969 resultados para Frequency dependent transmission lines


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The functionality of adult neocortical circuits can be altered by novel experiences or learning. This functional plasticity appears to rely on changes in the strength of neuronal connections that were established during development. Here we will describe some of our studies in which we have addressed whether structural changes, including the remodeling of axons and dendrites with synapse formation and elimination, could underlie experience-dependent plasticity in the adult neocortex. Using 2-photon laser-scanning microscopes and transgenic mice expressing GFP in a subset of pyramidal cells, we have observed that a small subset of dendritic spines continuously appear and disappear on a daily basis, whereas the majority of spines persists for months. Axonal boutons from different neuronal classes displayed similar behavior, although the extent of remodeling varied. Under baseline conditions, new spines in the barrel cortex were mostly transient and rarely survived for more than a week. However, when every other whisker was trimmed, the generation and loss of persistent spines was enhanced. Ultrastructural reconstruction of previously imaged spines and boutons showed that new spines slowly form synapses. New spines persisting for a few days always had synapses, whereas very young spines often lacked synapses. New synapses were predominantly found on large, multi-synapse boutons, suggesting that spine growth is followed by synapse formation, preferentially on existing boutons. Altogether our data indicate that novel sensory experience drives the stabilization of new spines on subclasses of cortical neurons and promotes the formation of new synapses. These synaptic changes likely underlie experience-dependent functional remodeling of specific neocortical circuits.


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An anopheline survey was carried out in two simian malaria areas in the Brazilian Amazon, Balbina and Samuel, to determine the potential vectors of Plasmodium brasilianum. The most abundant and/or acrodendrophilic anophelines in the forest and the most likely vector were Anopheles mediopunctatus, An. nuneztovari, An. oswaldoi, An. triannulatus and An. shannoni. An. darlingi and An. marajoara were captured essentially in anthropic habitats outside the forest and are unlikely to be involved in the transmission of P. brasilianum among monkeys within the forests and from monkeys to man in their surroundings in the Amazon.


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Presenilin 1 (PS1) mutations are responsible for a majority of early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) cases, in part by increasing the production of Abeta peptides. However, emerging evidence suggests other possible effects of PS1 on synaptic dysfunction where PS1 might contribute to the pathology independent of Abeta. We chose to study the L286V mutation, an aggressive FAD mutation which has never been analyzed at the electrophysiological and morphological levels. In addition, we analyzed for the first time the long term effects of wild-type human PS1 overexpression. We investigated the consequences of the overexpression of either wild-type human PS1 (hPS1) or the L286V mutated PS1 variant (mutPS1) on synaptic functions by analyzing synaptic plasticity and associated spine density changes from 3 to 15 months of age. We found that mutPS1 induces a transient increase observed only in 4- to 5-month-old mutPS1 animals in NMDA receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated responses and LTP compared with hPS1 mice and nontransgenic littermates. The increase in synaptic functions is concomitant with an increase in spine density. With increasing age, however, we found that the overexpression of human wild-type PS1 progressively decreased NMDA-R-mediated synaptic transmission and LTP, without neurodegeneration. These results identify for the first time a transient increase in synaptic function associated with L286V mutated PS1 variant in an age-dependent manner. In addition, they support the view that the PS1 overexpression promotes synaptic dysfunction in an Abeta-independent manner and underline the crucial role of PS1 during both normal and pathological aging.


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Heartworm, a chronic fatal mosquito-borne canine disease, is frequently diagnosed in dogs from the State of Rio de Janeiro, where its prevalence is 29.7% in the city of Niterói. Nevertheless it is rarely detected in cats (0.8%) from the same state. Dogs are the primary source of infection to mosquitoes, because cats either do not demonstrate microfilaremia or it is too low and transient for transmission. A mosquito survey was conducted in Itacoatiara, Niterói, from March 1995 to February 1996, using canine, feline and human baits. A total of 21 mosquito species (3,888 females) was collected and biting frequency was highest at dusk. The four species collected most frequently (88.9%) were: Aedes taeniorhynchus (30% of the total catch; with the peak in May/June); Culex quinquefasciatus (22.5%; August/October); Aedes scapularis (19.4%; August, October/November and January) and Culex declarator (17%; November/January). Human baits were attractive to these species and dogs were significantly more attractive to them than cats. Ae. taeniorhynchus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Ae. scapularis, Cx. declarator and Cx. nigripalpus are the most likely mosquito species to transmit Dirofilaria immitis parasites to dogs and may transmit the parasite to humans. It is also suggested that the vector to cats belongs to the genus Culex


