957 resultados para Governance frameworks


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In this paper I engage with science and technology studies work on pharmaceuticalisation to explore how European Union (EU) law helps to produce and support the preference for pharmaceutical responses in public health governance, while authorising the production of vulnerable subjects through the growing off-shoring of clinical trials. Drawing on the analysis of legal and policy documents, I demonstrate how EU law allows and legitimates the use of data procured from vulnerable subjects abroad for market authorisation and corporate profitability at home. This is possible because the EU has (de)selected international ethical frameworks in order to support the continued and growing use of clinical trials data from abroad. This has helped to stimulate the revision of international ethical frameworks in light of market needs, inscribing EU public health law within specific politics (that often remained obscured by the joint workings of legal and technological discourses). I suggest that law operates as part of a broader ‘technology’ – encompassing ethics and human rights discourses – that functions to optimise life through resort to market reasoning. Law is thereby reoriented, instrumentalised and deployed as part of a broader project aimed at (re)defining and limiting the boundaries of the EU's responsibility for public health, including the broader social production of public health problems and the unequal global order that the EU represents and helps to depoliticise and perpetuate. Overall, this limits the EU's responsibility and accountability for these failures, as well as another: the weak and mutable protections and insecure legacies for vulnerable trial subjects abroad.


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Il lavoro ha ad oggetto gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo utilizzabili dagli enti locali ai fini della governance sulle proprie aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici, alla luce delle riforme che hanno interessato sia il settore considerato, sia i sistemi informativo-contabili delle amministrazioni territoriali. Viene effettuata una proposta, anche in base allo studio della Legge, della dottrina economico aziendale e degli esiti di una ricerca che ha coinvolto i comuni capoluogo di Emilia Romagna e Toscana, per identificare un cruscotto informativo unico che coniughi esigenze informative degli enti locali, semplicità di utilizzo e rispetto della normativa attuale.


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Lo scopo del presente lavoro è delineare un nuovo modello inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale. E' stata adottata una metodologia mista, deduttivo-induttiva. Nella fase deduttiva è stata analizzata la normativa italiana nonché la dottrina economico aziendale nazionale ed internazionale in tema di gestione dei servizi pubblici locali: in tal modo è stato estrapolato un modello normativo-dottrinale inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici. Nella fase induttiva è stata realizzata un'indagine empirica che ha coinvolto i comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, in modo tale da testare il livello di utilizzo del modello normativo-dottrinale precedentemente estrapolato Nella fase di feedback sono stati delineati i punti di forza e di debolezza del succitato modello emergenti dalla ricerca. Si è così cercato di proporre un nuovo modello, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale, in grado di porre rimedio ai punti di debolezza e di potenziare i punti di forza del modello normativo-dottrinale.


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Il tema dei servizi pubblici locali è sicuramente centrale nell'attuale contesto socio-economico nazionale ed internazionale, in quanto essi hanno un impatto determinante sulle condizioni di vita dei cittadini e sulla competitività dei sistemi economici. In ragione di ciò, negli ultimi anni in Italia numerose riforme si sono susseguite, con lo scopo di individuare l'assetto più efficace ed efficiente per tale settore. Le suddette riforme hanno così ridisegnato il ruolo degli Enti Locali, che saranno sempre meno gestori diretti e sempre più direttori di una multiforme orchestra composta dalle aziende esterne chiamate a fornire in prima persona le prestazioni agli utenti finali. Il presente lavoro si propone di individuare, anche attraverso una ricerca sui Comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, strumenti di programmazione e controllo in ottica di gruppo che consentano agli Enti Locali di svolgere questo nuovo delicato ruolo. Tali strumenti verranno disegnati sulla base delle necessità informative delle amministrazioni indagate e nel rispetto delle più recenti riforme in tema di programmazione, rilevazione, gestione, controllo, valutazione e comunicazione delle performance pubbliche.


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Making room for new marine uses and safeguarding more traditional uses, without degrading the marine environment, will require the adoption of new integrated management strategies. Current management frameworks do not facilitate the integrated management of all marine activities occurring in one area. To address this issue, the government developed Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth – An Integrated Marine Plan (IMP) for Ireland. Harnessing Our Ocean
Wealth presents a ‘roadmap’ for adopting an integrated approach to marine governance and for achieving the Government’s ambitious targets for the maritime sector, including: exceeding €6.4 billion turnover annually by 2020, and doubling its contribution to GDP to 2.4% by 2030. As part of this roadmap, Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth endorses the development of an appropriate Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Framework. One way to develop an MSP Framework is to learn from early adapters. Critical assessments of key
elements of MSP as implemented in early initiatives can serve to inform the development of an appropriate framework. The aim of this project is to contribute to the development of this framework by reporting on
MSP best practice relevant to Ireland. Case study selection and evaluation criteria are outlined in the next section. This is followed by a presentation of case study findings. The final section of the report focuses on outlining how the lessons could be transferred to the Irish context.


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The European Union's commitment to citizen participation in policymaking and implementation reflects a wider concern for securing Europe's ‘unity in diversity’. However, across its member-states, individuals belonging to the diverse linguistic, ethnic and social groups often referred to as ‘Roma’ find themselves excluded from political, social and economic participation in countries where they live. The past decade saw the appearance of a more concerted approach to improve the participation of individuals belonging to these groups in social and economic processes. This article examines what it refers to as the European Governance for Romani inclusion (EGRI), assessing policy steps undertaken at the European institutional level towards Romani inclusion and the tools for policy implementation. The paper concludes that the EGRI has offered only limited opportunities for the marginalised Roma to redress their exclusion.


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This article takes as its starting point the potentially negative human rights implications that the effects of climate change, disasters and development practices can have on individuals and communities. It argues that key international instruments, including the post-2015 successors to the Kyoto Protocol, Hyogo Framework for Action on disaster risk reduction and the Millennium Development Goals, appear to be moving towards an express acknowledgment of the relevance of international human rights law as an important mechanism to minimise potential harms that may arise. This raises the question as to the appropriate role of the UN human rights monitoring and accountability mechanisms in identifying the relevant rights-holders and duty-bearers. The article therefore provides an examination of the linkages between climate change and international human rights law, as well as discussion of the human rights considerations and accountability mechanisms for disasters and sustainable development. The article concludes by arguing that despite differential understandings between disciplines as to the meaning of key terms such as ‘vulnerability’ and ‘resilience’, international human rights law provides a comprehensive basis for promoting international and national accountability. It follows that a greater level of coordination and coherence between the human rights approaches of the various post-2015 legal and policy frameworks is warranted as a means of promoting the dignity of those most affected by climate change, disasters and developmental activities.