974 resultados para Dogs Lycaon-pictus
Naive experimental groups of dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs were inoculated three times subcutaneously with unfed adult extract of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus and challenged with adult R. sanguineus to evaluate resistance. The acquisition of resistance was based on alterations of some reproductive and feeding performance parameters of female ticks such as female and egg mass weights, engorgement, pre-oviposition and incubation periods, larval hatchability rate and efficiency rates of female ticks in converting their food reservoir to eggs and larvae. Dogs did not develop resistance under these experimental conditions; guinea pigs and hamsters, to a lesser extent, acquired an effective immunity to ticks as demonstrated by the impairment of the reproductive and feeding performance. However, the resistance induced by inoculation of the extract in the rodents seemed not to be as efficient as that induced by successive infestations.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate radiographically and bacteriologically apical and periapical repair in dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions with the use of two different operative techniques (techniques 1 and 2). The study was conducted on 40 root canals of upper and lower premolars from two dogs aged approximately 12 months. Periapical lesions were induced by leaving the root canals exposed to the oral environment for 5 days and then sealing them with zinc oxide-eugenol for 45 days. After this period, radiographic examination revealed the occurrence of a radiolucent lesion and endodontic treatment was started. The two techniques did not differ in terms of chemomechanical preparation, final filling, or type of cement, but differed in terms of irrigating solution and the presence of an antibacterial dressing. Thus 4% to 6% hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide (10 volumes) were used in technique 1 during chemomechanical preparation and an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide was applied between sessions, whereas Dakin's fluid (0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution) and a final filling with no antibacterial dressing were used in technique 2. After chemomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and Sealapex (Sealapex-Sybron, Kerr, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and the animals were killed 270 days after the final filling. Blocks were cut into 6-μm sections and stained by the Brown and Brenn method. Radiographic, histomicrobiologic and statistical analysis permitted us to conclude the following: radiographically there was a marked reduction or even the disappearance of the radiolucent area present before treatment with greater success in the group treated with technique 1 (group I) than in the group treated with technique 2 (group II); the extent of bacterial invasion of dentinal tubules was greater and more intense in group II than in group I; and the amount of microorganisms detected in the ramifications of the apical delta and in the lumen of the root canal was intense in group II and mild or absent in group I. © 1994.
Presents morphological and natural history data on Epipedobates pictus and three additional taxa currently regarded as synonyms of the former: Epipedobates braccatus, E. flavopictus and E. hahneli. Morphological data on tadpoles and adults, in addition to distribution patterns and vocalizations, indicate that the four taxa represent distinct species. -from Authors
The cutaneous hypersensitivity induced by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick extract in dogs (natural host) and guinea-pigs (laboratory host) was evaluated. The left ear of infested and control (tick-bite naive) dogs and guinea-pigs was injected intradermally with an extract from unfed adult ticks and the right ear with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Ear thickness variations were then measured after 10 min and 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-injection. Results were expressed as percentual changes in the ear thickness in relation to pre-inoculation values. The final variation in ear thickness induced by the extract was given by subtracting, in each animal, the right ear percentual increase from that of the left ear. Guinea-pigs were tested at two different times following infestation and with two different doses of extract. Infested guinea-pigs from the three experiments developed an immediate (within the first 2 h post-inoculation) and a strong delayed reaction (24 h) to the extract. Dogs, unlike guinea-pigs, developed only a strong immediate reaction whereby an 80% increase in ear thickness was observed. Control animals, with the exception of one dog, did not develop any significant reaction to the extract. Only mild reactions were induced by PBS in the right ear of all animals. The correlation between the absence of a strong delayed type reaction to tick extract and the lack of resistance of the natural host to R. sanguineus tick is discussed. © 1995 Chapman & Hall.
Objective - To evaluate the reliability of urine carnitine concentrations measured in single postprandial samples, compared with carnitine concentrations measured in 24-hour urine samples. Animals - 19 healthy Beagles. Procedure - After emptying the urinary bladder by catheterization, dogs were fed a canned canine maintenance diet. Approximately 8 hours later, urine, plasma, and serum samples were obtained for determination of urinary carnitine fractional excretion and urine carnitine-to-creatinine concentration ratio. Results were compared with 24-hour urinary carnitine excretion rate. Results - Fractional excretion of carnitine and urine carnitine-to-creatinine ratios correlated poorly with 24-hour urinary carnitine excretion. Conclusion - Determination of 24-hour urinary carnitine excretion is recommended to measure urine carnitine concentrations in dogs.
