1000 resultados para Documentos públicos - Legislação - Brasil
A dcada de noventa representou um marco de transformaes para o agronegcio brasileiro. A cadeia produtiva do leite, em especial, sofreu grandes impactos decorrentes da desregulamentao do setor e da integrao comercial regional. Esses fatores expuseram os baixos ndices de eficincia tcnica e de qualidade do produto final, demonstrando a necessidade de aes para melhorias nesse sentido. Dessa forma, foi elaborado um estudo para estabelecer um diagnstico das condies que dificultavam o desenvolvimento do setor produtivo nacional do leite, culminando com a criao do Programa Nacional de Melhoria da Qualidade do Leite e com a alterao de diversas normas sanitrias de leite fluido. O aumento do padro sanitrio dos produtos agroalimentares torna-se necessrio com o crescente interesse do Brasil na insero do mercado internacional. O objetivo desse trabalho analisar a legislação higinico-sanitria brasileira de leite fluido frente s legislaes internacionais, situando o padro de qualidade do Brasil no contexto mundial. Verificou-se grande preocupao governamental em assegurar qualidade e inocuidade do leite em todas as etapas produtivas. A maioria das normas brasileiras est em acordo com as exigncias internacionais, chegando a superar em algumas situaes. No entanto, devemos levar em considerao que a cadeia produtiva lctea brasileira tem as suas peculiaridades e que necessrio adequar as polticas pblicas nossa realidade.
This research had as objective to identify as if it gives to the process of decisions in the City of Maca. It was a case study, therefore to make possible this analysis, the used ways had been the research of field, bibliographical and documentary. The bibliographical survey was made in books, specialized periodicals, thesis, dissertations, monographs, sites and the pertinent legislation to the case, generating an analytical base of the subject considered for study. The research also was documentary, since internal document use of the City Hall of Maca became. In the field, the public decision-making of Maca, the previous management, had been interviewed, so that it was understood of that it forms if gives the process of taking of decisions in this city. Moreover, the interviewed ones had been encouraged to display its beliefs and feelings, to tell to experiences and personal characteristics. With this, one searched to better understand the universe lived for the respondents and, simultaneously, to compare the speeches and the reality. The data had suffered analysis of content based on the studies from Bardin (1979), Laville and Dione (1999) and Vergara (2005). The study it approaches the City of Maca, and, in accordance with Yin (2001), studies of cases allow to work with an immense variety of evidences, as documents, devices, interviews and comments. The research bibliographical, documentary, of field, in the case study had been complementary and with its confrontation it searched to get a general vision of form to give to reply to the final question proposal. One concludes that the process of decisions politics and its implementation in the City of Maca if gave by means of the awareness of the executive former-managers of the City Hall, in assuming roles of true entrepreneurs, the good relationship with the Common Council, in the search of chances and the combat to the problems and the establishment of public politics, focused in the access and the improvement of the quality of the public rendering of services, in the incentive the economic development and in the promotion of the citizenship for the population place.
