999 resultados para Finland : a cultural encyclopedia
A review of nearly three decades of cross-cultural research shows that this domain still has to address several issues regarding the biases of data collection and sampling methods, the lack of clear and consensual definitions of constructs and variables, and measurement invariance issues that seriously limit the comparability of results across cultures. Indeed, a large majority of the existing studies are still based on the anthropological model, which compares two cultures and mainly uses convenience samples of university students. This paper stresses the need to incorporate a larger variety of regions and cultures in the research designs, the necessity to theorize and identify a larger set of variables in order to describe a human environment, and the importance of overcoming methodological weaknesses to improve the comparability of measurement results. Cross-cultural psychology is at the next crossroads in it's development, and researchers can certainly make major contributions to this domain if they can address these weaknesses and challenges.
Selostus: Euroopan unionin yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan uudistaminen ja Suomen maatalous
Selostus: Kestävän kehityksen integroidun tutkimuksen ja verkostotalouden teorian tutkimusmenetelmälliset ongelmat
The aim of this study was to analyze the cross-cultural generalizability of the alternative Five-Factor Model (AFFM). The total sample was made up of 9,152 subjects from six countries: China, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. The internal consistencies for all countries were generally similar to those found for the normative American sample. Factor analyses within cultures showed that the normative American structure was replicated in all cultures, however the congruence coefficients were slightly lower in China and Italy. A similar analysis at the facet level confirmed the high cross-cultural replicability of the AFFM. Mean-level comparisons did not always show the hypothesized effects. The mean score differences across countries were very small.
Report on the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs for the year ended June 30, 2010
Tiivistelmä: Metsitettyjen turvepeltojen maan fysikaaliset ominaisuudet
Selostus: Pohjoismaisen geenipankin Prunus-kokoelma Suomessa : 1. Hapankirsikkakannat