989 resultados para Geological extrapolation
A new upper Miocene locality at Asseiceira (Rio Maior), near the top of the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" unit (Almoster and Santarém limestones) is studied. Animal and plant fossils are described. Comparisons are drawn to other localities related to the same unit: Freiria and Azambujeira (middle and upper levels, both with large mammals). Small mammals from Asseiceira and Freiria point out to a rather old age amidst the upper Vallesian, MN 10 mammal-unit. This gives a fairly accurate datation for the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" and for the short time span of the corresponding sedimentation. Climate was warm and quite dry, with contrasting seasons and arid events. During upper Vallesian times, climate in Iberian Peninsula was varied but drier than in France, and specially so in the inner basins. However in Portugal and in Catalonia climate would he less different in comparison with that of the Rhône basin. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário". Humid areas were closely surrounded by dense forests and these by broader and drier savanna or steppe areas. Still later, carbonate sedimentation ended. For some time there was still a river system with oxbows; humid areas probably were decreasing in favour of surrounding, rather dry environments. This study stressed the nced for revision of the geology of the region of Rio Maior and for a new geological mapping of that area. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário".
Onshore, the Piacenzian of the Mondego and Lower Tagus Tertiary basins comprises siliciclastic sediments deposited in shallow marine to continental environments. The outcrops of the deposits are relatively widespread in the Aveiro and Setúbal region. A lithostratigraphic synthesis based on the correlation of geological sections, is presented for the two basins. In general, the Piacenzian sediments display a regressive sucession. The Late Tortonian-Zanclean (?) confined drainage pattern changed at the beginning of Piazencian, to fluvial systems draining to the Atlantic, and capturing the drainage of the inner parts of the Hesperic Meseta. The Piacenzian sedimentary sequence post-dates one of the uprising phases during Neogene compression, recorded by a strong regional unconformity. Some local active faulting - as in Lousa, Rio Maior and Senibal- Pinhal Novo - allowed the local thickening of the sedimentary record. Later compressive tectonism continues to generate reverse faulting and diapiric reactivation, affecting those sediments. Currently, the Piacenzian deposits culminates the marginal piedmonts, widely eroded by the Quaternary fluvial dissection.
The Moncorvo Ordovician ironstones in northeastern Portugal consist of iron ore sedimentary horizons frequently interbanded with psamites and quartzites. Ore reserves may probably exceed 1 000 million tonnes and this makes Moncorvo the largest iron ore deposit in the European Union. Compact poorly banded massive layers may exceed 90 meters in thickness which is quite an extraordinary feature for a Phanerozoic deposit. If the thickness of Precambrian deposits may reach a few hundred meters, the thickness of Phanerozoic deposits never exceed a maximum of 15 meters generally forming a number of comparatively thin layers confined to a particular member of a sedimentary sequence. A detailed microscopic analysis of the ores revealed that initially a compact magnetite/quartzite layer, detrital in character (the magnetite occasionally showing chromite cores), was deposited by entrapment in near shore lagoons where rivers debouched, rather than in the open sea. This stage was followed by oscilating and transgressive shore lines which gave rise to breaks in sedimentation in combined river delta and shallow water marine environment where detrital material and fine iron oxide and clay suspensions were deposited in fluctuating environments. These events gave rise to layers of both magnetite (martite) and specularite intergrown with quartz, silicates and phosphates. Textural and mineralogical studies show that the deposits consist of ferruginous clastic sediments and are not chemically deposited cherts. Field, geological and palaeontological evidence also supports a detrital origin, the facies being typical of zones rich in oxygen and close to the feeding continent. The uncommon huge development of Moncorvo was due to the fact that the deposits occur in restricted basins on a continental platform were clastic sediments were predominantly deposited. Not only morphologically but also chemically the deposits are more similar to Precambrian iron formations than to Phanerozoic ironstones.
