954 resultados para Encima LDH


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Aims Cardiac grafts from non-heartbeating donors (NHBDs) could significantly increase organ availability and reduce waiting-list mortality. Reluctance to exploit hearts from NHBDs arises from obligatory delays in procurement leading to periods of warm ischemia and possible subsequent contractile dysfunction. Means for early prediction of graft suitability prior to transplantation are thus required for development of heart transplantation programs with NHBDs. Methods and Results Hearts (n = 31) isolated from male Wistar rats were perfused with modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer aerobically for 20 min, followed by global, no-flow ischemia (32°C) for 30, 50, 55 or 60 min. Reperfusion was unloaded for 20 min, and then loaded, in working-mode, for 40 min. Left ventricular (LV) pressure was monitored using a micro-tip pressure catheter introduced via the mitral valve. Several hemodynamic parameters measured during early, unloaded reperfusion correlated significantly with LV work after 60 min reperfusion (p<0.001). Coronary flow and the production of lactate and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) also correlated significantly with outcomes after 60 min reperfusion (p<0.05). Based on early reperfusion hemodynamic measures, a composite, weighted predictive parameter, incorporating heart rate (HR), developed pressure (DP) and end-diastolic pressure, was generated and evaluated against the HR-DP product after 60 min of reperfusion. Effective discriminating ability for this novel parameter was observed for four HR*DP cut-off values, particularly for ≥20 *103 mmHg*beats*min−1 (p<0.01). Conclusion Upon reperfusion of a NHBD heart, early evaluation, at the time of organ procurement, of cardiac hemodynamic parameters, as well as easily accessible markers of metabolism and necrosis seem to accurately predict subsequent contractile recovery and could thus potentially be of use in guiding the decision of accepting the ischemic heart for transplantation.


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Different pathogens, such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, can be responsible for different outcomes of mastitis; that is, acute and severe or chronic and subclinical. These differences in the disease could be related to different mammary responses to the pathogens. The objective of this study was to determine if intramammary challenge with the endotoxins lipopolysaccharide (LPS), from E. coli, and lipoteichoic acid (LTA), from Staph. aureus, induce different immune responses in vivo in milk cells and mammary tissue. To provide a reference level for comparing the challenge and to show the different stimulation of the mammary immune system on a quantitatively similar level, dosages of LPS and LTA were chosen that induced an increase of somatic cells in milk to similar maxima. One udder quarter in each of 21 lactating dairy cows was challenged with 0.2 mug of LPS or 20 mug of LTA. From these quarters and from respective control quarters, milk cells or tissue biopsies were obtained at 0, 6, and 12h relative to the challenge to measure mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), IL-1beta, IL-8, lactoferrin, and RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted). Furthermore, if no biopsies were performed, hourly milk samples were taken for measurement of somatic cell count, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and TNFalpha. Somatic cell count increased in all treatments to similar maxima with LPS and LTA treatments. Concentrations of TNFalpha in milk increased with LPS but not with LTA. The activity of LDH in milk increased in both treatments and was more pronounced with LPS than with LTA. The mRNA expression of TNFalpha, IL-1beta, IL-8, and RANTES showed increases in milk cells, and LPS was a stronger inducer than LTA. Lactoferrin mRNA expression decreased in milk cells with LPS and LTA treatments. The measured factors did not change in either treatment in mammary tissue. Challenge of udder quarters with dosages of LPS and LTA that induce similar increases in SCC stimulate the appearance of different immune factor patterns. This dissimilar response to LPS and LTA may partly explain the different course and intensity of mastitis after infection with E. coli and Staph. aureus, respectively.


