971 resultados para FLORAL VARIATION


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A biologia floral, polinização e sistema reprodutivo de Casearia grandiflora Cambess., C. javitensis Kunth e Lindackeria paludosa (Benth.) Gilg foram estudados no campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil (03°04'34" S e 59°57'50" W), durante o período de novembro 2003 a dezembro 2004. Foram realizadas observações sobre morfologia, biologia floral e visitantes florais. O sistema reprodutivo e o sucesso reprodutivo foram determinados através de polinizações experimentais no campo. As flores são hermafroditas ou estaminadas em Lindackeria paludosa e hermafroditas nas espécies de Casearia que emitem um odor adocicado durante a antese e cujo pólen possui alta fertilidade. As flores de Lindackeria paludosa e Casearia javitensis abrem durante a manhã, enquanto que as de Casearia grandiflora abrem durante a noite. Os principais polinizadores são moscas da família Syrphidae em espécies de Casearia e abelhas das famílias Apidae e Halictidae em L. paludosa. Os resultados das polinizações manuais indicam que Casearia grandiflora e Lindackeria paludosa são espécies autocompatíveis, ao contrário de Casearia javitensis, que é autoincompatível. As espécies apresentaram um alto potencial reprodutivo, mas baixo sucesso reprodutivo pré-emergente.


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Manilkara subsericea (Mart.) Dubard e Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem. & Schult.) T.D. Penn. apresentam inflorescências fasciculadas, com flores perfeitas, nectaríferas, odoríferas e hercogâmicas. Apresentam dicogamia protogínica e antese diurna. A corola é gamopétala, com a região basal dos lacínios formando um pequeno tubo. Os lacínios medianos, em ambas as espécies, curvam-se em direção ao eixo da flor, formando uma espécie de canaleta, na qual fica alojado o estame. As anteras são versáteis, extrorsas e rimosas. A liberação dos grãos de pólen ocorre na forma de nuvem por um mecanismo explosivo proveniente do acionamento do dispositivo lacínio-estame. As flores foram visitadas por abelhas, borboletas, besouros, moscas e Thysanoptera, sendo polinizadas pelas abelhas Xylocopa ordinaria e Apis mellifera, pela vespa Brachygastra lecheguana e pela borboleta Isanthrene incendiaria.


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The variation in nitrogen use strategies and photosynthetic pathways among vascular epiphyte families was addressed in a white-sand vegetation in the Brazilian Central Amazon. Foliar nitrogen and carbon concentrations and their isotopic composition (δ15N and δ13C, respectively) were measured in epiphytes (Araceae, Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae) and their host trees. The host tree Aldina heterophylla had higher foliar N concentration and lower C:N ratio (2.1 ± 0.06% and 23.6 ± 0.8) than its dwellers. Tree foliar δ15N differed only from that of the orchids. Comparing the epiphyte families, the aroids had the highest foliar N concentration and lowest C:N ratios (1.4 ± 0.1% and 34.9 ± 4.2, respectively). The orchids had more negative foliar δ15N values (-3.5 ± 0.2‰) than the aroids (-1.9 ± 0.7‰) and the bromeliads (-1.1 ± 0.6‰). Within each family, aroid and orchid taxa differed in relation to foliar N concentrations and C:N ratios, whereas no internal variation was detected within bromeliads. The differences in foliar δ15N observed herein seem to be related to the differential reliance on the available N sources for epiphytes, as well as to the microhabitat quality within the canopy. In relation to epiphyte foliar δ13C, the majority of epiphytes use the water-conserving CAM-pathway (δ13C values around -17‰), commonly associated with plants that live under limited and intermittent water supply. Only the aroids and one orchid taxon indicated the use of C3-pathway (δ13C values around -30‰).


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(Fenologia reprodutiva, biologia floral e polinização de Allamanda blanchetii, uma Apocynaceae endêmica da Caatinga). A fenologia reprodutiva, a biologia floral, o mecanismo de polinização e o sistema reprodutivo de Allamanda blanchetii A.DC. foram analisados em populações naturais na Fazenda Almas, Paraíba, Brasil. Allamanda blanchetii é uma espécie arbustiva, endêmica da Caatinga, com floração de fevereiro a julho e pico nos meses de março e abril. A frutificação acompanhou a floração e estendeu-se até o mês de setembro. As flores são tubulares e de coloração rosa, cuja forte hercogamia evita a autopolinização. O pólen é depositado na parte superior da cabeça do estilete (região não receptiva), ainda na fase de botão em pré antese (anteras deiscentes), caracterizando a apresentação secundária de pólen. As flores produzem uma média de 36,6 µL de néctar, o qual é o único recurso para os visitantes florais. Allamanda blanchetii é auto-incompatível e os resultados sugerem mecanismo de incompatibilidade de ação tardia. Seus atributos florais estão relacionados com as síndromes de melitofilia e psicofilia e, de fato, os polinizadores registrados foram a abelha Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier como principal polinizador e quatro espécies de borboletas que atuam como polinizadores secundários. A ocorrência de forte hercogamia, apresentação secundária de pólen e mecanismo de auto-incompatibilidade indicam o elevado grau de especialização dos sistemas de polinização e reprodução de A. blanchetii.


