890 resultados para Fusion of multiple images


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Segmentation of medical imagery is a challenging problem due to the complexity of the images, as well as to the absence of models of the anatomy that fully capture the possible deformations in each structure. Brain tissue is a particularly complex structure, and its segmentation is an important step for studies in temporal change detection of morphology, as well as for 3D visualization in surgical planning. In this paper, we present a method for segmentation of brain tissue from magnetic resonance images that is a combination of three existing techniques from the Computer Vision literature: EM segmentation, binary morphology, and active contour models. Each of these techniques has been customized for the problem of brain tissue segmentation in a way that the resultant method is more robust than its components. Finally, we present the results of a parallel implementation of this method on IBM's supercomputer Power Visualization System for a database of 20 brain scans each with 256x256x124 voxels and validate those against segmentations generated by neuroanatomy experts.


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L'increment de bases de dades que cada vegada contenen imatges més difícils i amb un nombre més elevat de categories, està forçant el desenvolupament de tècniques de representació d'imatges que siguin discriminatives quan es vol treballar amb múltiples classes i d'algorismes que siguin eficients en l'aprenentatge i classificació. Aquesta tesi explora el problema de classificar les imatges segons l'objecte que contenen quan es disposa d'un gran nombre de categories. Primerament s'investiga com un sistema híbrid format per un model generatiu i un model discriminatiu pot beneficiar la tasca de classificació d'imatges on el nivell d'anotació humà sigui mínim. Per aquesta tasca introduïm un nou vocabulari utilitzant una representació densa de descriptors color-SIFT, i desprès s'investiga com els diferents paràmetres afecten la classificació final. Tot seguit es proposa un mètode par tal d'incorporar informació espacial amb el sistema híbrid, mostrant que la informació de context es de gran ajuda per la classificació d'imatges. Desprès introduïm un nou descriptor de forma que representa la imatge segons la seva forma local i la seva forma espacial, tot junt amb un kernel que incorpora aquesta informació espacial en forma piramidal. La forma es representada per un vector compacte obtenint un descriptor molt adequat per ésser utilitzat amb algorismes d'aprenentatge amb kernels. Els experiments realitzats postren que aquesta informació de forma te uns resultats semblants (i a vegades millors) als descriptors basats en aparença. També s'investiga com diferents característiques es poden combinar per ésser utilitzades en la classificació d'imatges i es mostra com el descriptor de forma proposat juntament amb un descriptor d'aparença millora substancialment la classificació. Finalment es descriu un algoritme que detecta les regions d'interès automàticament durant l'entrenament i la classificació. Això proporciona un mètode per inhibir el fons de la imatge i afegeix invariança a la posició dels objectes dins les imatges. S'ensenya que la forma i l'aparença sobre aquesta regió d'interès i utilitzant els classificadors random forests millora la classificació i el temps computacional. Es comparen els postres resultats amb resultats de la literatura utilitzant les mateixes bases de dades que els autors Aixa com els mateixos protocols d'aprenentatge i classificació. Es veu com totes les innovacions introduïdes incrementen la classificació final de les imatges.


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Tidal channel networks play an important role in the intertidal zone, exerting substantial control over the hydrodynamics and sediment transport of the region and hence over the evolution of the salt marshes and tidal flats. The study of the morphodynamics of tidal channels is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories have been proposed which require for their validation measurement of channels over extensive areas. Remotely sensed data provide a suitable means for such channel mapping. The paper describes a technique that may be adapted to extract tidal channels from either aerial photographs or LiDAR data separately, or from both types of data used together in a fusion approach. Application of the technique to channel extraction from LiDAR data has been described previously. However, aerial photographs of intertidal zones are much more commonly available than LiDAR data, and most LiDAR flights now involve acquisition of multispectral images to complement the LiDAR data. In view of this, the paper investigates the use of multispectral data for semiautomatic identification of tidal channels, firstly from only aerial photographs or linescanner data, and secondly from fused linescanner and LiDAR data sets. A multi-level, knowledge-based approach is employed. The algorithm based on aerial photography can achieve a useful channel extraction, though may fail to detect some of the smaller channels, partly because the spectral response of parts of the non-channel areas may be similar to that of the channels. The algorithm for channel extraction from fused LiDAR and spectral data gives an increased accuracy, though only slightly higher than that obtained using LiDAR data alone. The results illustrate the difficulty of developing a fully automated method, and justify the semi-automatic approach adopted.


