1000 resultados para Dieta Mediterránea
Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), present in 6-12% of women of reproductive age, the criterion of Rotterdam, is characterized by hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance (IR) and its inflammatory state, exacerbated by obesity and factors associated with the increase in damage DNA. Weight loss, combined with healthy eating, acts restoring the reproductive and metabolic functions in the SOP, though its influence in reducing DNA damage in PCOS are unknown. Aim: To investigate whether there are differences between DNA damage markers and factors of cardiometabolic risk in women with PCOS and control, and evaluate the effectiveness of nutritional intervention in DNA damage markers and cardiometabolic risk markers in overweight and obese women with PCOS. Methods: the study was conducted in two studies and the participants were aged between 18 and 35 years. In the first study, a prospective case-control, were included 27 women diagnosed with PCOS and 20 controls. In the second study, clinical trial of nutritional intervention with 12-week calorie-restricted diet 500Kcal / day. The genotoxicity, DNA damage (intensity tail, tail moment and tail length) was evaluated by the comet assay. Anthropometric data, dietary intake, hormonal, biochemical and inflammatory were evaluated in different studies. Results: there was no significant difference between the DNA damage marker tail intensity (p = 0.18), tail moment (p = 0.76) and tail length (p = 0.109) in PCOS when compared to the control group. Data after nutritional intervention in PCOS women with overweight and obesity showed a decrease in DNA damage markers: tail intensity (24.35 ± 5.86 - pre-diet vs. 17.15 ± 5.04 -Post-diet) and tail moment (20.47 ± 7.85 - pre-diet vs. 14.13 ± 6.29 -post-diet) (p <0.001). Reduction of weight (3.5%) and decreased cardiometabolic markers IR and hyperandrogenism. Conclusion: women with PCOS have a worse cardiometabolic risk profile compared to control however similar genotoxicity identified by DNA damage. Nutritional intervention reduced the genotoxicity of overweight and obese women with PCOS, and reduce the factors of cardiometabolic risk.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.
Biomarcadores de luteína, zeaxantina y otros carotenoides en la relación dieta y salud ocular humana
El estudio de la relación entre componentes de la dieta y la salud/enfermedad utiliza métodos de valoración de la ingesta dietética, del estatus nutricional y de marcadores de función o de efecto. En concreto, en el estudio de los carotenoides y la salud ocular, interesa el estudio de dos carotenoides sin actividad provitamina A, la luteína y la zeaxantina, por su posible papel en la optimización de la función visual y en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas asociadas a la edad, y de tres carotenoides con actividad provitamina A: -caroteno, -caroteno y -criptoxantina, por ser precursores de retinol, nutriente del que depende el ciclo visual para una visión normal. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de los carotenoides de la dieta más relevantes para la salud ocular humana considerando de forma simultánea parámetros relacionados con la ingesta, el estatus y la función visual, así como diversas variables que pueden modificar el estatus nutricional, como son la concentración de lípidos en sangre, y la bioaccesibilidad de los carotenoides a partir de alimentos de amplio consumo...
La etapa infantil tiene una gran importancia desde el punto de vista nutricional, para el presente y futuro de los individuos. La alimentación equilibrada desempeña un papel fundamental en el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño, permitiendo mantener un estado de salud óptimo y mejorando su calidad de vida. Además, en la edad infantil se establecen gran parte de los hábitos y estilos de vida que persistirán a lo largo de toda la vida, entre ellos se establecen y conforman los hábitos alimentarios y las bases de la educación nutricional. En un metabolismo aeróbico, como el que caracteriza al cuerpo humano, se precisa del oxígeno para la mayoría de los procesos biológicos cuyo fin último es obtener energía, es decir, se produce la oxidación de los diferentes sustratos para obtener dicha energía a través de diferentes rutas metabólicas. Esta utilización de oxígeno en los procesos metabólicos, implica inevitablemente la formación de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO) o radicales libres, que favorecen los procesos de oxidación. Para compensar estos procesos, existen en el cuerpo humano una serie de sistemas de protección antioxidante que permiten la eliminación o transformación de las ERO en moléculas estables. Los sistemas biológicos están, por lo tanto, en un estado de equilibrio entre sustancias prooxidantes y su capacidad antioxidante. El desequilibrio a favor de la acción prooxidante es lo que se conoce como "estrés oxidativo", que puede conducir al daño celular y tisular, y finalmente al desarrollo de diferentes enfermedades: cáncer, arteriosclerosis, infarto de miocardio, procesos de isquemia/reperfusión, diabetes mellitus, asfixia neonatal, enfermedades inflamatorias, trastornos del sistema nervioso central, envejecimiento, ... Dentro de la alimentación encontramos nutrientes que median en este equilibrio oxidante-antioxidante, habiendo nutrientes que participan en el sistema de defensa antioxidante (vitamina C y E, carotenoides, flavonoides, melanoidinas, selenio, zinc..) y también sustancias que pueden actuar como prooxidantes (exceso de lípidos, proteínas, hierro o cobre)...
