872 resultados para ELECCIONES - ETIOPÍA - 1994-2010


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The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) organized a workshop titled “Enhancing Women’s Roles in Fisheries in India” during 1-3 February 2010 in Navi Mumbai, India. The workshop was meant to discuss and analyze the role of women in fisheries, and reflect on issues facing women in fishing communities and organizations in contemporary India. Not only did the workshop expose the participants to women’s issues, organizational strategies, policies, schemes and legislation relevant to fishing communities, but it also stimulated discussions and exchange of views, which helped them explore a vision of a fisheries that sustains both communities and livelihoods. The workshop strengthened the linkages between diverse groups, and helped them search for strategies to protect the spaces of women in fisheries and their sources of livelihood. (PDF contains 61 pages)


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La investigación parte de la hipótesis de que la dispersión urbana que ha afectado a las sociedades avanzadas durante las últimas décadas, también ha cobrado fuerza y se ha impuesto en el País Vasco, transformando en pocos años el panorama urbanístico. La población vasca se ha desconcentrado espacialmente y al mismo tiempo la actividad inmobiliaria se ha intensificado y propagado por todo el territorio, afectando tanto a las periferias urbanas como a entornos más excéntricos con escaso dinamismo anterior. De este modo, en un contexto caracterizado por la globalización y los avances tecnológicos, se han generalizado realidades urbanas más dispersas, laxas y discontinuas que han ido desdibujando el anterior modelo urbano de mayor centralidad. Estos procesos territoriales se han afianzado durante las dos últimas décadas en el País Vasco, impulsados por el ciclo económico expansivo. Pero también han estado respaldados por los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, que en su propósito de reequilibrar la red de asentamientos han favorecido la reclasificación de abundante suelo en entornos alternativos a los tradicionales. Como consecuencia, ha tenido lugar un importante desarrollo residencial de asentamientos más periféricos, lo que ha propiciado la dispersión urbana. El emplazamiento y las características de los diferentes ámbitos receptores han canalizado la llegada de distintas clases sociales y se ha traducido en entornos residenciales diferentes. Mientras los espacios aledaños a los grandes centros y ejes urbanos se han desarrollado bajo formas más estandarizadas, en los ámbitos excéntricos pero dotados de amenidades ambientales y residenciales, los nuevos residentes presentan un nivel socioeconómico más elevado y la colonización ha sido más selecta.


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A brief review of most of the publications by the author and other relevant workers on the three water-based fish culture systems was made. The present status of the culture systems in the National Food/Fish Programmes was highlighted. Strategies were advanced towards a successful implementation of the intensive water-based culture systems project as a contribution towards alleviating poverty, hunger and malnutrition under the concept of VISION 2010


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Results are presented for the first 4 years data (1994-1998) of the Kainji Lake catch assessment survey, collected and analysed by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The following areas are covered: Methodology and alterations of the original sampling concept; Frame survey results - factors relating to the CAS; Catch assessment survey results - general; Gill net fishery; Drift net fishery; Beach seine fishery; Cast net fishery; Longline fishery; Trap fishery; and, Catch statistics from fisherwomen. (PDF contains 143 pages)


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Development pressure throughout the coastal areas of the United States continues to build, particularly in the southeast (Allen and Lu 2003, Crossett et al. 2004). It is well known that development alters watershed hydrology: as land becomes covered with surfaces impervious to rain, water is redirected from groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration to stormwater runoff, and as the area of impervious cover increases, so does the volume and rate of runoff (Schueler 1994, Corbett et al. 1997). Pollutants accumulate on impervious surfaces, and the increased runoff with urbanization is a leading cause of nonpoint source pollution (USEPA 2002). Sediment, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants are carried into receiving water bodies, resulting in degraded water quality (Holland et al. 2004, Sanger et al. 2008). (PDF contains 5 pages)