A detailed knowledge of the 3-D arrangement and lateral facies relationships of the stacking patterns in coastal deposits is essential to approach many geological problems such as precise tracing of sea level changes, particularly during small scale fluctuations. These are useful data regarding the geodynamic evolution of basin margins and yield profit in oil exploration. Sediment supply, wave-and tidal processes, coastal morphology, and accommodation space generated by eustasy and tectonics govern the highly variable architecture of sedimentary bodies deposited in coastal settings. But these parameters change with time, and erosional surfaces may play a prominent role in areas located towards land. Besides, lateral shift of erosional or even depositional loci very often results in destruction of large parts of the sediment record. Several case studies illustrate some commonly found arrangements of facies and their distinguishing features. The final aim is to get the best results from the sedimentological analysis of coastal units.
The Setúbal and São Vicente canyons are two major modern submarine canyons located in the southwest Iberian margin of Portugal. Although recognised as Pliocene to Quaternary features, their development during the Tertiary has not been fully understood up to date. A grid of 2D seismic data has been used to characterise the sedimentary deposits of the adjacent flanks to the submarine canyons. The relationship between the geological structure of the margin and the canyon's present location has been investigated. The interpretation of the main seismic units allowed the recognition of three generations of ravinements probably originated after middle Oligocene. Six units grouped in two distinctive seismic sequences have been identified and correlated with offshore stratigraphic data. Seismic Sequence 2 (SS2), the oldest, overlies Mesozoic and upper Eocene deformed units. Seismic Sequence I (SS1) is composed of four different seismic packages separated from SS2 by an erosional surface. The base of the studied sediment ridges is marked by an extensive erosional surface derived from a early/middle Oligocene relative sea-level fall. Deposition in the adjacent area to the actual canyons was reinitiated in late Oligocene in the form of transgressive and channel-fill deposits. A new depositional hiatus is recorded onshore during the Burdigalian, coincident with the unconformity separating SS1 and SS2. This can be correlated with the Arrábida unconformity and with the paroxysmal Burdigalian phase of the Betic domain. Presently, the Setúbal and São Vicente submarine canyons locally cut SS1 and SS2, forming distinctive channels from those recognised on the seismic data. On the upper shelf both dissect highly deformed areas subject to important erosion.
The chemical features of the ground water in the Lower Tagus Cenozoic deposits are strongly influenced by lithology, by the velocity and direction of the water movement as well as by the localization of the recharge and discharge zones. The mineralization varies between 80 and 900 mg/l. It is minimal in the recharge zones and in the Pliocene sand and maximum in the Miocene carbonated and along the alluvial valley. Mineralization always reflects the time of permanence, the temperature and the pressure. The natural process of water mineralization is disturbed in agricultural areas because the saline concentration of the infiltration water exceeds that of the infiltrated rainwater. In the discharge zones, the rise of the more mineralized, some times thermal deep waters related to tectonic accidents give rise to anomalies in the distribution of the aquiferous system mineralization model. The diversity of the hydrochemical facies of the ground water may be related to several factors whose identification is some times difficult.
The Chaves basin is a pull-apart tectonic depression implanted on granites, schists, and graywackes, and filled with a sedimentary sequence of variable thickness. It is a rather complex structure, as it includes an intricate network of faults and hydrogeological systems. The topography of the basement of the Chaves basin still remains unclear, as no drill hole has ever intersected the bottom of the sediments, and resistivity surveys suffer from severe equivalence issues resulting from the geological setting. In this work, a joint inversion approach of 1D resistivity and gravity data designed for layered environments is used to combine the consistent spatial distribution of the gravity data with the depth sensitivity of the resistivity data. A comparison between the results from the inversion of each data set individually and the results from the joint inversion show that although the joint inversion has more difficulty adjusting to the observed data, it provides more realistic and geologically meaningful models than the ones calculated by the inversion of each data set individually. This work provides a contribution for a better understanding of the Chaves basin, while using the opportunity to study further both the advantages and difficulties comprising the application of the method of joint inversion of gravity and resistivity data.
