996 resultados para Genome dynamics
In the present paper, we announce new draft genomes of four Leptospira interrogans strains named Acegua, RCA, Prea, and Capivara. These strains were isolated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from cattle, dog, Brazilian guinea pig, and capybara, respectively.
Acinetobacter baumannii, a strictly aerobic, non-fermentative, Gram-negative coccobacillary rod-shaped bacterium, is an opportunistic pathogen in humans. We recently isolated a multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strain KBN10P02143 from the pus sample drawn from a surgical patient in South Korea. We report the complete genome of this strain, which consists of 4,139,396 bp (G + C content, 39.08%) with 3,868 protein-coding genes, 73 tRNAs and six rRNA operons. Identification of the genes related to multidrug resistance from this genome and the discovery of a novel conjugative plasmid will increase our understanding of the pathogenicity associated with this species.
Le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale représente une des principales transitions évolutives. La socialité a évolué au sein de plusieurs taxons du règne animal et notamment chez les insectes sociaux qui ont atteint son niveau le plus élevé : l'eusocialité. Les colonies d'insectes sociaux se composent d'une reine, qui monopolise la reproduction, et d'ouvrières, non-reproductrices ou parfois stériles, qui aident à élever la descendance de la reine. Selon la théorie de la sélection de parentèle, les ouvrières augmentent leur fitness (succès reproducteur) non pas à travers leur propre progéniture, mais en aidant des individus apparentés (leur reine) à produire davantage de descendants. Cette théorie prédit ainsi que les ouvrières ont un intérêt à rester fidèles à leur nid natal. Toutefois, chez la guêpe tropicale Polistes canadensis, de nombreuse ouvrières visitent d'autres nids que leur nid natal : un phénomène appelé « dérive des ouvrières ». Le but de ce doctorat est ainsi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans ce comportement particulier des ouvrières ainsi que ces implications pour la théorie de la sélection de parentèle. Nous avons examiné le comportement de dérive des ouvrières à travers une étude des dynamiques sociales chez la guêpe tropicale P. canadensis. Mes résultats montrent que les populations de P. canadensis se composent en différentes agrégations de nids. Malgré de précédentes suggestions, on n'observe qu'une faible viscosité génétique au sein des populations de P. canadensis étudiées. On retrouve toutefois un degré d'apparentement entre nids d'une même agrégation. Ceci suggère que les ouvrières dériveuses sont susceptibles de bénéficier de fitness indirect en aidant les nids proches géographiquement. De plus, ces échanges d'ouvrières ne semblent pas accidentels puisque l'on constate des variations de taux de dérive et puisque les déplacements observés entre nids persistent sur plusieurs périodes de temps. La charge de travail, qui correspond aux différences d'effort de fourragement entre nid visités et natals, est décrite dans notre étude comme potentiel facteur expliquant le comportement de dérive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis. Nos expériences de retrait d'ouvrières et de couvain ont révélées que les dériveuses ne semblent pas répondre aux changements de besoins en aide des nids visités. Les ouvrières dériveuses biaisent leur effort en aidant leur propre nid, par lequel elles bénéficient le plus en termes de fitness indirect, avant de se consacrer à tout autre nid. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats sur la dérive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis sont cohérents et suggèrent que ce comportement est une importante stratégie de reproduction alternative chez cette espèce qui contribue à la fitness indirecte de ces ouvrières non-reproductrices. De plus, ce doctorat apporte des informations sur la structure génétique des populations de guêpes Polistes et décrit le rôle des ouvrières inactives. Celles-ci semblent servir de réserve en ouvrières apportant du support à la colonie dans l'éventualité d'une perte d'individus. Plus généralement, ce travail met l'accent sur l'organisation complexe et l'adaptabilité des individus dans les sociétés d'insectes. - One major transition in evolution is the shift from solitary to social life. Sociality has evolved in a few taxa of the animal kingdom, most notably in the social insects which have achieved the highest level of sociality: eusociality. Colonies of social insects are formed by a reproductive queen, and many non-reproductive or sterile workers who help raise their mother queen's offspring. Kin selection theory explains worker behaviour in terms of the indirect fitness they gain from raising non-offspring kin. It therefore predicts that workers should stay faithful to their natal nests, to which they are the more related. However, in the tropical paper wasps Polistes canadensis, high levels of nest-drifting, whereby workers spend time on other neighbouring nests, has been reported. This PhD aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in