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Casa Brasil Project and its contribution for promoting actions related to citizenship in Vitoria and Vila Velha cities. The essay was led through a theoretical discussion about citizenship, public space, social participation and public politics. Thereafter thematic interviews based on a non-probabilistic method were done with seventeen people such as public power representatives, organized civilian society and community. The speech analysis was used for data treatment. Some negative and positive aspects referred to citizenship and public power were identified. The aim of the research was checking if there is any encouragement to a genuine and consciousness participation of the society for the structure and continuous citizenship practice. The Casa Brasil Project experience in Vitoria and Vila Velha demonstrates that its sustainability and effectiveness depend on how interacted and committed the strategic stakeholders are, since the condition of local institutions influences the model of social mobilization and individual participation. Besides, this essay shows it is necessary: to improve the citizen involvement by implementing the board of directors, which assures public participation in order to stimulate the community to take the unity control to grant democratic feature to the public power, and to increase citizenship.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el conocimiento a travs de un estudio comparado de la poltica de desarrollo y valoracin de los recursos humanos que han sido definidas desde la dcada de los treinta ( 30), en los gobiemos de Brasil y Colombia, determinando acciones que vienen siendo adoptadas en la actualidad, en su pblico-alvo, los funcionarios públicos civiles a nivel federal y nacional respectivamente, en la administracin directa. Las organizaciones en general, particulares y gubemamentales, tienen la responsabilidad en fomentar el desarrollo de los recursos humanos. Existir siempre la necesidad de esfuerzos creativos para que la profesionalizacin en todos los niveles, alcance las metas necesarias para su slida afirmacin, contribuyendo de sta manera a acelerar el proceso de desarrollo, fundamental en la globalizacin que en la actualidad enfrentan todos stos pases. Para lograr ste objetivo, hemos hecho una descripcin de las experiencias de reformas que stos dos pases vienen atravezando, con el objetivo de modernizar la administracin pblica, utilizando como instrumento para el respectivo anlisis, una metodologa cualitativa de identificacin y cuestionamiento de las informaciones.
Este trabalho tem como meta uma exposio sucinta sobre as relaes entre economia e meio ambiente, que foram, durante muito tempo, ignoradas ou relegadas a um plano secundrio pela grande maioria dos economistas. Essas relaes passaram a ser melhor investigadas aps os choques do petrleo na dcada de 70, que mudaram radicalmente o enfoque sobre o binmio economia-meio ambiente, contribuindo tambm para essa mudana os efeitos cada vez mais visveis causados pela poluio desenfreada do planeta. Discute-se tambm sobre o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentvel, bem como sobre sua evoluo ao longo do tempo e as duas vises concorrentes sobre essa questo, alm de abordar, resumidamente, a qualidade ambiental e os recursos naturais de propriedade comum como bens públicos. O trabalho tambm traa um paralelo entre os modelos de crescimento neoclssicos e os modelos de crescimento endgeno, no que se refere incorporao de variveis ambientais, como poluio, energia e recursos naturais. Como contribuio emprica para a conexo entre capital natural e crescimento econmico, procuramos estimar a relao entre estoque de terras, empregado como proxy para o capital natural, e o crescimento da renda per capita para as unidades federativas brasileiras, a partir de 1970, por meio de uma relao cbica empregando dados de painel. Verificamos que, quando se consideram, para o clculo do ndice de expanso agrcola, os dados referentes rea agrcola utilizada, que a soma da rea agrcola permanente mais a rea agrcola temporria, o modelo empregado significativo e bem especificado. Neste caso, constatamos um padro de exploso e quebra do processo de crescimento econmico associado expanso da lavoura agrcola das unidades federativas brasileiras.
Na presente dissertao procura-se medir os impactos dos programas de ajuste macroeconmicos acordados entre o Brasil e o FMI no perodo 1990-2001. Aps uma breve exposio sobre o histrico da dvida, discute-se o sigilo das operaes com o Fundo ao mesmo tempo em que verificado se o Brasil cumpriu ou no as metas acordadas. Procede-se, por fim, anlise de impactos com a utilizao do modelo de contas nacionais. Tendo em vista no se dispor de documentos relativos ao perodo 1990-1998, a construo de sries histricas visando a um tratamento estatstico adequado fica comprometida. Assim, tal anlise emprica, calcada em tabelas e grficos construdos a partir dos dados disponibilizados pelo governo brasileiro e pelo FMI.
