914 resultados para Complexo do Alemão


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The assessment of ecological status of lotic freshwater bodies, based on stringent criteria of classification, has been defined by the Water Framework Directive (WFD), as a result of the implementation and optimization of methodologies that integrate physico-chemical, biological, and hydromorphological parameters. It is recognized that the application of this methodology is not easy, because it requires deep technical and scientific knowledge; it is time consuming in its application involving high financial costs. Thus, the main objective of this study was the development of cheaper and faster complementary methodologies that may contribute to the technical application of the classification criteria defined by the WFD, achieving the same final results of evaluation. In order to achieve this main goal, the river Mau, a small mountain river subjected to different stressors (eg, metals, pesticides), was established as the main sampling area. This thesis reviewed the historical development of various biotic indexes and its application in assessing water quality, especially highlighting the new paradigm defined by the WFD, and the corresponding actions developed for optimization and intercalibration of methodologies, evaluating the final state of water bodies. The ecological spatiotemporal characterization of the river Mau focused on the application of the WFD methodology, using at this stage only macroinvertebrates collected during four seasons. Results were compared with historical data of the last three years and they demonstrated that the river is in good condition. However, the ecological quality decreased at certain locations indicating that organisms were subjected to some type of disturbance. As the ecological quality can be conditioned by pulses of contamination from the sediments, in environmental adverse conditions, assays were performed with elutriates, obtained from sediments collected near the mining complex Braçal-Palhal. Results showed that this method was effective achieving the state of contamination, which may be important in prioritizing/scoring of critical areas within river ecosystems potentially impacted, using the WFD methodology. However, this methodology requires the collection of sediment which can promote the modification and / or loss of contaminants. To solve this potential problem, we developed a new methodology to obtain similar results. For this, we used a benthic microalga, belonging to the Portuguese flora, sensitive to organic pollution and metals. This methodology was optimized for application in situ, by immobilization of diatom in calcium alginate beads. The results showedthat their sensitivity and normal growth rate are similar to data obtained when used free cells of diatom. This new methodology allowed the achievement of a very quick response on the degree of contamination of a site, providing a complementary methodology to WFD.


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O trabalho de investigação apresentado nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido tendo como objectivo a síntese e funcionalização de meso-triarilcorróis para utilização como quimiossensores. Este trabalho encontra-se apresentado ao longo de cinco capítulos. No primeiro capítulo são apresentadas as características gerais, as metodologias de síntese e de funcionalização de macrociclos de tipo corrólico, e descrevemse algumas aplicações em que têm sido utilizados. São ainda abordadas algumas das propriedades e características dos quimiossensores e os mecanismos de deteção de diversos analítos. No segundo capítulo, após uma pequena introdução às reações de Wittig e de Diels-Alder, escolhidas para a funcionalização do macrociclo corrólico, descreve-se o estudo efectuado para a obtenção do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e o seu comportamento como dieno, em reações de Diels-Alder na presença dos dienófilos 1,4-benzoquinona e 1,4- naftoquinona. Desses estudos resultaram dois aductos cuja habilidade sensorial, bem como a dos seus precursores, foi estudada, em solução, na presença de aniões esféricos (F-, Br-, Cl-), lineares (CN-) e volumosos (CH3COO-, H2PO4 -). Dos macrociclos estudados verificou-se que o corrol base-livre 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol apresenta uma elevada sensibilidade para o anião fluoreto (F-), e que a coordenação do núcleo corrólico com gálio(III) diminui a afinidade para este anião. Em geral, todos os compostos mostraram afinidade para o anião cianeto (CN-) mesmo quando em suportes poliméricos. O gel de poliacrilamida revelou-se muito promissor na determinação de CN- em amostras de água. No terceiro capítulo é avaliada a reatividade do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol ainda como dieno mas agora na presença de um dienófilo linear, o acetilenodicarboxilato de dimetilo. Desse estudo resultaram dois novos derivados corrólicos. A habilidade sensorial dos mesmos perante os aniões fluoreto, cianeto, acetato, e fosfato foi avaliada por espectroscopia de absorção e emissão tendo um dos aductos mostrado ser colorimétrico para o anião cianeto. No quarto capítulo descreve-se a síntese e caracterização de dois conjugados do tipo corrol-cumarina, resultantes de reações de Hetero-Diels-Alder entre o 3-vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrolatogálio(III)(piridina) e orto-quinonasmetídeos gerados in situ a partir de reacções de Knoevenagel entre cumarinas e paraformaldeído. Realizaram-se estudos de afinidade sensorial para aniões e catiões com estes macrociclos, bem como com conjugados porfirinacumarina análogos. A inserção de uma unidade cumarina conferiu uma excepcional solubilidade tendo os novos derivados apresentado solubilidade em etanol. No quinto e último capítulo desta dissertação é avaliada a capacidade sensorial do 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e da sua espécie monoaniónica, para os catiões metálicos Na+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Ag+, Al3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+, Ga3+, Fe3+ em tolueno e acetonitrilo. Os macrociclos corrólicos mostraram ser selectivos e colorimétricos para o catião Hg2+. Neste trabalho descreve-se ainda a síntese do derivado -iminocorrol, que após funcionalização com o 3-isocianatopropiltrimetoxisilano originou um derivado do tipo alcoxisilano, que foi, posteriormente, ancorado a nanopartículas comerciais de sílica. As novas nanopartículas ancoradas com o alcoxisilano corrol foram estudadas na presença de Cu2+, Hg2+ e Ag+. Na presença do catião Ag+ assistiu-se a uma mudança de cor, de verde para amarelo.


