999 resultados para Electoral strategy


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This thesis investigates the strategy implementation process of enterprices; a process whichhas lacked the academic attentioon compared with a rich strategy formation research trdition. Strategy implementation is viewed as a process ensuring tha the strtegies of an organisation are realised fully and quickly, yet with constant consideration of changing circumstances. The aim of this sudy is to provide a framework for identifying, analysing and removing the strategy implementation bottleneck af an organization and thus for intesifying its strategy process.The study is opened by specifying the concept, tasks and key actors of strategy implementation process; especially arguments for the critical implementation role of the top management are provided. In order to facilitate the analysis nad synthetisation of the core findings of scattered doctrine, six characteristic approaches to strategy implementation phenomenon are identified and compared. The Bottleneck Framework is introduced as an instrument for arranging potential strategy realisation problems, prioritising an organisation's implementation obstacles and focusing the improvement measures accordingly. The SUCCESS Framework is introduced as a mnemonic of the seven critical factors to be taken into account when promoting sttrategy implementation. Both frameworks are empirically tested by applying them to real strategy implementation intesification process in an international, industrial, group-structured case enterprise.


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El análisis y la comparación de las leyes municipales y, más concretamente, de los censos electorales de Lleida en el periodo liberal que abarcó de 1837 a 1853 muestra como se adoptaron diversos modelos electorales en ese momento según fuese el partido que gobernase. Así, cuando lo hicieron los progresistas elaboraron una ley electoral descentralizada y ampliaron el censo de electores hasta llegar a cubrir las capas medias de la sociedad de Lleida, mientras que los moderados, cuando lo hicieron, legislaron para jerarquizar el poder del Estado del centro a las provincias y recortaron el censo hasta dejar a los 250 mayores contribuyentes de la ciudad. El segundo objetivo del estudio ha mostrado la evolución del electorado municipal del municipio a raíz de la abertura liberal que significó el triunfo de la Revolución Burguesa, que propició que los sectores que vivieron una coyuntura económica favorable, principalmente los dedicados al comercio, se situasen en los primeros lugares entre los mayores contribuyentes en detrimento de otros grupos, el campesinado, que permanecían estancados.


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Ignoring irrelevant visual information aids efficient interaction with task environments. We studied how people, after practice, start to ignore the irrelevant aspects of stimuli. For this we focused on how information reduction transfers to rarely practised and novel stimuli. In Experiment 1, we compared competing mathematical models on how people cease to fixate on irrelevant parts of stimuli. Information reduction occurred at the same rate for frequent, infrequent, and novel stimuli. Once acquired with some stimuli, it was applied to all. In Experiment 2, simplification of task processing also occurred in a once-for-all manner when spatial regularities were ruled out so that people could not rely on learning which screen position is irrelevant. Apparently, changes in eye movements were an effect of a once-for-all strategy change rather than a cause of it. Overall, the results suggest that participants incidentally acquired knowledge about regularities in the task material and then decided to voluntarily apply it for efficient task processing. Such decisions should be incorporated into accounts of information reduction and other theories of strategy change in skill acquisition.


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Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is characterized by accumulation of lipoproteinaceous material in the terminal airways. Whole lung lavage (WLL) remains the gold standard treatment but may be particularly challenging in cases of severe hypoxemia. We present a 3-step strategy that was used in a patient with PAP-associated refractory hypoxemia and that combined venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vvECMO), double-lumen orotracheal intubation, and bilateral multisegmental sequential lavage (MSL). The procedure was well tolerated and permitted weaning from the ventilator.


