942 resultados para Disposition of property
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
This paper addresses the investment decisions considering the presence of financial constraints of 373 large Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using panel data. A Bayesian econometric model was used considering ridge regression for multicollinearity problems among the variables in the model. Prior distributions are assumed for the parameters, classifying the model into random or fixed effects. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters, considering normal and Student t distributions for the error and assumed that the initial values for the lagged dependent variable are not fixed, but generated by a random process. The recursive predictive density criterion was used for model comparisons. Twenty models were tested and the results indicated that multicollinearity does influence the value of the estimated parameters. Controlling for capital intensity, financial constraints are found to be more important for capital-intensive firms, probably due to their lower profitability indexes, higher fixed costs and higher degree of property diversification.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
From the second half of the twentieth century, due to several factors that have attracted industries and public investments to the city, São José dos Campos has begun to stand out in the economic and industrial scenario. Consequently, the city received a big migratory flow of workers, families and those who seeked a better life, which caused the horizontal e vertical expansion of the city. With the high demand of urban spaces and increasing of property speculation, the verticalization process was necessary. Along with the constructions of new buildings, the first models of the modern architecture began to emerge
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
From the second half of the twentieth century, due to several factors that have attracted industries and public investments to the city, São José dos Campos has begun to stand out in the economic and industrial scenario. Consequently, the city received a big migratory flow of workers, families and those who seeked a better life, which caused the horizontal e vertical expansion of the city. With the high demand of urban spaces and increasing of property speculation, the verticalization process was necessary. Along with the constructions of new buildings, the first models of the modern architecture began to emerge
Etablierung von Expressionsystemen für Gene der Indolalkaloid-Biosynthese unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Cytochrom P450-Enzymen In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Enzyme aus der Arzneipflanze Rauvolfia serpentina bearbeitet. Es wurde versucht, das an der Biosynthese des Alkaloids Ajmalin beteiligte Cytochrom P450-Enzym Vinorin-Hydroxylase heterolog und funktionell zu exprimieren. Ein zunächst unvollständiger, unbekannter Cytochrom P450-Klon konnte komplettiert und eindeutig mittels heterologer Expression in sf9-Insektenzellen als Cinnamoyl-Hydroxylase identifiziert werden. Die Tauglichkeit des Insektenzellsystems für die Untersuchung der Vinorin-Hydroxylase ist auf Grund der deacetylierenden Wirkung der Insektenzellen auf das Substrat Vinorin nicht gegeben. Im Rahmen des Homology Cloning Projektes konnten mehrere Volllängenklone und diverse Teilsequenzen von neuen Cytochrom P450-Klonen ermittelt werden. Ausserdem wurde durch das unspezifische Binden eines degenerierten Primers ein zusätzlicher Klon gefunden, der der Gruppe der löslichen Reduktasen zugeordnet werden konnte. Diese putative Reduktase wurde auf die Aktivität von mehreren Schlüsselenzymen der Ajmalin-Biosynthese durch heterologe Expression in E.coli und anschliessende HPLC-gestützte Aktivitätstests ohne Erfolg geprüft. Bedingt durch die Untauglichkeit des Insektenzellsystems für die Identifizierung der Vinorin-Hydroxylase, wurde ein neuartiges Modul-gestütztes, pflanzliches Expressionsystem etabliert, um vorhandene P450-Volllängenklone auf Vinorin- Hydroxylaseaktivität testen zu können. Die Funktionalität des Systems konnte durch die heterologe Expression der Polyneuridinaldehyd Esterase bestätigt werden. Trotzdem war es bis jetzt nicht möglich, die Cinnamoyl-Hydroxylase als Kontrollenzym für das pflanzliche System oder aber die gesuchte Vinorin- Hydroxylase in aktiver Form zu exprimieren.
Many physiological and pathological processes are mediated by the activity of proteins assembled in homo and/or hetero-oligomers. The correct recognition and association of these proteins into a functional complex is a key step determining the fate of the whole pathway. This has led to an increasing interest in selecting molecules able to modulate/inhibit these protein-protein interactions. In particular, our research was focused on Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90), responsible for the activation and maturation and disposition of many client proteins [1], [2] [3]. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE) were used to characterize the Hsp90 target and, furthermore, its inhibition process via C-terminal domain driven by the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Circular Dichroism was used as powerful technique to characterize Hsp90 and its co-chaperone Hop in solution for secondary structure content, stability to different pHs, temperatures and solvents. Furthermore, CD was used to characterize ATP but, unfortunately, we were not able to monitor an interaction between ATP and Hsp90. The utility of SPR technology, on the other hand, arises from the possibility of immobilizing the protein on a chip through its N-terminal domain to later study the interaction with small molecules able to disrupt the Hsp90 dimerization on the C-terminal domain. The protein was attached on SPR chip using the “amine coupling” chemistry so that the C-terminal domain was free to interact with Coumermycin A1. The goal of the experiment was achieved by testing a range of concentrations of the small molecule Coumermycin A1. Despite to the large difference in the molecular weight of the protein (90KDa) and the drug (1110.08 Da), we were able to calculate the affinity constant of the interaction that was found to be 11.2 µm. In order to confirm the binding constant calculated for the Hsp90 on the chip, we decided to use Capillary Electrophoresis to test the Coumermycin binding to Hsp90. First, this technique was conveniently used to characterize the Hsp90 sample in terms of composition and purity. The experimental conditions were settled on two different systems, the bared fused silica and the PVA-coated capillary. We were able to characterize the Hsp90 sample in both systems. Furthermore, we employed an application of capillary electrophoresis, the Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (ACE), to measure and confirm the binding constant calculated for Coumermycin on Optical Biosensor. We found a KD = 19.45 µM. This result compares favorably with the KD previously obtained on biosensor. This is a promising result for the use of our novel approach to screen new potential inhibitors of Hsp90 C-terminal domain.
