828 resultados para Diabetic’s Mellitus


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A Diabetes Mellitus é conhecida por uma doença metabólica caracterizada por um défice na ação ou secreção da insulina, na qual a consequência direta é o aparecimento de hiperglicemia, isto é, o nível de glicose apresentar valores elevados (Kidambi, 2008; Silva-Sousa, 2003). A DM1, especificamente, é apresentada como uma doença que é resultado da destruição das células beta do pâncreas, desenvolvendo assim, um défice na produção de insulina (Raymond et al., 2001). As complicações orais da DM1 incluem xerostomia, doença periodontal (gengivite e periodontite), abcessos dentários, perda de dentes, lesões de tecidos moles e síndrome de ardência oral. A complicação oral mais frequente da DM1 nas crianças é o aumento da sensibilidade à doença periodontal. A doença periodontal é caracterizada como uma reação inflamatória infecciosa dos tecidos gengivais (gengivite) ou do suporte dos dentes, ou seja, ligamento periodontal, cemento e osso alveolar (periodontite), podendo induzir um certo grau de resistência à insulina. Ambas as doenças resultam da interação entre microorganismos periodontais patogénicos. A avaliação e influência do controlo da doença é expressa pelos valores médios de hemoglobina glicosada (Hba1c) na saúde oral nas crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Vários estudos demonstraram que o controlo glicémico teve uma influencia sobre a saúde oral de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Assim uma avaliação oral, deve fazer parte de procedimentos de rotina no atendimento de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. O dentista deve ser parte da equipa multidisciplinar que auxilia os indivíduos com DM1. O tratamento precoce numa população infantil com DM1, pode diminuir a severidade da doença periodontal. O presente trabalho tem por objectivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a importância do estudo em crianças e adolescentes portadores de DM1 e doenças da cavidade oral, nomeadamente, a periodontite, e respetivas implicações.


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Background Ageing and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are risk factors for skeletal muscle loss. We investigated whether anabolic resistance to feeding might underlie accelerated muscle loss in older people with T2DM and whether dysregulated mTOR signalling was implicated. Subjects 8 obese men with T2DM, and 12 age-matched controls were studied (age 68±3 vs. 68±6y; BMI: 30±2 vs. 27±5 kg·m-2). Methods Body composition was measured by dual-X-ray absorptiometry. Insulin and glucose were clamped at post-absorptive concentrations (13±2 vs. 9±3 mU·l-1; 7.4±1.9 vs. 4.6±0.4 mmol·l-1; T2DM vs. controls). Fractional synthetic rates (FSR) of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins were measured as the rate of incorporation of [13C] leucine during a primed, constant infusion of [1-13C] α-ketoisocaproic acid, 3 h after 10 or 20g of essential amino acids (EAA) were orally administered. Protein expression of total and phosphorylated mTOR signalling proteins was determined by Western blot analysis. Results Despite a significantly lower appendicular lean mass index and a greater fat mass index in T2DM vs. controls, basal myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic and post-prandial myofibrillar FSR were similar. After 20g EAA, stimulation of sarcoplasmic FSR was slightly blunted in T2DM patients. Furthermore, feeding 20g EAA increased phosphorylation of mTOR, p70S6k and 4E-BP1 by 60-100% in controls with no response observed in T2DM. Conclusions There was clear dissociation between changes in mTOR signalling versus changes in protein synthesis rates. However, the intact anabolic response of myofibrillar FSR to feeding in both groups suggests anabolic resistance may not explain accelerated muscle loss in T2DM.


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Enquadramento: A diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM 1) é uma doença cada vez mais prevalente na adolescência. O controlo da doença no âmbito do autocuidado revela-se de grande valor na conquista da autonomia dos adolescentes e na diminuição dos riscos associados. Objectivos: Analisar o conhecimento dos adolescentes diabéticos acerca da doença e dos cuidados; verificar a relação do conhecimento dos adolescentes com DM1 acerca da doença e dos cuidados com a idade e o sexo. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo-analítico e transversal. Participaram 51 adolescentes com idades entre os 12 e os 18 anos, seguidos em consultas de diabetologia de hospitais da zona centro de Portugal, tendo-se aplicado um teste de conhecimentos. Resultados: Relativamente ao conhecimento, no global e em 3 das 5 dimensões, a maioria dos adolescentes demonstrou conhecimento de nível bom, todavia foram identificados conceitos erróneos tendo-se registado adolescentes com baixo nível de conhecimentos. Verificam-se correlações positivas do conhecimento com a idade dos adolescentes. Conclusão: É importante corrigir os conceitos erróneos e identificar os adolescentes com conhecimento insuficiente, para uma intervenção dirigida.