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Esta tese descreve uma framework de trabalho assente no paradigma multi-camada para analisar, modelar, projectar e optimizar sistemas de comunicação. Nela se explora uma nova perspectiva acerca da camada física que nasce das relações entre a teoria de informação, estimação, métodos probabilísticos, teoria da comunicação e codificação. Esta framework conduz a métodos de projecto para a próxima geração de sistemas de comunicação de alto débito. Além disso, a tese explora várias técnicas de camada de acesso com base na relação entre atraso e débito para o projeto de redes sem fio tolerantes a atrasos. Alguns resultados fundamentais sobre a interação entre a teoria da informação e teoria da estimação conduzem a propostas de um paradigma alternativo para a análise, projecto e optimização de sistemas de comunicação. Com base em estudos sobre a relação entre a informação recíproca e MMSE, a abordagem descrita na tese permite ultrapassar, de forma inovadora, as dificuldades inerentes à optimização das taxas de transmissão de informação confiáveis em sistemas de comunicação, e permite a exploração da atribuição óptima de potência e estruturas óptimas de pre-codificação para diferentes modelos de canal: com fios, sem fios e ópticos. A tese aborda também o problema do atraso, numa tentativa de responder a questões levantadas pela enorme procura de débitos elevados em sistemas de comunicação. Isso é feito através da proposta de novos modelos para sistemas com codificação de rede (network coding) em camadas acima da sua camada física. Em particular, aborda-se a utilização de sistemas de codificação em rede para canais que variam no tempo e são sensíveis a atrasos. Isso foi demonstrado através da proposta de um novo modelo e esquema adaptativo, cujos algoritmos foram aplicados a sistemas sem fios com desvanecimento (fading) complexo, de que são exemplos os sistemas de comunicação via satélite. A tese aborda ainda o uso de sistemas de codificação de rede em cenários de transferência (handover) exigentes. Isso é feito através da proposta de novos modelos de transmissão WiFi IEEE 801.11 MAC, que são comparados com codificação de rede, e que se demonstram possibilitar transferência sem descontinuidades. Pode assim dizer-se que esta tese, através de trabalho de análise e de propostas suportadas por simulações, defende que na concepção de sistemas de comunicação se devem considerar estratégias de transmissão e codificação que sejam não só próximas da capacidade dos canais, mas também tolerantes a atrasos, e que tais estratégias têm de ser concebidas tendo em vista características do canal e a camada física.


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Os únicos complexos metálicos presentemente utilizados em quimioterapia compreendem exclusivamente compostos de platina, com as desvantagens de apresentarem um leque de acção restrito e de provocarem sérios efeitos secundários. Na constante procura por novos fármacos antineoplásicos metálicos, os complexos de ruténio têm sido apresentados como uma alternativa adequada e existem já dois complexos de Ru(III) em ensaios clínicos. Estes são descritos como pró-fármacos, postulando-se que o seu mecanismo de acção envolva redução in vivo para originar complexos de Ru(II) activos. Assim, o actual desenvolvimento de fármacos antitumorais baseados em ruténio passará por criar novos complexos de Ru(II). O trabalho aqui descrito enquadra-se neste objectivo, tendo sido sintetizados complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano com ligandos biologicamente activos, e avaliada a sua actividade antitumoral in vitro. Os ligandos utilizados compreendem um hidroxifenilpirazole, aminoácidos e derivados, flavonóides e quinonas. No primeiro capítulo do trabalho são apresentados os actuais desafios no desenvolvimento de complexos metálicos para quimioterapia e é ilustrada a importância dos complexos de Ru(II) aqui descritos no panorama actual de investigação. No capítulo dois, é apresentada uma descrição pormenorizada dos procedimentos experimentais, materiais e equipamentos utilizados na síntese, caracterização e ensaios biológicos. O capítulo três é dividido em duas sub-secções, a primeira analisando os resultados das sínteses e a caracterização estrutural dos complexos, e a segunda apresentando os resultados da sua actividade antiproliferativa. Foram obtidos onze novos complexos de ruténio(II)-tritiaciclononano, com rendimentos razoáveis. São apresentadas propostas das suas estruturas moleculares, sendo que estas mostram uma variedade interessante de modos de coordenação de acordo com os diferentes ligandos, ou seja, N, N,O, O,O e O. A actividade antiproliferativa dos complexos e dos respectivos ligandos foi avaliada em quatro linhas celulares tumorais, representativas de três tipos de cancro: osso (MG-63), próstata (PC-3) e mama (MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231). Quatro dos novos complexos demonstraram uma actividade antiproliferativa promissora, ou seja, aqueles que apresentam um hidroxifenilpirazole, a 3,7-dihidroxiflavona, a plumbagina ou a juglona na sua esfera de coordenação. Entre estes resultados, destacam-se os valores de IC50 para a linha celular MDA-MB-231 por se apresentarem inferiores ao apresentado pelo complexo de Ru(II)-tritiaciclononano mais activo descrito na literatura.


