906 resultados para Entrepreneurship in Small Scale Manufacturing Sector, Psychological Factors in Entrepreneurship,


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More than 40 years after the agrarian reform, Peru is experiencing a renewed process of concentration of land ownership in the hands of large-scale investors, favoring the development of a sugar cane production cluster along the northern coast. The expansion of the agricultural frontier by means of large irrigation projects – originally developed to benefit medium- and small-scale farmers – is carried out today in order to be sold to large-scale investors for the production of export crops. In the region of Piura the increasing presence of large-scale biofuel investors puts substantial pressure on land and water resources, not only changing the use of and access to land for local communities, but also generating water shortages vis-à-vis the multiple water demands of local food producers. The changes in land relations and the agro-ecosystem, the altering food production regime as well as the increasing proletarization of smallholders, is driving many locals – even those which (initially) welcomed the investment – into resistance activities against the increasing control of land, water and other natural resources in the hands of agribusinesses. The aim of this presentation is to discuss the contemporary political, social and cultural dynamics of agrarian change along the northern Peruvian coast as well as the «reactions from below» emanating from campesino communities, landless laborers, brick producers, pastoralists as well as other marginalized groups. The different strategies, forms and practices of resistance with the goal of the «protection of the territory» shall be explored as well as the reasons for their rather scattered occurrence and the lack of alliances on the land issue. This input shall make a contribution to the on-going debate on individual and communal property rights and the question of what is best in terms of collective defense against land grabbing.


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Our knowledge about the effect of single-tree influence areas on the physicochemical properties of the underlying mineral soil in forest ecosystems is still limited. This restricts our ability to adequately estimate future changes in soil functioning due to forest management practices. We studied the stand scale spatial variation of different soil organic matter species investigated by 13C NMR spectroscopy, lignin phenol and neutral sugar analysis under an unmanaged mountainous high-elevation Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) forest in central Europe. Multivariate geostatistical approaches were applied to relate the spatial patterns of the different soil organic matter species to topographic parameters, bulk density, oxalate- and dithionite-extractable iron, pH, and the impact of tree distribution. Soil samples were taken from the mineral top soil. Generally, the stand scale distribution patterns of different soil organic matter compounds could be divided into two groups: Those compounds, which were significantly spatially correlated with topography/altitude and those with small scale spatial pattern (range ≤ 10 m) that was closely related to tree distribution. The concentration of plant-derived soil organic matter components, such as lignin, at a given sampling point was significantly spatially related to the distance of the nearest tree (p ≤ 0.05). In contrast, the spatial distribution of mainly microbial-derived compounds (e.g. galactose and mannose) could be attributed to the dominating impact of small-scale topography and the contribution of poorly crystalline iron oxides that were significantly larger in the central depression of the study site compared to crest and slope positions. Our results demonstrate that topographic parameters dominate the distribution of overall topsoil organic carbon (OC) stocks at temperate high-elevation forest ecosystems, particularly in sloped terrain. However, trees superimpose topography-controlled OC biogeochemistry beneath their crown by releasing litter and changing soil conditions in comparison to open areas. This may lead to distinct zones with different mechanisms of soil organic matter degradation and also stabilization in forest stands.


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Biophysical restoration or rehabilitation measures of land have demonstrated to be effective in many scientific projects and small-scale environmental experiments. However circumstances such as poverty, weak policies, or inefficient scientific knowledge transmission can hinder the effective upscaling of land restoration and the long term maintenance of proven sustainable use of soil and water. This may be especially worrisome in lands with harsh environmental conditions. This review covers recent efforts in landscape restoration and rehabilitation with a functional perspective aiming to simultaneously achieve ecosystem sustainability, economic efficiency, and social wellbeing. Water management and rehabilitation of ecosystem services in croplands, rangelands, forests, and coastlands are reviewed. The joint analysis of such diverse ecosystems provides a wide perspective to determine: (i) multifaceted impacts on biophysical and socio-economic factors; and (ii) elements influencing effective upscaling of sustainable land management practices. One conclusion can be highlighted: voluntary adoption is based on different pillars, i.e. external material and economic support, and spread of success information at the local scale to demonstrate the multidimensional benefits of sustainable land management. For the successful upscaling of land management, more attention must be paid to the social system from the first involvement stage, up to the long term maintenance.