This thesis aims at explaining the intersecting dynamics of structural changes in agriculture and urbanisation, which involves changes in urban-rural relationships. The research questions are: how and why do landowners differ in their attitudes to land and farming? what are the main implications on rural landscapes and the policy implications? Relationships between urbanisation and agriculture are firstly analysed through a critical literature review; the analysis focuses on the 'landowner' as the key actor who actively takes decisions on the rural landscape From the empirical study – which is based on a Tuscan area (Valdera), and addressed through qualitative methods – a great diversity of landowners' attitudes to land and farming emerge, thus contributing to the agricultural restructuring, such as: 1) the emphasis on recreational function of the countryside for urban people 2) contracting out of land management, especially when landowners live or/and have 'urban' employment 3) the active role of hobby farmers in land management 4) agricultural operations simplification and lack of investments (especially in case of property rights expropriation). The thesis is framed in three papers, with the same methods and research questions. It seems evident that rural landscapes is subjected to functional changes (e.g. residential) and structural changes (landscape polarisation), which requires the need 1) to consider that rural landscape management is increasingly less connected to agricultural production as economic activity; 2) to give a coherence to the range of policy interventions (physical planning, landscape, sectoral).
Pistoia rientra a buon diritto, nel quadro della Toscana medievale, in quella rete di centri urbani di antica origine e tradizione diocesana che riuscirono a costruire, nella dialettica fra città e territorio, un organismo politico autonomo, il comune cittadino. La ricerca prende in considerazione i resti materiali delle strutture conservate nel tessuto urbano attuale, in particolare l'edilizia civile, prediligendo la cosiddetta “edilizia minore”, ovvero gli edifici residenziali non monumentali che, proprio per questo motivo, sono generalmente poco conosciuti. Le strutture, censite ed inserite in una piattaforma GIS (Arpenteur), sono analizzate con metodo archeologico al fine di distinguere le diverse fasi costruttive, medievali e post-medievali, con cui sono giunte fino ad oggi. L'analisi stratigrafica, effettuata su rilievi realizzati mediante modellazione 3D (Photomodeler), ha permesso di costruire un primo “atlante” delle tipologie murarie medievali della città: i tipi murari assumono quindi la funzione di indicatori cronologici degli edifici analizzati. I dati stratigrafici, uniti al dato topologico dei complessi architettonici (localizzati prevalentemente nel centro storico, all'interno del circuito murario della metà del XII secolo), hanno fornito informazioni sia per quanto riguarda l'aspetto materiale degli edifici di abitazione (forma, dimensioni, materiali) sia per quanto riguarda temi di topografia storica (viabilità maggiore e minore, formazione dei borghi, orizzonte sociale degli abitanti, distribuzione della proprietà), nel periodo della “parabola” della Pistoia comunale (XII-XIII secolo). In conclusione, la ricerca vuole essere sia uno strumento di analisi per la storia delle trasformazioni delle città nel periodo comunale, sia uno strumento di conoscenza e tutela di un patrimonio storico-archeologico che, per la sua natura non-monumentale spesso sfugge all'attenzione di amministratori ed urbanisti.
