913 resultados para Fretting device
The present invention relates to a logic gate, comprising a metamaterial surface enhanced Raman scattering (MetaSERS) sensor, comprising (a) alphabetical metamaterials in the form of split ring resonators operating in the wavelength range of from 560 to 2200 nm; and (b) a guanine (G) and thymine (T)-rich oligonucleotide that can, upon presence of potassium cations (K+), fold into a G-quadruplex structure, and in presence of Hg2+, form a T-Hg2+-T hairpin complex that inhibits or disrupts the G-quadruplex structure formed in presence of K+, as well as methods of operating and using such a logic gate.
Real-time data of key performance enablers in logistics warehouses are of growing importance as they permit decision-makers to instantaneously react to alerts, deviations and damages. Several technologies appear as adequate data sources to collect the information required in order to achieve the goal. In the present re-search paper, the load status of the fork of a forklift is to be recognized with the help of a sensor-based and a camera-based solution approach. The comparison of initial experimentation results yields a statement about which direction to pursue for promising further research.
Green energy and Green technology are the most of the quoted terms in the context of modern science and technology. Technology which is close to nature is the necessity of the modern world which is haunted by global warming and climatic alterations. Proper utilization of solar energy is one of the goals of Green Energy Movement. The present thesis deals with the work carried out in the eld of nanotechnology and its possible use in various applications (employing natural dyes) like solar cells. Unlike arti cial dyes, the natural dyes are available, easy to prepare, low in cost, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and fully biodegradable. Looking to the 21st century, the nano/micro sciences will be a chief contributor to scienti c and technological developments. As nanotechnology progresses and complex nanosystems are fabricated, a growing impetus is being given to the development of multi-functional and size-dependent materials. The control of the morphology, from the nano to the micrometer scales, associated with the incorporation of several functionalities can yield entirely new smart hybrid materials. They are special class of materials which provide a new method for the improvement of the environmental stability of the material with interesting optical properties and opening a land of opportunities for applications in the eld of photonics. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one such multipurpose material that has been explored for applications in sensing, environmental monitoring, and bio-medical systems and communications technology. Understanding the growth mechanism and tailoring their morphology is essential for the use of ZnO crystals as nano/micro electromechanical systems and also as building blocks of other nanosystems.
Iowa crash history of distracted drivers by use of phone or other devices.
Los Generadores de vapor (GVs) en una central nuclear están conformados por un manojo de tubos que actúan como una barrera entre el sistema primario contaminado y el secundario. A través de los tubos de GVs (TGVs) se desarrolla el intercambio de calor que produce el vapor que después accionará las turbinas de la central. Estos componentes están sometidos a unas condiciones térmicas, químicas y mecánicas bastante severas, que pueden provocar la aparición de defectos geométricos y volumétricos comprometiendo su integridad estructural. Es por esta razón que el mantenimiento de los GVs es importante para la operación económica y segura de las centrales nucleares. Uno de los principales mecanismos de desgaste de los tubos de GVs es el fenómeno conocido como fretting. El mismo provoca el adelgazamiento de las paredes de los TGVs debido a pequeños movimientos relativos entre superficies en contacto. Dado el caso particular de los GVs del reactor CAREM-25 en los que el circuito primario se encuentra del lado externo de los tubos que lo constituyen, la ocurrencia de este mecanismo de daño podría comprometer la integridad de los mismos haciéndolos más susceptibles al daño por colapso. El presente trabajo constituye una continuación del Proyecto integrador finalizado en el 2015 por Pablo Lazo en el que se evaluó la influencia de efectos de ovalización en el colapso de los tubos de los GVs. Se evalúa ahora la influencia de defectos volumétricos debido a fretting. Esto se realizó a través de modelos numéricos que estiman la presión de colapso en los tubos con y sin defecto. Los resultados de los modelos se compararon con resultados de expresiones analíticas obtenidas por otros autores, valores experimentales propios y otros valores de referencia. A partir del análisis de los resultados se derivaron algunas conclusiones que ayudan a entender el comportamiento de los tubos de GVs con defectos debido a mecanismo de daño por fretting. Además se desarrollaron expresiones matemáticas que ayudan a definir las dimensiones de los defectos que comprometen la integridad estructural de los TGVs en el caso del reactor CAREM-25.