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Accurate rainfall data are the key input parameter for modelling river discharge and soil loss. Remote areas of Ethiopia often lack adequate precipitation data and where these data are available, there might be substantial temporal or spatial gaps. To counter this challenge, the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) readily provides weather data for any geographic location on earth between 1979 and 2014. This study assesses the applicability of CFSR weather data to three watersheds in the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia. To this end, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was set up to simulate discharge and soil loss, using CFSR and conventional weather data, in three small-scale watersheds ranging from 112 to 477 ha. Calibrated simulation results were compared to observed river discharge and observed soil loss over a period of 32 years. The conventional weather data resulted in very good discharge outputs for all three watersheds, while the CFSR weather data resulted in unsatisfactory discharge outputs for all of the three gauging stations. Soil loss simulation with conventional weather inputs yielded satisfactory outputs for two of three watersheds, while the CFSR weather input resulted in three unsatisfactory results. Overall, the simulations with the conventional data resulted in far better results for discharge and soil loss than simulations with CFSR data. The simulations with CFSR data were unable to adequately represent the specific regional climate for the three watersheds, performing even worse in climatic areas with two rainy seasons. Hence, CFSR data should not be used lightly in remote areas with no conventional weather data where no prior analysis is possible.


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Context. During the most recent perihelion passage in 2009 of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), ground-based observations showed an anisotropic dust coma where jet-like features were detected at similar to 1.3 AU from the Sun. The current perihelion passage is exceptional as the Rosetta spacecraft is monitoring the nucleus activity since March 2014, when a clear dust coma was already surrounding the nucleus at 4.3 AU from the Sun. Subsequently, the OSIRIS camera also witnessed an outburst in activity between April 27 and 30, and since mid-July, the dust coma at rh similar to 3.7-3.6 AU preperihelion is clearly non-isotropic, pointing to the existence of dust jet-like features. Aims. We aim to ascertain on the nucleus surface the origin of the dust jet-like features detected as early as in mid-July 2014. This will help to establish how the localized comet nucleus activity compares with that seen in previous apparitions and will also help following its evolution as the comet approaches its perihelion, at which phase most of the jets were detected from ground-based observations. Determining these areas also allows locating them in regions on the nucleus with spectroscopic or geomorphological distinct characteristics. Methods. Three series of dust images of comet 67P obtained with the Wide Angle Camera (WAC) of the OSIRIS instrument onboard the Rosetta spacecraft were processed with different enhancement techniques. This was made to clearly show the existence of jet-like features in the dust coma, whose appearance toward the observer changed as a result of the rotation of the comet nucleus and of the changing observing geometry from the spacecraft. The position angles of these features in the coma together with information on the observing geometry, nucleus shape, and rotation, allowed us to determine the most likely locations on the nucleus surface where the jets originate from. Results. Geometrical tracing of jet sources indicates that the activity of the nucleus of 67P gave rise during July and August 2014 to large-scale jet-like features from the Hapi, Hathor, Anuket, and Aten regions, confirming that active regions may be present on the nucleus localized at 60. northern latitude as deduced from previous comet apparitions. There are also hints that large-scale jets observed from the ground are possibly composed, at their place of origin on the nucleus surface, of numerous small-scale features.


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In this paper we analyze state level data for total manufacturing constructed from the Annual Survey of Industries for the period 1986-2000 using the nonparametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). We assess the extent of surplus labor in the manufacturing sector in the individual states in India. The study also investigates whether the same states show the maximum incidence of surplus labor every year in the sample period and if there any evidence that the extent of surplus labor in manufacturing has been reduced or eliminated in the post-reform era. Our study shows the presence of considerable measure of surplus labor in all of the years in a majority of the states. Things have worsened rather than improved after the reform. Also, the regional distribution of surplus labor has remain fairly unchanged with the same states performing inefficiently both before and after the reform.