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Low somatic cell count (SCC) is a reliable indicator of high-quality milk free of pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, an important goal in dairy practice is to produce milk with low SCC. Selection for cows with low SCC can sometimes lead to extremely low SCC in single quarters. The cells in milk are, however, predominantly immune cells with important immune functions. To investigate the mammary immune competence of quarters with very low SCC, healthy udder quarters of cows with normal SCC of (40-100) x 10(3) cells/ml and very low SCC of < 20 x 10(3) cells/ml were challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli. In the first experiment, SCC and cell viability after a challenge with 50 ng of LPS/quarter was investigated. In the second experiment, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in milk, and mRNA expression of various innate immune factors in milk cells were measured after a challenge with 100 mug LPS/quarter. LPS challenge induced an increase of SCC. SCC levels reached were higher in quarters with normal SCC and maximum SCC was reached 1 h earlier than in very low SCC quarters. The increase of TNF-alpha concentrations in milk in response to LPS challenge was lower in quarters with very low SCC than in quarters with normal SCC. The viability of cells and the LDH activity in milk increased in response to LPS challenge, however, without a difference between the groups. The mRNA expression of IL-1beta and IL-8 was increased in milk cells at 12 h after LPS challenge, whereas that of TNF-alpha and lactoferrin was not increased at the measured time points (12, 24 and 36 h after LPS challenge). No differences of mRNA expression of measured immune factors between normal and very low SCC samples were detected. The study showed that udder quarters with very low SCC responded with a less marked increase of SCC compared with quarters with normal SCC. This difference corresponded with simultaneously lower TNF-alpha concentrations in milk. However, the immune competence of the cells themselves based on mRNA expression of TNF-alpha, IL-8, IL-1beta, and lactoferrin, did not differ. The results may indicate that very low SCC can impair the immune competence of udder quarters, because the immune response in udder quarters with lower SCC is less efficient as fewer cells contribute to the production of immunoregulators.


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Background Predominantly, studies of nanoparticle (NPs) toxicology in vitro are based upon the exposure of submerged cell cultures to particle suspensions. Such an approach however, does not reflect particle inhalation. As a more realistic simulation of such a scenario, efforts were made towards direct delivery of aerosols to air-liquid-interface cultivated cell cultures by the use of aerosol exposure systems. This study aims to provide a direct comparison of the effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs when delivered as either an aerosol, or in suspension to a triple cell co-culture model of the epithelial airway barrier. To ensure dose–equivalence, ZnO-deposition was determined in each exposure scenario by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Biological endpoints being investigated after 4 or 24h incubation include cytotoxicity, total reduced glutathione, induction of antioxidative genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO–1) as well as the release of the (pro)-inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Results Off-gases released as by-product of flame ZnO synthesis caused a significant decrease of total reduced GSH and induced further the release of the cytokine TNFα, demonstrating the influence of the gas phase on aerosol toxicology. No direct effects could be attributed to ZnO particles. By performing suspension exposure to avoid the factor “flame-gases”, particle specific effects become apparent. Other parameters such as LDH and HO–1 were not influenced by gaseous compounds: Following aerosol exposure, LDH levels appeared elevated at both timepoints and the HO–1 transcript correlated positively with deposited ZnO-dose. Under submerged conditions, the HO–1 induction scheme deviated for 4 and 24h and increased extracellular LDH was found following 24h exposure. Conclusion In the current study, aerosol and suspension-exposure has been compared by exposing cell cultures to equivalent amounts of ZnO. Both exposure strategies differ fundamentally in their dose–response pattern. Additional differences can be found for the factor time: In the aerosol scenario, parameters tend to their maximum already after 4h of exposure, whereas under submerged conditions, effects appear most pronounced mainly after 24h. Aerosol exposure provides information about the synergistic interplay of gaseous and particulate phase of an aerosol in the context of inhalation toxicology. Exposure to suspensions represents a valuable complementary method and allows investigations on particle-associated toxicity by excluding all gas–derived effects.