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There is a widespread agreement from patient and professional organisations alike that the safety of stem cell therapeutics is of paramount importance, particularly for ex vivo autologous gene therapy. Yet current technology makes it difficult to thoroughly evaluate the behaviour of genetically corrected stem cells before they are transplanted. To address this, we have developed a strategy that permits transplantation of a clonal population of genetically corrected autologous stem cells that meet stringent selection criteria and the principle of precaution. As a proof of concept, we have stably transduced epidermal stem cells (holoclones) obtained from a patient suffering from recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Holoclones were infected with self-inactivating retroviruses bearing a COL7A1 cDNA and cloned before the progeny of individual stem cells were characterised using a number of criteria. Clonal analysis revealed a great deal of heterogeneity among transduced stem cells in their capacity to produce functional type VII collagen (COLVII). Selected transduced stem cells transplanted onto immunodeficient mice regenerated a non-blistering epidermis for months and produced a functional COLVII. Safety was assessed by determining the sites of proviral integration, rearrangements and hit genes and by whole-genome sequencing. The progeny of the selected stem cells also had a diploid karyotype, was not tumorigenic and did not disseminate after long-term transplantation onto immunodeficient mice. In conclusion, a clonal strategy is a powerful and efficient means of by-passing the heterogeneity of a transduced stem cell population. It guarantees a safe and homogenous medicinal product, fulfilling the principle of precaution and the requirements of regulatory affairs. Furthermore, a clonal strategy makes it possible to envision exciting gene-editing technologies like zinc finger nucleases, TALENs and homologous recombination for next-generation gene therapy.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza la normativa electoral y su aplicación incluida en el articulado de la Constitución de 1812. Para ello en primer lugar se estudia el espíritu del proyecto electoral constitucional. Posteriormente se analiza su aplicación en los comicios para elegir las Cortes Ordinarias de 1813 en las dos realidades que contempla: los territorios de la metrópoli y los de ultramar. Analizada la normativa electoral, establecemos el Parlamento teórico resultante y su aplicación real. Finalmente, realizamos un análisis prosopográfico de los diputados elegidos en España y Cataluña, establecemos la morfología del parlamentario tipo y lo comparamos con los resultados de las dos realidades electorales apuntadas.


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En el presente trabajo analizamos el proceso de elección de los diputados españoles en las Cortes Extraordinarias de Cádiz (1810-1813), la sociología de estos parlamentarios y su asistencia en el Parlamento. Después de efectuar el análisis observamos en primer lugar que hubo cuatro modalidades de elección de los diputados y que, una vez escogidos, nunca se cubrieron todos los puestos de diputado otorgados. En segundo lugar, detectamos que los diputados elegidos por los diversos entes que participaron en el proceso electoral fueron en su mayoría de condición social acomodada y representativos de la sociedad española, sobresaliendo en número el grupo de diputados eclesiásticos, de leyes y funcionarios.


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Con toda seguridad, uno de los aspectos que más sorprendieron a la opinión pública ecuato" riana de los resultados de la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de octubre de 2006, fue el triunfo sin paliativos de la candidatura de Gilmar Gutiérrez en las provincias del callejón interandino y el aparente hundimiento del candidato de Pachakutik en escenarios como los de Cañar; Chimborazo, Bolívar, Cotopaxi o lmbabura, otrora verdaderos baluartes del poder de convocatoria del movimiento indígena.


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En el presente trabajo pretendemos analizar el proceso de elección de los diputados catalanes que representaron al Principado de Cataluña en las Cortes de Cádiz (1810-1813), la sociología de los parlamentarios y su comportamiento en el Parlamento según la ideología que manifestaron. Para el estudio hemos cruzado, principalmente, los datos del Diccionario Biográfico de los Parlamentarios Españoles (Madrid, 2010) y la documentación del Archivo del Congreso de los Diputados. Tras el análisis del proceso electoral, primero observamos que nunca se cubrieron todos los puestos otorgados a Cataluña. En segundo lugar, los diputados elegidos fueron, en su mayoría, de condición social acomodada, representativos de la sociedad catalana y acordes con sus homónimos españoles, sobresaliendo en número los grupos de diputados eclesiásticos, abogados y nobles. En tercer lugar, a diferencia del caso global español, destacamos que la adscripción política de la representación catalana fue de mayoría realista y se mostró globalmente contraria a la legislación liberal aprobada en Cádiz.