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Pouteria ramiflora e P. torta são espécies arbóreas, simpátricas no Bioma Cerrado, e foram estudadas da Reserva Ecológica do Clube Caça e Pesca Itororó, Uberlândia-MG com o objetivo de comparar os vários aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva. As fenofases foram avaliadas semanalmente e quantificadas quanto à intensidade. Os dados de biologia floral, sistema reprodutivo, sistema sexual e visitantes florais foram obtidos no campo e/ou no laboratório. As espécies apresentaram caducifolia no final da seca, brotação na transição da seca para o período chuvoso, floração na seca e maturação dos frutos na época chuvosa. Ambas possuem flores tubulares, pequenas e esverdeadas, nectaríferas e com viabilidade polínica alta. São autoestéreis e não agamospérmicas e apresentaram baixo sucesso de frutificação na polinização aberta. P. torta é hermafrodita, com flores protogínicas e hercogâmicas, enquanto P. ramiflora é morfologicamente ginomonóica e funcionalmente monóica. O fluxo de pólen aparentemente baixo entre as plantas e o aborto de frutos jovens resultaram em um pequeno sucesso de frutificação proveniente das polinizações naturais. Ambas as espécies são visitadas por diversos pequenos insetos, como borboletas, mariposas, dípteros e abelhas.


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Leaves and fruits from 63 Stryphnodendron adstringens trees were sampled in the Rio Preto State Park to analyze allozyme segregation, tissue specific expression of allozyme loci, and their genetic parameters. The enzyme systems ADH, EST, ACP, PGM, PGI, GDH, G6PDH, GOT, IDH, LAP, MDH, PER and SKDH were assessed by means of starch-gel electrophoresis. The polymorphic systems PGI, IDH, MDH and GOT demonstrated a dimeric quaternary structure, while EST and PER were monomeric. The total expected genetic diversity (H E) for leaves and seeds were 0.325 and 0.244 respectively. The effective number of alleles per locus (A E) was 1.58 in leaves and 1.42 in seeds. The values of H E and A E observed in S. adstringens were comparatively higher than the average values seen in allozyme studies of other woody plants. The values of the fixation indices for the population, considering leaves (f = 0.070) and seeds (f = 0.107), were not significant. The high values of genetic diversity and of effective number of alleles per locus, as well as the non-significant fixation index and the adjustments of the Hardy-Weinberg proportions between generations for the pgi-1, mdh-2 and idh-1 loci, indicated random mating in this population. The enzyme systems EST and PER demonstrated their best resolution in leaf tissues, while the MDH, IDH, PGI and GOT systems demonstrated their best resolution in seed tissues.


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The mitotic chromosomes of 51 citrus accessions from the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil, were analyzed. The sample included representatives of 20 Citrus species, one of Poncirus and seven hybrids. All accessions showed 2n = 18 without any evidence of numerical variation. The most clearly variable karyotype feature was the number and position of secondary constrictions (SECs). In 19 accessions the SECs were not identified, mainly due to the degree of chromatin condensation. In the remainder they varied in number from one to three per karyotype. They were found in the proximal region of one of the three largest chromosome pairs, in the terminal/subterminal region of a smaller chromosome or, more seldom, terminally in a larger chromosome. Only in a few cases were such constrictions observed simultaneously in both homologues of the same chromosome pair. The high variability of this karyotype feature may be due to the activation of this region in the previous interphase but may also indicate a high structural variability and heterozygosity of citrus germplasms


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The existence of a circadian rhythm of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in humans is controversial. We studied the plasma ANP response to isotonic blood volume expansion in the morning and in the afternoon and its relationship with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-cortisol diurnal variation in seven normal subjects. Basal plasma ANP level was similar in the morning (19.6 ± 2.4 pg/ml) and in the afternoon (21.8 ± 4.8 pg/ml). The ANP peak obtained with saline infusion (0.9% NaCl, 12 ml/kg) in the morning (49.4 ± 8 pg/ml) did not differ from that obtained in the afternoon (60.3 ± 10.1 pg/ml). There was no correlation between the individual mean cortisol and ACTH levels and the ANP peak obtained with saline infusion. These data indicate no diurnal variation in plasma ANP secretion induced by blood volume expansion and no relationship between plasma ANP peak and ACTH-cortisol diurnal variation