this peculiar behaviour as well as its implications for kin selection theory. I examined nest-drifting through the study of the social dynamics of the tropical paper wasp P. canadensis. My results showed that populations of this species of paper wasps are composed of different aggregations of nests. The studied populations showed little limited dispersal (viscosity), despite previous suggestion, but nests within these aggregations were more related to each other than nests outside of aggregations. This suggested that drifters may benefit from indirect fitness when helping on neighbouring nests. Drifting was unlikely to be accidental since we found drifting patterns at various rates and consistently over several time periods during monitoring. Workload (differences in colony-level foraging effort) was also a potential factor explaining nest-drifting in P. canadensis. Worker and brood removal experiments revealed that drifters do not respond to any changes in the need for help in the non-natal nests they visit. Drifters thus bias their help in their natal nests, from which they may benefit the most in terms of indirect fitness, before investing in others. Altogether, these results on nest-drifting in P. canadensis are consistent and suggest that nest-drifting is an important alternative reproductive strategy, contributing to the indirect fitness benefits gained by non-reproductive wasps. Additionally, this PhD provides information on the genetic structure of paper wasps' populations and demonstrates the role of inactive or lazy wasps as a "reserve worker force", which provides resilience to the colony in the event of worker mortality. More generally, this work further highlights the complex organization and adaptability of individuals in insect societies.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: An improved understanding of how recombination affects the evolutionary history of HIV is crucial to understand its current and future evolution. The present review aims to disentangle the manifold effects of recombination on HIV by discussing its effects on the evolutionary history and the adaptive potential of HIV in the context of concepts from evolutionary genetics and genomics. RECENT FINDINGS: The increasing occurrence of secondary contacts between divergent subtype populations (during coinfection) results in increased observations of recombinants worldwide. Recombination is heterogeneous along the HIV genome. Consequences of recombination of HIV evolution are, in combination with other demographic processes, expected to either homogenize the genetic composition of HIV populations (homogenization) or provide the potential for novel adaptations (diversification). New methods in population genomics allow deep characterization of recombinant genome (the segment composition and origin) and their evolutionary trajectories. SUMMARY: HIV recombinants increase worldwide and invade geographical regions where pure subtypes were previously predominant. This trend is expected to continue in the future, as ease to travel worldwide increases opportunities for recombination between divergent HIV strains. While the effects of recombination in HIV are much researched, more effort is required to characterize current HIV recombinant composition and dynamics. This can be achieved with new population genetic and genomic methods.
Polymorphisms in IL28B were shown to affect clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Only a fraction of patients with chronic HCV infection develop liver fibrosis, a process that might also be affected by genetic factors. We performed a 2-stage GWA study of liver fibrosis progression related to HCV infection. We studied well-characterized HCV-infected patients of European descent who underwent liver biopsies before treatment. We defined various liver fibrosis phenotypes on the basis of METAVIR scores, with and without taking the duration of HCV infection into account. Our GWA analyses were conducted on a filtered primary cohort of 1161 patients using 780,650 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We genotyped 96 SNPs with P values <5 × 10(-5) from an independent replication cohort of 962 patients. We then assessed the most interesting replicated SNPs using DNA samples collected from 219 patients who participated in separate GWA studies of HCV clearance. In the combined cohort of 2342 HCV-infected patients, the SNPs rs16851720 (in the total sample) and rs4374383 (in patients who received blood transfusions) were associated with fibrosis progression (P(combined) = 8.9 × 10(-9) and 1.1 × 10(-9), respectively). The SNP rs16851720 is located within RNF7, which encodes an antioxidant that protects against apoptosis. The SNP rs4374383, together with another replicated SNP, rs9380516 (P(combined) = 5.4 × 10(-7)), were linked to the functionally related genes MERTK and TULP1, which encode factors involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. Our GWA study identified several susceptibility loci for HCV-induced liver fibrosis; these were linked to genes that regulate apoptosis. Apoptotic control might therefore be involved in liver fibrosis.