[ES] La Seguiat el Hamra es una cuenca hidrográfica árida situada en el extremo occidental del desierto del Sáhara. Si en su desembocadura la influencia del Océano Atlántico determina temperaturas tamponadas y cierta humedad ambiental, al este de Smara (26º44’29”N / 11º40’24”O) las condiciones bioclimáticas se endurecen (Ozenda, 1991), provocando un significativo cambio en la composición de las comunidades de vertebrados (Valverde, 1957; Geniez et al., 2004).
[ES] La isla de Sal es, por su escaso relieve y por su posición geográfica, una de las islas más áridas del archipiélago de Cabo Verde (Chevalier, 1935). En ese escenario casi desértico vive Hemidactylus boavistensis, un geco endémico de las islas de Sal, Boavista y algunos islotes adyacentes (Arnold et al., 2008; Vasconcelos et al., 2013). Se trata de un saurio de pequeño tamaño (hasta 50 mm de longitud hocico cloaca; Figura 1a) relativamente abundante que durante el día suele refugiarse debajo de las piedras que descansan sobre el sustrato generalmente arenoso de la isla.
v. 17, n .2, p. 164-174, abr./jun. 2016.
En la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada (ERCA), se proporcionan cuidados a los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica con un filtrado glomerular (FG) < 30 ml/min. Estos incluyen diferentes intervenciones de enfermería. Una de ellas es la intervención 5614 Enseñanza: dieta prescrita. Objetivo: Analizar la eficacia de la intervención 5614 Enseñanza: dieta prescrita, en pacientes ERCA realizada en la consulta de enfermería, en la primera visita. Material y métodos: Estudio cuasiexperimental. Se incluyeron 92 pacientes incidentes en la consulta ERCA en 2014. Se realizó la intervención 5614 Enseñanza: dieta prescrita y se evaluaron indicadores de resultado 1004 Estado nutricional a los 2 meses de la intervención. Se llevó a cabo una estadística descriptiva de las variables pre y post intervención. Resultados: Edad media 69,5±15 años, 64,1% (n=59) hombres, 35,9% (n=33) mujeres, 41,3% diabéticos. Después de la intervención el 62% de los pacientes disminuyeron el valor del K, el 54,3% el del P, el 55,4% el del colesterol total, el 59,8% el del colesterol-LDL, y el 44,6% el del ácido úrico. El 67,4% de los pacientes presentó pérdida ponderal. En estos pacientes la variación media de la albúmina fue -0,005±0,0028 mg/dL. El FG permaneció estable en el 63% de los pacientes. La PAS media disminuye en el 42,4% de los pacientes y la PAD media en el 38%. Conclusiones: Tras la intervención 5614 Enseñanza: dieta prescrita realizada a los pacientes ERCA en la primera visita, se observa disminución del peso y valores plasmáticos de P, K, colesterol- LDL, colesterol total y ácido úrico. La Función renal permanece estable. La concentración de albúmina en los pacientes que perdieron peso se mantiene estable. La diferencia de la media para los valores de K y colesterol total fue estadísticamente significativa.