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In dogs, degenerative joint diseases (DJD) have been shown to be associated with increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in the synovial fluid. The goal of this study was to examine healthy and degenerative stifle joints in order to clarify the origin of LDH in synovial fluid. In order to assess the distribution of LDH, cartilage samples from healthy and degenerative knee joints were investigated by means of light and transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with immunolabeling and enzyme cytochemistry. Morphological analysis confirmed DJD. All techniques used corroborated the presence of LDH in chondrocytes and in the interterritorial matrix of healthy and degenerative stifle joints. Although enzymatic activity of LDH was clearly demonstrated in the territorial matrix by means of the tetrazolium-formazan reaction, immunolabeling for LDH was missing in this region. With respect to the distribution of LDH in the interterritorial matrix, a striking decrease from superficial to deeper layers was present in healthy dogs but was missing in affected joints. These results support the contention that LDH in synovial fluid of degenerative joints originates from cartilage. Therefore, we suggest that (1) LDH is transferred from chondrocytes to ECM in both healthy dogs and dogs with degenerative joint disease and that (2) in degenerative joints, LDH is released from chondrocytes and the ECM into synovial fluid through abrasion of cartilage as well as through enhanced diffusion as a result of increased water content and degradation of collagen.


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Paclitaxel (Taxol) has been successfully combined with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) in the treatment of ErbB2 overexpressing cancers. However, this combination therapy showed an unexpected synergistic increase in cardiac dysfunction. We have studied the mechanisms of paclitaxel/anti-ErbB2 cardiotoxicity in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM). Myofibrillar organization was assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy and cell viability was tested by the TUNEL-, LDH- and MTT-assay. Oxidative stress was measured by DCF-fluorescence and myocyte contractile function by video edge-detection and fura-2 fluorescence. Treatment of ARVM with paclitaxel or antibodies to ErbB2 caused a significant increase in myofilament degradation, similarly as observed with an inhibitor of MAPK-signaling, but not apoptosis, necrosis or changes in mitochondrial activity. Paclitaxel-treatment and anti-ErbB2 reduced Erk1/2 phosphorylation. Paclitaxel increased diastolic calcium, shortened relaxation time and reduced fractional shortening in combination with anti-ErbB2. A minor increase in oxidative stress by paclitaxel or anti-ErbB2 was found. We conclude, that concomitant inhibition of ErbB2 receptors and paclitaxel treatment has an additive worsening effect on adult cardiomyocytes, mainly discernible in changes of myofibrillar structure and function, but in the absence of cell death. A potential mechanism is the modulation of the MAPK/Erk1/2 signaling by both drugs.


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For cell-based cartilage repair strategies, an ex vivo expansion phase is required to obtain sufficient numbers of cells needed for therapy. Although recent reports demonstrated the central role of oxygen for the function and differentiation of chondrocytes, a beneficial effect of low oxygen concentrations during the expansion of the cells to further improve their chondrogenic capacity has not been investigated.Therefore, freshly harvested bovine articular chondrocytes were grown in two-dimensional monolayer cultures at 1.5% and 21% O2 and redifferentiation was subsequently induced in three-dimensional micromass cultures at 1.5%, 5%, and 21% O2. Cells expanded at 1.5% O2 were characterized by low citrate synthase (aerobic energy metabolism)--and high LDH (anaerobic energy metabolism-activities,suggesting an anaerobic energy metabolism. Collagen type II mRNA was twofold higher in cells expanded at 1.5% as compared to expansion at 21% O2. Micromass cultures grown at 21% O2 showed up to a twofold increase in the tissue content of glycosaminoglycans when formed with cells expanded at 1.5% instead of 21% O2. However, no differences in the levels of transcripts and in the staining for collagen type II protein were observed in these micromass cultures. Hypoxia (1.5% and 5% O2) applied during micromass cultures gave rise to tissues with low contents of glycosaminoglycans only. In vivo, the chondrocytes are adapted to a hypoxic environment. Taking this into account, by applying 1.5% O2 in the expansion phase in the course of cell-based cartilage repair strategies, may result in a repair tissue with higher quality by increasing the content of glycosaminoglycans.


