964 resultados para Edmondston, Thomas, 1825-1846.


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Letter to Thomas Steers of Montreal from Samuel D. Woodruff asking for information on the progress of the patent which will expire on the 16th of March, Feb. 9, 1848.


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Letter to Mr. Thomas Bell asking him to use all due diligence to bring this claim before the committee. [This letter is unsigned but is from Port Robinson and likely written by Samuel D. Woodruff], Dec. 15, 1848.


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Letter from Mr. Thomas Bell to Samuel D. Woodruff informing him that he has taken the claim of James D. Clement before the Heir and Devisee Committee and he requires more money (1 page, double sided), July 12, 1849.


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Letter to Mr. Thomas Bell from S.D. Woodruff concerning the claim of Mr. James Clement. Mr. Woodruff trusts that Mr. Bell has the application made for the patent. He encloses $10 to cover the fees. He states that he has authorized Mr. Thomas Steers to prosecute the claim, July 16, 1849.


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Letter in which Thomas Bell informs S.D. Woodruff that he has the patent for Lot 30, Concession 2 in Enniskillen and he will hand it over himself, Aug. 10, 1850.


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Williams, Thomas J., Application for a Loan on Real Estate, April 1, 1882.


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Letter from Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Crown Lands to Samuel D. Woodruff acknowledging receipt of payment for lumber lands no. 192 and 198, Oct. 16, 1872.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Thomas H. Johnson of the Department of Crown Lands replying to Mr. Woodruff’s inquiry about the boundaries of berth 192, Dec. 8, 1877.


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Voucher #3 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension for sinking test pits, paid to Thomas Woods, Dec. 31, 1856.


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Voucher #6 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to Thomas Woods for surveys, Jan. 31, 1857.


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According to legend, the Burning Springs were discovered by early natives in the Niagara Peninsula. Bridgewater Mills was built on the site of the spring. During the excavation of the factory; workmen uncovered the spring. Samuel Street and Thomas Clark recognized the potential of this as a tourist attraction so they built a wooden shelter over the spring. The spring was covered with a barrel with a pipe protruding from it. This became the first tourist attraction at Niagara. The Cave of the Winds was a cavern located behind the Bridal Veil Fall. It was originally named the Aeolus Cave. In 1920, a sudden rock fall from the ceiling killed 3 tourists. The cave was destroyed in 1955 as it was deemed dangerous. The captain of the Maid of the Mist was usually a farmer who owned the land where the ship docked. In 1846, the first steam powered Maid of the Mist was launched. By 1848, the first suspension bridge was built over the gorge and the main purpose of the Maid of the Mist was no longer to carry people who needed to travel, but now the focus was on people who wanted to view the Falls at close range. Source: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/burningsprings.html http://www.niagarafrontier.com/winds.html http://reservationsystems.com/niagara_daredevils/maid_of_the_mist.html


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A 2 ½ page letter addressed to The Editor of the Presbyterian Magazine, care of [illegible], London, C.W. The writer describes the Village of Chippawa and its location in Ontario. He writes that there are many people there of Scotch [Scottish] descent. He says that a congregation was formed and 39 names were on the roll. The letter is from J.P. [John Porteous] with an added note from Wm. Porteous. The letter is from St. Catharines. There is one postmark – St. Catharines, April 6, 1823 A 1 ½ page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, Ed. Of Presbyterian Mag., London, C.W. This letter is from Walter Mitchell in St. Catharines. He sends a list of peoples’ names and the amounts that they have paid toward the Presbyterian Magazine. Mr. Mitchell is acting as an agent for the magazine. This letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Sept. 13, 1842 A 2 page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, London, C.W. This letter is from John Jennings of St. Catharines. The writer claims that he is ill but he makes plans to meet Reverend Proudfoot in Toronto in order to go to a meeting in Rochester. The writer expects that Reverend Proudfoot will preach in Rochester. The letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Aug. 14, 1843. A 2 page letter addressed to The Rev. Professor Proudfoot, London, C.W. from John Porteaus of St. Catharines. The writer says that he will not preach in Detroit. He says that the people of Detroit are expecting Mr. Dalrymple [who was sent as a missionary to Canada from Scotland in 1846] and also, he doesn’t want to leave his congregation for 2 Sabbaths. The letter has 2 postmarks – St. Catharines, August 1846 [this postmark is very faint] and Hamilton, August 2, 1846.


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Estimate of work done by Alexander Cook, Andrew Mains, Frederick Holmes, Louis Clement, Patrick Roche and Thomas Baird, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Feb. 26, 1855.


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Estimatesfor clearing done by the contractors including Alexander Cook, Andrew Mains, Frederick Holmes, Louis Clements and Thomas Baird. This document is signed by S.D. Woodruff. This is complete with an envelope made out to S.D. Woodruff, April 28, 1855.


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Engineer services in the marsh lands drainage to the 28th of April inclusive to Frederick Holmes, Louis Clement and Thomas Baird. Signed by S.D. Woodruff, April 28, 1855.