944 resultados para Fertility differentials
朱总理针对 1 998年我国水土流失加剧而致使洪灾造成 2 2 5 1亿元人民币巨大损失的现实 ,于 1 999年 8月提出了“退耕还林 (草 )、封山绿化、个体承包、以粮代赈”的措施 ,为根治黄土高原的水土流失和良化我国的生态环境指明了方向。目前我国黄土高原地区坡耕地水土流失、肥力低下、水源缺乏、灾害频繁。根据黄土高原的生态环境脆弱的具体情况 ,应采取的对策是 :提高思想认识 ;解决好退耕后脱贫 ;推进东西部合作政策 ;保证人均一定的农田 ;实现农林牧业最佳结合 ;提出合理的措施 ;健全保障机制 ;正确处理各种关系
在半湿润地区中等肥力土垫旱耕人为土上进行田间试验,通过对冬小麦不同生育期杂草和作物样品的采集与分析,研究不同施肥及杂草处理对氮肥肥效的影响。结果表明:作物吸氮量随施氮量增加而增加,杂草吸氮量随吸氮量增加而降低;在不同杂草处理全生育期不清除杂草(A)、越冬前清除杂草(B)、返青期清除杂草(C)和拔节期清除杂草(D)的各个处理中,A、B、C和D杂草吸氮量分别占农田植物(作物+杂草)地上部分总吸氮量的1.98%、1.39%、3.99%和3.82%。籽粒产量随施氮量增加而增加,施氮量为135 kg N.hm-2时产量最高,达5 645.1 kg.hm-2,施氮量高于135 kg N.hm-2时,产量趋于稳定。氮肥利用率、氮肥利用效率、氮肥农学效率和氮肥生理效率均随施氮量增加而降低;从不同杂草处理看,以全生育期不清除杂草处理氮肥利用率最高,达到43.8%,返青期清除杂草处理氮肥利用率最低,为26.3%,二者间差异达显著水平;氮肥利用效率以越冬期清除杂草处理最高,为42.8 kg.kg-1N,全生育期不清除杂草处理最低,为40.6kg.kg-1N;氮肥生理效率以返青期清除杂草处理最高,为57.5 kg.kg-1N,显著高...
基于20 a长期施肥定位试验,研究了丰水年施肥对小麦产量和土壤肥力变化的影响。结果表明:各种肥料单施或配施对小麦产量的影响顺序为NPM>NM>NP>PM>M>N>P>CK,肥料配施有利于提高小麦产量并维持相对稳产;NP、NM、PM、NPM的交互作用明显,连应值均为正;氮磷配施能显著提高肥料对产量的贡献率和水分利用率,氮磷有机肥配施效果最佳,肥料对产量的贡献率为64.9%,水分利用率提高了103.5%,氮磷单施不如肥料配施;氮磷配施不利于土壤速效钾的积累,化肥和有机肥长期配施有利于土壤养分含量的增加,提高土壤肥力。
在长期冬小麦潜势试验和肥料试验的基础上 ,建立了作物光温水肥产量模型 ,从光温生产潜力、旱作产量潜势、现阶段施肥水平下光温水肥产量潜力和目前试区产量现状共4个层次 ,对黄土塬区旱作冬小麦的增产潜力进行了分析。结果指出 ,目前黄土塬区冬小麦实际产量仅达到了光温潜力的41 6 %、旱作产量潜势的49 3 %、试区施肥水平下光温水肥产量潜力的78 6 %。因此 ,采用合理施肥方式和加强田间管理 ,黄土高原塬区旱作冬小麦还有较大的增产潜力。
Microcoleus vaginatus Gom., the dominant species in biological soil crusts (BSCs) in desert regions, plays a significant role in maintaining the BSC structure and function. The BSC quality is commonly assessed by the chlorophyll a content, thickness, and compressive strength. Here, we have studied the effect of different proportions of M. vaginatus, collected from the Gurbantunggut Desert in northwestern China, on the BSC structure and function under laboratory conditions. We found that when M. vaginatus was absent in the BSC, the BSC coverage, quantified by the percentage of BSC area to total land surface area, was low with a chlorophyll a content of 4.77 x 10(-2) mg g(-1) dry soil, a thickness of 0.86 mm, and a compressive strength of 12.21 Pa. By increasing the percentage of M. vaginatus in the BSC, the BSC coverage, chlorophyll a content, crust thickness, and compressive strength all significantly increased (P < 0.01). The maximum chlorophyll a content (13.12 mg g(-1)dry soil), the highest crust thickness, and the compressive strength (1.48 mm and 36.60 Pa, respectively) occurred when the percentage of inoculated M. vaginatus reached 80% with a complex network of filaments under scanning electron microscope. The BSC quality indicated by the above variables, however, declined when the BSC was composed of pure M. vaginatus (monoculture). In addition, we found that secretion of filaments and polymer, which stick sands together in the BSC, increased remarkably with the increase of the dominant species until the percentage of M. vaginatus reached 80%. Our results suggest that not only the dominant species but also the accompanying taxa are critical for maintaining the structure and functions of the BSC and thus the stability of the BSC ecosystems.