The objective of this study was to identify the real organizational status of major law firms in Brazil compared to fordism and post-fordism organizational economic paradigms. In order to fulfill the objectives, an exploratory-explanatory research was carried out through case studies. The two major Brazilian law firms, according the study developed by the newspaper Gazeta Mercantil (PANORAMA SETORIAL ESCRITRIOS DE ADVOCACIA, 2002), Pinheiro Neto Advogados (PN) and Tozzini, Freire, Teixeira e Silva Advogados (TFTS), were researched. The case study was based on multiple evidence analysis: semi-structured interviews, documents and records analysis, and direct observations. The report of the research was structured by presenting a detailed introduction about lawyer and the law firms, including their historics main characteristics and factors which lead up to the constitution of these firms, showing the relationship among information technologies, globalizations and the need of strategic recontextualization of law firms. The data collected showed how these aspects presented in the studied unities. It was concluded through this research that PN and TFTS present an organizational development compatible to what is frequently practised in the organizations as far as contemporary organizational techniques and tools are concerned; neither fordism nor the transitional process to post-fordism, intensified the division of work of the lawyer; the new information technologies are essential for the maintenance of the sustained competitive advantage within the post-fordism scenario.
Since electric power is an essential element in modern society, this paper analyzes the historic and institutional factors that have contributed to the formation and organization of the Brazilian electric sector, from the time when it started to be used in this country until the end of year 2002. This analysis is based on a linear description of historic facts, giving emphasis to crucial events or critical incidents, as they were called for the purpose of this paper. As to these happenings, the social actors who played an important role in the development of the Brazilian electric power sector were analyzed. An analytical model based on the theoretical references offered by the Institutional Theory was used. The study also highlights the elements that comprehend the development of the phenomenon in face of the ambivalence existing in a developing country, which is the case of the Brazilian electric power sector. The organizational fields that were established at the time determined by the main crucial incidents presented throughout the length of time covered by this study. The resources that the main social actors involved in the electric power sector may use by are also identified, as well as their main interests and level of influence these actors may have. Several documents were analyzed. The qualitative methodology was used. Also, many semi-structured in-depth interviews of the people who have made the history of this sector for reliability were conducted. Finally, this study includes the main elements that have shaped the institutional model of the Brazilian electric sector. It also characterizes the external environment as the element which has most influenced the sector and has also led its way throughout the different developmental phases, especially with respect to funding. The growing rates of power consumption indicate the need for a constant increase in the supply of electric power to meet the needs of society and economic development. This requires constant investment. Lack of investment is a limiting factor. Not only does it hinder the development of the country but it may also result in very unfortunate mishaps such as electric power rationing, such as the kind we had to endure a while ago.
The aim of the present study is to analyze the evolution of the historical and institutional elements that generate the current design of the private health market in Brazil. Its main theoretical basis is the Theory of the Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu, complemented, in the non-conflictive aspects of these two visions, by the Anthony Giddens institutional vision on the field genesis motivational factors. The research data were collected through documents and semi structured interviews during 2002 e 2003 period, involving the qualitative analyze due to understand the fields phenomena under an actors perspective. The research identifies the several players that integrate the market, their evident strategic goals, and those that are not so, besides of the powers resources used to reach them, by DiMaggio and Powell vision. Thus, it tries to show, through a historic linear description, and emphasis in the determinant facts, the evolution of the markets constitution. The study demonstrates that the field had formed from several Estate actions, basically after the past seventy decade, as result of a alternative Government strategy towards a Brazilian populations dissemination plan of health services that enforced the institutionalization of isomorphic structures, with a strong internal interaction and a hierarchy between kinds of values, that had emphasized the health symbol as a citizenships value. In the end, the study estimates that the crescent longevity Brazilians population and the consequent works dismiss may cause a private health elitism conforming a future problem in this sensible segment of the social politics of the Brazilian government.
