984 resultados para Digital Identity


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During the last decade the interest on space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) for remote sensing applications has grown as testified by the number of recent and forthcoming missions as TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2, COSMO-kyMed, TanDEM-X and the Spanish SEOSAR/PAZ. In this sense, this thesis proposes to study and analyze the performance of the state-of-the-Art space-borne SAR systems, with modes able to provide Moving Target Indication capabilities (MTI), i.e. moving object detection and estimation. The research will focus on the MTI processing techniques as well as the architecture and/ or configuration of the SAR instrument, setting the limitations of the current systems with MTI capabilities, and proposing efficient solutions for the future missions. Two European projects, to which the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya provides support, are an excellent framework for the research activities suggested in this thesis. NEWA project proposes a potential European space-borne radar system with MTI capabilities in order to fulfill the upcoming European security policies. This thesis will critically review the state-of-the-Art MTI processing techniques as well as the readiness and maturity level of the developed capabilities. For each one of the techniques a performance analysis will be carried out based on the available technologies, deriving a roadmap and identifying the different technological gaps. In line with this study a simulator tool will be developed in order to validate and evaluate different MTI techniques in the basis of a flexible space-borne radar configuration. The calibration of a SAR system is mandatory for the accurate formation of the SAR images and turns to be critical in the advanced operation modes as MTI. In this sense, the SEOSAR/PAZ project proposes the study and estimation of the radiometric budget. This thesis will also focus on an exhaustive analysis of the radiometric budget considering the current calibration concepts and their possible limitations. In the framework of this project a key point will be the study of the Dual Receive Antenna (DRA) mode, which provides MTI capabilities to the mission. An additional aspect under study is the applicability of the Digital Beamforming on multichannel and/or multistatic radar platforms, which conform potential solutions for the NEWA project with the aim to fully exploit its capability jointly with MTI techniques.


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Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un complemento para el software de creación y gestión de bitácoras («weblogs») WordPress, cuyo objetivo será proporcionar a los usuarios del sitio la firma digital del contenido publicado en él (como por ejemplo comentarios o entradas en el diario) mediante certificados X.509.


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The Andalusian eHealth Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA), created in June 2006 as a strategic action of the Andalusian Government with the aim of becoming the engine for the knowledge management of the health system in the region, has meant a radical change of mind in the way libraries can be managed: - As a regional library, it coordinates the 42 document library centers of the hospital network. - It is an organization in charge of its own budget and management. - It is the only intermediary for contracting health science resources. These factors have empowered the library in its dealings with other organizations such as stakeholders, suppliers, universities, etc. The centralization of the purchasing and the librarian network has made this library strong enough to deal with the economic recession and budgetary problems.


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The Andalusian eHealth Library (BV-SSPA) was set up in 2006, but the region already had 42 librarians who worked at hospitals or other centers and were in charge of their libraries. The Digital library meant for all of them the availability of a greater amount of scientific resources and also the challenge of adapting to this new environment which brought new tasks and responsibilities to their daily work, and required the development of new skills. The time has arrived to analyze how they have implemented this change and how it has transformed their professional profile within the Andalusian Health System. Nowadays, the Andalusian eHealth Library establishes the librarian’s targets and their work is evaluated according to the fulfillment of these targets. This evaluation is carried out by the director of the BV-SSPA, taking into account the performance related to the general stated targets, as well as their level of commitment to the Digital Library through the performing of specific assigned tasks.


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Els gèneres periodístics tradicionals s’estan adaptant acceleradament al periodisme digital. De fet, arran dels fenòmens de mitosi mediàtica i mediamorfosi, l’adaptació és mútua: un nou entorn, amb més rapidesa, una nova tipologia de lector i unes noves maneres de produir estan provocant unes sinergies que solquen tot el mitjà i, sobretot, els continguts, els gèneres. És per això que el Grup de Recerca i Anàlisi sobre Periodisme Digital, creat pel Centre d’Estudis sobre el Cable (CECABLE) el 2008, està portant a terme un estudi científic de comparació empírica entre diaris digitals i tradicionals del qual es desprenen unes perspectives d’adaptació i desenvolupament encoratjadores per als gèneres clàssics i oportunitats per als gèneres sorgits de l’onada digital.