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A range of funding schemes and policy instruments exist to effect enhancement of the landscapes and habitats of the UK. While a number of assessments of these mechanisms have been conducted, little research has been undertaken to compare both quantitatively and qualitatively their relative effectiveness across a range of criteria. It is argued that few tools are available for such a multi-faceted evaluation of effectiveness. A form of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is justified and utilized as a framework in which to evaluate the effectiveness of nine mechanisms in relation to the protection of existing areas of chalk grassland and the creation of new areas in the South Downs of England. These include established schemes, such as the Countryside Stewardship and Environmentally Sensitive Area Schemes, along with other less common mechanisms, for example, land purchase and tender schemes. The steps involved in applying an MCDA to evaluate such mechanisms are identified and the process is described. Quantitative results from the comparison of the effectiveness of different mechanisms are presented, although the broader aim of the paper is that of demonstrating the performance of MCDA as a tool for measuring the effectiveness of mechanisms aimed at landscape and habitat enhancement.


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This paper investigates detection of architectural distortion in mammographic images using support vector machine. Hausdorff dimension is used to characterise the texture feature of mammographic images. Support vector machine, a learning machine based on statistical learning theory, is trained through supervised learning to detect architectural distortion. Compared to the Radial Basis Function neural networks, SVM produced more accurate classification results in distinguishing architectural distortion abnormality from normal breast parenchyma.


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The evaluation of EU policy in the area of rural land use management often encounters problems of multiple and poorly articulated objectives. Agri-environmental policy has a range of aims, including natural resource protection, biodiversity conservation and the protection and enhancement of landscape quality. Forestry policy, in addition to production and environmental objectives, increasingly has social aims, including enhancement of human health and wellbeing, lifelong learning, and the cultural and amenity value of the landscape. Many of these aims are intangible, making them hard to define and quantify. This article describes two approaches for dealing with such situations, both of which rely on substantial participation by stakeholders. The first is the Agri-Environment Footprint Index, a form of multi-criteria participatory approach. The other, applied here to forestry, has been the development of ‘multi-purpose’ approaches to evaluation, which respond to the diverse needs of stakeholders through the use of mixed methods and a broad suite of indicators, selected through a participatory process. Each makes use of case studies and involves stakeholders in the evaluation process, thereby enhancing their commitment to the programmes and increasing their sustainability. Both also demonstrate more ‘holistic’ approaches to evaluation than the formal methods prescribed in the EU Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.


