941 resultados para Geodynamic constraints


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Data presented in the paper suggest significant differences between thermodynamic conditions, under which magmatic complexes were formed in MAR at 29°-34°N and 12°-18°N. Melts occurring at 29°-34°N were derived by melting of a mantle source with homogeneous distribution of volatile components and arrived at the surface without significant fractionation, likely, due to their rapid ascent. The MAR segments between 12° and 18°N combine contrasting geodynamic environments of magmatism, which predetermined development of a large plume region with widespread mixing of melting products of geochemically distinct mantle sources. At the same time, this region is characterized by conditions favorable for origin of localized zones of anomalous plume magmatism. These sporadic magmatic sources were spatially restricted to MAR fragments with the Hess crust, whose compositional and mechanical properties were, perhaps, favorable for focusing and localization of plume magmatism. The plume source between 12° and 18°N beneath MAR may be geochemically heterogeneous.


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The monograph summarizes results of petrological and geochemical studies of rocks from the ocean floor collected by the authors during expeditions to the Central Atlantic. Detailed work in the Capa Verde transform fault zone gave a large amount of new information about magmatic and hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.


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A large fragment of a paleovolcano of Silurian to Early Devonian age was discovered in the Voikar volcanic belt suggesting an ensimatic island are as its geodynamic environment. Formationally, the rocks under study are comparable to Pleistocene island arc volcanites and their paleo-analogues. The volcanites of the Toupugol complex underwent strong hydrothermal-metasomatic alteration: propylites, acid metasomatic rocks and quartz-carbonate veins, which must have resulted from hydrothermal-metasomatic alteration of andesitoids. Both volcanites and apovolcanic hydrothermal rocks in Toupugol were found to host noble metal mineralisation. It is found in close association with sulphides, particularly pyrite. Free gold was discovered in all investigated volcanites and hydrothermal rocks and is characterised by low mercury content and an unusual set of microimpurities (Pt, Pd, Cu, Fe, S) suggesting its links to the mantle substrate.


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Knowing the extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is crucial for initiating and calibrating numerical ice sheet models that can predict future ice-sheet change and contributions to sea level. However, empirical data are lacking for key areas of outer continental shelves, where the LGM-WAIS must have terminated. We present detailed marine geophysical and geological data documenting an up to ~12 m-thick sequence of glaciomarine sediments within a relict glacial trough in the outer parts of the Amundsen Sea Embayment. Continuous deposition must have persisted here since at least >40 ka BP, pre-dating the established LGM by >13,000 years. Observations constrain the LGM grounding line to a distinct grounding-zone wedge ~100 km inland from the continental shelf edge. Thus, a substantial shelf area (~6000 km**2) remained ice free through the last glacial cycle.