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In-situ Fe isotope measurements have been carried out to estimate the impact of the hydrothermal metamorphic overprint on the Fe isotopic composition of Fe-Ti-oxides and Fe-sulfides of the different lithologies of the drilled rocks from IODP Hole 1256D (eastern equatorial Pacific; 15 Ma crust formed at the East Pacific Rise). Most igneous rocks normally have a very restricted range in their 56Fe/54Fe ratio. In contrast, Fe isotope compositions of hot fluids (> 300 °C) from mid-ocean-ridge spreading centers define a narrow range that is shifted to lower delta 56Fe values by 0.2 per mil - 0.5 per mil as compared to igneous rocks. Therefore, it is expected that mineral phases that contain large amounts of Fe are especially affected by the interaction with a fluid that fractionates Fe isotopes during exsolution/precipitation of those minerals. We have used a femtosecond UV-Laser ablation system to determine mineral 56Fe/54Fe ratios of selected samples with a precision of < 0.1 per mil (2 sigma level) at micrometer-scale. We have found significant variations of the delta 56Fe (IRMM-014) values in the minerals between different samples as well as within samples and mineral grains. The overall observed scale of delta 56Fe (magnetite) in 1256D rocks ranges from - 0.12 to + 0.64 per mil, and of delta 56Fe (ilmenite) from - 0.77 to + 0.01 per mil. Pyrite in the lowermost sheeted dike section is clearly distinguishable from the other investigated lithological units, having positive delta 56Fe values between + 0.29 and + 0.56 per mil, whereas pyrite in the other samples has generally negative delta 56Fe values from - 1.10 to - 0.59 permil. One key observation is that the temperature dependent inter-mineral fractionations of Fe isotopes between magnetite and ilmenite are systematically shifted towards higher values when compared to theoretically expected values, while synthesized, well equilibrated magnetite-ilmenite pairs are compatible with the theoretical predictions. Theoretical considerations including beta-factors of different aqueous Fe-chlorides and Rayleigh-type fractionations in the presence of a hydrous, chlorine-bearing fluid can explain this observation. The disagreement between observed and theoretical equilibrium fractionation, the fact that magnetite, in contrast to ilmenite shows a slight downhole trend in the delta 56Fe values, and the observation of small scale heterogeneities within single mineral grains imply that a general re-equilibration of the magnetite-ilmenite pairs is overprinted by kinetic fractionation effects, caused by the interaction of magnetite/ilmenite with hydrothermal fluids penetrating the upper oceanic crust during cooling, or incomplete re-equilibration at low temperatures. Furthermore, the observation of significant small-scale variations in the 56Fe/54Fe ratios of single minerals in this study highlights the importance of high spatial-resolution-analyses of stable isotope ratios for further investigations.