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Socioeconomic factors have long been incorporated into environmental research to examine the effects of human dimensions on coastal natural resources. Boyce (1994) proposed that inequality is a cause of environmental degradation and the Environmental Kuznets Curve is a proposed relationship that income or GDP per capita is related with initial increases in pollution followed by subsequent decreases (Torras and Boyce, 1998). To further examine this relationship within the CAMA counties, the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, as measured by the EPA in terms of tons emitted, the Gini Coefficient, and income per capita were examined for the year of 1999. A quadratic regression was utilized and the results did not indicate that inequality, as measured by the Gini Coefficient, was significantly related to the level of criteria air pollutants within each county. Additionally, the results did not indicate the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Further analysis of spatial autocorrelation using ArcMap 9.2, found a high level of spatial autocorrelation among pollution emissions indicating that relation to other counties may be more important to the level of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions than income per capita and inequality. Lastly, the paper concludes that further Environmental Kuznets Curve and income inequality analyses in regards to air pollutant levels incorporate spatial patterns as well as other explanatory variables. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Shellfish bed closures along the North Carolina coast have increased over the years seemingly concurrent with increases in population (Mallin 2000). More and faster flowing storm water has come to mean more bacteria, and fecal indicator bacterial (FIB) standards for shellfish harvesting are often exceeded when no source of contamination is readily apparent (Kator and Rhodes, 1994). Could management reduce bacterial loads if the source of the bacteria where known? Several potentially useful methods for differentiating human versus animal pollution sources have emerged including Ribotyping and Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) (US EPA, 2005). Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies on bacterial sources have been conducted for streams in NC mountain and Piedmont areas (U.S. EPA, 1991 and 2005) and are likely to be mandated for coastal waters. TMDL analysis estimates allowable pollutant loads and allocates them to known sources so management actions may be taken to restore water to its intended uses (U.S. EPA, 1991 and 2005). This project sought first to quantify and compare fecal contamination levels for three different types of land use on the coast, and second, to apply MAR and ribotyping techniques and assess their effectiveness for indentifying bacterial sources. Third, results from these studies would be applied to one watershed to develop a case study coastal TMDL. All three watershed study areas are within Carteret County, North Carolina. Jumping Run Creek and Pettiford Creek are within the White Oak River Basin management unit whereas the South River falls within the Neuse River Basin. Jumping Run Creek watershed encompasses approximately 320 ha. Its watershed was a dense, coastal pocosin on sandy, relic dune ridges, but current land uses are primarily medium density residential. Pettiford Creek is in the Croatan National Forest, is 1133 ha. and is basically undeveloped. The third study area is on Open Grounds Farm in the South River watershed. Half of the 630 ha. watershed is under cultivation with most under active water control (flashboard risers). The remaining portion is forested silviculture.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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This report contains CTD profiling results from the seventh cruise to the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) site near the Island of Lanai. Data presented here were obtained on the University of Hawaii Research Vessel Moana Wave between 26 and 30 June 1994. Two types of data are reported: vertical profile observations of salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen taken from water samplers at those stations.


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This report contains results from the third cruise of the Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (Fig. 1). A variety of spectroradiometric observations of the upper water column and atmosphere were made by investigators from the University of Miami, NOAA, CHORS and MLML. Data presented here were obtained by oceanographic CTD profiler: salinity, temperatllre, dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence; and by water samplers: total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen, salinity, and dissolved oxygen.


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This is the report on the workshop on “Small Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species: Their Role in Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and Conservation of Biodiversity”, organized by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers(ICSF) in collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Society of India (IFSI). The workshop was a forum for exchange of views on the role of small indigenous freshwater fish species (SIFFS) in enhancing rural food supply and livelihood security, and in conserving biodiversity. The workshop also discussed the socioeconomic and cultural contexts for the culture and capture of SIFFS, and how to enhance access—especially for women—to better incomes, livelihoods and nutritional security, through appropriate policy spaces. This report provides a fresh focus on SIFFS, usually regarded as ‘trash’ fish. It urges scientists, researchers and decisionmakers to develop policy and legislative measures to ensure the conservation and promotion of SIFFS, both in capture- and culture-fisheries systems. This report will be useful for fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in fisheries and livelihoods. (PDF contains 86 pages)