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In this thesis, 2,2’-bipyridine (bipy), di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine (di-t-Bubipy), 2,2’-bipyridine-5,5’-dicarboxylic acid (H2bpdc), 2-[3(5)-pyrazolyl]pyridine (pzpy) and 2-(1-pentyl-3-pyrazolyl)pyridine (pent-pp) ligands were used as the N,N-chelate ligands in the formation of discrete [MoO2Cl2L]-type complexes. These complexes were employed as precursors for the preparation in aqueous media of oxomolybdenum(VI) products with a wide range of structural diversity. Three distinct heating methods were studied: hydrothermal, reflux or microwave-assisted synthesis. An alternative reaction with the inorganic molybdenum(VI) trioxide (MoO3) and the ligands di-t-Bu-bipy, H2bpdc and pzpy was also investigated under hydrothermal conditions. The distinct nature of the N,N-chelate ligands and/or the heating method employed promoted the isolation of a series of new oxomolybdenum(VI) hybrid materials that clearly reflected the strong structure-directing influence of these ligands. Thus, this thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of the discrete mononuclear [MoO2Cl2(pent-pp)], the dinuclear [Mo2O6(di-t-Bu-bipy)2] and the octanuclear [Mo8O22(OH)4(di-t-Bu-bipy)4] complexes as well as the highly unique polymeric materials {[MoO3(bipy)][MoO3(H2O)]}n, (DMA)[MoO3(Hbpdc)]·nH2O, [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n (fine structural details of compound [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n are presently unknown; however, characterization data strongly pointed toward a polymeric oxide hybrid compound). The catalytic behaviour of the discrete complexes and the polymeric compounds was tested in olefin epoxidation reactions. Compounds [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n acted as sources of soluble active species that where identified as the oxodiperoxido complexes [MoO(O2)2(pzpy)] and [MoO(O2)2(pent-pp)], respectively. The majority of the compounds here presented were fully characterized by using solid-state techniques, namely elemental analyses, thermogravimetry, FT-IR, solid-state NMR, electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction (both from laboratory and/or synchrotron sources).


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Socio-economic changes, alterations in societal expectations and new public policies have put pressures on higher education public funding, bringing the issue of funding diversification to the forefront. Income diversification, namely, generation of funds from private, as well as from competitive public sources, has become increasingly important in European higher education due to a complex financial environment and perceived deficit of innovation transfer. Although there are numerous studies about changes in national funding systems and allocation mechanisms, few have focused on diversification of funding sources, especially in the European context, making Portugal no exception. Thus, this study aims at exploring income diversification at the institutional level and its influence on the internal organisational structures. For this purpose two Portuguese public universities were chosen as case studies. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with top management and middle management of each university and through documentary analysis. Data analysis demonstrated that both universities are in the process of institutionalizing and formalising practices of income diversification, notably by getting more professional in how they are dealing with external stakeholders, such as businesses, local community, and students. However, the study also revealed that there is no formal, organised strategy to deal with income diversification. In general, the universities are reacting to external demands rather than pro-actively exploring opportunities. In this respect, the analysis determined several factors that promote or inhibit income diversification activities. Quality and favourable organizational culture were named by the interviewees as the most relevant factors for successful income diversification. External factors such as legal arrangements and funding conditions were cited as major constraints. This research has also revealed that revenue diversification activities tend to develop along the continuum towards higher sophistication and systematisation of activities that are supported by a powerful infrastructure. Together with efforts at the institutional level, the role of government policies proves to be crucial in providing tools and incentives to higher education institutions and creating a harmonious higher education system.


