969 resultados para Geology--East (U.S.)--Maps


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by John Cary.


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The Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Jabiluka unconformity related uranium mine is located within the Alligator River Uranium Field, found in the Northern Territories, Australia. The uranium ore is hosted in the late middle Paleoproterozoic Cahill Formation, which is unconformably overlain by a group of unmetamorphosed conglomerates known as the Kombolgie subgroup. The Kombolgie subgroup provided the source for oxidized basinal brines, carrying U as the mobile form U(VI), which interacted with reducing lithologies in the Cahill formation, thus reducing U(VI) to the solid U(IV), and leading to the precipitation of uraninite (UO2). In order to characterize fluid interaction with the ore body and compare that to areas without mineralization, several isotopic tracers were studied on a series of clay samples from drill core at Jabiluka as well as in barren areas throughout the ARUF. Among the potential tracers, three were selected: U (redox sensitive and recent fluid mobilization), Fe (redox sensitive), and Li (fractionated by hydrothermal fluids and adsorption reactions). δ238U values were found to be closely linked to the mineralogy, with samples with higher K/Al ratios (indicating high illite and low chlorite concentrations) having higher δ238U values. This demonstrates that 235U preferentially absorbs onto the surface of chlorite during hydrothermal circulation. In addition, δ234U values lie far from secular equilibrium (δ234U of 30‰), indicating there was addition or removal of 234U from the surface of the samples from recent (<2.5Ma) interactions of mobile fluids. δ57Fe values were found to be related to lithology and spatially to known uranium deposits. Decreasing δ57Fe values were found with increasing depth to the unconformity in a drill hole directly above the ore zone, but not in drill holes in the barren area. Similarly to δ238U, δ7Li is found to correlate with mineralogy, with higher δ7Li values associated with samples with more chlorite. In addition, higher δ7Li values are found at greater depth throughout the basin, indicating that the direction of the mineralizing fluid circulation was upwards from the Cahill formation to the Kombolgie subgroup.


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Do realizacji niemieckich interesów w polityce zagranicznej, bezpieczeństwa i gospodarczej RFN wykorzystuje instrumenty soft power z obszaru dyplomacji publicznej, polityki rozwojowej, kulturalnej i naukowej. Budowanie sieci kontaktów i lobbing polityczny, programy współpracy rozwojowej oraz zagranicznej polityki kulturalnej i naukowej, mają służyć wspieraniu niemieckiej gospodarki uzależnionej od eksportu, uzyskaniu statusu europejskiego ośrodka technologii i innowacji oraz zwiększeniu wpływu RFN na działania zewnętrzne UE. Jednym z priorytetowych obszarów stosowania tych instrumentów są dla Niemiec państwa Europy Wschodniej, Kaukazu Południowego i Azji Centralnej. Decydują o tym bliskość geograficzna i otwierające się rynki zbytu, konieczność modernizacji gospodarek tych krajów, zagrożenia dla „miękkiego” bezpieczeństwa RFN oraz rozwój relacji UE z tymi państwami. Niemiecka aktywność jest w tych krajach niezależna od sytuacji politycznej i stanowi długofalową strategię ugruntowującą pozycję RFN jako ich najważniejszego europejskiego partnera gospodarczego i politycznego.


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Throughout the twenty-first century the United States (U.S.) has attempted to balance its traditional national security interests, whilst also seeking to promote the long-term transformation of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) towards democracy based on liberal values. With the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks providing a catalyst for policy change, the U.S. has moved away from its twentieth-century policy of pursuing a regional status quo and instinctively balking at political change. Yet, the U.S. has not abandoned its reliance on autocratic regimes that cooperate on more immediate national security interests such as counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, and the free-flow energy sources into the global market. Rather, U.S. democracy promotion in the MENA has become incremental by design and is characterized by its gradualist and often collaborative nature. U.S. foreign policy in the MENA is, therefore, depicted by a cautious evolutionary stance rather than supporting revolutionary shifts in power.