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In failing hearts cardiomyocytes undergo alterations in cytoskeleton structure, contractility and viability. It is not known presently, how stress-induced changes of myofibrils correlate with markers for cell death and contractile function in cardiomyocytes. Therefore, we have studied the progression of contractile dysfunction, myofibrillar damage and cell death in cultured adult cardiomyocytes exposed to the cancer therapy doxorubicin. We demonstrate, that long-term cultured adult cardiomyocytes, a well-established model for the study of myofibrillar structure and effects of growth factors, can also be used to assess contractility and calcium handling. Adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM) were isolated and cultured for a total of 14 days in serum containing medium. The organization of calcium-handling proteins and myofibrillar structure in freshly isolated and in long-term cultured adult cardiomyocytes was studied by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Excitation contraction-coupling was analyzed by fura 2 and video edge detection in electrically paced cardiomyocytes forming a monolayer, and cell death and viability was measured by TUNEL assay, LDH release, MTT assay, and Western blot for LC3. Adult cardiomyocytes treated with Doxo showed apoptosis and necrosis only at supraclinical concentrations. Treated cells displayed merely alterations in cytoskeleton organization and integrity concomitant with contractile dysfunction and up-regulation of autophagosome formation, but no change in total sarcomeric protein content. We propose, that myofibrillar damage contributes to contractile dysfunction prior to cell death in adult cardiomyocytes exposed to clinically relevant concentrations of anthracyclines.


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During a mammary immune response, the integrity of the blood-milk barrier is negatively affected and becomes leaky. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the blood origin, and to investigate changes in the concentration, of various constituents including immunoglobulins in blood and milk during the early phase of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mastitis. Five lactating dairy cows received continuous β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) clamp infusions to maintain elevated BHBA blood concentrations (1.5 to 2.0 mmol/L) from 48 h before and 8h after LPS administration. One udder quarter was infused with 200 μg of Escherichia coli LPS. A second quarter served as control. Milk and blood samples were taken hourly for 8h postchallenge (PC). The somatic cell count in LPS-challenged quarters was increased from 4h PC to the end of the experiment compared with control quarters. In LPS-challenged quarters, l-lactate, BHBA, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), IgG(1), and IgG(2) were increased at 3h PC and remained elevated until the end of experiment (8h PC) compared with control quarters. In addition, the optical density values in milk in a nonquantitative ELISA for antibodies directed against bluetongue virus (used as a measure of nonspecific antibody transfer; all animals were vaccinated) increased and, thus, indicates an increase in these antibodies in response to LPS treatment. l-Lactate concentration also increased in blood 2h PC and in the milk of control quarters during the experiment from 3h PC. A second experiment was conducted in vitro to investigate a possible contribution from destructed milk cells to l-lactate concentration and activity of LDH in milk. Aliquots of milk samples (n=8) were frozen (-20°C) or disrupted with ultrasound, respectively. Freeze thawing and ultrasound treatment increased LDH in milk samples, but had no effect on l-lactate concentrations. Results suggest that intramammary infusion of LPS induces a systemic response, as evidenced by an elevation of blood l-lactate concentration. The concomitant changes of all investigated components suggest that they were blood derived. However, the increase in blood components in the milk is not necessarily supportive of the mammary immune system, and likely a side effect of reduced blood-milk barrier integrity.


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Clostridium perfringens β-toxin (CPB) is a β-barrel pore-forming toxin and an essential virulence factor of C. perfringens type C strains, which cause fatal hemorrhagic enteritis in animals and humans. We have previously shown that CPB is bound to endothelial cells within the intestine of affected pigs and humans, and that CPB is highly toxic to primary porcine endothelial cells (pEC) in vitro. The objective of the present study was to investigate the type of cell death induced by CPB in these cells, and to study potential host cell mechanisms involved in this process. CPB rapidly induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, propidium iodide uptake, ATP depletion, potassium efflux, a marked rise in intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)]i, release of high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1), and caused ultrastructural changes characteristic of necrotic cell death. Despite a certain level of caspase-3 activation, no appreciable DNA fragmentation was detected. CPB-induced LDH release and propidium iodide uptake were inhibited by necrostatin-1 and the two dissimilar calpain inhibitors PD150606 and calpeptin. Likewise, inhibition of potassium efflux, chelation of intracellular calcium and treatment of pEC with cyclosporin A also significantly inhibited CPB-induced LDH release. Our results demonstrate that rCPB primarily induces necrotic cell death in pEC, and that necrotic cell death is not merely a passive event caused by toxin-induced membrane disruption, but is propagated by host cell-dependent biochemical pathways activated by the rise in intracellular calcium and inhibitable by necrostatin-1, consistent with the emerging concept of programmed necrosis ("necroptosis").