The objective the present research is try to find some control design strategies, which must be effective and closed to the real operation conditions. As a novel contribution to structural control strategies, the theories of Interval Modal Arithmetic, Backstepping Control and QFT (Qualitative Feedback Theory) will be studied. The steps to follow are to develop first new controllers based on the above theories and then to implement the proposed control strategies to different kind of structures. The report is organized as follows. The Chapter 2 presents the state-of-the-art on structural control systems. The chapter 3 presents the most important open problems found in field of structural control. The exploratory work made by the author, research proposal and working plan are given in the Chapter 4
Polysaccharide sidechains attached to proteins play important roles in cell-cell and receptor-ligand interactions. Variation in the carbohydrate component has been extensively studied for the iron transport protein transferrin, because serum levels of the transferrin isoforms asialotransferrin + disialotransferrin (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, CDT) are used as biomarkers of excessive alcohol intake. We conducted a genome-wide association study to assess whether genetic factors affect CDT concentration in serum. CDT was measured in three population-based studies: one in Switzerland (CoLaus study, n = 5181) and two in Australia (n = 1509, n = 775). The first cohort was used as the discovery panel and the latter ones served as replication. Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing data were used to identify loci with significant associations with CDT as a percentage of total transferrin (CDT%). The top three SNPs in the discovery panel (rs2749097 near PGM1 on chromosome 1, and missense polymorphisms rs1049296, rs1799899 in TF on chromosome 3) were successfully replicated , yielding genome-wide significant combined association with CDT% (P = 1.9 × 10(-9), 4 × 10(-39), 5.5 × 10(-43), respectively) and explain 5.8% of the variation in CDT%. These allelic effects are postulated to be caused by variation in availability of glucose-1-phosphate as a precursor of the glycan (PGM1), and variation in transferrin (TF) structure.
We developed a procedure that combines three complementary computational methodologies to improve the theoretical description of the electronic structure of nickel oxide. The starting point is a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation to incorporate vibrorotational degrees of freedom into the material model. By means ofcomplete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) calculations on embedded clusters extracted from the resulting trajectory, we describe localized spectroscopic phenomena on NiO with an efficient treatment of electron correlation. The inclusion of thermal motion into the theoretical description allowsus to study electronic transitions that, otherwise, would be dipole forbidden in the ideal structure and results in a natural reproduction of the band broadening. Moreover, we improved the embedded cluster model by incorporating self-consistently at the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) level a discrete (or direct) reaction field (DRF) in the cluster surroundings. The DRF approach offers an efficient treatment ofelectric response effects of the crystalline embedding to the electronic transitions localized in the cluster. We offer accurate theoretical estimates of the absorption spectrum and the density of states around the Fermi level of NiO, and a comprehensive explanation of the source of the broadening and the relaxation of the charge transferstates due to the adaptation of the environment
Alfacs and Fangar Bay in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean are the major sites in Catalonia for shellfish cultivation. These bays are subject to occasional closures in shellfish harvesting due to the presence of phycotoxins. Fish kills have also been associated with harmful algal blooms. The comparison of phytoplankton dynamics in both bays offers the opportunity to reveal differences in bloom patterns of species known to be harmful for the ecosystem and aquaculture activities. Field research is underway under the GEOHAB framework within the Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. The overall objective of this study is to improve our understanding of HAB biogeographical patterns, and key elements driving bloom dynamics in time and space within these semi-constrained embayments. Via the comparative approach we aim to improve the prediction for monitoring purposes, with a focus on Karlodinium spp. associated with massive kills of aquaculture species. This objective is addressed by incorporating long-term time series of phytoplankton identification and enumeration with the first results of recent field work in both bays. The latter includes the application of optical sensors, to yield a complementary view with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of bloom phenomena.