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La estructura productiva de Jujuy en los últimos cincuenta años se ha caracterizado por la transición desde una economía centrada en la producción primaria (predominante hasta comienzos de la década de 1960) hacia otra con preeminencia creciente del sector terciario (desde mediados de la década de 1970 hasta la actualidad). El sector secundario nunca llegó a ser el más importante en el contexto económico provincial. Sin embargo, en una desagregación mayor, es la industria uno de los sectores que más aporta al producto bruto geográfico en los últimos quince años, con la particularidad de encontrarse concentrada en unas pocas localidades de la provincia. En ese marco, el presente trabajo se propone comprender la ubicación de las industrias en el territorio jujeño a partir de las teorías de la localización, con un análisis particular del caso de Palpalá (por su diseño de parques industriales destinado a aprovechar las economías de escala) y de la problemática ambiental generada por el sector. Se pretende responder a algunos de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Qué criterios fueron tomados en cuenta para decidir la ubicación de cada fábrica? ¿Cómo incidieron los cambios políticos en la radicación industrial en territorio jujeño? ¿Qué reconversiones se fueron logrando a partir de una industria básica como la siderúrgica? ¿Cómo fue resolviéndose la demanda de bienes finales e intermedios ante el crecimiento poblacional y la inserción/reinserción de la mano de obra? ¿Qué vinculaciones se observan entre la provincia y la región desde el punto de vista de la ocupación del espacio económico? ¿Qué problemas sobre los recursos naturales suscita la industrialización? ¿Cómo responden el Estado y la actividad privada en la prevención y solución de los inconvenientes ambientales? El análisis se realiza sobre la base de la transferencia de teoría a la situación real, entrevistas a informantes especializados y relevamiento de información en organismos estatales (para interiorizarse de aspectos político/económicos), interpretándose luego de modo interdisciplinar los datos relevados. Las respuestas a los distintos interrogantes van elaborándose a medida que se encuentran las relaciones entre las razones que la historia reciente registra y la respuesta social y productiva de los actores económicos de la provincia. En ese sentido, entre las conclusiones se destaca la escasez de aportes foráneos en la construcción del sector industrial local, la necesidad de políticas que incentiven al sector manufacturero a nivel regional, así como la importancia de que se desplieguen acciones con respecto al control de la contaminación, su prevención y la restauración de recursos naturales: agua, suelo, atmósfera y biomas


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La estructura productiva de Jujuy en los últimos cincuenta años se ha caracterizado por la transición desde una economía centrada en la producción primaria (predominante hasta comienzos de la década de 1960) hacia otra con preeminencia creciente del sector terciario (desde mediados de la década de 1970 hasta la actualidad). El sector secundario nunca llegó a ser el más importante en el contexto económico provincial. Sin embargo, en una desagregación mayor, es la industria uno de los sectores que más aporta al producto bruto geográfico en los últimos quince años, con la particularidad de encontrarse concentrada en unas pocas localidades de la provincia. En ese marco, el presente trabajo se propone comprender la ubicación de las industrias en el territorio jujeño a partir de las teorías de la localización, con un análisis particular del caso de Palpalá (por su diseño de parques industriales destinado a aprovechar las economías de escala) y de la problemática ambiental generada por el sector. Se pretende responder a algunos de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Qué criterios fueron tomados en cuenta para decidir la ubicación de cada fábrica? ¿Cómo incidieron los cambios políticos en la radicación industrial en territorio jujeño? ¿Qué reconversiones se fueron logrando a partir de una industria básica como la siderúrgica? ¿Cómo fue resolviéndose la demanda de bienes finales e intermedios ante el crecimiento poblacional y la inserción/reinserción de la mano de obra? ¿Qué vinculaciones se observan entre la provincia y la región desde el punto de vista de la ocupación del espacio económico? ¿Qué problemas sobre los recursos naturales suscita la industrialización? ¿Cómo responden el Estado y la actividad privada en la prevención y solución de los inconvenientes ambientales? El análisis se realiza sobre la base de la transferencia de teoría a la situación real, entrevistas a informantes especializados y relevamiento de información en organismos estatales (para interiorizarse de aspectos político/económicos), interpretándose luego de modo interdisciplinar los datos relevados. Las respuestas a los distintos interrogantes van elaborándose a medida que se encuentran las relaciones entre las razones que la historia reciente registra y la respuesta social y productiva de los actores económicos de la provincia. En ese sentido, entre las conclusiones se destaca la escasez de aportes foráneos en la construcción del sector industrial local, la necesidad de políticas que incentiven al sector manufacturero a nivel regional, así como la importancia de que se desplieguen acciones con respecto al control de la contaminación, su prevención y la restauración de recursos naturales: agua, suelo, atmósfera y biomas


