989 resultados para Dengue viruses type 3
Agricultural workers especially poultry farmers are at increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases. Epidemiological studies showed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and adverse changes in pulmonary function parameters in poultry workers. In poultry production volatile organic compounds (VOCs) presence can be due to some compounds produced by molds that are volatile and are released directly into the air. These are known as microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). Because these compounds often have strong and/or unpleasant odors, they can be the source of odors associated with molds. MVOC's are products of the microorganisms primary and secondary metabolism and are composed of low molecular weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of carbon-based molecules.
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OBJETIVO: Aplicar o modelo tempo-espacial para avaliar áreas de risco para a ocorrência de dengue. MÉTODOS: Foram considerados os 11.989 casos de dengue confirmados e autóctones, georreferenciados por endereço em São José do Rio Preto entre setembro de 2001 e agosto de 2006. Para avaliar a severidade e a magnitude da transmissão foram adotados índices de freqüência, duração e intensidade. O indicador local de autocorrelação espacial foi adotado para identificar agrupamentos espaciais significantes (p<0,05). Os valores dos três índices foram considerados altos em uma unidade espacial quando seus valores padronizados foram positivos e significantes os respectivos valores do indicador local de autocorrelação espacial. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos de dengue geocodificados, 38,1% ocorreram nas unidades espaciais urbanas, classificadas como de maior risco: 19,4% em 2001-2002, 13,9% em 2002-2003, 2,8% em 2003-2004, 16,7% em 2004-2005 e 21,3% em 2005-2006. O uso das três medidas de risco permitiu a identificação de áreas de maior risco para ocorrência de dengue, concentradas na região norte da cidade. Embora os dados de notificação de casos estejam sujeitos a vieses próprios, é uma informação disponível nos serviços de saúde que pode produzir conclusões, recomendações e hipóteses importantes. CONCLUSÕES: Os procedimentos adotados pelo estudo, não complexos e baseados em notificacões, podem ser utilizados rotineiramente pelos serviços responsáveis pela vigilância e controle do dengue para identificação de áreas de risco.
OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de risco de transmissão da dengue por meio da análise de cluster. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de agregados, tendo como unidades primárias de análise os 48 bairros do município de Niterói, RJ. Os bairros foram agrupados segundo condições sociodemográficas em seis estratos, segundo a técnica de análise de cluster por meio do método k-médias. Após a definição dos estratos foi realizado o cálculo da incidência da dengue por estrato para quatro períodos distintos: 1998 - 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003 - 2006. RESULTADOS: A análise da incidência mostrou que as taxas para os três últimos períodos do estudo foram maiores no estrato 2.1, de piores condições de infraestrutura de serviços de saneamento e alto incremento populacional, e no estrato 3.1, onde há maior percentual de favelas. O estrato 1.2 apresentou a menor incidência e os melhores indicadores de saneamento e renda, além de um pequeno incremento populacional e menor proporção de favelas. As taxas de incidência em 2001 e 2002 foram elevadas na maioria dos estratos, exceto no estrato 1.2, cujos bairros apresentaram a menor heterogeneidade em relação aos indicadores utilizados. Em 2001, os estratos apresentaram altas taxas de incidência quando supostamente a imunidade de grupo havia se estabelecido para o sorotipo I, expressando a força de transmissão desse agente. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica de análise de cluster possibilita o reconhecimento de áreas prioritárias, indicando aquelas onde ações de controle e vigilância da dengue devem ser aprimoradas, bem como melhorias estruturais que interfiram nas condições de vida e saúde da população do município.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre emMetodologias do Ensino da Dança.
Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
The main objective of this work was to investigate the application of experimental design techniques for the identification of Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters. More specifically, this study attempts to elucidate the relative advantages/disadvantages of employing complex experimental design techniques in relation to equidistant sampling when applied to different reactor operation modes. All studies were supported by simulation data of a generic enzymatic process that obeys to the Michaelis-Menten kinetic equation. Different aspects were investigated, such as the influence of the reactor operation mode (batch, fed-batch with pulse wise feeding and fed-batch with continuous feeding) and the experimental design optimality criteria on the effectiveness of kinetic parameters identification. The following experimental design optimality criteria were investigated: 1) minimization of the sum of the diagonal of the Fisher information matrix (FIM) inverse (A-criterion), 2) maximization of the determinant of the FIM (D-criterion), 3) maximization of the smallest eigenvalue of the FIM (E-criterion) and 4) minimization of the quotient between the largest and the smallest eigenvalue (modified E-criterion). The comparison and assessment of the different methodologies was made on the basis of the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) error in respect to the parameters vmax and Km of the Michaelis-Menten kinetic equation. In what concerns the reactor operation mode, it was concluded that fed-batch (pulses) is better than batch operation for parameter identification. When the former operation mode is adopted, the vmax CRLB error is lowered by 18.6 % while the Km CRLB error is lowered by 26.4 % when compared to the batch operation mode. Regarding the optimality criteria, the best method was the A-criterion, with an average vmax CRLB of 6.34 % and 5.27 %, for batch and fed-batch (pulses), respectively, while presenting a Km’s CRLB of 25.1 % and 18.1 %, for batch and fed-batch (pulses), respectively. As a general conclusion of the present study, it can be stated that experimental design is justified if the starting parameters CRLB errors are inferior to 19.5 % (vmax) and 45% (Km), for batch processes, and inferior to 42 % and to 50% for fed-batch (pulses) process. Otherwise equidistant sampling is a more rational decision. This conclusion clearly supports that, for fed-batch operation, the use of experimental design is likely to largely improve the identification of Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters.
Consider the problem of determining a task-toprocessor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct kinds of processors. We propose a polynomialtime approximation scheme (PTAS) for this problem. It offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a given platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then given an input parameter, ϵ, our PTAS succeeds, in polynomial time, in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment on a platform in which each processor is 1+3ϵ times faster. In the simulations, our PTAS outperforms the state-of-the-art PTAS [1] and also for the vast majority of task sets, it requires significantly smaller processor speedup than (its upper bound of) 1+3ϵ for successfully determining a feasible task-to-processor assignment.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the most productive types of properties and containers for Aedes aegypti and the spatial distribution of entomological indices.METHODS: Between December 2006 and February 2007, the vector's immature forms were collected to obtain entomological indices in 9,875 properties in the Jaguare neighborhood of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Southeastern Brazil. In March and April 2007, a questionnaire about the conditions and characteristics of properties was administered. Logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with the presence of pupae at the properties. Indices calculated per block were combined with a geo-referenced map, and thematic maps of these indices were obtained using statistical interpolation.RESULTS: The properties inspected had the following Ae. aegypti indices: Breteau Index = 18.9, 3.7 larvae and 0.42 pupae per property, 5.2 containers harboring Ae. aegypti per hectare, 100.0 larvae and 11.6 pupae per hectare, and 1.3 larvae and 0.15 pupae per inhabitant. The presence of yards, gardens and animals was associated with the presence of pupae.CONCLUSIONS: Specific types of properties and containers that simultaneously had low frequencies among those positive for the vector and high participation in the productivity of larvae and pupae were not identified. The use of indices including larval and pupal counts does not provide further information beyond that obtained from the traditional Stegomyia indices in locations with characteristics similar to those of São José do Rio Preto. The indices calculated per area were found to be more accurate for the spatial assessment of infestation. The Ae. aegypti infestation levels exhibited extensive spatial variation, indicating that the assessment of infestation in micro areas is needed.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. Each processor is either of type-1 or type-2 with each task having different execution time on each processor type. Jobs can migrate between processors of same type (referred to as intra-type migration) but cannot migrate between processors of different types. We present a new scheduling algorithm namely, LP-Relax(THR) which offers a guarantee that if a task set can be scheduled to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows intra-type migration then LP-Relax(THR) meets deadlines as well with intra-type migration if given processors 1/THR as fast (referred to as speed competitive ratio) where THR <= 2/3.
OBJECTIVE To assess the validity of dengue fever reports and how they relate to the definition of case and severity. METHODS Diagnostic test assessment was conducted using cross-sectional sampling from a universe of 13,873 patients treated during the fifth epidemiological period in health institutions from 11 Colombian departments in 2013. The test under analyses was the reporting to the National Public Health Surveillance System, and the reference standard was the review of histories identified by active institutional search. We reviewed all histories of patients diagnosed with dengue fever, as well as a random sample of patients with febrile syndromes. The specificity and sensitivity of reports were estimated for this purpose, considering the inverse of the probability of being selected for weighting. The concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search was calculated using Kappa statistics. RESULTS We included 4,359 febrile patients, and 31.7% were classified as compatible with dengue fever (17 with severe dengue fever; 461 with dengue fever and warning signs; 904 with dengue fever and no warning signs). The global sensitivity of reports was 13.2% (95%CI 10.9;15.4) and specificity was 98.4% (95%CI 97.9;98.9). Sensitivity varied according to severity: 12.1% (95%CI 9.3;14.8) for patients presenting dengue fever with no warning signs; 14.5% (95%CI 10.6;18.4) for those presenting dengue fever with warning signs, and 40.0% (95%CI 9.6;70.4) for those with severe dengue fever. Concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search resulted in a Kappa of 10.1%. CONCLUSIONS Low concordance was observed between reporting and the review of clinical histories, which was associated with the low reporting of dengue fever compatible cases, especially milder cases.