The geological sections studied at the São Gião sector (Cantanhede region) have allowed the establishment of a clear succession of ammonite associations during the Middle and Upper Toarcian (“Margas calcárias de São Gião” and “Calcários margosos de Póvoa da Lomba” Formations). The fossil collections were gathered over the last 40 years and, in spite of the apparent facies monotony, come from a thick and fossiliferous marly-limestone unit. The ammonite succession allows the establishment and/or verification of a certain number of biostratigraphical elements, of which are worthy of mention: – the tethyan character of the fauna from the Gradata to the Meneghinii Zones; this differentiation starts with the occurrence of Collina, Crassiceras and Furloceras of the Gradata Zone; – the succession of Osperleioceras, with the connection between the “caussenardes”(O. reynesi, O. authelini) forms and those from Algeria (O. nadorense, O. matteii), which is placed at the beginning of the Aalensis Zone; – the succession of Hammatoceratinae: H. roubanense (Gradata Z.), H. bonarellii (Bonarellii Z.), H. speciosum (Speciosum Sub-zone), followed by Crestaites meneghinii (Reynesi Sub-zone and Meneghinii Z.); Pseudaptetoceras appear next (Aalensis Zone). The dynamic evolution of the sector is characterized by the persistence of marly sedimentation during the Meneghinii Zone, in probable relation to the paleostructural play of the Arunca-Montemor meridian axis.
In this work, we present results from teleseismic P-wave receiver functions (PRFs) obtained in Portugal, Western Iberia. A dense seismic station deployment conducted between 2010 and 2012, in the scope of the WILAS project and covering the entire country, allowed the most spatially extensive probing on the bulk crustal seismic properties of Portugal up to date. The application of the H-κ stacking algorithm to the PRFs enabled us to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and the average crustal ratio of the P- and S-waves velocities V p/V s (κ) for the region. Observations of Moho conversions indicate that this interface is relatively smooth with the crustal thickness ranging between 24 and 34 km, with an average of 30 km. The highest V p/V s values are found on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic crust beneath the western and southern coastal domain of Portugal, whereas the lowest values correspond to Palaeozoic crust underlying the remaining part of the subject area. An average V p/V s is found to be 1.72, ranging 1.63-1.86 across the study area, indicating a predominantly felsic composition. Overall, we systematically observe a decrease of V p/V s with increasing crustal thickness. Taken as a whole, our results indicate a clear distinction between the geological zones of the Variscan Iberian Massif in Portugal, the overall shape of the anomalies conditioned by the shape of the Ibero-Armorican Arc, and associated Late Paleozoic suture zones, and the Meso-Cenozoic basin associated with Atlantic rifting stages. Thickened crust (30-34 km) across the studied region may be inherited from continental collision during the Paleozoic Variscan orogeny. An anomalous crustal thinning to around 28 km is observed beneath the central part of the Central Iberian Zone and the eastern part of South Portuguese Zone.
Since the XIX century, Portuguese and foreign geologists have defined 47 new invertebrate taxa (foraminifera, ostracods, coelenterates, brachiopods, gastropods, ammonoids, echinoids), 2 new fossil plant taxa (charophyte and pteridophyte) and 1 ichnofossil, using toponymy from the Algarve; these taxa refer to 1 genera, 47 species and 2 varieties. Besides the Algarve toponym, the most used as specific name, twenty others have been used, mostly from western Algarve; these toponyms are associated to: – Miocene units, particularly from Ribeira de Cacela and Ferragudo; – Cretaceous units between Zavial and Marim; – Upper Jurassic units from Sagres, Carrapateira and Loulé and Middle Jurassic units from Sagres and Guilhim; – Triassic units from Vila do Bispo to Tavira; – Carboniferous units, particularly from the Aljezur-Bordeira-Carrapateira region. The earliest of these designations were attributed to seven gastropods from the Upper Miocene of Cacela (COSTA, 1866-1867). The majority of the named species are typical of the Algarve, but some have been collected, as well, in the Lusitanian Basin. Although extensively cited in the geological literature, some of these taxa either do not fulfill the ICZN rules, or fall into synonymy with previously established taxa, or should be formally considered as non valid names (nomem nudum and nomen oblitum). Only widespread bibliographical review, associated with the palaeontological revision of some of these groups and the correct interpretation of the ICZN articles, will allow confirming, or not, the doubts that have now arisen.