A Evoluo e Consolidao das Prticas de Governana Corporativa no Banco do Brasil S.A. entre 1996 e 2006
The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the main historical and institutional facts that have led to the present corporate governance policy adopted by Banco do Brasil S.A. (BB). The good practices of corporate governance aim to increase corporate value and facilitate the funding of capital and contribute to companys duration over the time. Besides, ensure to the shareholders some governance principles such as disclosure", "compliance", "accountability", "fairness" and corporate responsability By the time BB has been shown its concern about disclosure especially for its close relationship with principal shareholder. the Brazilian Government, other equity partners and the Brazilian society. Banco do Brasil was founded in 1808 by the Portuguese emperor Dom Joo VI and today is the oldest bank operating in the local market. BB also was the first company listed on Brazilian stock exchange since 1906. In 1996, after some net losses, the Brazilian Government raised the banks authorized capital in R$ 8 billion. This fact established the first attempts to develop banks corporate governance through the years. Banco do Brasil currently has more than 24.4 million customers, served by a network of 15,113 points of service with R$ 296.4 billion in total assets2. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the principal measures adopted by Banco do Brasil to reach the top level of corporate governance in the Brazilian stock exchange the New Market of Bovespa. This top position was reached in June 2006. Banco do Brasil was the first state owned company to reach this level of governance in Brazil. This dissertation was based on Yin's taxonomy methodology as a single case study. This research has used documents and file records as sources of evidence, including longitudinally research to demonstrate the evolution facts through time."
O presente trabalho teve por objeto o estudo das possveis relaes de casualidade entre o pblico total em 87 filmes brasileiros, lanados em salas de exibio no Brasil durante o perodo entre 2001-2003 e um conjunto de quatorze variveis, disponveis em dois momentos distintos: antes e depois do lanamento do filme. A partir do trabalho de dois pesquisadores norte-americanos, Simonoff e Sparrow (2000), foram ampliados os esteios tericos que deram sustentao ao experimento desenvolvido pelo autor. A validao das variveis aplicveis ao estudo brasileiro, bem como a identificao de novas, foram resultantes de entrevistas em profundidade a partir de um questionrio semi-estruturado, realizadas com profissionais do setor audiovisual. A pesquisa de campo baseou-se em fontes secundrias de reconhecida fidedignidade e a anlise resultou na identificao de correlaes entre algumas das variveis utilizadas no experimento e na formulao de um modelo matemtico compatvel com a predio de pblico, nas condies encontradas no perodo de 2001 a 2003, que corroborou a suposio inicial de que possvel, com certo grau de confiana, antecipar tendncias quanto ao nmero de expectadores de filmes brasileiros no circuito exibidor do Brasil.
Programas de Fundos Competitivos para financiamento da pesquisa agrcola h muito esto sendo implementados nos pases desenvolvidos. Entretanto, somente a partir da dcada de 1990 a adoo desse mecanismo se intensificou nos pases em desenvolvimento, especialmente na Amrica Latina. Isso ocorreu em razo da reduo dos recursos do governo federal para a pesquisa agrcola, o que levou as instituies de pesquisa a buscar fontes alternativas para o financiamento de sua programao. A partir desse cenrio, o presente trabalho analisa e discute a importncia dos Fundos Competitivos como alternativa criativa e inovadora na captao de recursos para o financiamento da pesquisa agrcola no Brasil. A anlise feita a partir de estudo terico sobre esse mecanismo de financiamento e com base em um estudo de caso do Sistema Competitivo do PRODETAB, implementado e coordenado pela Embrapa. O objetivo foi o de avaliar a importncia e a contribuio dos fundos competitivos para o aumento da eficincia na alocao dos recursos públicos para a pesquisa agrcola e para a melhoria da qualidade dos projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento
This work intends to study the relationship between Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds. In the theoretical framework, the discussion about liquidity preference theories implies considering risk averse investors. Portfolio selection is also discussed, particularly Markowitz efficient frontier. Historical data from November of 1999 to December of 2004 of Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are analyzed. Official goals concerning Public Debt's mix and its actual composition are presented, as well as Mutual Fund preferences as buyers of public debt securities. Time series of three securities (LFT, LTN and NTN-C) in Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are compared and a similar behavior is identified. Relevant facts of the macroeconomic context which may have affected Public Debt or Mutual Funds are discussed. Some indications of a possible influence of Mutual Funds upon Public Debt Mix are obtained and hypothesis to be tested in future studies are proposed.