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Electrophoretic variants at four additional enzyme loci--two esterases (Est-2, Est-3), retinal lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-1) and mannose phosphate isomerase (MPI)--among three species and four subspecies of fish of the genus Xiphophorus were observed. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes confirmed the monomeric structures of MPI and the esterase and the tetrametric structure of LDH in these fishes. Variant alleles of all four loci displayed normal Mendelian segregation in backcross and F2 hybrids. Recombination data from backcross hybrids mapped with Haldane's mapping function indicate the four loci to be linked as Est-2--0.43--Est3--0.26--LDH-1--0.19--MPI. Significant interference was detected and apparently concentrated in the Est-3 to MPI region. No significant sex-specific differences in recombination were observed. This group (designated linkage group II) was shown to assort independently from the three loci of linkage group I (adenosine deaminase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) and from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and two isocitrate dehydrogenase loci. Evidence for conservation of the linkage group, at least in part, in other vertebrate species is presented.


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Glutathione (GSH) is involved in the detoxication of numerous chemicals exogenously exposed or endogenously generated. Exposure to these agents cause depletion of cellular GSH rendering these cells more susceptible to the toxic action of these same agents. Formaldehyde (CH(,2)O) was found to deplete cellular GSH, presumably by the formation of the GSH-CH(,2)O complex, S-hydroxymethylglutathione, and its rapid extrusion into the extracellular medium.^ The metabolism and toxicity of CH(,2)O were determined to be dependent upon cellular GSH in vitro and in vivo. The rate of CH(,2)O oxidation decreased and the extent of toxicity increased when isolated rat hepatocytes or strain A/J mice were pretreated with the GSH-depleting agent, diethyl maleate (DEM). Additional experiments were designed to further study the role GSH plays in detoxication using isolated rat hepatocytes.^ L-Methionine protected against the extent of lipid peroxidation and leakage of the cytosolic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes, further supporting the protective role of GSH against cellular toxicity. The antioxidants, ascorbate, butylated hydroxytoluene, and (alpha)-tocopherol, were all protective against the extent of lipid peroxidation and leakage of LDH in isolated rat hepatocytes. Whereas L-methionine may be protective by increasing the cellular concentration of GSH which is used to detoxify free radicals or by facilitating the rate of CH(,2)O oxidation, the antioxidant, ascorbate, was protective without altering the rate of CH(,2)O oxidation or increasing cellular GSH levels. These results suggest that the free radical-mediated toxicity caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes is due to the further depletion of GSH by CH(,2)O and not to increased CH(,2)O persistence. How this further depletion in GSH by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes results in lipid peroxidation and cell death was further investigated.^ The further decrease in GSH caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes, suspected of stimulating lipid peroxidation and cell death, was found not to be due to depletion of mitochondrial GSH but to depletion of protein sulfhydryl groups. In addition, cellular toxicity appears more closely correlated with depletion of protein sulfhydryl groups than with an increase in cytosolic free Ca('2+). The combination of CH(,2)O and DEM may be a useful tool in identifying these critical sulfhydryl-protein(s) and to further understand the role GSH plays in detoxication. ^