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The purpose of the research is to develop a go-to-market strategy with pharmacies. As it was agreed with the client of the study, Reckitt Benckiser, the focus is solely on non-prescription products. Therefore, prescription medicines are not considered in the study. The main objective of the research is to clarify consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior concerning non-prescription products. These issues are observed with surveys, which are provided to consumers and pharmacy personnel. The go-to-market strategy is based on the survey results and is comprised by utilizing the marketing-mix model. Legislation and the present state & trends are additional minor research problems of the study. The results of the research provide many descriptive insights about consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior. It is concluded that the consumers’ level of involvement with non-prescription products is low and the type of behavior is habitual. It is also demonstrated that several decision-making criteria are very different among different age groups and genders. Concerning pharmacy personnel, the factors that they base their product recommendations are revealed. In addition, the sources of medicine information for both consumers and pharmacy personnel are found out.


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Tämä pro gradu tutkielma esittää markkinointistrategian digitaaliselle matkapuhelinpalvelulle penetroiduttaessa uusille markkinoille. MegaFon on uuden sukupolven mobiilioperaattori, jolla on lukuisia teknlogiaan perustuvia etuisuuksia puolellaan. Markkinointistrategian perusteena asiakkaat on määritelty, paikallistettu ja analysoitu. Tämän lisäksi, palvelun positiointi, hinnoittelu- ja jakelukanavavaihtoehdot on myöskin analysoitu ja määritelty. Menestystekijöihin liittyvät kysymykset, myynnin jälkeiseen toimintaan liittyvät asiat on myös tutkittu. Teoreettiset aspektit liittyvät pääsääntöisesti uuden palvelun ja palveluiden lanseeramiseen (palvelu, palvelun elinkaariajattelu), niiden markkinointistrategioihin lanseerausvaiheessa ja markkinointikanavien päättämiseen. Tutkimuksessa on selitetty MegaFonin ennustamis- ja lähestymistavat, joilla on valotettu todellista markkinatilannetta. Tämän tutkielman informaatio on kerätty useista lähteistä, kuten: yleistä aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sisäisiä raportteja ja Megafonin materiaalia, yhteistyökumppaneiden aineistoa, Internettia ja muuta saatavilla olevaa materiaalia. Tuloksena on määritelty päätöksenteon avainkohdat ja osaltaan perinteiset lähestymistavat on kyseenalaistettu.


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We present a case study of the redesign of the organizational presentation and content of the Virtual Library website at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC), based on a user-centered design strategy. The aim of the redesign was to provide users with more intuitive, usable and understandable content (textual content, resources and services) by implementing criteria of customization, transparency and proximity. The study also presents a selection of best practices for applying these criteria to the design of other library websites.


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In spite of recent advances in describing the health outcomes of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs), it still remains unclear how exactly NPs interact with their cellular targets. Size, surface, mass, geometry, and composition may all play a beneficial role as well as causing toxicity. Concerns of scientists, politicians and the public about potential health hazards associated with NPs need to be answered. With the variety of exposure routes available, there is potential for NPs to reach every organ in the body but we know little about the impact this might have. The main objective of the FP7 NanoTEST project ( www.nanotest-fp7.eu ) was a better understanding of mechanisms of interactions of NPs employed in nanomedicine with cells, tissues and organs and to address critical issues relating to toxicity testing especially with respect to alternatives to tests on animals. Here we describe an approach towards alternative testing strategies for hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials, highlighting the adaptation of standard methods demanded by the special physicochemical features of nanomaterials and bioavailability studies. The work has assessed a broad range of toxicity tests, cell models and NP types and concentrations taking into account the inherent impact of NP properties and the effects of changes in experimental conditions using well-characterized NPs. The results of the studies have been used to generate recommendations for a suitable and robust testing strategy which can be applied to new medical NPs as they are developed.