The effects of metaraminol bitartrate on intraocular pressure (IOP) were studied in dogs anesthetized with halothane. Forty-five healthy, adult, mixed-breed dogs, of both sexes, were divided into three groups of 15 dogs each (GI, GII and GIII) and maintained under general anesthesia with halothane after tranquilization with levomepromazine and induction with thiopental. Saline (0.9%) was administered intravenously (IV) to GI through continuous infusion, at a velocity of 0.125 mL kg -1 min -1. GII and GIII received metaraminol 0.004% IV, at a dose of 5 μg kg -1 min -1, at 0.125 mL kg -1 min -1 and at a dose of 2 μg kg -1 min -1, at 0.06 mL kg -1 min -1, respectively. IOP was measured by applanation tonometry (Tono-Pen) before and during anesthesia. Results showed that IOP decreased in GI, increased in GII, and remained at basal levels in GIII. Continuous infusion of metaraminol at 2 μg kg min -1 maintained IOP at pretest levels, while infusion at 5 μg kg -1 min -1 produced an elevation of IOP.
The subject of this paper was to study the behavior of the periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after biopulpectomy and dressing with calcium hydroxide or a corticosteroid-antibiotic association, before root canal filling with zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) or Sealapex sealers. The teeth were overinstrumented and dressed for 7 days before the root canal filling. The animals were sacrificed 180 days after treatment and the specimens were prepared for morphological analysis. Specimens treated with Sealapex presented a higher number of cases with biological closure than ZOE. When the root canals were filled with ZOE, better results were observed with the use of the Ca(OH)2 dressing.
This study was conducted to observe the reaction of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with gutta-percha and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or a glass ionomer (Ketac-Endo) as a sealer. The root canals were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with the sealers studied. Animals were killed 6 months later, and the specimens were removed and prepared for histological analysis. Results showed no inflammatory reaction of apical tissue and total closure of the apical foramen of all the teeth sealed with MTA. The teeth sealed with Ketac-Endo showed two cases of partial closure and different degrees of chronic inflammatory reaction. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better biological properties than Ketac-Endo. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.
Objective - To investigate the use of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in dogs. Study Design - Prospective experimental study. Animals - Eight healthy adult mixed breed dogs weighing from 15 to 20 kg. Methods - The dogs were anesthetized with intravenous pentobarbital. An LMA was introduced after the induction of anesthesia and 1 L/min O2 plus 1 L/min air was delivered using a circle anesthetic system. Respiratory rate, tidal volume, arterial O2 saturation (pulse oximetry), end tidal CO2, inspired fraction of O2, pulse rate, and mean arterial blood pressure were measured after the insertion of the LMA and 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes afterwards. Results - There were no changes in respiratory rate, tidal volume, arterial O2 saturation, and pulse rate during anesthesia. End tidal CO2 decreased significantly by the end of anesthesia and ventilation appeared satisfactory. Conclusions - An LMA appeared to be an alternative option to maintain the patency of the airway in dogs. Clinical Relevance - This device may allow safe maintenance of an airway in dogs when intubation is difficult or when it interferes with the procedure (eg, cervical myelography). ©Copyright 1999 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Purpose: To determine the effect of heat and moisture exchange (HME) on the tracheobronchial tree (TBT) using a unidirectional anesthesic circuit with or without CO2 absorber and high or low fresh gas flow (FGF), in dogs. Methods: Thirty-two dogs were randomly allocated to four groups: G1 (n = 8) valvular circuit without CO2 absorber and high FGF (5 L·min-1); G2 (n = 8) as G1 with HME; G3 (n = 8) circuit with CO2 absorber with a low FGF (1 L·min-1); G4 (n = 8) as G3 with HME. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with pentobarbital. Tympanic temperature (TT), inhaled gas temperature (IGT), relative (RH) and absolute humidity (AH) of inhaled gas were measured at 15 (control), 60, 120 and 180 min of controlled ventilation. Dogs were euthanized and biopsies in the areas of TBT were performed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: The G2 and G4 groups showed the highest AH (>20 mgH2O·L-1) and G1 the lowest (< 10 mgH2O·L-1) and G3 was intermediate (<20 mgH2O·L-1) (P < 0.01). There was no difference of TT and IGT among groups. Alterations of the mucociliary system were greatest in G1, least in G2 and G4, and intermediate in G3. Conclusion: In dogs, introduction of HME to a unidirectional anesthetic circuit with/without CO2 absorber and high or low FGF preserved humidity of inspired gases. HME attenuated but did not prevent alterations of the mucociliary system of the TBT.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of equine renal capsule preserved in 98% glycerine to repair lamellar corneal lesions in normal dogs. For this purpose, 12 dogs, divided into six groups (n = 2), were used to evaluate the 1st to 7th day, 15th day and 30th to 60th postoperative day. In order to perform the histologic study, the clinical procedures were analyzed, while the recipient's corneas were collected. The photophobia and blepharospasm also were more intense in the 1st to 7th postoperative day, and regressed in the 15th postoperative day. Therefore, the edema and the vascular events were both more frequent in the intermediary phases and regressed in the late periods. On the other hand, the morphological evaluation demonstrated an inflamatory exudate, also in the intermediary and late periods. These results suggested that the equine renal preserved capsule could be a useful alternative tissue to repair lamellar corneal lesions in dogs.
We studied an experimental model of resection arthroplasty with or without tendon ball interposition in the wrist of dogs. Animals were divided into two groups. Animals in group A were treated by resection of the os carpi radiale with interposition of a ball made from the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis and the group B underwent bone resection alone. Animals were assessed 1, 6, 12 and 24 weeks after operation. In all of them the wrist joint was stable and had good mobility, allowing walking supported by the operated limb. In both groups biological material filled the cavity created by bone resection. A progressive repair process resulted in fibroplasia with areas of fibrocartilaginous metaplasia. The tendon ball showed complete ischaemic necrosis at the end of the first week, which delayed the healing process. © 1999 The British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
The effects of propofol on intraocular pressure (IOP) and end tidal CO2 (ETCO2) were studied because an elevation in the latter may alter IOP. Twenty dogs were divided into two groups (G1 and G2). G1 dogs were induced with 10 mg/kg (IV) of propofol followed by a 0.4 mg/kg/min continuous infusion of the same agent diluted in a 0.2% dextrose solution for 1 h. G(CAPS) 2 dogs served as the control group, where only dextrose solution was administered, under the same time intervals as in G1. Applanation tonometry (Tono-Pen) was used to determine IOP and ETCO2 as a method to determine partial CO2 pressure. Measurements were taken every 15 min for 1 h, with M1 occurring immediately before IV administration. IOP and ETCO2 were not statistically significant in either groups. Based on the results, it may be concluded that propofol does not alter IOP and ETCO2.
Objective - To determine effects of reducing the diameter of the left ventricle of dogs by plication of the left ventricular free wall. Animals - 8 healthy adult mixed-breed dogs. Procedure - Left lateral thoracotomy and a T-shaped pericardiotomy were performed. The free wall of the left ventricle was imbricated with 3 interrupted transfixing sutures applied in a horizontal mattress pattern, using 3-0 polypropylene suture assembled on a straight cutting needle. Surgeons were careful to avoid the coronary vessels. Echocardiography was performed 24 hours before and 48 hours after surgery. Electrocardiography was performed before and 1, 2, 7, 15, 21, 30, and 60 days after surgery. Results - Echocardiographic measurements revealed that the diameter of the left ventricle was reduced by a mean of 23.5%. Electrocardiography revealed ventricular premature complexes 24 hours after surgery that regressed without treatment during the first week after surgery. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Plication of the left ventricular free wall of dogs can reduce end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions of the left ventricle. The technique is simple and does not require cardiopulmonary bypass. According to Laplace's law, the reduction of cardiac diameter leads to reduction on free-wall tension and may improve left ventricular function in dilatated hearts. Thus, additional studies involving dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy should be conducted.