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Although extensively studied within the lidar community, the multiple scattering phenomenon has always been considered a rare curiosity by radar meteorologists. Up to few years ago its appearance has only been associated with two- or three-body-scattering features (e.g. hail flares and mirror images) involving highly reflective surfaces. Recent atmospheric research aimed at better understanding of the water cycle and the role played by clouds and precipitation in affecting the Earth's climate has driven the deployment of high frequency radars in space. Examples are the TRMM 13.5 GHz, the CloudSat 94 GHz, the upcoming EarthCARE 94 GHz, and the GPM dual 13-35 GHz radars. These systems are able to detect the vertical distribution of hydrometeors and thus provide crucial feedbacks for radiation and climate studies. The shift towards higher frequencies increases the sensitivity to hydrometeors, improves the spatial resolution and reduces the size and weight of the radar systems. On the other hand, higher frequency radars are affected by stronger extinction, especially in the presence of large precipitating particles (e.g. raindrops or hail particles), which may eventually drive the signal below the minimum detection threshold. In such circumstances the interpretation of the radar equation via the single scattering approximation may be problematic. Errors will be large when the radiation emitted from the radar after interacting more than once with the medium still contributes substantially to the received power. This is the case if the transport mean-free-path becomes comparable with the instrument footprint (determined by the antenna beam-width and the platform altitude). This situation resembles to what has already been experienced in lidar observations, but with a predominance of wide- versus small-angle scattering events. At millimeter wavelengths, hydrometeors diffuse radiation rather isotropically compared to the visible or near infrared region where scattering is predominantly in the forward direction. A complete understanding of radiation transport modeling and data analysis methods under wide-angle multiple scattering conditions is mandatory for a correct interpretation of echoes observed by space-borne millimeter radars. This paper reviews the status of research in this field. Different numerical techniques currently implemented to account for higher order scattering are reviewed and their weaknesses and strengths highlighted. Examples of simulated radar backscattering profiles are provided with particular emphasis given to situations in which the multiple scattering contributions become comparable or overwhelm the single scattering signal. We show evidences of multiple scattering effects from air-borne and from CloudSat observations, i.e. unique signatures which cannot be explained by single scattering theory. Ideas how to identify and tackle the multiple scattering effects are discussed. Finally perspectives and suggestions for future work are outlined. This work represents a reference-guide for studies focused at modeling the radiation transport and at interpreting data from high frequency space-borne radar systems that probe highly opaque scattering media such as thick ice clouds or precipitating clouds.


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The interaction between pentagalloyl glucose (PGG) and two globular proteins, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco), was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). ITC data fit to a binding model consisting of two sets of multiple binding sites, which reveal similarities in the mode of binding of PGG to BSA and rubisco. In both cases, the interaction is characterized by a high number of binding sites, which suggests that binding occurs by a surface adsorption mechanism that leads to coating of the protein surface, which promotes aggregation and precipitation of the PGG-protein complex. This model was confirmed by turbidimetry analysis of the PGG-BSA interaction. Analysis of tryptophan fluorescence quenching during the interaction of PGG with BSA suggests that binding of PGG leads to some conformational changes that are energetically closer to the unfolded state of the BSA structure, because small red shifts in the resulting emission spectra were observed.


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This paper contributes to a fast growing literature which introduces game theory in the analysis of real option investments in a competitive setting. Specifically, in this paper we focus on the issue of multiple equilibria and on the implications that different equilibrium selections may have for the pricing of real options and for subsequent strategic decisions. We present some theoretical results of the necessary conditions to have multiple equilibria and we show under which conditions different tie-breaking rules result in different economic decisions. We then present a numerical exercise using the in formation set obtained on a real estate development in South London. We find that risk aversion reduces option value and this reduction decreases marginally as negative externalities decrease.


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Motivation: Modelling the 3D structures of proteins can often be enhanced if more than one fold template is used during the modelling process. However, in many cases, this may also result in poorer model quality for a given target or alignment method. There is a need for modelling protocols that can both consistently and significantly improve 3D models and provide an indication of when models might not benefit from the use of multiple target-template alignments. Here, we investigate the use of both global and local model quality prediction scores produced by ModFOLDclust2, to improve the selection of target-template alignments for the construction of multiple-template models. Additionally, we evaluate clustering the resulting population of multi- and single-template models for the improvement of our IntFOLD-TS tertiary structure prediction method. Results: We find that using accurate local model quality scores to guide alignment selection is the most consistent way to significantly improve models for each of the sequence to structure alignment methods tested. In addition, using accurate global model quality for re-ranking alignments, prior to selection, further improves the majority of multi-template modelling methods tested. Furthermore, subsequent clustering of the resulting population of multiple-template models significantly improves the quality of selected models compared with the previous version of our tertiary structure prediction method, IntFOLD-TS.


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We address the problem of automatically identifying and restoring damaged and contaminated images. We suggest a novel approach based on a semi-parametric model. This has two components, a parametric component describing known physical characteristics and a more flexible non-parametric component. The latter avoids the need for a detailed model for the sensor, which is often costly to produce and lacking in robustness. We assess our approach using an analysis of electroencephalographic images contaminated by eye-blink artefacts and highly damaged photographs contaminated by non-uniform lighting. These experiments show that our approach provides an effective solution to problems of this type.