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The daily experience with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has significant adverse effects on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). HRQoL assessment is essential for measuring the impact of the disease on the patient and selecting individualized strategies. Generic measures for assessing HRQoL are very useful because, unlike specific measurement instruments, they allow for the comparison with other instruments. The EQ-5D-3L is a generic measure and it describes HRQoL in five dimensions; mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression, with three levels each. In Portugal, studies using the EQ-5D-3L as a generic measure to assess HRQoL in diabetic patients are scarce. Objective: To assess HRQoL in individuals with T2DM using the Portuguese version of the EQ-5D-3L. Methodology: An accidental sample of patients with T2DM (n=437) was selected at Family Health Units and healthcare centers in Coimbra, Portugal, between January 2013 and January 2014. The EQ-5D-3L was applied in interviews. The EQ-5D-3L score was calculated based on the answers to the five dimensions and the value system for the Portuguese population. Results: In this sample, 100% of the participants answered the EQ-5D-3L. The HRQoL score was 0.6772 in the EQ-5D-3L and 64.85 in the EQ-VAS. The most frequent answers to the five dimensions were no problems or some problems. The mean score of the EQ-5D-3L was significantly associated with age, male gender, high level of education, having an occupation, practicing physical activity, being single and having been diagnosed with T2DM for less time. The Cronbach alpha's value was 0.674, confirming an acceptable internal consistency. Conclusion: HRQoL levels in individuals with T2DM are lower than the national average and vary depending on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. The EQ-5D-3L is a reliable instrument that can be used to assess the quality of life of diabetic patients and contribute to assess the patients' overall health status, adding data from the subjective dimension of self-care management.


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Enquadramento: A diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) é uma doença cada vez mais prevalente na adolescência. Intervir no autocuidado é determinante para o seu controlo. Objetivos: Determinar as dificuldades no autocuidado dos adolescentes com DM1. Analisar a relação das dificuldades no autocuidado dos adolescentes com DM1 com a idade e o género. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo-analítico e transversal. Participaram 51 adolescentes entre os 12 e os 18 anos, seguidos em hospitais distritais da zona centro de Portugal. Foi construído um questionário de dificuldades adaptado de um modelo de papéis de autocuidado, constituído por 18 itens distribuídos por 4 dimensões: Manutenção da saúde; Controlo da doença; Diagnóstico, tratamento e Medicação na DM1 e, participação nos serviços de saúde. Resultados: Referem ter pouca dificuldade em gerir o autocuidado (96,1%), bastante dificuldade no ajuste de insulina mediante a avaliação de glicemia capilar (29,4%), bastante dificuldade em reconhecer a importância da hemoglobina glicosilada (17,6%). Conclusão: Os adolescentes revelaram níveis de dificuldade relevantes no ajuste de insulina e na compreensão da hemoglobina glicosilada.