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La estructura productiva de Jujuy en los últimos cincuenta años se ha caracterizado por la transición desde una economía centrada en la producción primaria (predominante hasta comienzos de la década de 1960) hacia otra con preeminencia creciente del sector terciario (desde mediados de la década de 1970 hasta la actualidad). El sector secundario nunca llegó a ser el más importante en el contexto económico provincial. Sin embargo, en una desagregación mayor, es la industria uno de los sectores que más aporta al producto bruto geográfico en los últimos quince años, con la particularidad de encontrarse concentrada en unas pocas localidades de la provincia. En ese marco, el presente trabajo se propone comprender la ubicación de las industrias en el territorio jujeño a partir de las teorías de la localización, con un análisis particular del caso de Palpalá (por su diseño de parques industriales destinado a aprovechar las economías de escala) y de la problemática ambiental generada por el sector. Se pretende responder a algunos de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Qué criterios fueron tomados en cuenta para decidir la ubicación de cada fábrica? ¿Cómo incidieron los cambios políticos en la radicación industrial en territorio jujeño? ¿Qué reconversiones se fueron logrando a partir de una industria básica como la siderúrgica? ¿Cómo fue resolviéndose la demanda de bienes finales e intermedios ante el crecimiento poblacional y la inserción/reinserción de la mano de obra? ¿Qué vinculaciones se observan entre la provincia y la región desde el punto de vista de la ocupación del espacio económico? ¿Qué problemas sobre los recursos naturales suscita la industrialización? ¿Cómo responden el Estado y la actividad privada en la prevención y solución de los inconvenientes ambientales? El análisis se realiza sobre la base de la transferencia de teoría a la situación real, entrevistas a informantes especializados y relevamiento de información en organismos estatales (para interiorizarse de aspectos político/económicos), interpretándose luego de modo interdisciplinar los datos relevados. Las respuestas a los distintos interrogantes van elaborándose a medida que se encuentran las relaciones entre las razones que la historia reciente registra y la respuesta social y productiva de los actores económicos de la provincia. En ese sentido, entre las conclusiones se destaca la escasez de aportes foráneos en la construcción del sector industrial local, la necesidad de políticas que incentiven al sector manufacturero a nivel regional, así como la importancia de que se desplieguen acciones con respecto al control de la contaminación, su prevención y la restauración de recursos naturales: agua, suelo, atmósfera y biomas


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Research to date on the economic development of the Republic of Korea and Taiwan has frequently contrasted the two economies by depicting the former as centered on large-scale enterprises and the latter on small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). The purpose of this study is to see if the appropriateness of this perception will also be verified by the statistical data. In Section I the authors utilized census data on the Korean and Taiwanese manufacturing sectors to compare the distribution pattern of the sizes of enterprises in the two economies. However, on examining the available data for making this comparison, the authors discovered that for Korea the statistics provided are those at the level of the establishment (a physical unit engaging in industrial activities such as a factory, workshop, office, or mine) while the statistics for Taiwan are those at the enterprise level. Mindful of this difference, the authors looked at the portion of the economy accounted for by large-scale establishments in Korea that employed 500 workers or more and by enterprises in Taiwan employing the same number of workers, and they discovered that the portion that these large-scale businesses account for, especially in the area of output, has steadily declined since the 1980s. When comparing the share of total production that these large-scale establishments/enterprises account for in the two economies, the authors concluded that those in Korea accounted for a larger share of that economy's production than did their counterparts in Taiwan. The authors then compared the portion of the economy accounted for by establishments in Korea and enterprises in Taiwan that employed less than ten workers, and they found that the portion of the two economies that these very small-scale production units accounted for has also been on the decline. Section II compares the portions of the two economies accounted for by large business groups. After comparing the percentage of GDP accounted for by the total sales of these business groups, the authors found that large business groups in Korea have played a far more important role in Korean economy than has been the case for such groups in Taiwan. This difference in the importance of such business groups in the two economies has also played an significant part in fostering the perceived dichotomy of large-scale enterprises playing the important role in Korea versus SMEs being the important players in Taiwan. Section III compares the percentage of total exports accounted for by SMEs, and shows that SMEs in Taiwan account for a larger share of exports than do their counterparts in Korea. This section also shows that in Taiwan the share of export sales for SMEs has consistently exceeded that for non-SMEs, while in Korea the relationship between enterprise size and the rate of export sales has been directly proportional. This difference in the size of the major export players is another factor fostering the perception of the Korean economy being centered on big business while Taiwan's is on SMEs. Although there were difficulties and limitations when comparing the data of the two economies, the statistical comparison undertaken in this study shows that in general big business has played the major role in the development of the Korean economy while in Taiwan's economic development this role has been played by SMEs. Thus the statistical data also verifies the perceived dichotomy of these two economies.