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The neuroendocrine system regulates several organic functions such as reproduction, metabolism and adaptation to the environment. This system shows seasonal changes linked to the environment. The experimental model used in the present study was Lagostomus maximus maximus (viscacha). The reproduction of males of this species is photoperiod dependent. Twenty-four adult male viscachas were captured in their habitat at different times during one year. The adrenal glands were processed for light microscopy. Serial cuts were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for the morphometric study, and 100 nuclei of each zone of the adrenal cortex were counted per animal. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and the Tukey test. The cells of the glomerulosa zone are arranged in a tube-shaped structure. The fasciculata zone has large cells with central nuclei and clearly visible nucleoli and with a vacuolar cytoplasm. In the reticularis zone there are two of types of cells, one with a nucleus of fine chromatin and a clearly visible nucleolus and the other with nuclear pycnosis. Morphometric analysis showed maximum nuclear volumes during the February-March period with values of 133 ± 7.3 µm3 for the glomerulosa, 286.4 ± 14.72 µm3 for the fasciculata, and 126.3 ± 9.49 µm3 for the reticularis. Minimum nuclear volumes were observed in August with values of 88.24 ± 9.9 µm3 for the glomerulosa, 163.7 ± 7.78 µm3 for the fasciculata and 64.58 ± 4.53 µm3 for the reticularis. The short winter photoperiod to which viscacha is subjected could inhibit the adrenal cortex through a melatonin increase which reduces the nuclear volume as well as the cellular activity.


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The objective of the present study was to determine if exposure of cervical mucus to air during specular examination could modify mucus pH. Detection of changes is justified because of their possible interference with sperm-mucus interaction, since an acidic pH is unfavorable to sperm penetration and is associated with infertility due to the cervical factor. Twenty women with good quality mucus were evaluated. pH measurements of ecto- and endocervical mucus were made in situ using a glass electrode after 0-, 5- and 10-min exposure to air. There was a progressive alkalinization of mucus pH. Mean values of ectocervical mucus pH were 6.91, 7.16 and 7.27, while mean values of endocervical mucus pH were 7.09, 7.34 and 7.46 at 0, 5 and 10 min, respectively. Significant differences were found between the mean values obtained at 0 and 5 min, and at 0 and 10 min (P<0.05), whereas the differences in mean values at 5 and 10 min were not significant at either site. We conclude that 5 to 10 min of exposure to atmospheric air affects cervical mucus pH in a significant way. Since tests used to evaluate sperm-mucus interaction generally have not considered this possibility, we suggest that they should be performed immediately after mucus collection in order to avoid misinterpretation of the results.


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Cell cultures of Mandevilla velutina have proved to be an interesting production system for biomass and secondary metabolites able to inhibit the hypotensive activity of bradykinin, a nonapeptide generated in plasma during tissue trauma. The crude ethyl acetate extract of cultured cells contains about 31- to 79-fold more potent anti-bradykinin compounds (e.g., velutinol A) than that obtained with equivalent extracts of tubers. Somaclonal variation may be an explanation for the wide range of inhibitor activity found in the cell cultures. The heterogeneity concerning morphology, differentiation, carbon dissimilation, and velutinol A production in M. velutina cell cultures is reported. Cell cultures showed an asynchronous growth and cells in distinct developmental stages. Meristematic cells were found as the major type, with several morphological variations. Cell aggregates consisting only of meristematic cells, differentiated cells containing specialized cell structures such as functional chloroplasts (cytodifferentiation) and cells with embryogenetic characteristics were observed. The time course for sucrose metabolism indicated cell populations with significant differences in growth and metabolic rates, with the highest biomass-producing cell line showing a cell cycle 60% shorter and a metabolic rate 33.6% higher than the control (F2 cell population). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis of velutinol A in selected cell lines demonstrated the existence of velutinol A producing and nonproducing somaclones. These results point to a high genetic heterogeneity in general and also in terms of secondary metabolite content.