Journal of Bacteriology (Out 2010) 5312-5318
Uma epidemia de dengue tipo 1 se iniciou em Novembro de 1990 na Região de Ribeirão Preto, Norte do Estado de São Paulo. Foram confirmados por exames laboratoriais cerca de 3.500 casos até fevereiro de 1991. A Unidade de Pesquisa em Virologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP, estudou soros de 502 pessoas suspeitas de apresentarem dengue. Fez-se o diagnóstico sorológico através do método da inibição da hemaglutinação (HAI) para dengue tipo 1 em 19% dos analisados. Passou-se a utlilizar um teste imuno-enzimático para dengue em culturas celulares infectadas (EIA-ICC), que permite identificação simultânea de IgG e IgM. O EIA-ICC embora menos sensível quando comparado ao HAI (89%), mostrou-se mais eficiente, porque: dispensou a obtenção de segundas amostras séricas para o diagnóstico; trata-se de técnica simples, podendo ser efetuada em apenas 5 horas. O vírus dengue tipo 1 foi isolado do sangue de 21 pacientes, por inoculação em células de mosquitos C6/36. Fez-se a identificação dos vírus isolados por método de imunofluorescência indireta, utilizando anti-soro contra todos os flavivirus e anticorpos monoclonais tipo-específicos de dengue. Os sintomas mais freqüentemente observados em 71 indivíduos com diagnóstico de dengue confirmado foram febre (90% dos casos), mialgias (57%) e artralgias (41%)
Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors—such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two low degree polynomial time-complexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the following guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which processors are 1+α times faster. The parameter 0<α≤1 is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than 1. We evaluate average-case performance of both the algorithms by generating task sets randomly and measuring how much faster processors the algorithms need (which is upper bounded by 1+α/2 for SA and 1+α for SA-P) in order to output a feasible task assignment (intra-migrative for SA and non-migrative for SA-P). In our evaluations, for the vast majority of task sets, these algorithms require significantly smaller processor speedup than indicated by their theoretical bounds. Finally, we consider a special case where no task utilization in the given task set can exceed one and for this case, we (re-)prove the performance guarantees of SA and SA-P. We show, for both of the algorithms, that changing the adversary from intra-migrative to a more powerful one, namely fully-migrative, in which tasks can migrate between processors of any type, does not deteriorate the performance guarantees. For this special case, we compare the average-case performance of SA-P and a state-of-the-art algorithm by generating task sets randomly. In our evaluations, SA-P outperforms the state-of-the-art by requiring much smaller processor speedup and by running orders of magnitude faster.
The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) antibodies in child bearing women of 2 Brazilian populations with different socioeconomic status and to determine the risk of neonatal HSV exposure by means of maternal cultures at the onset of labor. The study was conducted at 2 hospitals: A, serving very low income patients and B, serving middle socioeconomic class. 173 participants from group A and 127 from B answered a questionnaire which showed that the patients had similar ages (27.7 and 26.8 years, respectively) but differed with regard to socioeconomic status, age at first intercourse (18.6 vs 20.6 years), number of sex partners (1.5 vs 1.2) and previous sexually transmitted diseases (15% vs. 1.5%). History of genital herpes was given by 11% of group A participants and by a similar number, 7%, of patients from group B. In addition, 200 serum samples from population A and 455 from B were tested by ELISA for and HSV antibodies and 92% and 86%, respectively, were found to be positive. Sixty seropositive samples from group A and 90 from B were further analyzed by Western blot, which showed the presence of type 2 specific antibodies in 46% and 36%, respectively, suggesting an overall HSV 2 prevalence of 42% in group A and 31% in B. Cervical specimens were obtained for culture from 299 asymptomatic patients of population A and 313 of B. HSV was isolated from one specimen in each group, indicating a 0.3% incidence of asymptomatic viral excretion in both populations. In conclusion, the prevalence of type 2 antibodies in childbearing women was very high, but it did not differ with the socioeconomic status. The risk of HSV perinatal transmission was also similar in the 2 study populations and it was comparable with the data from developed countries. Our findings do not indicate the need of special screening programs for asymptomatic HSV excretion in Brazilian pregnant women.