936 resultados para Emergence Traps


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O cristianismo de libertação pode ser considerado uma terminologia para designar como as ações de libertação surgem na religião de matriz cristã-católica. Nele, está implícito o conceito de que Deus encontra-se no meio do povo para proporcionar experiências de libertação do sujeito consigo e do sujeito na sociedade. Libertação processual que desencadeie ações libertadoras. Aqui, interessa mais a ação do que a fé. Pensar o cristianismo traduz-se por pensar em ações salvíficas em situações opressoras. A fé que salva a alma, mas aprisiona o corpo não salvou. As experiências espirituais devocionais, deslocadas das atitudes de justiça e de amor em favor dos pobres, passaram por um difícil crivo de senso e valor social, em período histórico concomitante ao surgimento da Teologia da Libertação na América Latina. A igreja, por sua vez, condenou seus melhores pensadores acusando-os de profanos, pois estes preocupavam-se demais com a questão social dos sujeitos-fiéis. Entretanto, o próprio Cristo priorizou salvar as condições sociais dos seus seguidores. Cristo, assim, deu destaque ao corpo do sujeito. Seu contato pessoal com os seus seguidores materializam a verdade de suas palavras libertadores. Nesse sentido, pode-se dizer que Paulo Freire promoveu uma educação cristã. Uma espécie de libertação dos pobres mediada pelo recurso da palavra.


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The identification and quantification of spin adducts and their reduction products (>NOH, >NOR) formed from nitroso compounds and nitrones in EPR and PP during spin trapping techniques have been examined. The nitroxyl yield and polymer bound nitroxyl percentage formed from these spin traps were found to be strongly dependent on the nature of spin trap and radical generator, processing temperature, and irradiation time. The nitroxyl yield and % bound nitroxyl of the spin traps improved significantly in the presence of Trigonox 101 and 2-0H benzophenone. The effect of these spin traps used as normal additive and their spin adducts in the form of EPR-masterbatch on the photo and thermal-oxidation of PP have been studied. Aliphatic nitroso compounds were found to have much better photo-antioxidant activity than nitrones and aromatic nitroso compounds, and their antioxidant activity improved appreciably in the presence of, a free radical generator, Trigonox 101, before and after extraction. The effect of heat, light and oxidising agent (meta-dichloro per benzoic acid) on the nitroxyl yield of nitroso tertiary butane in solution as a model study has been investigated and a cyclic regenerative process involving both chain breaking acceptor and chain breaking donor process has been proposed.


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How are innovative new business models established if organizations constantly compare themselves against existing criteria and expectations? The objective is to address this question from the perspective of innovators and their ability to redefine established expectations and evaluation criteria. The research questions ask whether there are discernible patterns of discursive action through which innovators theorize institutional change and what role such theorizations play for mobilizing support and realizing change projects. These questions are investigated through a case study on a critical area of enterprise computing software, Java application servers. In the present case, business practices and models were already well established among incumbents with critical market areas allocated to few dominant firms. Fringe players started experimenting with a new business approach of selling services around freely available opensource application servers. While most new players struggled, one new entrant succeeded in leading incumbents to adopt and compete on the new model. The case demonstrates that innovative and substantially new models and practices are established in organizational fields when innovators are able to refine expectations and evaluation criteria within an organisational field. The study addresses the theoretical paradox of embedded agency. Actors who are embedded in prevailing institutional logics and structures find it hard to perceive potentially disruptive opportunities that fall outside existing ways of doing things. Changing prevailing institutional logics and structures requires strategic and institutional work aimed at overcoming barriers to innovation. The study addresses this problem through the lens of (new) institutional theory. This discourse methodology traces the process through which innovators were able to establish a new social and business model in the field.


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Integrating sociological and psychological perspectives, this research considers the value of organizational ethnic diversity as a function of community diversity. Employee and patient surveys, census data, and performance indexes relevant to 142 hospitals in the United Kingdom suggest that intraorganizational ethnic diversity is associated with reduced civility toward patients. However, the degree to which organizational demography was representative of community demography was positively related to civility experienced by patients and ultimately enhanced organizational performance. These findings underscore the understudied effects of community context and imply that intergroup biases manifested in incivility toward out-group members hinder organizational performance.


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We investigate knowledge exchange among commercial organizations, the rationale behind it, and its effects on the market. Knowledge exchange is known to be beneficial for industry, but in order to explain it, authors have used high-level concepts like network effects, reputation, and trust. We attempt to formalize a plausible and elegant explanation of how and why companies adopt information exchange and why it benefits the market as a whole when this happens. This explanation is based on a multiagent model that simulates a market of software providers. Even though the model does not include any high-level concepts, information exchange naturally emerges during simulations as a successful profitable behavior. The conclusions reached by this agent-based analysis are twofold: 1) a straightforward set of assumptions is enough to give rise to exchange in a software market, and 2) knowledge exchange is shown to increase the efficiency of the market.


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Community unionism has emerged in the past decade as a growing strand of industrial relations research and is influencing trade union strategies for renewal. This article seeks to further develop the concept, while exploring the potential roles for unions in communities subject to projects of urban regeneration.


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Many natural, technological and social systems are inherently not in equilibrium. We show, by detailed analysis of exemplar models, the emergence of equilibriumlike behavior in localized or nonlocalized domains within nonequilibrium Ising spin systems. Equilibrium domains are shown to emerge either abruptly or gradually depending on the system parameters and disappear, becoming indistinguishable from the remainder of the system for other parameter values. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Banzhaf explores the concept of emergence and how and where it happens in genetic programming [1]. Here we consider the question: what shall we do with it? We argue that given our ultimate goal to produce genetic programming systems that solve new and difficult problems, we should take advantage of emergence to get closer to this goal. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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