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A mathematical model is proposed to analyze the effects of acquired immunity on the transmission of schistosomiasis in the human host. From this model the prevalence curve dependent on four parameters can be obtained. These parameters were estimated fitting the data by the maximum likelihood method. The model showed a good retrieving capacity of real data from two endemic areas of schistosomiasis: Touros, Brazil (Schistosoma mansoni) and Misungwi, Tanzania (S. haematobium). Also, the average worm burden per person and the dispersion of parasite per person in the community can be obtained from the model. In this paper, the stabilizing effects of the acquired immunity assumption in the model are assessed in terms of the epidemiological variables as follows. Regarded to the prevalence curve, we calculate the confidence interval, and related to the average worm burden and the worm dispersion in the community, the sensitivity analysis (the range of the variation) of both variables with respect to their parameters is performed.


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We analyzed the coherence of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded symmetrically from the two hemispheres, while subjects (n = 9) were viewing visual stimuli. Considering the many common features of the callosal connectivity in mammals, we expected that, as in our animal studies, interhemispheric coherence (ICoh) would increase only with bilateral iso-oriented gratings located close to the vertical meridian of the visual field, or extending across it. Indeed, a single grating that extended across the vertical meridian significantly increased the EEG ICoh in normal adult subjects. These ICoh responses were obtained from occipital and parietal derivations and were restricted to the gamma frequency band. They were detectable with different EEG references and were robust across and within subjects. Other unilateral and bilateral stimuli, including identical gratings that were effective in anesthetized animals, did not affect ICoh in humans. This fact suggests the existence of regulatory influences, possibly of a top-down kind, on the pattern of callosal activation in conscious human subjects. In addition to establishing the validity of EEG coherence analysis for assaying cortico-cortical connectivity, this study extends to the human brain the finding that visual stimuli cause interhemispheric synchronization, particularly in frequencies of the gamma band. It also indicates that the synchronization is carried out by cortico-cortical connection and suggests similarities in the organization of visual callosal connections in animals and in man.


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Several factors appear to affect vertical HIV-1 transmission, dependent mainly on characteristics of the mother (extent of immunodeficiency, co-infections, risk behaviour, nutritional status, immune response, genetical make-up), but also of the virus (phenotype, tropism) and, possibly, of the child (genetical make-up). This complex situation is compounded by the fact that the virus may have the whole gestation period, apart from variable periods between membrane rupture and birth and the breast-feeding period, to pass from the mother to the infant. It seems probable that an extensive interplay of all factors occurs, and that some factors may be more important during specific periods and other factors in other periods. Factors predominant in protection against in utero transmission may be less important for peri-natal transmission, and probably quite different from those that predominantly affect transmission by mothers milk. For instance, cytotoxic T lymphocytes will probably be unable to exert any effect during breast-feeding, while neutralizing antibodies will be unable to protect transmission by HIV transmitted through infected cells. Furthermore, some responses may be capable of controlling transmission of determined virus types, while being inadequate for controlling others. As occurence of mixed infections and recombination of HIV-1 types is a known fact, it does not appear possible to prevent vertical HIV-1 transmission by reinforcing just one of the factors, and probably a general strategy including all known factors must be used. Recent reports have brought information on vertical HIV-1 transmission in a variety of research fields, which will have to be considered in conjunction as background for specific studies.


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High-field (>or=3 T) cardiac MRI is challenged by inhomogeneities of both the static magnetic field (B(0)) and the transmit radiofrequency field (B(1)+). The inhomogeneous B fields not only demand improved shimming methods but also impede the correct determination of the zero-order terms, i.e., the local resonance frequency f(0) and the radiofrequency power to generate the intended local B(1)+ field. In this work, dual echo time B(0)-map and dual flip angle B(1)+-map acquisition methods are combined to acquire multislice B(0)- and B(1)+-maps simultaneously covering the entire heart in a single breath hold of 18 heartbeats. A previously proposed excitation pulse shape dependent slice profile correction is tested and applied to reduce systematic errors of the multislice B(1)+-map. Localized higher-order shim correction values including the zero-order terms for frequency f(0) and radiofrequency power can be determined based on the acquired B(0)- and B(1)+-maps. This method has been tested in 7 healthy adult human subjects at 3 T and improved the B(0) field homogeneity (standard deviation) from 60 Hz to 35 Hz and the average B(1)+ field from 77% to 100% of the desired B(1)+ field when compared to more commonly used preparation methods.