End users urgently request using mobile devices at their workplace. They know these devices from their private life and appreciate functionality and usability, and want to benefit from these advantages at work as well. Limitations and restrictions would not be accepted by them. On the contrary, companies are obliged to employ substantial organizational and technical measures to ensure data security and compliance when allowing to use mobile devices at the workplace. So far, only individual arrangements have been presented addressing single issues in ensuring data security and compliance. However, companies need to follow a comprehensive set of measures addressing all relevant aspects of data security and compliance in order to play it safe. Thus, in this paper at first technical architectures for using mobile devices in enterprise IT are reviewed. Thereafter a set of compliance rules is presented and, as major contribution, technical measures are explained that enable a company to integrate mobile devices into enterprise IT while still complying with these rules comprehensively. Depending on the company context, one or more of the technical architectures have to be chosen impacting the specific technical measures for compliance as elaborated in this paper. Altogether this paper, for the first time, correlates technical architectures for using mobile devices at the workplace with technical measures to assure data security and compliance according to a comprehensive set of rules.
Using modern devices like smartphones and tablets offers a wide variety of advantages; this has made them very popular as consumer devices in private life. Using them in the workplace is also popular. However, who wants to carry around and handle two devices; one for personal use, and one for work-related tasks? That is why “dual use”, using one single device for private and business applications, may represent a proper solution. The result is “Bring Your Own Device,” or BYOD, which describes the circumstance in which users make their own personal devices available for company use. For companies, this brings some opportunities and risks. We describe and discuss organizational issues, technical approaches, and solutions.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
This article investigates how teachers in religious education (RE) think and act as professionals while working with differences in religious and philosophy of life experiences and beliefs in class and trying to do this in respectful and inclusive ways. It analyses data from two research projects that were carried out in lower secondary school in Norway. The main research question is: What is the relationship between teachers’ contextual knowledge and knowledge of the child and how do these two dimensions of professional knowledge interact when religious education teachers try to strike a good balance between inclusion and productive learning in their teaching practice? The data analysed were drawn from three different data sets featuring three Norwegian religious education-teachers. The research was part of the EU-funded "REDCo"-project and the "Religious education and diversity" - project ["ROM"] funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The interviewees emphasized the potential of the religious education subject to contribute to a wider tolerance for difference and to support individual students in their identity management. The analysis shows, however, that considerable contextual awareness - of the classroom and of the local community - is needed to realize this potential. It also shows the importance of interpersonal knowledge between the teacher and each student if contextual awareness is to be effective in terms of inclusion, participation, wellbeing and good learning outcomes for all students.