A simple and convenient protocol for the cryopreservation of the flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) sperm was established for "on the spot" cryopreservation of large quantities of semen. The use of three cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), glycerol (Gly) and methanol was tested in the method. The percentage of motile sperm present in semen after it had been frozen and thawed in the presence of DMSO, Gly or methanol was 60.5 +/- 3.6, 79.17 +/- 4.5 and 13.25 +/- 4.7%, respectively. The fertilization rates of this sperm were 67.06 +/- 15.1, 76.20 +/- 10.0 and 44.93 +/- 22.6%, while the hatching rates of eggs fertilized with this sperm were 37.40 +/- 8.3, 48.18 +/- 25.7 and 23.35 +/- 10.8%, respectively. It was found that Gly and DMSO were better cryoprotectants than methanol, with Gly giving the best overall results. Under scanning electron microscopy, it could be seen that while the majority of the frozen-thawed sperm remained morphologically normal, some exhibited lost or dilated mitochondria, swollen mid-pieces, broken tails, or damaged cell membrane, which probably caused the decrease in motility and fertility of the frozen-thawed sperm. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders is one of common kelps distributed in many coastal areas worldwide; however, in China, no reports have been made on cultivation of the genus. To investigate potential cultivation of the species in the northern part of China, trials on isolation and preservation of the gametophytes were conducted using C. costata from Korea; growth and development of the gametophytes were observed. We showed that at 10 +/- 1A degrees C, 60 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 12:12 h (L:D), freshly released zoospores settled down within 1 hour, and then developed into the primary cell during the following 2 days. After a vegetative growth phase lasting 6-8 days, female gametophytes became 3-4 times larger in diameter than that of the primary cell, but still remained at a unicellular stage, while male gametophytes divided into 4-10 cells with only a slight change in size. Fertilization occurred within 10 days after the zoospores were released from the sporangia, and the apical and basal tissues of the juvenile sporophyte divided and differentiated into the blade and stipe. Temperature and irradiance influenced gametophytic vegetative growth and developmental patterns. Generally, low irradiance (15 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) was unfavorable to the induction of fertility, but it enhanced female gametophyte division. The optimal conditions for vegetative growth were 15A degrees C and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1). After transplantation of the juvenile seedlings and after eight months cultivation, the harvested mature blade reached 194 cm in length and 32.7 cm in width. Our study proves that it is feasible to implement propagation and large scale cultivation of C. costata in northern China.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of long-term cryopreservation on physiological characteristics, the antioxidant activities and lipid peroxidation of red seabream sperm which were respectively cryopreserved with 15% dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) for 1 month, 13 months, 26 months, 48 months and 73 months. The motility and fertility of post-thaw sperm decreased with the storage time going on. The highest motility (87.67 +/- 2.52%) was obtained in sperm cryopreserved for 1 month and the lowest (50.67 +/- 5.31%) was in sperm for 73 months. There were no significant differences (p < 0.05) in fertilization rates of sperm cryopreserved for 1 month (71.33 +/- 8.84%), 13 months (69.22 +/- 1.02%) and 26 months (60.33 +/- 2.33%); however, the sperm fertility decreased