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The authors examined avoidance personal goals as concurrent (Study 1) and longitudinal (Study 2) predictors of multiple aspects of well-being in the United States and Japan. In both studies, participants adopted more avoidance personal goals in Japan relative to the United States. Both studies also demonstrated that avoidance personal goals were significant negative predictors of the most relevant aspects of well-being in each culture. Specifically, avoidance personal goals were negative predictors of intrapersonal and eudaimonic well-being in the United States and were negative predictors of interpersonal and eudaimonic well-being in Japan. The findings clarify and extend puzzling findings from prior empirical work in this area, and raise provocative possibilities about the nature of avoidance goal pursuit.


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Among existing remote sensing applications, land-based X-band radar is an effective technique to monitor the wave fields, and spatial wave information could be obtained from the radar images. Two-dimensional Fourier Transform (2-D FT) is the common algorithm to derive the spectra of radar images. However, the wave field in the nearshore area is highly non-homogeneous due to wave refraction, shoaling, and other coastal mechanisms. When applied in nearshore radar images, 2-D FT would lead to ambiguity of wave characteristics in wave number domain. In this article, we introduce two-dimensional Wavelet Transform (2-D WT) to capture the non-homogeneity of wave fields from nearshore radar images. The results show that wave number spectra by 2-D WT at six parallel space locations in the given image clearly present the shoaling of nearshore waves. Wave number of the peak wave energy is increasing along the inshore direction, and dominant direction of the spectra changes from South South West (SSW) to West South West (WSW). To verify the results of 2-D WT, wave shoaling in radar images is calculated based on dispersion relation. The theoretical calculation results agree with the results of 2-D WT on the whole. The encouraging performance of 2-D WT indicates its strong capability of revealing the non-homogeneity of wave fields in nearshore X-band radar images.


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This paper investigates the potential of fusion at normalisation/segmentation level prior to feature extraction. While there are several biometric fusion methods at data/feature level, score level and rank/decision level combining raw biometric signals, scores, or ranks/decisions, this type of fusion is still in its infancy. However, the increasing demand to allow for more relaxed and less invasive recording conditions, especially for on-the-move iris recognition, suggests to further investigate fusion at this very low level. This paper focuses on the approach of multi-segmentation fusion for iris biometric systems investigating the benefit of combining the segmentation result of multiple normalisation algorithms, using four methods from two different public iris toolkits (USIT, OSIRIS) on the public CASIA and IITD iris datasets. Evaluations based on recognition accuracy and ground truth segmentation data indicate high sensitivity with regards to the type of errors made by segmentation algorithms.


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The genus Eigenmannia comprises several species groups that display a surprising variety of diploid chromosome numbers and sex-determining systems. In this study, hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships and karyotype evolution were investigated using a combination of molecular and cytogenetic methods. Phylogenetic relationships were analyzed for 11 cytotypes based on sequences from five mitochondrial DNA regions. Parsimony-based character mapping of sex chromosomes confirms previous suggestions of multiple origins of sex chromosomes. Molecular cytogenetic analyses involved chromosome painting using probes derived from whole sex chromosomes from two taxa that were hybridized to metaphases of their respective sister cytotypes. These analyses showed that a multiple XY system evolved recently (<7 mya) by fusion. Furthermore, one of the chromosomes that fused to form the neo-Y chromosome is fused independently to another chromosome in the sister cytotype. This may constitute an efficient post-mating barrier and might imply a direct function of sex chromosomes in the speciation processes in Eigenmannia. The other chromosomal sex-determination system investigated is shown to have differentiated by an accumulation of heterochromatin on the X chromosome. This has occurred in the past 0.6 my, and is the most recent chromosomal sex-determining system described to date. These results show that the evolution of sex-determining systems can proceed very rapidly. Heredity (2011) 106, 391-400; doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.82; published online 23 June 2010