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Leishmania infected of Lutzomyia spp. are rare in endemic areas. We tested the hypothesis that there is clustering of infected vectors by combining pinpoint capture with sensitive L. braziliensis kDNA minicircle specific PCR/dot blot in an endemic area in the State of Bahia. Thirty out of 335 samples (10 to 20 sand flies/sample; total of 4,027 female sand flies) were positive by PCR analysis and dot blot leading to a underestimated overall rate of 0.4% positive phlebotomines. However, 83.3% of the positive samples were contributed by a single sector out of four sectors of the whole studied area. This resulted in a rate of 1.5% Leishmania positive phlebotomines for this sector, far above rates of other sectors. Incidence of American cutaneous leishmaniasis cases for this sector was about twice that for other sectors. Our results show that there is a non-homogeneous distribution of Leishmania-infected vectors. Such a clustering may have implications in control strategies against leishmaniasis, and reinforces the necessity of understanding the ecological and geographical factors involved in leishmanial transmission.


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In order to determine the frequency of therapeutic failures to chloroquine (CQ) in patients with malaria due to either Plasmodium falciparum or P. vivax, and to explore the usefulness of a malaria-free city as a sentinel site to monitor the emergence of drug resistance, 53 patients (44 infected with P. vivax and 9 with P. falciparum) were evaluated at the Laboratory of Parasitology, Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. Patients received 25 mg/kg of CQ divided in three doses over 48 h; they were followed during 28 days according to WHO/PAHO protocols. While therapeutic failures to CQ in the P. vivax group were not detected, the proportion of therapeutic failures in the P. falciparum group was high (78%) and consistent with the reports from endemic areas in Colombia. The diverse origin of cases presenting therapeutic failure confirmed that P. falciparum resistant to CQ is widespread in Colombia, and further supports the change in the national antimalarial drug scheme. Monitoring of drug resistance in malaria free areas would be useful to identify sites requiring efficacy evaluation, and in some situations could be the most appropriate alternative to collect information from endemic areas where therapeutic efficacy studies are not feasible.


