990 resultados para Faure, Sébastien (1858-1942) -- Contribution à la pédagogie


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Leggere il progetto del Moderno e le sue culture costruttive in relazione alla storia e allo sviluppo della tecnologia, consente di esplorare alcuni aspetti dell’Architettura Moderna in Europa. Oltre alla più famosa, e maggiormente studiata, triade dei materiali ‘moderni’ – l’acciaio, il calcestruzzo e il vetro – la pietra ha svolto un importante ruolo nella definizione sia dello stile che della costruzione moderna. La costruzione in pietra è stata sempre associata alla tradizione e quindi deliberatamente dimenticata dal Movimento Moderno, durante la fase cruciale della modernizzazione della società e quindi dell’architettura e della costruzione. La pietra tuttavia testimonia la delicata transizione dalla tradizionale arte del costruire alle nuove tecnologie. La ricerca ha studiato l’evoluzione delle tecniche costruttive in pietra in Francia ed in Italia, durante gli anni ’20 e ’30, in relazione alle nuove tecniche industrializzate e i linguaggi delle avanguardie. La ricerca è partita dallo studio dei manuali, delle riviste e dei progetti presentati sulle loro pagine. In Italia e in Francia il rivestimento in pietra si afferma come un sistema costruttivo ‘razionale’, dove la costruzione moderna converge lentamente verso nuove soluzioni; questo sistema ha avuto negli anni ’20 e ’30 un ruolo centrale, nel quale è stato possibile un dialogo, senza contraddizioni, tra i materiali ‘moderni’ e la pietra. L’evoluzione dalle tradizionali tecniche costruttive verso i nuovi sistemi tecnologici, ha determinato una nuova costruzione in pietra che è alla base di una modernità che non rifiuta questo materiale tradizionale, ma lo trasforma secondo i nuoci principi estetici.


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The aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge and the identification of the main physical and chemical characteristics of the soil that affect the structural stability of soil types forming the soil cover of the plain of Sidi Bel Abbes region for agricultural use by excellence. Structural stability is an indicator of the cohesion of soil aggregates. This is a parameter that expresses the ability of soil aggregates to resist degradation in general the impact of rain or excess water. Measuring the structural stability makes it possible to evaluate the sensitivity a soil crusting and erosion. The results showed that soils subject of our study are stable and very stable with a slight difference. We have a statistical study made it possible to establish a correlation between the structural stability and other physical and chemical soil parameters measured )fersiallitic red soil and brown calcareous soil( such as organic matter content, the rate of total limestone and soil texture, to better explain the stability or instability of the soil structure and to establish a relationship between these parameters and the structural stability. // Keywords: Sidi Bel Abbes, chemical characteristics, physical, structural stability, soil, plain, fersiallitic red soil, brown calcareous soil


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This thesis focuses on “The “great hunting” among the Baka pygmies of the Southeastern Cameroon. A contribution to Anthropology of environment. The problematic in the study is the confrontation of great hunting among the Baka with the institutional, socio-economic and ecological change in forest. The goal is to analyze the mechanisms of adaptation of this game against these changes that affect the Baka environment. The proposed hypothesis suggests that Baka Pygmies have restructured the preparatory ceremonies of the great hunting following changes that occurred in their environmental milieu. Certain ritual animals have been substituted. Hunting lands, tools, methods and periods were also modified. The great hunting is opened to Baka hunters and non Baka hunters. Qualitative techniques, including observation, interviews and focus group discussions were used for data collection. The observations allowed us to understand the reality of driving forces in the forest as well as tools for hunting, hunting land and even the species sought. Interviews and focus group discussions were consolidated data on the ancient practice of hunting for rituals like Jengi and Beka, on the current practice of this hunting and on the impact of the of the modification of this hunting practice on the Baka culture. The results of this research show that the Baka have taken important measure to adapt their great hunting to the changing time and space. But the restructuring of this hunting varies from one village to another. As and when we leave the depths of the forest to the city of Yokadouma the great hunting is practiced less and less. Baka use illegal hunting tools and even fully protected species in their great hunting and in rituals celebrations. The overexploitation of forest resources, the creation of protected areas, full protection of certain large mammals and the action of ecoguards are something of an obstacle to the ancient practice of hunting for ritual. In most of camp where hunting is no more existing, ritual ceremonies are less and less celebrated. The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is related to the literature review, the theoretical framework, the definition of concepts, the second focuses on the geographical presentation of the study area, the third chapter looks at factors affecting the great hunting, the fourth chapter deal with the changes observed in the Baka’s great hunting, and the fifth chapter examines consequences of the restriction or suppression of the hunt on the Baka socio culture.


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Die europäischen Alpen sind in den Hochlagen trotz einem immensen Rückgang in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer noch stark vergletschert. Früher dachte man, dass die alpine Zone über rund 2000 m über Meer vom prähistorischen Menschen nicht begangen wurde. 1991 zeigte die Entdeckung des Mannes aus dem Eis beim Tisenjoch („Ötzi“) in über 3000 m Höhe, dass schon im Neolithikum Vorstösse bis in die vergletscherten Gebiete der Alpen stattgefunden haben. Die ältesten Spuren am Schnidejoch, einem Pass in den Berner Alpen der Schweiz, reichen bis in die Zeit zwischen 4800 und 4500 v.Chr. zurück. Der Pass wurde auch in der Frühen Bronzezeit benutzt, wie zahlreiche Objekte aus der Zeit zwischen etwa 2200 und 1600 v.Chr. belegen. Frühbronzezeitliche Funde liegen auch vom Lötschenpass, einem zweiten Passübergang in den Berner Alpen vor. Nördlich dieser Übergänge befinden sich die bekannten frühbronzezeitlichen Gräber des Berner Oberlandes (Region des unteren Thunersees), südlich davon stammen zahlreiche frühbronzezeitliche Funde aus Gräbern und Nekropolen im Rhonetal. Dank der Erhaltung von organischem Material bieten die Eisfundstellen wertvolle Einblicke zur Frequentierung der Hochalpen. Neben Bohlenwegen, Strassen und Brücken bilden Pässe wichtige Elemente des prähistorischen terrestrischen Transportsystems.


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Stefan Zweig arrive en Suisse en novembre 1917. D’abord libéré du service militaire pour deux mois, il obtient finalement la permission de rester en Suisse jusqu’à la fin de la guerre. Il peut ainsi assister aux répétitions et à la première de Jérémie, sa pièce de théâtre pacifiste représentée pour la première fois au Stadttheater de Zurich en février 1918. Son séjour en Suisse est également marqué par le développement de son admiration et de son amitié pour Romain Rolland – celui qu’il désigne comme étant « la conscience morale de l’Europe ». L’objet de cet article est de montrer que la conjonction Suisse–Rolland a joué un rôle absolument essentiel dans la vie personnelle et créatrice de Zweig.


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En Argentina, los primeros ensayos de voto directo en las elecciones internas de los partidos políticos tuvieron lugar en las décadas del treinta y el cuarenta del siglo XX. Con anterioridad, los candidatos eran elegidos por notables que imponían sus decisiones en las convenciones partidarias. En este artículo, se plantea analizar su implementación en Córdoba por la UCR y el Partido Demócrata, a partir de una coyuntura cuya relevancia trascendía los límites provinciales: las últimas elecciones parlamentarias nacionales antes del golpe militar de junio de 1943. La reconstrucción historiográfica muestra sus alcances así como las resistencias a la democratización en ambos partidos.