We present a detailed analytical and numerical study of the avalanche distributions of the continuous damage fiber bundle model CDFBM . Linearly elastic fibers undergo a series of partial failure events which give rise to a gradual degradation of their stiffness. We show that the model reproduces a wide range of mechanical behaviors. We find that macroscopic hardening and plastic responses are characterized by avalanche distributions, which exhibit an algebraic decay with exponents between 5/2 and 2 different from those observed in mean-field fiber bundle models. We also derive analytically the phase diagram of a family of CDFBM which covers a large variety of potential avalanche size distributions. Our results provide a unified view of the statistics of breaking avalanches in fiber bundle models
Implementació d'una interfície per a dur un control de traçabilitat de diversos productes, mitjançant el codi d'article i el número de lot. Obtenint així la història d'aquests, és a dir, obtenint informació sobre l'origen, el destí i els processos de transformació que han sofert.
Climate change poses a serious threat to species persistence. Effective modelling of evolutionary responses to rapid climate change is therefore essential. In this review we examine recent advances in phylogenetic comparative methods, techniques normally used to study adaptation over long periods, which allow them to be applied to the study of adaptation over shorter time scales. This increased applicability is largely due to the emergence of more flexible models of character evolution and the parallel development of molecular technologies that can be used to assess adaptive variation at loci scattered across the genome. The merging of phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to the study of adaptation has significant potential to advance our understanding of rapid responses to environmental change.
Epidemiological studies have recognized a genetic diathesis for suicidal behavior, which is independent of other psychiatric disorders. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on suicide attempt (SA) and ideation have failed to identify specific genetic variants. Here, we conduct further GWAS and for the first time, use polygenic score analysis in cohorts of patients with mood disorders, to test for common genetic variants for mood disorders and suicide phenotypes. Genome-wide studies for SA were conducted in the RADIANT and GSK-Munich recurrent depression samples and London Bipolar Affective Disorder Case-Control Study (BACCs) then meta-analysis was performed. A GWAS on suicidal ideation during antidepressant treatment had previously been conducted in the Genome Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP) study. We derived polygenic scores from each sample and tested their ability to predict SA in the mood disorder cohorts or ideation status in the GENDEP study. Polygenic scores for major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium were used to investigate pleiotropy between psychiatric disorders and suicide phenotypes. No significant evidence for association was detected at any SNP in GWAS or meta-analysis. Polygenic scores for major depressive disorder significantly predicted suicidal ideation in the GENDEP pharmacogenetics study and also predicted SA in a combined validation dataset. Polygenic scores for SA showed no predictive ability for suicidal ideation. Polygenic score analysis suggests pleiotropy between psychiatric disorders and suicidal ideation whereas the tendency to act on such thoughts may have a partially independent genetic diathesis. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Cell-free translation of total RNA isolated from vaccinia virus-infected cells late in infection results in a complex mixture of polypeptides. A monospecific antibody directed against one of the major structural proteins of the virus particle immunoprecipitated a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 11,000 (11K) from this mixture. Immunoprecipitation was therefore used to identify the structural polypeptide among the in vitro translation products of RNA purified by hybridization selection to restriction fragments of the vaccinia virus genome. This allowed us to map the mRNA coding for the 11K polypeptide to the extreme left-hand end of the HindIII E fragment. Detailed transcriptional mapping of this region of the genome by nuclease S1 analysis revealed the presence of a late RNA transcribed from the rightward-reading strand. Its 5' end mapped at ca. 130 base pairs to the left of the HindIII site at the junction between the HindIII F and E fragments. The map position of this RNA coincided precisely with the map position of the late message coding for the 11K polypeptide.
The exceptional genomic content and genome organization of the Acidianus filamentous virus 1 (AFV1) that infects the hyperthermophilic archaeon Acidianus hospitalis suggest that this virus might exploit an unusual mechanism of genome replication. An analysis of replicative intermediates of the viral genome by two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that viral genome replication starts by the formation of a D-loop and proceeds via strand displacement replication. Characterization of replicative intermediates using dark-field electron microscopy, in combination with the 2D agarose gel electrophoresis data, suggests that recombination plays a key role in the termination of AFV1 genome replication through the formation of terminal loops. A terminal protein was found to be attached to the ends of the viral genome. The results allow us to postulate a model of genome replication that relies on recombination events for initiation and termination.