state owned forests, nature-based tourism is in many countries situated in private forests, which are not owned by entrepreneurs themselves. Therefore, the ownership issues and property rights form central challenges for the business activities. The maintenance of good relationships between private forest owners and entrepreneurs, as well as combining their interests, becomes vital. These relationships are typically exceptionally asymmetrical, granting the forest owner unilateral rights regulating the business activities in their forests. Despite this, the co-operation is typically very informal and the existing economic compensation models do not necessarily cover all the forest owners’ costs. The ownership issues bring their own characteristics to the relationship. Therefore, we argue that different aspects of ownership, especially psychological ones, have to be more critically examined and taken into consideration in order to build truly successful relations between these parties. This is crucial for sustaining the business activities. The core of psychological ownership is the sense of possession. Psychological ownership can be defined as a state, in which individuals perceive the target of ownership, the object or idea, as “theirs”. The concept of psychological ownership has so far been mainly used in the context of professional organizations. In this research, it has been used to explain the relationships between private forest owners and nature-based entrepreneurs. The aim of this study is to provide new information concerning the effect of psychological ownership on the collaboration and to highlight the good practices. To address the complexity of the phenomenon, qualitative case study methods were adopted to understand the role of ownership at the level of subjective experience. The empirical data was based on 27 in-depth interviews with private forest owners and nature-based tourism entrepreneurs. The data was analysed by using the methods of qualitative analysis to construct different typologies to describe the essence of successful collaboration. As a result of the study, the special characteristics and the practical level expressions of the psychological ownership in the privately owned forest context were analysed. Four different strategies to perceive these ownership characteristics in co-operation relationships were found. By taking the psychological ownership into consideration via these strategies, the nature-based entrepreneurs aim to balance the co-operation relationship and minimise the risks in long term activities based on privately owned forests.
The kinetics of dimerization of 4-substituted- and unsubstituted o-benzoylbenzoyl chlorides, with iodide ion can be described by the expression, rate =k2[acid chloride][iodide]. The value for the reaction in dimethylformamide solution is –0·38. The entropy of activation for the reaction is –34·2 cal mol–1 K–1 and the activation energy is 10·7 kcal mol–1. These results have been interpreted as evidence for the formation of pseudo-iodide in the rate-determining step and its fast decomposition to radicals which combine to give a mixture of stereoisomeric dilactones.
Ring-chain tautomeric equilibria of o-benzoylbenzamides in 95% ethanol, chloroform, dioxan, and acetonitrile have been estimated using u.v. spectroscopy. Unlike the case of acids, solvent polarity has only a small effect. In ethanol the cyclic form is favoured. Electron-withdrawing groups in the amide-bearing ring disfavour the cyclic form. Substitution of methyl, ethyl, and phenyl groups on the nitrogen atom of the amide function results in increase of the proportion of the cyclic form in the first two cases and decrease in the last.
Knowledge-based clusters are studied from the structural point of view. Generalized descriptions for such clusters are stated and illustrated. Peculiarities of certain knowledge-based cluster configurations are highlighted. The adequacy of the connectives logical and (“and”) logical or (“exclusive-or”) in describing such clusters is justified. The definition of “concept” is elaborated from the clustering point of view and used to establish the equivalence between, descriptions of clusters and concepts. The order-independence of semantic-directed clustering approach is established formally based on axiomatic considerations.
Reaction of sodium 2-formylbenzenesulphonate (1) with thionyl chloride or phosphorous pentachloride gives a mixture of pseudo (2) and normal (3) sulphonyl chlorides. Whereas ammonium 2-carboxybenzenesulphonate (6) gives only the normal sulphonyl chloride (7) on reaction with thionyl chloride, a mixture of normal (7) and pseudo (8) isomers are formed on reaction with phosphorous pentachloride. Sodium 2-benzoylbenzenesulphonate (15), on the other hand, gives the corresponding normal sulphonyl chloride (16) on reaction with both of the reagents mentioned above. Based on these observations it is concluded that γ-keto sulphonic acids are amenable to the influence of γ-carbonyl group as in the case of γ-keto carboxylic acids but to a lesser extent. © 1989 Indian Academy of Sciences.
The existence of an icosahedral phase in Mg−Al−Ag is better understood on a crystallographic basis rather than on a quantum structural diagram basis. The quasicrystalline structure is delineated in terms of quasiperiodic arrangement of Pauling triacontahedra, which can be identified in the equilibrium structure. Subtle differences in the electron diffraction patterns have been recorded compared to the ideal quasicrystalline pattern. The misalignment of spots and distortions are better attributed to higher order rational approximate structure than anisotropic phason strain. Ares of diffuse intensity have been related to the ordering among the atoms in the clusters.
