912 resultados para Frequency-Domain Analysis


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No clear evidence is available in the literature regarding the acute effect of different styles of music on cardiac autonomic control. The present study aimed to evaluate the acute effects of classical baroque and heavy metal musical auditory stimulation on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in healthy men. In this study, HRV was analyzed regarding time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50, and pNN50) and frequency domain (LF, HF, and LF / HF) in 12 healthy men. HRV was recorded at seated rest for 10 minutes. Subsequently, the participants were exposed to classical baroque or heavy metal music for five minutes through an earphone at seated rest. After exposure to the first song, they remained at rest for five minutes and they were again exposed to classical baroque or heavy metal music. The music sequence was random for each individual. Standard statistical methods were used for calculation of means and standard deviations. Besides, ANOVA and Friedman test were used for parametric and non-parametric distributions, respectively. While listening to heavy metal music, SDNN was reduced compared to the baseline (P = 0.023). In addition, the LF index (ms(2) and nu) was reduced during exposure to both heavy metal and classical baroque musical auditory stimulation compared to the control condition (P = 0.010 and P = 0.048, respectively). However, the HF index (ms(2)) was reduced only during auditory stimulation with music heavy metal (P = 0.01). The LF/HF ratio on the other hand decreased during auditory stimulation with classical baroque music (P = 0.019). Acute auditory stimulation with the selected heavy metal musical auditory stimulation decreased the sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation on the heart, while exposure to a selected classical baroque music reduced sympathetic regulation on the heart.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Um dos benefícios promovidos pelo exercício físico parece ser a melhora da modulação do sistema nervoso autônomo sobre o coração. No entanto, o papel da atividade física como um fator determinante da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) não está bem estabelecido. Desta forma, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar se há correlação entre a frequência cardíaca de repouso e a carga máxima atingida no teste de esforço físico com os índices de VFC em homens idosos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 homens idosos com idades entre 60 e 70 anos. Foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: a) teste de esforço máximo em cicloergômetro utilizando-se o protocolo de Balke para avaliação da capacidade aeróbia; b) registro da frequência cardíaca (FC) e dos intervalos R-R durante 15 minutos na condição de repouso em decúbito dorsal. Após a coleta, os dados foram analisados no domínio do tempo, calculando-se o índice RMSSD, e no domínio da frequência, calculando-se os índices de baixa frequência (BF), alta frequência (AF) e razão BF/AF. Para verificar se existe associação entre a carga máxima atingida no teste de esforço e os índices de VFC foi aplicado o teste de correlação de Pearson (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Características demográficas, antropométricas, fisiológicas e carga máxima atingida no teste ergométrico: idade = 63 ± 3,0 anos; IMC = 24 ± 2kg/m²; FC = 63 ± 9bpm; PAS = 123 ± 19mmHg; PAD = 83 ± 8mmHg; carga máxima = 152 ± 29 watts. Não houve correlação entre os índices de VFC com os valores de FC de repouso e carga máxima atingida no teste ergométrico (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os índices de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca temporal e espectrais estudados não são indicadores do nível de capacidade aeróbia de homens idosos avaliados em cicloergômetro.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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This paper refers to the design of an expert system that captures a waveform through the use of an accelerometer, processes the signal and converts it to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier Transformer to then, using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically Fuzzy Reasoning, it determines if there is any failure present in the underlying mode of the equipment, such as imbalance, misalignment or bearing defects.