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Materiaalia lisäävä valmistus eli 3D-tulostus on valmistusmenetelmä, jossa kappale tehdään 3D-mallin pohjalta materiaalikerroksia lisäämällä, käyttäen useita tekniikoita ja materiaaleja. Menetelmää sovelletaan useilla teollisuuden aloilla. Lisääviä valmistustekniikoita on kehitetty 1990-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien, ja ne monipuolistuvat jatkuvasti. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan sovellusalan terminologian kehitystä vertailevilla menetelmillä ja luodaan kolmikielinen sanasto alan asiantuntijoille, joita edustaa Suomessa FIRPA ry. Sanaston kielet ovat englanti, ranska ja suomi. Terminologian tutkimus on perinteisesti keskittynyt sanastotyöhön ja käsiteanalyysiin, sen sijaan termihistorian tutkimus on ollut vähäisempää. Tässä työssä on tehty vertailevaa termitutkimusta sekä sanastotyön että termihistorian näkökulmista. Vertailutasoja ovat termien merkityksen muuttuminen, vertailu pivot-kielen suhteen ja kielikohtaisten ominaisuuksien tarkastelu termien muotoutumisessa. Tutkittavia asioita ovat sanastokäsitteiden väliset suhteet, synonyymien, varianttien ja uudissanojen moninaisuus, ja termien yleiskielistyminen. Samalla pohditaan muita termien muuttumiseen vaikuttavia syita. Tärkeimpänä lähteenä käytetään Wohlersin vuosiraportteja, jotka kuvaavat kattavasti koko teollisuudenalaa. Koska englannin pivot-vaikutus on voimakasta teknisillä aloilla, omankielisen terminologian kehittyminen vaatii tietoista terminologiatyötä ja aktiivista omankielisten termien käyttöä. Terminologian vakiintumista voidaan arvioida termivarianttien ja uudissanojen määristä, sekä termien yleiskielistymisestä. Terminologia muuttuu jatkuvasti toimialan kehittyessä ja vaatii säännöllistä päivittämistä. Termihistorian tunteminen tukee sanastotyön termivalintoja. Alan asiantuntijat ovat vastuussa omasta terminologiastaan, ja heidän aktiivisuutensa on tärkeää sen kehittämisessä. Toteutettu sanasto on tämän pro gradu -tutkielman liitteenä ja se julkaistaan myös FIRPA ry:n Internet-sivustolla. Suomenkielinen osio sanastosta on ensimmäinen laaja suomeksi julkaistu materiaalia lisäävän valmistuksen sanasto.


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Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (tribe Attini) are symbiotic with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Leucoagaricus (tribe Leucocoprineae), which they cultivate on vegetable matter inside their nests. We determined the variation of the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene loci and the rapidly evolving internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of 15 sympatric and allopatric fungi associated with colonies of 11 species of leafcutter ants living up to 2,600 km apart in Brazil. We found that the fungal rDNA and ITS sequences from different species of ants were identical (or nearly identical) to each other, whereas 10 GenBank Leucoagaricus species showed higher ITS variation. Our findings suggest that Atta and Acromyrmex leafcutters living in geographic sites that are very distant from each other cultivate a single fungal species made up of closely related lineages of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. We discuss the strikingly high similarity in the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the Atta and Acromyrmex symbiotic L. gongylophorus studied by us, in contrast to the lower similarity displayed by their non-symbiotic counterparts. We suggest that the similarity of our L. gongylophorus isolates is an indication of the recent association of the fungus with these ants, and propose that both the intense lateral transmission of fungal material within leafcutter nests and the selection of more adapted fungal strains are involved in the homogenization of the symbiotic fungal stock.


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An emerging clinical entity that reproduces clinical manifestations similar to those observed in Lyme disease (LD) has been recently under discussion in Brazil. Due to etiological and laboratory particularities it is named LD-like syndrome or LD imitator syndrome. The condition is considered to be a zoonosis transmitted by ticks of the genus Amblyomma, possibly caused by interaction of multiple fastidious microorganisms originating a protean clinical picture, including neurological, osteoarticular and erythema migrans-like lesions. When peripheral blood of patients with LD-like syndrome is viewed under a dark-field microscope, mobile uncultivable spirochete-like bacteria are observed. PCR carried out with specific or conservative primers to recognize Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto or the genus Borrelia has been negative in ticks and in biological samples. Two different procedures, respectively involving hematoxylin and eosin staining of cerebrospinal fluid and electron microscopy analysis of blood, have revealed spirochetes not belonging to the genera Borrelia, Leptospira or Treponema. Surprisingly, co-infection with microorganisms resembling Mycoplasma and Chlamydia was observed on one occasion by electron microscopy analysis. We discuss here the possible existence of a new tick-borne disease in Brazil imitating LD, except for a higher frequency of recurrence episodes observed along prolonged clinical follow-up.