Synergistic hypergolic ignition with nitrogen tetroxide ( N2O4) as oxidizer has been observed in hybrid systems comprising of a mixture of magnesium and Schiff bases as fuels. The ignition delays (IDs) measured using a modified device, have been compared with those of magnesium-Schiff base-WFNA systems under identical conditions. The ID has been found to vary with the nature of the substitution in both the benzene rings. A linear relationship emerges when the ignition delays are plotted against the Hammett substitution constants (σ). The preignition products of the reaction of N2O4 with magnesium and benzylidineaniline have been analysed to be Mg(NO3)2, benzenediazonium salt and benzaldehyde. Based on the preignition products isolated, a probable reaction mechanism has been proposed. The previously proposed preignition mechanism for the Schiff base-magnesium-WFNA system has been further supported from the present ignition delay data.
High-temperature superconductivity constitutes the most sensational discovery of recent times. Since these new superconductors are complex metal oxides, chemistry has had a big role to play in the investigations. For the first time, stoichiometry, structure, bonding, and such chemical factors have formed central themes in superconductivity, an area traditionally dominated by physicists. These oxide superconductors have given a big boost to solid-state chemistry.
The metal-organic frameworks, in recent years, show a variety of new developments that includes new methods of preparation, post synthesis modifications and novel class of compounds. Though most of the developments happened in the carboxylate based family of compounds, the other related systems are also equally interesting. In this article,we have highlighted some of the developments that have taken place in the family of non-carboxylate metal-organic frameworks. We have also highlighted some of the recent attempts at modifying the surfaces and pores of the MOFs by careful chemical manipulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tutkielma käsittelee intertekstuaalisuuden eri muotoja Zadie Smithin romaanissa On Beauty (suom. Kauneudesta). Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on osoittaa kuinka oleellisesti intertekstuaalisuuden teoria on vaikuttanut kirjallisuustieteen metodeihin ja postmoderniin kirjallisuuskäsitykseen, sekä käsitellä sen soveltuvuutta nykykirjallisuuden tutkimiseen analysoimalla teorian sisäistä monimuotoisuutta ja ristiriitoja. Tutkimusmateriaalina käytetään Smithin romaanin lisäksi E. M. Forsterin romaania Howards End (suom. Talo jalavan varjossa), johon On Beauty tietoisesti viittaa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkielmassa toimii Gérard Genetten teoksessa Palimpsests sekä Roland Barthesin esseessä Tekijän kuolema esille tuodut kirjallisuusteoreettiset käsitykset. Valittu metodologia antaa mahdollisuuden hahmottaa intertekstuaalisuus kahdella eri tavalla: Genetten strukturalistinen lähestymistapa soveltuu teosten välisten viittaussuhteiden tutkimiseen, kun taas Barthesin jälkistrukturalistinen diskurssi auttaa ymmärtämään tekstienvälisyyden osana merkityksen jatkuvaa epävakautta. Tutkielman ensimmäinen osio keskittyy analysoimaan lähiluvun keinoin romaanien On Beauty ja Howards End välistä strukturalistista suhdetta vertailemalla teosten eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä Genetten intertekstuaalisuusteorian valossa. Vertailussa kiinnetetään erityisesti huomiota teosten juoneen, rakenteeseen, aikaan ja paikkaan, sekä uudelleenkirjoitusten yleiseen tendenssiin päivittää alkuperäistä tarinaa kohdeyleisölle paremmin sopivaksi. Toisessa osiossa tutkimusta esille nousee jälkistrukturalistinen näkemys intertekstuaalisuudesta osana lukijan tuottaman merkityksen tulkinnanvaraisuutta. Osiossa käsitellään Rembrandtin taideteosten roolia Smithin romaanissa ja analysoidaan hahmojen tulkintoja sekä suhtautumista Rembrandtin tuotantoon Barthesin teoreettisten käsitteiden kautta. Keskeiseksi analyysin kohteeksi nousee lukija sekä lukijan tuottamat tulkinnat ja niiden merkitys Smithin romaanin tematiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan kuinka intertekstuaalisuus ei ole niin yksinkertainen termi kuin sen laaja käyttö niin kirjallisuustieteessä kuin mediassakin antaa ymmärtää, sekä selvitetään intertekstuaalisuuden teorian kehitystä 60-luvulta nykypäivään. Vaikka strukturalistisessa muodossa käsite soveltuu etenkin kahden toisiinsa kytkeytyneen teoksen tutkimiseen, vertaileva analyysi kuitenkin osoittaa, että On Beauty ei ole pelkkä uudelleenkirjoitus, vaan romaanin tulkintaan tarvitaan myös jälkistrukturalistisen dekonstruktion käsitteitä, jotta laajemmat tekstuaalisuuden verkostot aukeavat lukijalle. Romaanissa esiintyvä taitelijakuva myös osoittaa, että Smith itse on hyvin tietoinen kirjallisuusteoreettisesta keskustelusta.