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Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The interaction of the cationic meso-tetrakis 4-N-methylpyridyl porphyrin (TMPyP) with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) was investigated in the present study. LUVs were formed by mixtures of the zwitterionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and anionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (DPPG) phospholipids, at different DPPG molar percentages. All investigations were carried out above (50 degrees C) and below (25 degrees C) the main phase transition temperature of the LUVs (similar to 41 degrees C). The binding constant values, K-b, estimated from the time-resolved fluorescence study, showed a significant increase of the porphyrin affinity at higher mol% DPPG. This affinity is markedly increased when the LUVs are in the liquid crystalline state. For both situations, the increase of the K-b value was also followed by a higher porphyrin fraction bound to the LUVs. The displacement of the vesicle-bound porphyrins toward the aqueous medium, upon titration with the salt potassium chloride (KCl), was also studied. Altogether, our steady-state and frequency-domain fluorescence quenching data results indicate that the TMPyP is preferentially located at the LUVs Stern layer. This is supported by the zeta potential studies, where a partial neutralization of the LUVs surface charge, upon porphyrin titration, was observed. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) results showed that, for some phospholipid systems, this partial neutralization leads to the LUVs flocculation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: - To develop and test a practical clinical method to assess frailty in nursing homes; - To investigate the relationship between cognitive status of the elderly and the balance between water compartments of their body composition. Design and subjects: Cross-sectional study, conducted at two nursing homes in Boston-MA. Methods: Body mass and height (Ht) were evaluated to calculate BMI (body mass index, in Kg/m(2)). The cognitive decline was evaluated based on the scores obtained from the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); The extracellular to total body water ratio (ECW/TBW) was calculated after the analysis of TBW from deuterium and tritium dilution and ECW from bromide dilution. Single-frequency BIA analysis data were investigated for resistance (R) and reactance (Xc), plotted in an R/Ht Xc/Ht graph (vectorial analysis-BIVA). The BIVA results of nursing home residents were compared against the data obtained from the NHANES Ill study. TBW and ECW values were compared with a group of free-living elderly volunteers. Results: The ECW/TBW was significantly higher in nursing home residents than in the free-living individuals. BIVA analysis showed significantly higher Xc/Ht values in the reference subjects. The MMSE did not present a significant correlation with ECW/TBW for either gender. Conclusion: We proposed the ECW/TBW ratio and BIVA as surrogate methods for the clinical assessment of frailty. We tested successfully both approaches with nursing home patients and free-living volunteers and compared them to a national data base. The advent of new, portable instruments will enable field tests to further validate our proposed "Frailty Factor" in future studies. We found no correlation between frailty and cognitive decline in the nursing home.


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[EN] This work studies the structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effects on the dynamic response of nearby piled structures under obliquely-incident shear waves. For this purpose, a three-dimensional, frequency-domain, coupled boundary element-finite (BEM-FEM) model is used to analyse the response of configuration of three buildings aligned parallel to the horizontal component of the wave propagation direction.


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In recent years, due to the rapid convergence of multimedia services, Internet and wireless communications, there has been a growing trend of heterogeneity (in terms of channel bandwidths, mobility levels of terminals, end-user quality-of-service (QoS) requirements) for emerging integrated wired/wireless networks. Moreover, in nowadays systems, a multitude of users coexists within the same network, each of them with his own QoS requirement and bandwidth availability. In this framework, embedded source coding allowing partial decoding at various resolution is an appealing technique for multimedia transmissions. This dissertation includes my PhD research, mainly devoted to the study of embedded multimedia bitstreams in heterogenous networks, developed at the University of Bologna, advised by Prof. O. Andrisano and Prof. A. Conti, and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I spent eighteen months as a visiting scholar, advised by Prof. L. B. Milstein and Prof. P. C. Cosman. In order to improve the multimedia transmission quality over wireless channels, joint source and channel coding optimization is investigated in a 2D time-frequency resource block for an OFDM system. We show that knowing the order of diversity in time and/or frequency domain can assist image (video) coding in selecting optimal channel code rates (source and channel code rates). Then, adaptive modulation techniques, aimed at maximizing the spectral efficiency, are investigated as another possible solution for improving multimedia transmissions. For both slow and fast adaptive modulations, the effects of imperfect channel estimation errors are evaluated, showing that the fast technique, optimal in ideal systems, might be outperformed by the slow adaptive modulation, when a real test case is considered. Finally, the effects of co-channel interference and approximated bit error probability (BEP) are evaluated in adaptive modulation techniques, providing new decision regions concepts, and showing how the widely used BEP approximations lead to a substantial loss in the overall performance.