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FDI in the garment sector has been the single case of large-scale manufacturing investment in African low-income countries since the 1990s. While FDI has triggered the development of local industries in many developing countries, it has not yet been realized in Africa. This paper describes the spillover process in the Kenyan garment industry and investigates the background of local firms' behavior through firm interviews and simulation of expected profits in export market. It shows that credit constraint, rather than absorptive capacity, is a primary source of inactive participation in export opportunity. Only firms which afford additional production facilities without sacrificing stable domestic supply may be motivated to start exporting. However, in comparison with successful Asian exporters, those firms were not as motivated as Asian firms due to the large gap in expected profits.


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Cambodia has experienced high economic growth in the last decade. Because most of its industries were destroyed during the Pol Pot regime and civil war, in the last 20 years the country has been working hard to liberalize its economy to attract foreign investors With its efforts to join the regional and international community and with changes in the international trade environment, Cambodia started to grow its economy in the late 1990s. Now, in the early 21st century, the Cambodian economy seems to be prepared to take off. We can observe a kind of industrial agglomeration occurring, even though still at a small scale. In this paper, first, I will review the history of Cambodia’s economic development since the late 1980s. Second, I will examine the economic policies, laws, rules, and other environmental factors which have influenced industrial development and industrial location in Cambodia. Third, I will introduce industrial location in the late 2000s. Lastly, I will introduce some statistical data for the future analysis of industrial location in Cambodia.


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In India, as the production of passenger cars increased, many local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) entered the parts and components manufacturing sector. The sources of knowledge for large enterprises and SMEs are different. Naturally, spillover effects among large enterprises and between large enterprises and SMEs are different. This paper focuses on knowledge spillover among large enterprises and from large enterprises to SMEs. Subcontractor can absorb relation-specific skills through repeated interaction with parent company. The results of field survey emphasizes that relation-specific skills are a determinant factor of spillover effects from assemblers and large auto component manufacturers to SMEs. Econometric analysis shows that spillover effects among medium and large automobile units and from medium and large automobile units to small units went beyond boundary of cluster.