Shelves surrounding reefless volcanic ocean islands are formed by surf erosion of their slopes during changing sea levels. Posterosional lava flows, if abundant, can cross the coastal cliffs and fill partially or completely the accommodation space left by erosion. In this study, multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, and sediment samples are used to characterize the morphology of the insular shelves adjacent to Pico Island. The data show offshore fresh lava flow morphologies, as well as an irregular basement beneath shelf sedimentary bodies and reduced shelf width adjacent to older volcanic edifices in Pico. These observations suggest that these shelves have been significantly filled by volcanic progradation and can thus be classified as rejuvenated. Despite the general volcanic infilling of the shelves around Pico, most of their edges are below the depth of the Last Glacial Maximum, revealing that at least parts of the island have subsided after the shelves formed by surf erosion. Prograding lava deltas reached the shelf edge in some areas triggering small slope failures, locally decreasing the shelf width and depth of their edges. These areas can represent a significant risk for the local population; hence, their identification can be useful for hazard assessment and contribute to wiser land use planning. Shelf and subaerial geomorphology, magnetic anomalies and crustal structure data of the two islands were also interpreted to reconstruct the long-term combined onshore and offshore evolution of the Faial-Pico ridge. The subaerial emergence of this ridge is apparently older than previously thought, i.e., before approximate to 850 ka.
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Este trabalho centra-se no estudo do aproveitamento expectável do maciço rochoso da pedreira da Curviã N.o 2 (Joane, Vila Nova de Famalicão, no N Portugal), através da obtenção de um bloco unitário tipo que forneça indicações para a exploração do recurso geológico para fins industriais e/ou ornamentais. Desta forma, investiga-se se num dado limite de zona geotécnica do maciço rochoso e propicio a obtenção de blocos com dimensão, avaliados apos o processo de transformação, nomeadamente, para enrocamento em obras marítimas ou balastro em obras ferroviárias. Foram seleccionados diversos afloramentos, tendo-se recorrido a técnica de amostragem linear as superfícies expostas do maciço. Esta técnica e uma das formas mais expeditas de coligir dados geológico-geotécnicos relativos as descontinuidades. Procedeu-se, ainda, a um tratamento estatístico das descontinuidades, bem como dos parâmetros geológico-geotécnicos e geomecânicos a estas associadas, propostos pela Sociedade Internacional de Mecânica das Rochas (ISRM). Todos os dados foram representados cartograficamente numa base apoiada pelos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e utilizadas as ferramentas de geologia estrutural, analise morfotectónica, modelação digital de terreno e cartografia de zonamento geotécnico. O zonamento geotécnico do maciço granítico foi realizado sempre em estreita ligação com o conhecimento das características do maciço ”in situ”. Pretende-se que esta metodologia contribua para um melhor conhecimento da compartimentação dos maciços rochosos em geral e, em particular, do modelo geotécnico comportamental do maciço rochoso da Curviã N.o2.
Geociências, Museu Nac. Hist. Nat. Univ. Lisboa, nº 2, 35-84
Este estudo centra-se na temática da perfuração de maciços rochosos. A perfuração, dependendo do seu objectivo, diâmetro e comprimento, tem um vasto leque de aplicações incluindo a perfuração para o desmonte com explosivos e colocação de elementos de contenção. Este estudo esta focado na perfuração, tendo normalmente um papel preponderante no rendimento dos ciclos de trabalho em que esta inserida. O processo de perfuração implica uma estreita interacção das ferramentas de perfuração com maciço rochoso a perfurar, como tal um conhecimento rigoroso dos parâmetros geológicos, geotécnicos, geomecânicos do maciço rochoso e preponderante para auxiliar a gestão, do ponto de vista técnico-económico, da operação de perfuração. Este estudo tem como principal objectivo a optimização técnico-económica desta operação através da introdução de processos baseados nas boas práticas de engenharia na perfuração de maciços rochosos, nomeadamente a definição e introdução do processo de afiação dos bits no ciclo de perfuração. Na caracterização do maciço rochoso, para além da pesquisa e recolha bibliográfica pretende-se recorrer a ensaios ”in situ” e laboratoriais que permitam obter informacao útil para a avaliação da perfurabilidade e abrasividade do maciço rochoso.