significantly for 48 months (47.22 +/- 3.89%) and 73 months (39.56 +/- 0.69%) storage. In addition, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of sperm were at a stable level for less than 26 months storage, then, decreased significantly after 48 months storage. Catalase (CAT) activities of sperm cryopreserved for 13 months, 26 months, 48 months and 73 months were significantly lower than that for 1 month. There were no significant differences in the malondialdehyde (MDA) level of sperm for less than 13 months storage. After 26 months storage, the concentration of MDA increased significantly, and the highest concentration (3.22 +/- 0.05 nmol/mgprot) was obtained in 73 months storage sperm. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to optimize the cryopreservation protocols for the sperm of red seabream, Pagrus major. The 2-mL cryovials and programmable freezer were employed for cryopreservation. Six extenders, six cryoprotectants in various concentrations ranging from 6 to 20% (v/v), four cooling rates, and three thawing temperatures were evaluated by postthaw sperm motility and fertility. The ratio of sperm to egg for postthaw sperm fertilization trials was experimentally standardized and was optimal at 500:1. The best motility of postthaw sperm (79.4 +/- 4.7% to 88.6 +/- 8.0%), fertilization rates (89.6 +/- 2.9 to 95.6 +/- 1.9%), and hatching rates (85.3 +/- 5.1% to 91.4 +/- 4.3%) were achieved when Cortland extender, dimethyl sulfoxide (15, 18, and 20%) or ethylene glycol (9, 12%) as cryoprotectants, 20 C/min as the cooling rate, and 40 C as the thawing temperature were employed. Moreover, the results on embryonic development were not significantly different between cryopreserved sperm and fresh sperm during incubation process. In conclusion, these methods of cryopreservation of red seabream sperm are suitable for routine aquaculture application and preservation of genetic resources.
v.1 - Manejo da cultura; Melhoramento genetico; Sementes; Fertilidade e biologia do solo; v.2 - Manejo do solo; Entomologia; Plantas daninhas; Fitopatologia; Coordenacao do Programa Nacional de Pesquisa de Soja; Difusao de tecnologia; Biometria; Assessoria de imprensa.
Situacao mundial da soja; Producao; Exportacoes/importacoes; Esmagamento; Estoques finais; Farelo de soja; Oleo de soja; Balanco de oferta e demanda mundial de soja; Recomendacoes tecnicas; Exigencias climaticas; Exigencias hidricas; Exigencias termicas e fotoperiodicas; Rotacao de culturas; Selecao de especies para rotacao de culturas; Planejamento da propriedade; Rotacao de culturas com a soja no sul do Maranhao; Manejo do solo; Manejo de residuos culturais; Preparo do solo; Alternancia do uso de implementos no preparo do solo; Rompimento da camada compactada; Sistema de semeadura direta; Correcao e manutencao da fertilidade do solo; Acidez do solo; Calagem; Qualidade do calcario e condicoes de uso; Correcao da acidez subsuperficial; Exigencias minerais e adubacao para a cultura da soja; Adubacao; Cultivares; Cuidados na aquisicao e na utilizacao da semente; Qualidade da semente; Armazenamento da sementes; Tratamento e inoculacao de sementes; Tratamento; Inoculacao; Preparo da semente; Instalacao da lavoura; Cuidados relativos ao manuseio das sementes; Epoca de semeadura; Semeadura na entressafra; Populacao de plantas e espacamento; Calculo da quantidade de sementes; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Doencas e medidas de controle; Consideracoes gerais; Doencas identificadas no Brasil; Principais doencas e demidas de controle; Retencao foliar "haste verde"); Colheita; Fatores que afetam a eficiencia da colheita; Avaliacao de perdas; Como evitar perdas; Tecnologia de sementes; Selecao do local; Avaliacao da qualidade; Remocoes de torroes para prevenir a disseminacao do nematoide de cisto.