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Abstract The cloud forest is a special type of forest ecosystem that depends on suitable conditions of humidity and temperature to exist; hence, it is a very fragile ecosystem. The cloud forest is also one of the richest ecosystems in terms of species diversity and rate of endemism. However, today, it is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. Little is known about tree species distribution and coexistence among cloud forest trees. Trees are essential to understanding ecosystem functioning and maintenance because they support the ecosystem in important ways. For this dissertation, an analysis of woody plant species distribution at a small scale in a north-Peruvian Andean cloud forest was performed, and some of the factors implicated in the observed patterns were identified. Towards that end, different natural factors acting on species distribution within the forest were investigated: (i) intra-specific arrangements, (ii) heterospecific spatial relationships and (iii) relationships with external environmental factors. These analyses were conducted first on standing woody plants and then on seedlings. The woody plants were found to be clumped in the forest, either considering all the species together or each species separately. However, each species presented a specific pattern and specific spatial relationship among different-age individuals. Dispersal mode, growth form and shade tolerance played roles in the final distribution of the species. Furthermore, spatial associations among species, either positive or negative, were observed. These associations were more numerous when considering individuals of the interacting species at different developmental stages, i.e., younger individuals from one species and older individuals from another. Accordingly, competition and facilitation are asymmetric processes and vary throughout the life of an individual. Moreover, some species appear to prefer certain habitat conditions and avoid other habitats. The habitat definition that best explains species distribution is that which includes both environmental and stand characteristics; thus, a combination of these factors is necessary to understanding species' niche preferences. Seedling distribution was also associated with habitat conditions, but these conditions explained less than the 30% of the spatial variation. The position of conspecific adult individuals also affected seedling distribution; although the seedlings of many tree species avoid the vicinity of conspecifics, a few species appeared to prefer the formation of cohorts around their parent trees. The importance of habitat conditions and distance dependence with conspecifics varied among regions within the forest as well as on the developmental stage of the stand. The results from this thesis suggest that different species can coexist within a given space, forming a “puzzle” of species as a result of the intra- and interspecific spatial relationships along with niche preferences and adaptations that operate at different scales. These factors not only affect each species in a different way, but specific preferences also vary throughout species' lifespans. Resumen Resumen El bosque de niebla es uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados del mundo además de ser uno de los más frágiles. Son formaciones azonales que dependen de la existencia de unas condiciones de humedad y temperatura que permitan la formación de nubes que cubran el bosque; lo que dificulta en gran medida su conservación. También es uno de los ecosistemas con mayor riqueza de especies además de tener uno de los mayores porcentajes de endemismos. Uno de los aspectos más importantes para entender el ecosistema, es identificar y entender los elementos que lo componen y los mecanismos que regulan las relaciones entre ellos. Los árboles son el soporte del ecosistema. Sin embargo, apenas hay información sobre la distribución y coexistencia de los árboles en los bosques de niebla. Esta tesis presenta un análisis de la distribución a pequeña escala de las plantas leñosas en un bosque de niebla situado en la cordillera andina del norte de Perú; así como el análisis de algunos de los factores que pueden estar implicados en que se origine la distribución observada. Para este propósito se estudia cómo influyen factores de diferente naturaleza en la distribución de las especies (i) organización intra-específica (ii) relaciones espaciales heterospecíficas y (iii) relación con factores ambientales externos. En estos análisis se estudiaron primero las plantas jóvenes y las adultas, y después las plántulas. Los árboles aparecieron agregados en el bosque, tanto considerando todos a la vez como cuando se estudió cada especie por separado. Sin embargo, cada especie mostró un patrón distinto así como una particular relación espacial entre individuos jóvenes y adultos. El modo de dispersión, la forma de vida y la tolerancia de la especies estuvieron relacionados con el patrón general observado. Se vio también que ciertas especies aparecían relacionadas con otras, tanto de forma positiva (compartiendo zonas) como negativa (apareciendo en áreas distintas). Las asociaciones fueron mucho más numerosas cuando se consideraron los pares de especies en diferente estado de desarrollo, es decir, individuos jóvenes de una especie e individuos mayores de la otra. Eso indicaría que los procesos de competencia y facilitación son asimétricos y además varían durante la vida de la planta. Por otro lado, algunas especies aparecen preferentemente bajo ciertas condiciones de hábitat y evitan otras. La definición de hábitat a la que mejor responden las especies es cuando se incluyen tanto variables ambientales como de masa; así que ambos tipos de variables son necesarias para entender la preferencia de las especies por ciertos nichos. La distribución de las plántulas también estuvo relacionada con condiciones de hábitat, pero eso sólo llegaba a explicar hasta un 30% de la variabilidad espacial. La posición de los adultos de la misma especie también afectó a la distribución de las plántulas. En bastantes especies las plántulas evitan la cercanía de adultos de su misma especie, padres potenciales, aunque algunas especies aisladas mostraron el patrón contrario y aparecieron preferentemente en las mismas áreas que sus padres. La importancia de las condiciones de hábitat y posición de los adultos en la disposición de las plántulas varía de una zona a otra del bosque y además también varía según el estado de desarrollo de la masa.