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A Diabetes Mellitus é uma patologia fortemente associada ao processo de envelhecimento, afectando cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores complicações observadas nesta população prende-se com a diminuição do controlo postural e da capacidade funcional relacionada com a locomoção. O exercício físico tem sido apontado como uma das formas de prevenção e tratamento deste problema, no entanto existe ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre o modo mais indicado de exercício. O presente pretende avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbio sobre o controlo postural e a capacidade funcional de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos por um grupo experimental (n=16) a quem foi aplicado o programa de exercício físico, e por um grupo de controlo (n=14), o qual não usufruiu de qualquer programa de exercício físico. O programa teve a duração de 12 semanas de treino, e uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes mantiveram-se em movimento constante durante as sessões tendo os exercícios realizados possuído uma forte componente dinâmica. Foi avaliado o controlo postural através de uma plataforma de forças e a capacidade funcional através de um conjunto de cinco testes funcionais. Os resultados obtidos revelam não terem existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) na interacção entre grupos e momentos de avaliação nas variáveis analisadas, com excepção para a performance no Timed Get Up & Go Test, a qual melhorou significativamente (p<0,05) no grupo experimental. Estes dados sugerem que a especificidade tanto estática como dinâmica dos exercícios e a intensidade a que são realizados são factores fundamentais a ter em consideração no planeamento de programas de exercício físico, com vista à melhoria quer do controlo postural quer da capacidade funcional em portadores de Diabetes Mellius Tipo 2. ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease associated with aging, affecting a growing number of people all over the world. One of the major concerns in this population relates to the decline of postural control and functional capacity. Exercise has been suggested as one way of preventing and treating this problem, however little is known about the most appropriate mode of exercise. This study evaluates the effect of an aerobic exercise program on postural control and functional capacity of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 30 subjects, over an experimental group (n = 16) applied to an exercise program, and a control group (n = 14), that received no treatment. The program lasted 12 weeks, three times a week. Participants remained in constant motion during the sessions and the exercises performed had a strong dynamic component. Postural control was assessed using a force platform and functional capacity through a set of five functional tests. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences (p>O, O5) in group/moment interaction in the variables analyzed, except for the Timed Get Up & Go Test, which improved significantly (p <0,05) in the experimental group. These data suggest that both static and dynamic specificity and intensity of exercises are key factors in exercises programs planning, targeted to improve both postural control and functional capacity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellius.


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In both developed and developing countries, increased prevalence of obesity has been strongly associated with increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the adult population. Previous research has emphasized the importance of physical activity in the prevention and management of obesity and T2DM, and generic exercise guidelines originally developed for the wider population have been adapted for these specific populations. However, the guidelines traditionally focus on aerobic training without due consideration to other exercise modalities. Recent reviews on resistance training in the T2DM population have not compared this modality with others including aerobic training, or considered the implications of resistance training for individuals suffering from both obesity and T2DM. In short, the optimal mix of exercise modalities in the prescription of exercise has not been identified for it benefits to the metabolic, body composition and muscular health markers common in obesity and T2DM. Similarly, the underlying physical, social and psychological barriers to adopting and maintaining exercise, with the potential to undermine the efficacy of exercise interventions, have not been addressed in earlier reviews. Because it is well established that aerobic exercise has profound effects on obesity and T2DM risk, the purpose of this review was to address the importance of resistance training to obese adults with T2DM.


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Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) have reached epidemic proportions in many parts of the world with numbers projected to rise dramatically in coming decades (Wang and Lobstein, 2006; Zaninotto et al., 2006). In Australia, and consistent with much of the developed world, the problem has been described as a ‘juggernaut’ that is out of control (Zimmet and James, 2007). Unfortunately the burgeoning problem of non-communicable diseases, including obesity and T2D, is also impacting developing nations as populations are undergoing a nutrition transition (Caballero, 2005). The increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in children, adolescents and adults in both the developed and developing world is consistent with reductions in all forms of physical activity (Brownson et al., 2005). This brief paper provides an overview of the importance of physical activity and an outline of physical activity intervention studies with particular reference to the growing years. As many interventions studies involving physical activity have been undertaken in the context of childhood obesity prevention (Lobstein et al., 2004), and an increasing proportion of the childhood population is overweight or obese, this is a major focus of discussion.


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This chapter describes physical and environmental determinants of the health of Australians, providing a background to the development of successful public health activity. Health determinants are the biomedical, genetic, behavioural, socio-economic and environmental factors that impact on health and wellbeing. These determinants can be influenced by interventions and by resources and systems (AIHW 2006). Many factors combine to affect the health of individuals and communities. People’s circumstances and the environment determine whether the population is healthy or not. Factors such as where people live, the state of their environment, genetics, their education level and income, and their relationships with friends and family, all are likely to impact on their health. The determinants of population health reflect the context of people’s lives; however, people are very unlikely to be able to control many of these determinants (WHO 2007). This chapter and Chapter 6 illustrate how various determinants can relate to, and influence other determinants, as well as health and wellbeing. We believe it is particularly important to provide an understanding of determinants and their relationship to health and illness in order to provide a structure in which a broader conceptualisation of health can be placed. Determinants of health do not exist in isolation from one another. More frequently they work together in a complex system. What is clear to anyone who works in public health is that many factors impact on the health and wellbeing of people. For example, in the next chapter we discuss factors such as living and working conditions, social support, ethnicity and class, income, housing, work stress and the impact of education on the length and quality of people’s lives. In 1974, the influential ‘Lalonde Report’ (Lalonde 1974) described key factors that impact on health status. These factors included lifestyle, environment, human biology and health services. Taking a population health approach builds on the Lalonde Report, and recognises that a range of factors, such as living and working conditions and the distribution of wealth in society, interact to determine the health status of a population. Tackling health determinants has great potential to reduce the burden of disease and promote the health of the general population. In summary, we understand very clearly now that health is determined by the complex interactions between individual characteristics, social and economic factors and physical environments; the entire range of factors that impact on health must be addressed if we are to make significant gains in population health, and focussing interventions on the health of the population or significant sub-populations can achieve important health gains. In 2007, the Australian Government included in the list of National Health Priority Areas the following health issues: cancer control, injury prevention and control, cardiovascular health, diabetes mellitus, mental health, asthma, and arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. The National Health Priority Areas set the agenda for the Commonwealth, States and Territories, Local Governments and not-for-profit organisations to place attention on those areas considered to be the major foci for action. Many of these health issues are discussed in this chapter and the following chapter.