In den Briefen 4, 6, 11 und 12 der Heroides hat Ovid direkt oder indirekt Figuren des Mythos zum Gegenstand seiner Dichtung gemacht, die den zeitgenössischen wie auch den heutigen Rezipienten insbesondere durch Tragödien des Euripides bekannt sind. Die zu Beginn dieser Arbeit dazu durchgeführte historische Analyse der grundsätzlichen Bedingungen der Rezeption der Tragödien des Euripides in der Zeit Ovids zeigt, dass der römische Dichter für ein intertextuelles Dichten in den Heroides die Werke des griechischen Tragikers als Prätexte nutzen konnte, da die Rezipienten über die theoretische und praktische Kompetenz verfügten, entsprechende Verweisungen zu identifizieren, diese in einem Prozess der intertextuellen Lektüre zu dekodieren und den Text auf diese Weise zu interpretieren. Eine Beschreibung dieses antiken literarischen Kommunikationsprozesses zwischen Ovid und seinen Rezipienten erfolgt dabei mit den Mitteln einer für die Euripidesrezeption Ovids konkretisierten Intertextualitätstheorie (Kapitel A.I und II). Die ausführlichen Interpretationen zu den Heroides-Briefen 12, 6, 4 und 11 sowie zur Rezeption des Medea-Prologs in verschiedenen Gedichten Ovids (Kapitel B.I bis V) zeigen, dass der römische Dichter verschiedene Formen intertextueller Verweisungen nutzt, um in den bekannten Geschichten von Medea, Hypsipyle, Phaedra und Canace bislang ungenutztes narratives Potential zu entdecken und auf dieser Grundlage eine alte Geschichte neu zu erzählen. Das in der Forschung bereits vielfach beschriebene Prinzip Ovids des idem aliter referre ist in den untersuchten Texten konkret darauf ausgerichtet, die aus den Tragödien bekannten Heroinen in einer bestimmten Phase ihrer Geschichte zu Figuren einer elegischen Welt werden zu lassen. Diese neu geschaffene elegische Dimension einer ursprünglich tragischen Geschichte dient dabei nicht einer umwertenden Neuinterpretation der bekannten tragischen Figur. Vielmehr lässt Ovid seine Briefe zu einem Teil des Mythos werden, zu einem elegischen Vorspiel der Tragödie, die einen durch Euripides vorgegebenen Rahmen des Mythos erweitern und damit zugleich zentrale Motive der tragischen Prätexte vorbereiten. Ovid gestaltet aus, was in dem von Euripides initiierten Mythos angelegt ist, und nutzt das elegische Potential der tragischen Erzählung, um das Geschehen und vor allem die Heroine selbst in seinem Brief zur Tragödie hinzuführen. Damit bereitet Ovid in den Heroides die weitere Entwicklung der äußeren tragischen Handlung vor, indem er vor allem eine innere Entwicklung der von ihm geschaffenen Briefschreiberin aufzeigt und auf diese Weise jeweils aus einer von ihm geschaffenen elegischen Frau jene tragische Heldin werden lässt, die den Rezipienten aus der jeweiligen Tragödie des Euripides bekannt ist. Die sich daraus notwendigerweise ergebenden Spannungen und Interferenzen zwischen den Erwartungen der Rezipienten und der Realität der von Ovid neu gestalteten Figur in ihrem elegischen Kontext werden von dem römischen Dichter produktiv genutzt und durch die im Text initiierte Entwicklung aufgehoben. So scheinen dann letztlich aus den Elegien Ovids die Tragödien des Euripides hervorzugehen.
In 2011 the GSB/USB caving group of Bologna has discovered, in the southern fossil branches of Govjestica cave (Valle di Praça, Bosnia) a fossil deposit of vertebrates containing bones of Ursus spelaeus, Capra ibex, Cricetulus migratorius and Microtus. On the basis of the U/Th ages of the bones, teeth and carbonate flowstone covering the fossils (60 ka), datings carried out in the laboratories of U-Series at Bologna, and on the disposition of the bones, a past connection between Govjestica and the nearby Banja Stjena cave is hypothesised. The closure of this passage has occurred suddenly through a collapse that has forced the last cave bears awakened from their winter sleep to stay blocked in Govjestica, and die. The connecting passage has later been covered with calcite flowstones and is no longer visible. This hypothesis is sustained by the rather scarce number of skeletons of cave bears found in Govjestica (a dozen of skulls against the often large amounts of cave bears found in similar caves): Govjestica cave, and especially the Room of the Bones in its southern part, has been used by cave bears only for a couple of centuries before these parts became inaccessible. Furthermore, the entrance of Banja Stjena cave was probably located close to or at the level of the Praça river, that has excavated its thalweg for around 20 metres in the last 60 ka.
Mammalian members of the proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter family (SLC15) are integral membrane proteins that mediate the cellular uptake of di/tripeptides and peptide-like drugs. The driving force for uphill electrogenic symport is the chemical gradient and membrane potential which favors proton uptake into the cell along with the peptide/mimetic substrate. The peptide transporters are responsible for the absorption and conservation of dietary protein digestion products in the intestine and kidney, respectively, and in maintaining homeostasis of neuropeptides in the brain. They are also responsible for the absorption and disposition of a number of pharmacologically important compounds including some aminocephalosporins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, antiviral prodrugs, and others. In this review, we provide updated information on the structure-function of PepT1 (SLC15A1), PepT2 (SLC15A2), PhT1 (SLC15A4) and PhT2 (SLC15A3), and their expression and localization in key tissues. Moreover, mammalian peptide transporters are discussed in regard to pharmacogenomic and regulatory implications on host pharmacology and disease, and as potential targets for drug delivery. Significant emphasis is placed on the evolving role of these peptide transporters as elucidated by studies using genetically modified animals. Whenever possible, the relevance of drug-drug interactions and regulatory mechanisms are evaluated using in vivo studies.