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Résumé grand public :Le cerveau se compose de cellules nerveuses appelées neurones et de cellules gliales dont font partie les astrocytes. Les neurones communiquent entre eux par signaux électriques et en libérant des molécules de signalisation comme le glutamate. Les astrocytes ont eux pour charge de capter le glucose depuis le sang circulant dans les vaisseaux sanguins, de le transformer et de le transmettre aux neurones pour qu'ils puissent l'utiliser comme source d'énergie. L'astrocyte peut ensuite utiliser ce glucose de deux façons différentes pour produire de l'énergie : la première s'opère dans des structures appelées mitochondries qui sont capables de produire plus de trente molécules riches en énergie (ATP) à partir d'une seule molécule de glucose ; la seconde possibilité appelée glycolyse peut produire deux molécules d'ATP et un dérivé du glucose appelé lactate. Une théorie couramment débattue propose que lorsque les astrocytes capturent le glutamate libéré par les neurones, ils libèrent en réponse du lactate qui servirait de base énergétique aux neurones. Cependant, ce mécanisme n'envisage pas une augmentation de l'activité des mitochondries des astrocytes, ce qui serait pourtant bien plus efficace pour produire de l'énergie.En utilisant la microscopie par fluorescence, nous avons pu mesurer les changements de concentrations ioniques dans les mitochondries d'astrocytes soumis à une stimulation glutamatergique. Nous avons démontré que les mitochondries des astrocytes manifestent des augmentations spontanées et transitoires de leur concentrations ioniques, dont la fréquence était diminuée au cours d'une stimulation avec du glutamate. Nous avons ensuite montré que la capture de glutamate augmentait la concentration en sodium et acidifiait les mitochondries des astrocytes. En approfondissant ces mécanismes, plusieurs éléments ont suggéré que l'acidification induite diminuerait le potentiel de synthèse d'énergie d'origine mitochondriale et la consommation d'oxygène dans les astrocytes. En résumé, l'ensemble de ces travaux suggère que la signalisation neuronale impliquant le glutamate dicte aux astrocytes de sacrifier temporairement l'efficacité de leur métabolisme énergétique, en diminuant l'activité de leurs mitochondries, afin d'augmenter la disponibilité des ressources énergétiques utiles aux neurones.Résumé :La remarquable efficacité du cerveau à compiler et propager des informations coûte au corps humain 20% de son budget énergétique total. Par conséquent, les mécanismes cellulaires responsables du métabolisme énergétique cérébral se sont adéquatement développés pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques du cerveau. Les dernières découvertes en neuroénergétique tendent à démontrer que le site principal de consommation d'énergie dans le cerveau est situé dans les processus astrocytaires qui entourent les synapses excitatrices. Un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques a maintenant montré que le transport astrocytaire de glutamate est responsable d'un coût métabolique important qui est majoritairement pris en charge par une augmentation de l'activité glycolytique. Cependant, les astrocytes possèdent également un important métabolisme énergétique de type mitochondrial. Par conséquent, la localisation spatiale des mitochondries à proximité des transporteurs de glutamate suggère l'existence d'un mécanisme régulant le métabolisme énergétique astrocytaire, en particulier le métabolisme mitochondrial.Afin de fournir une explication à ce paradoxe énergétique, nous avons utilisé des techniques d'imagerie par fluorescence pour mesurer les modifications de concentrations ioniques spontanées et évoquées par une stimulation glutamatergique dans des astrocytes corticaux de souris. Nous avons montré que les mitochondries d'astrocytes au repos manifestaient des changements individuels, spontanés et sélectifs de leur potentiel électrique, de leur pH et de leur concentration en sodium. Nous avons trouvé que le glutamate diminuait la fréquence des augmentations spontanées de sodium en diminuant le niveau cellulaire d'ATP. Nous avons ensuite étudié la possibilité d'une régulation du métabolisme mitochondrial astrocytaire par le glutamate. Nous avons montré que le glutamate initie dans la population mitochondriale une augmentation rapide de la concentration en sodium due à l'augmentation cytosolique de sodium. Nous avons également montré que le relâchement neuronal de glutamate induit une acidification mitochondriale dans les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont indiqué que l'acidification induite par le glutamate induit une diminution de la production de radicaux libres et de la consommation d'oxygène par les astrocytes. Ces études ont montré que les mitochondries des astrocytes sont régulées individuellement et adaptent leur activité selon l'environnement intracellulaire. L'adaptation dynamique du métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial opéré par le glutamate permet d'augmenter la quantité d'oxygène disponible et amène au relâchement de lactate, tous deux bénéfiques pour les neurones.Abstract :The remarkable efficiency of the brain to compute and communicate information costs the body 20% of its total energy budget. Therefore, the cellular mechanisms responsible for brain energy metabolism developed adequately to face the energy needs. Recent advances in neuroenergetics tend to indicate that the main site of energy consumption in the brain is the astroglial process ensheating activated excitatory synapses. A large body of evidence has now shown that glutamate uptake by astrocytes surrounding synapses is responsible for a significant metabolic cost, whose metabolic response is apparently mainly glycolytic. However, astrocytes have also a significant mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Therefore, the location of mitochondria close to glutamate transporters raises the question of the existence of mechanisms for tuning their energy metabolism, in particular their mitochondrial metabolism.To tackle these issues, we used real time imaging techniques to study mitochondrial ionic alterations occurring at resting state and during glutamatergic stimulation of mouse cortical astrocytes. We showed that mitochondria of intact resting astrocytes exhibited individual spontaneous and selective alterations of their electrical potential, pH and Na+ concentration. We found that glutamate decreased the frequency of mitochondrial Na+ transient activity by decreasing the cellular level of ATP. We then investigated a possible link between glutamatergic transmission and mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. We showed that glutamate triggered a rapid Na+ concentration increase in the mitochondrial population as a result of plasma-membrane Na+-dependent uptake. We then demonstrated that neuronally released glutamate also induced a mitochondrial acidification in astrocytes. Glutamate induced a pH-mediated and cytoprotective decrease of mitochondrial metabolism that diminished oxygen consumption. Taken together, these studies showed that astrocytes contain mitochondria that are individually regulated and sense the intracellular environment to modulate their own activity. The dynamic regulation of astrocyte mitochondrial energy output operated by glutamate allows increasing oxygen availability and lactate production both being beneficial for neurons.


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In endemic areas with low prevalence and low intensity of infection, the diagnosis of hepatic pathology due to the Schistosoma mansoni infection is very difficult. In order to establish the hepatic morbidity, a double-blind study was achieved in Venezuelan endemic areas, with one group of patients with schistosomiasis and the other one of non-infected people, that were evaluated clinically and by abdominal ultrasound using the Cairo classification. Schistosomiasis diagnosis was established based on parasitologic and serological tests. The increase of the hepatic size at midclavicular and midsternal lines (in hepatometry) and the hard liver consistency were the clinical parameters able to differentiate infected persons from non infected ones, as well as the presence of left lobe hepatomegaly detected by abdominal ultrasound. The periportal thickening, especially the mild form, was frequent in all age groups in both infected and uninfected patients. There was not correlation between the intensity of infection and ultrasound under the current circumstances. Our data suggest that in Venezuela, a low endemic area of transmission of schistosomiasis, the hepatic morbidity is mild and uncommon. The Cairo classification seems to overestimate the prevalence of periportal pathology. The specificity of the method must be improved, especially for the recognition of precocious pathology. Other causes of hepatopathies must be investigated.