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This dissertation presents evidence to support the hypothesis that cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (MDH-1) is the enzyme in humans which catalyzes the reduction of aromatic alpha-keto acids in the presence of NADH, and the enzyme which has been described in the literature as aromatic alpha-keto acid reductase (KAR; E.C. is actually a secondary activity of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase.^ Purified MDH and purified KAR have the same molecular weight, subunit structure, heat-inactivation profile and tissue distribution. After starch gel electrophoresis, and using p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (HPPA) as substrate, KAR activity co-migrates with MDH-1 in all species studied except some marine animals. Inhibition with malate, the end-product of malate dehydrogenase, substantially reduces or totally eliminates KAR activity. Purified cytoplasmic MDH from human erythrocytes has an alpha-keto acid reductase activity with identical mobility. All electrophoretic variants of MDH-1 seen in the fresh-water bony fish Xiphophorus, the amphibians Rana and humans exhibited identical variation for KAR, and the two traits co-segregated in the small group of offspring from one Rana heterozygote studied. Both enzymes show almost no electrophoretic variation among humans from many ethnic groups, and among several inbred strains of mice both MDH-s and KAR co-migrate with no variation. MDH-1 and KAR in mouse and Chinese hamster fibroblasts show identical mobility differences between species. Antisera raised against purified chicken cytoplasmic MDH totally inhibited both MDH-1 and KAR in chickens and humans. Mitochondrial MDH from tissue homogenates has no detectable KAR activity but purified MDH-2 does.^ The previous claim that the gene for KAR is on human chromosome 12 is disputed because both MDH-1 and LDH bands appear with slightly different mobility approximately midway between the human and hamster controls in somatic cell hybrid studies, and the meaning of this artifact is discussed. ^


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Inbred strains of three species of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus (platyfish and swordtails) were crossed to produce intra- and interspecific F(,1) hybrids, which were then backcrossed to one or both parental stocks. Backcross hybrids were used for the analysis of segregation and linkage of 33 protein-coding loci (whose products were visualized by starch gel electrophoresis) and a sex-linked pigment pattern gene. Segregation was Mendelian for all loci with the exception of one instance of segregation distortion. Six linkage groups of enzyme-coding loci were established: LG I, ADA --6%-- G(,6)PD --24%-- 6PGD; LG II, Est-2 --27%-- Est-3 --0%-- Est-5 --23%-- LDH-1 --16%-- MPI; LG III, AcPh --38%-- G(,3)PD-1 (GUK-2 --14%-- G(,3)PD-1 is also in LG III, but the position of GUK-2 with respect to AcPh has not yet been determined); LG IV, GPI-1 --41%-- IDH-1; LG V, Est-1 --38%-- MDH-2; and LG VI, P1P --7%-- UMPK-1 (P1P is a plasma protein, very probably transferrin).^ Sex-specific recombination appeared absent in LG II and LG IV locus pairs; significantly higher male recombination was demonstrated in LG I but significantly higher female recombination was detected in LG V. Only one significant population-specific difference in recombination was detected, in the G(,6)PD - 6PGD region of LG I; the notable absence of such effects implies close correspondence of the genomes of the species used in the study. Two cases of possible evolutionary conservation of linkage groups in fishes and mammals were described, involving the G(,6)PD - 6PGD linkage in LG I and the cluster of esterase loci in LG II. One clear case of divergence was observed, that of the linkage of ADA in LG I. It was estimated that a minimum of (TURN)50% of the Xiphophorus genome was marked by the loci studied. Therefore, the prior probability that a new locus will assort independently from the markers already established is estimated to be less than 0.5. A maximum of 21 of the 24 pairs of chromosomes could be marked with at least one locus.^ Only the two LG V loci showed a significant association with a postulated gene controlling the severity of a genetically controlled melanoma caused by abnormal proliferation of macromelanophore pigment pattern cells. The independence of melanotic severity from all other informative markers implies that one or at most a few major genes are involved in control of melanotic severity in this system. ^


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Diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) is based upon the clinical orthopaedic examination and the radiographic assessment, both of which can be non-specific and insensitive in early joint disease. The aim of our study was to investigate if there is an increase in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in degenerative joint disease (DJD) and if CRP could be used to help diagnose OA. We also wished to investigate whether it was possible to distinguish a joint with clinically and radiographically confirmed OA from a healthy joint by comparing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels within the synovial fluid and the serum. We have shown a difference in synovial LDH levels between diseased and healthy joints (P<0.0001). There was also a significant difference between LDH in arthritic synovial fluid and serum, with no correlation between the values. Despite the fact that the values of our clinical patients tended to be higher than the values of our control group (P=0.05) all measured values were within the normal limits of previous publications. From these data, we conclude that single measurements of serum CRP do not permit detection of OA in clinical patients and that serum LDH is not a reliable marker for osteoarthritis. LDH levels in the synovial fluid could be of diagnostic value for identifying osteoarthritis.