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A forensic intelligence process was conducted over cross-border seizures of false identity documents whose sources were partly known to be the same. Visual features of 300 counterfeit Portuguese and French identity cards seized in France and Switzerland were observed and integrated in a structured database developed to detect and analyze forensic links. Based on a few batches of documents known to come from common sources, the forensic profiling method could be validated and its performance evaluated. The method also proved efficient and complementary to conventional means of detecting connections between cases. Cross-border links were detected, highlighting the need for more collaboration. Forensic intelligence could be produced, uncovering the structure of counterfeits' illegal trade, the concentration of their sources and the evolution of their quality over time. In addition, two case examples illustrated how forensic profiling may support specific investigations. The forensic intelligence process and its results will underline the need to develop such approaches to support the fight against fraudulent documents and organized crime.


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Hermes Comunicacions és el primer grup de comunicació escrita en català, quecompta amb 54.000 exemplars cada dia al carrer i prop de 600.000 lectors ainternet. És la responsable de les publicacions: El Punt Avui (edicions Nacionali Comarques Gironines), Presència, L’Econòmic, Sortim, Catalonia Today i El 9Esportiu.Actualment, es disposa de tres vies per difondre les diferents publicacions: paper, web i El quiosc (web d’accés a subscriptors). Aquest projecte pretén desenvolupar l’aplicació i entorn necessaris per lacreació d’una quarta via de difusió dels diferents productes, facilitant-ne lavisualització mitjançant dispositius mòbils. Concretament ens centrarem en elsdispositius mòbils d’Apple basats en el sistema operatiu iOS.Degut a que ens trobem davant d’un nou entorn per als desenvolupadors i peral client, preveiem que aniran sorgint canvis durant el transcurs del projecte.Per tant decidim utilitzar una metodologia flexible als canvis de requeriments.Les metodologies àgils són les que millor s’ajusten al desenvolupament que esvol fer. Dins el conjunt de metodologies àgils, hem escollit Scrum. Tot i que és unametodologia pensada per a treball en equip, l’adaptem al nostre cas


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The important inflow of foreign population to western countries has boosted the study of acculturation processes among scholars in the last decades. By using the case of Catalonia, a receiver region of international and national migration since the fifties, this paper seeks to intersect a classic acculturation model and a newly reemerging literature in political science on contextual determinants on individual behavior. Does the context matters for understanding individual’s subjective national identity and, therefore, its voting behavior? Multilevel models show that environment matters. Percentage of Spain-born population in the town is statistically significant to account for variance in the subjective national identity and nationalist vote, even after controlling for age, sex, origin, language and left – right orientation and other contextual factors. This conclusion invites researchers not to underestimate the direct effect of the environment on individual outcomes such as feelings of belonging and vote orientation in contexts of rival identities.


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El Servei de Biblioteques de la UAB gestiona un dipòsit digital que cobreix les expectatives generades per un dipòsit institucional a la vegada que actua facilitant la consulta de la biblioteca digital pròpia. La naturalesa diversa de les col·leccions, quant a origen i format ens ha obligat a utilitzar eines de gestió específiques per establir els circuits, mètodes i procediments de treball. Volem compartir la nostra experiència, tant a nivell de creació d'un únic dipòsit capaç de gestionar tot el nostre fons digital, com de les opcions de treball intern escollides.


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L'objectiu principal del projecte és l'estudi, la implementació d'algoritmes i protocols amb criptografia basada en la identitat. Aquesta o Identity Based Encryption (IBE) s'utilitza per simplificar el procés de comunicacions segures, com per exemple el correu electrònic. IBE permet a les polítiques de seguretat ser codificades directament sense la necessitat d'usar certificats. Aquests esquemes van ser proposats inicialment per A. Shamir a l'any 1984 i han estat objecte d'estudi per D. Boneh, S. Galbraith, etc. En aquest farem l'estudi dels emparellaments de Werl i Tate a través de l'algorisme de Miller, que ens permetrà implementar aquests emparellaments sobre corbes el·líptiques supersingulars.


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Realitzar una proposta per a millorar la competència digital a la ESO mitjançant un estudi d'altres sistemes educatius i realitzar una proposta de treball per projectes interdisciplinaris.