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Burkitt lymphoma is one of the most aggressive tumors affecting humans. Together with the characteristic chromosomal translocation that constitutively activates the c-Myc oncogene, alterations in cellular tumor suppressor pathways are additionally required in order to allow the cells to overcome anti-oncogenic barriers and proliferate in an uncontrolled manner. The INK4a/ARF locus on chromosome 9p21 is considered a safeguard locus since it encodes the two important tumor suppressor proteins, p14 (ARF) and p16 (INK4a) . By regulating the p53 and Rb pathways p14 (ARF) and p16 (INK4a) respectively act as pro-apoptotic and cell cycle inhibitor proteins. The importance of the INK4a/ARF locus has been well documented in several human tumors as well as in Burkitt lymphoma. Although the mechanisms responsible for the transcriptional regulation of the INK4a/ARF locus have been thoroughly characterized, less is known about its posttranscriptional control. In this study we found that p16 (INK4a) and p14 (Arf) are concurrently inactivated in a panel of BL cell lines. We demonstrate that along with the epigenetic silencing of the p16INK4a gene, the complete inactivation of the locus is achieved by the improper turnover of INK4/ARF proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), as the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 blocks p14 (ARF) degradation and induces a dramatic stabilization of the p16 (INK4a ) protein. We establish that the simultaneous deregulation of both DNA methylation patterns and the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis system is required to completely inactive the INK4/ARF locus, opening new prospects for the understanding and treatment of Burkitt lymphoma.


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The two incretins, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are insulinotropic factors released from the small intestine to the blood stream in response to oral glucose ingestion. The insulinotropic effect of GLP-1 is maintained in patients with Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus, whereas, for unknown reasons, the effect of GIP is diminished or lacking. We defined the exon-intron boundaries of the human GIP receptor, made a mutational analysis of the gene and identified two amino acid substitutions, A207 V and E354Q. In an association study of 227 Caucasian Type II diabetic patients and 224 matched glucose tolerant control subjects, the allelic frequency of the A207 V polymorphism was 1.1% in Type II diabetic patients and 0.7% in control subjects (p = 0.48), whereas the allelic frequency of the codon 354 polymorphism was 24.9% in Type II diabetic patients versus 23.2% in control subjects. Interestingly, the glucose tolerant subjects (6% of the population) who were homozygous for the codon 354 variant had on average a 14% decrease in fasting serum C-peptide concentration (p = 0.01) and an 11% decrease in the same variable 30 min after an oral glucose load (p = 0.03) compared with subjects with the wild-type receptor. Investigation of the function of the two GIP receptor variants in Chinese hamster fibroblasts showed, however, that the GIP-induced cAMP formation and the binding of GIP to cells expressing the variant receptors were not different from the findings in cells expressing the wildtype GIP receptor. In conclusion, amino acid variants in the GIP receptor are not associated with random Type II diabetes in patients of Danish Caucasian origin or with altered GIP binding and GIP-induced cAMP production when stably transfected in Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The finding of an association between homozygosity for the codon 354 variant and reduced fasting and post oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) serum C-peptide concentrations, however, calls for further investigations and could suggest that GIP even in the fasting state regulates the beta-cell secretory response.


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Malaria remains globally the most important parasitic disease of man. Data on its deleterious effects during pregnancy have been extensively documented in hyperendemic, holoendemic, and mesoendemic areas from Africa and Asia where Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for almost all infections. However, knowledge about malaria during pregnancy in areas where transmission is unstable and P. vivax is the most prevalent species, such as the Brazilian Amazon, is scarce. Here, we report a preliminary cross sectional descriptive study, carried out at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, a reference centre for diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases in the west-Amazon (Manaus, Brazil). A total of 1699 febrile childbearing age women had positive thick blood smears to Plasmodium species, between January and November 1997: 1401 (82.5%) were positive for P. vivax , 286 (16.8%) for P. falciparum and 12 (0.07%) carried mixed infections. From the malarious patients, 195 were pregnant. The ratio of P. falciparum to P. vivax infections in the group of non-pregnant infected women was 1:5.6 while it was 1:2.3 in that of pregnant infected ones. Similar rates or even proportionally more vivax infections during pregnancy were expected to occur, in function of the contraindication of primaquine with the resulting increased P. vivax relapse rates. Such an observation suggests that the mechanism of resistance/susceptibility to infection and/or malaria pathogenesis in pregnant women may differ according to Plasmodium species and that the extensively described increase in the frequencies of malaria infection during pregnancy may be specifically due to P. falciparum infection.