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Recombinant glucagon-like peptide-1 (7–36)amide (rGLP-1) was recently shown to cause significant weight loss in type 2 diabetics when administered for 6 weeks as a continuous subcutaneous infusion. The mechanisms responsible for the weight loss are not clarified. In the present study, rGLP-1 was given for 5d by prandial subcutaneous injections (PSI) (76nmol 30min before meals, four times daily; a total of 302·4nmol/24h) or by continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSI) (12·7nmol/h; a total of 304·8nmol/24h). This was performed in nineteen healthy obese subjects (mean age 44·2 (sem 2·5) years; BMI 39·0 (sem 1·2)kg/m2) in a prospective randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Compared with the placebo, rGLP-1 administered as PSI and by CSI generated a 15% reduction in mean food intake per meal (P=0·02) after 5d treatment. A weight loss of 0·55 (sem 0·2) kg (P<0·05) was registered after 5d with PSI of rGLP-1. Gastric emptying rate was reduced during both PSI (P<0·001) and CSI (P<0·05) treatment, but more rapidly and to a greater extent with PSI of rGLP-1. To conclude, a 5d treatment of rGLP-1 at high doses by PSI, but not CSI, promptly slowed gastric emptying as a probable mechanism of action of increased satiety, decreased hunger and, hence, reduced food intake with an ensuing weight loss.


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Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most debilitating complications of diabetes. DPN is a major cause of foot ulceration and lower limb amputation. Early diagnosis and management is a key factor in reducing morbidity and mortality. Current techniques for clinical assessment of DPN are relatively insensitive for detecting early disease or involve invasive procedures such as skin biopsies. There is a need for less painful, non-invasive and safe evaluation methods. Eye care professionals already play an important role in the management of diabetic retinopathy; however recent studies have indicated that the eye may also be an important site for the diagnosis and monitoring of neuropathy. Corneal nerve morphology has been shown to be a promising marker of diabetic neuropathy occurring elsewhere in the body, and emerging evidence tentatively suggests that retinal anatomical markers and a range of functional visual indicators could similarly provide useful information regarding neural damage in diabetes – although this line of research is, as yet, less well established. This review outlines the growing body of evidence supporting a potential diagnostic role for retinal structure and visual functional markers in the diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes.


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Purpose: To analyze the repeatability of measuring nerve fiber length (NFL) from images of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus using semiautomated software. Methods: Images were captured from the corneas of 50 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus who showed varying severity of neuropathy, using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph 3 with Rostock Corneal Module. Semiautomated nerve analysis software was independently used by two observers to determine NFL from images of the subbasal nerve plexus. This procedure was undertaken on two occasions, 3 days apart. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient values were 0.95 (95% confidence intervals: 0.92–0.97) for individual subjects and 0.95 (95% confidence intervals: 0.74–1.00) for observer. Bland-Altman plots of the NFL values indicated a reduced spread of data with lower NFL values. The overall spread of data was less for (a) the observer who was more experienced at analyzing nerve fiber images and (b) the second measurement occasion. Conclusions: Semiautomated measurement of NFL in the subbasal nerve fiber layer is highly repeatable. Repeatability can be enhanced by using more experienced observers. It may be possible to markedly improve repeatability when measuring this anatomic structure using fully automated image analysis software.