The concepts of light shelves consist of windows that have face towards the sun, which receive a vast quantity of energy that could be used for healthy day lighting. This paper debates a main assessment, investigates the optimization of daylight requirement by means of light shelves system. An experimental test was carried out assessing the measurements and lighting simulations of a model of a building in order to elucidate the characteristics of indoor lighting. Light shelf is an architectural element that permits daylight to enter deep into a building. It constitutes an optimal solution for an incorrect building orientation and less sunny days. The essential objective of this study is to highlight the vital role of light shelves in residential buildings in northern Europa where the requirement is to improve the daylight in the interior functional spaces. The main objects of this paper are to investigate the effect of daylight in the interior functional spaces using light shelves, the effect of natural light diffusion in interior space in the period of low daylight season, and glare effect in this field. This paper investigates a procedure for analysing the daylight performance using software habitat function
Amorphous SiC heterostructures built as a double pin device has a non linear spectral gain which is a function of the signal wavelength that impinges on its front or back surface. Illuminating the device with several single wavelength data channels in the visible spectrum allows for Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) digital communication. Using fixed ultra-violet illumination at the front or back surfaces enables the recovery of the multiplexed channels. Five channels, each using a single wavelength which is modulated by a Manchester coded signal at 12,000 bps, form a frame with 1024 bits with a preamble for signal intensity and synchronisation purposes. Results show that the clustering of the received signal enables the successful recovery of the five channel data using the front and back illumination of the surfaces of the double pin photo device. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Los Generadores de vapor (GVs) en una central nuclear están conformados por un manojo de tubos que actúan como una barrera entre el sistema primario contaminado y el secundario. A través de los tubos de GVs (TGVs) se desarrolla el intercambio de calor que produce el vapor que después accionará las turbinas de la central. Estos componentes están sometidos a unas condiciones térmicas, químicas y mecánicas bastante severas, que pueden provocar la aparición de defectos geométricos y volumétricos comprometiendo su integridad estructural. Es por esta razón que el mantenimiento de los GVs es importante para la operación económica y segura de las centrales nucleares. Uno de los principales mecanismos de desgaste de los tubos de GVs es el fenómeno conocido como fretting. El mismo provoca el adelgazamiento de las paredes de los TGVs debido a pequeños movimientos relativos entre superficies en contacto. Dado el caso particular de los GVs del reactor CAREM-25 en los que el circuito primario se encuentra del lado externo de los tubos que lo constituyen, la ocurrencia de este mecanismo de daño podría comprometer la integridad de los mismos haciéndolos más susceptibles al daño por colapso. El presente trabajo constituye una continuación del Proyecto integrador finalizado en el 2015 por Pablo Lazo en el que se evaluó la influencia de efectos de ovalización en el colapso de los tubos de los GVs. Se evalúa ahora la influencia de defectos volumétricos debido a fretting. Esto se realizó a través de modelos numéricos que estiman la presión de colapso en los tubos con y sin defecto. Los resultados de los modelos se compararon con resultados de expresiones analíticas obtenidas por otros autores, valores experimentales propios y otros valores de referencia. A partir del análisis de los resultados se derivaron algunas conclusiones que ayudan a entender el comportamiento de los tubos de GVs con defectos debido a mecanismo de daño por fretting. Además se desarrollaron expresiones matemáticas que ayudan a definir las dimensiones de los defectos que comprometen la integridad estructural de los TGVs en el caso del reactor CAREM-25.
Drowsy driving impairs motorists’ ability to operate vehicles safely, endangering both the drivers and other people on the road. The purpose of the project is to find the most effective wearable device to detect drowsiness. Existing research has demonstrated several options for drowsiness detection, such as electroencephalogram (EEG) brain wave measurement, eye tracking, head motions, and lane deviations. However, there are no detailed trade-off analyses for the cost, accuracy, detection time, and ergonomics of these methods. We chose to use two different EEG headsets: NeuroSky Mindwave Mobile (single-electrode) and Emotiv EPOC (14- electrode). We also tested a camera and gyroscope-accelerometer device. We can successfully determine drowsiness after five minutes of training using both single and multi-electrode EEGs. Devices were evaluated using the following criteria: time needed to achieve accurate reading, accuracy of prediction, rate of false positives vs. false negatives, and ergonomics and portability. This research will help improve detection devices, and reduce the number of future accidents due to drowsy driving.
Secret communication over public channels is one of the central pillars of a modern information society. Using quantum key distribution this is achieved without relying on the hardness of mathematical problems, which might be compromised by improved algorithms or by future quantum computers. State-of-the-art quantum key distribution requires composable security against coherent attacks for a finite number of distributed quantum states as well as robustness against implementation side channels. Here we present an implementation of continuous-variable quantum key distribution satisfying these requirements. Our implementation is based on the distribution of continuous-variable Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen entangled light. It is one-sided device independent, which means the security of the generated key is independent of any memoryfree attacks on the remote detector. Since continuous-variable encoding is compatible with conventional optical communication technology, our work is a step towards practical implementations of quantum key distribution with state-of-the-art security based solely on telecom components.