This study has as objective to present a proposal to analyze the politics of the Human Resource of the Bank of Brazil utilizing the Theory of sign" (semiotic) as a theory tool, connecting to the organizational usages that had been historically stable and a new speech from the directory body that search for excellence and modernity. Its necessary to identify the adequate strategies to manage human resources in a businesses considered excellent and that the Bank search to utilize (benchmarking), doing a semiotic cut, in other words, isolating the communicative aspect, to find how she produces the understanding of what really need to be done at the company. If the purpose of the Bank of Brazil is to reunite an associated team, guided to results progressively better, that makes it even more competitive, and achieve its mission "to be the solution to services and the finance intermediation, to attend the expectation of clients and shareholders, to fortify the liability between the public functionary and the company and to be useful to society", should implement a model weaved in the daily one of organization to start from the creation of adequate institutional channels rewards (promotions, direct or indirect salaries, training) that privilege the aptitude an constant learning. Through the bibliographical research, will be looked to select illustrious representative texts of the specialized literature that corroborates the idea that the Bank of Brazil possess the necessary management tools to a good management of Human Resources, lacking adjust them, through the acquisition of abilities. For in such a way one will search in internal documents, data on the management of the company, interpreting them to the light of the bibliographical research. Finally it will be included participant comment as link between the theory and the practical one, the speech and the action."
Esta tese teve como objetivo entender em que condies se d o processo de interao entre o trabalho e trs sistemas de informao (SIs) utilizados em duas instituies bancrias no Brasil. Procurei compreender como os sistemas de informao so reconstrudos por seus usurios, nas prticas do trabalho, e como o trabalho modificado pela insero de novos sistemas. Utilizando procedimentos metodolgicos baseados no estruturalismo, busquei a estrutura que subjaz s prticas adotadas pelos agentes, associadas aos sistemas e ao trabalho. A coleta de dados para a pesquisa foi realizada com base em 46 entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com gestores de TI e usurios, pela observao do contexto organizacional e pelo exame de documentos referentes aos sistemas. Na anlise dos dados, o diagnstico e o estudo de 11 prticas me permitiram identificar quais as mais relevantes para a interao entre os agentes e os dispositivos, no que se refere a reconstrues de SIs e a modificaes sobre o trabalho. Identifiquei, na pesquisa emprica, uma estrutura de arranjo operacional, que assegura a interao entre agentes e sistemas. Esse arranjo tem a forma de uma retcula de sobreposio das prticas, uma rede de relaes. As prticas, em isolado, no garantem a interao entre o sistema e o trabalho. Essa interao assegurada pela composio entre as prticas. Da interpretao desta estrutura manifesta, identifiquei uma estrutura subjacente interao entre os sistemas e o trabalho. Alcancei-a buscando as explicaes para cada prtica. Nestas explicaes, identifiquei conjuntos de elementos de poder e resistncia, de confluncia de interesses individuais e organizacionais e de conformismo e conformidade dos agentes com o que foi institudo pela organizao. A anlise destes conjuntos de elementos me permitiu chegar tese sustentada por esta pesquisa: a interao entre os sistemas de informao e o trabalho definida por uma estrutura de converso recproca. Esta converso se d pela humanizao dos sistemas e pela tecnicizao do trabalho. O ajustamento continuado, presente entre os sistemas de informao e o trabalho, faz com que a tecnologia se torne mais adequada ao contexto e que as pessoas estejam mais bem preparadas para lidar com a tecnologia. A estrutura de converso recproca tem a forma de um oroborus, a serpente que engole ou vomita a prpria cauda e simboliza o que se regenera, se recria. Tal como o oroburus, a estrutura de converso recproca uma auto-reconstruo.