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This thesis deal with the design of advanced OFDM systems. Both waveform and receiver design have been treated. The main scope of the Thesis is to study, create, and propose, ideas and novel design solutions able to cope with the weaknesses and crucial aspects of modern OFDM systems. Starting from the the transmitter side, the problem represented by low resilience to non-linear distortion has been assessed. A novel technique that considerably reduces the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) yielding a quasi constant signal envelope in the time domain (PAPR close to 1 dB) has been proposed.The proposed technique, named Rotation Invariant Subcarrier Mapping (RISM),is a novel scheme for subcarriers data mapping,where the symbols belonging to the modulation alphabet are not anchored, but maintain some degrees of freedom. In other words, a bit tuple is not mapped on a single point, rather it is mapped onto a geometrical locus, which is totally or partially rotation invariant. The final positions of the transmitted complex symbols are chosen by an iterative optimization process in order to minimize the PAPR of the resulting OFDM symbol. Numerical results confirm that RISM makes OFDM usable even in severe non-linear channels. Another well known problem which has been tackled is the vulnerability to synchronization errors. Indeed in OFDM system an accurate recovery of carrier frequency and symbol timing is crucial for the proper demodulation of the received packets. In general, timing and frequency synchronization is performed in two separate phases called PRE-FFT and POST-FFT synchronization. Regarding the PRE-FFT phase, a novel joint symbol timing and carrier frequency synchronization algorithm has been presented. The proposed algorithm is characterized by a very low hardware complexity, and, at the same time, it guarantees very good performance in in both AWGN and multipath channels. Regarding the POST-FFT phase, a novel approach for both pilot structure and receiver design has been presented. In particular, a novel pilot pattern has been introduced in order to minimize the occurrence of overlaps between two pattern shifted replicas. This allows to replace conventional pilots with nulls in the frequency domain, introducing the so called Silent Pilots. As a result, the optimal receiver turns out to be very robust against severe Rayleigh fading multipath and characterized by low complexity. Performance of this approach has been analytically and numerically evaluated. Comparing the proposed approach with state of the art alternatives, in both AWGN and multipath fading channels, considerable performance improvements have been obtained. The crucial problem of channel estimation has been thoroughly investigated, with particular emphasis on the decimation of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) through the selection of the Most Significant Samples (MSSs). In this contest our contribution is twofold, from the theoretical side, we derived lower bounds on the estimation mean-square error (MSE) performance for any MSS selection strategy,from the receiver design we proposed novel MSS selection strategies which have been shown to approach these MSE lower bounds, and outperformed the state-of-the-art alternatives. Finally, the possibility of using of Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) in the Broadband Satellite Return Channel has been assessed. Notably, SC-FDMA is able to improve the physical layer spectral efficiency with respect to single carrier systems, which have been used so far in the Return Channel Satellite (RCS) standards. However, it requires a strict synchronization and it is also sensitive to phase noise of local radio frequency oscillators. For this reason, an effective pilot tone arrangement within the SC-FDMA frame, and a novel Joint Multi-User (JMU) estimation method for the SC-FDMA, has been proposed. As shown by numerical results, the proposed scheme manages to satisfy strict synchronization requirements and to guarantee a proper demodulation of the received signal.


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The work presented in this thesis is focused on the open-ended coaxial-probe frequency-domain reflectometry technique for complex permittivity measurement at microwave frequencies of dispersive dielectric multilayer materials. An effective dielectric model is introduced and validated to extend the applicability of this technique to multilayer materials in on-line system context. In addition, the thesis presents: 1) a numerical study regarding the imperfectness of the contact at the probe-material interface, 2) a review of the available models and techniques, 3) a new classification of the extraction schemes with guidelines on how they can be used to improve the overall performance of the probe according to the problem requirements.


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We have developed a method for locating sources of volcanic tremor and applied it to a dataset recorded on Stromboli volcano before and after the onset of the February 27th 2007 effusive eruption. Volcanic tremor has attracted considerable attention by seismologists because of its potential value as a tool for forecasting eruptions and for better understanding the physical processes that occur inside active volcanoes. Commonly used methods to locate volcanic tremor sources are: 1) array techniques, 2) semblance based methods, 3) calculation of wave field amplitude. We have choosen the third approach, using a quantitative modeling of the seismic wavefield. For this purpose, we have calculated the Green Functions (GF) in the frequency domain with the Finite Element Method (FEM). We have used this method because it is well suited to solve elliptic problems, as the elastodynamics in the Fourier domain. The volcanic tremor source is located by determining the source function over a regular grid of points. The best fit point is choosen as the tremor source location. The source inversion is performed in the frequency domain, using only the wavefield amplitudes. We illustrate the method and its validation over a synthetic dataset. We show some preliminary results on the Stromboli dataset, evidencing temporal variations of the volcanic tremor sources.