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We consider some problems of the calculus of variations on time scales. On the beginning our attention is paid on two inverse extremal problems on arbitrary time scales. Firstly, using the Euler-Lagrange equation and the strengthened Legendre condition, we derive a general form for a variation functional that attains a local minimum at a given point of the vector space. Furthermore, we prove a necessary condition for a dynamic integro-differential equation to be an Euler-Lagrange equation. New and interesting results for the discrete and quantum calculus are obtained as particular cases. Afterwards, we prove Euler-Lagrange type equations and transversality conditions for generalized infinite horizon problems. Next we investigate the composition of a certain scalar function with delta and nabla integrals of a vector valued field. Euler-Lagrange equations in integral form, transversality conditions, and necessary optimality conditions for isoperimetric problems, on an arbitrary time scale, are proved. In the end, two main issues of application of time scales in economic, with interesting results, are presented. In the former case we consider a firm that wants to program its production and investment policies to reach a given production rate and to maximize its future market competitiveness. The model which describes firm activities is studied in two different ways: using classical discretizations; and applying discrete versions of our result on time scales. In the end we compare the cost functional values obtained from those two approaches. The latter problem is more complex and relates to rate of inflation, p, and rate of unemployment, u, which inflict a social loss. Using known relations between p, u, and the expected rate of inflation π, we rewrite the social loss function as a function of π. We present this model in the time scale framework and find an optimal path π that minimizes the total social loss over a given time interval.


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Water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) from atmospheric particles comprises a complex array of molecular structures that play an important role on the physic-chemical properties of atmospheric particles and, therefore, are linked to several global-relevant atmospheric processes which impact the climate and public health. Due to the large variety of sources and formation processes, adequate knowledge on WSOM composition and its effects on the properties of atmospheric aerosol are still limited. Therefore, this thesis aims at providing new insights on the molecular composition of WSOM from fine atmospheric aerosols typical of an urban area (Aveiro, Portugal). In a first step, adsorption phenomena of semivolatile organic compounds on quartz fibre filters employed in the collection of atmospheric aerosols were assessed. Afterwards, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected during fifteen months, on a weekly basis. A mass balance of aerosol samples was performed in order to set the relative contribution of elemental carbon, WSOM and water-insoluble organic matter to the aerosol mass collected at the urban area of Aveiro, with a special focus on the assessment of the influence of different meteorological conditions. In order to assess the chemical complexity of the WSOM from urban aerosols, their structural characteristics were studied by means of Fourier transform infrared infrared - Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and solid-state cross polarization with magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies, as well as their elemental composition. The structural characterization of aerosol WSOM samples collected in the urban area highlighted a highly complex mixture of functional groups. It was concluded that aliphatic and aromatic structures, hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups are characteristic to all samples. The semi-quantitative assessment of the CPMAS 13C NMR data showed different distributions of the various functional groups between the aerosol samples collected at different seasons. Moreover, the presence of signals typical of lignin-derived structures in both CPMAS 13C NMR and FTIR-ATR spectra of the WSOM samples from the colder seasons, highlights the major contribution of biomass burning processes in domestic fireplaces, during low temperature conditions, into the bulk chemical properties of WSOM from urban aerosols. A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC x LC) method, on-line coupled to a diode array, fluorescence, and evaporative light scattering detectors, was employed for resolving the chemical heterogeneity of the aerosol WSOM samples and, simultaneously, to map the hydrophobicity versus the molecular weight distribution of the samples. The LC x LC method employed a mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction column operating under aqueous reversed phase mode in the first dimension, and a size-exclusion column in the second dimension, which was found to be useful for separating the aerosol WSOM samples into various fractions with distinct molecular weight and hydrophobic features. The estimative of the average molecular weight (Mw) distribution of the urban aerosol WSOM samples ranged from 48 to 942 Da and from 45 to 1241 Da in terms of UV absorption and fluorescence detection, respectively. Findings suggest that smaller Mw group fractions seem to be related to a more hydrophobic nature.


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The mechanisms of secretory granule biogenesis and regulated secretion of digestive enzymes in pancreatic acinar cells are still not well understood. To shed light on these processes, which are of biological and clinical importance (e.g., pancreatitis), a better molecular understanding of the components of the granule membrane, their functions and interactions is required. The application of proteomics has largely contributed to the identification of novel zymogen granule (ZG) proteins but was not yet accompanied by a better characterization of their functions. In this study we aimed at a) isolation and identification of novel membrane-associated ZG proteins; b) characterization of the biochemical properties and function of the secretory lectin ZG16p, a membrane-associated protein; c) exploring the potential of ZG16p as a new tool to label the endolysosomal compartment. First, we have performed a suborganellar proteomics approach by combining protein analysis by 2D-PAGE and identification by mass spectrometry, which has led to the identification of novel peripheral ZGM proteins with proteoglycan-binding properties (e.g., chymase, PpiB). Then, we have unveiled new molecular properties and (multiple) functions of the secretory lectin ZG16p. ZG16p is a unique mammalian lectin with glycan and proteoglycan binding properties. Here, I revealed for the first time that ZG16p is highly protease resistant by developing an enterokinase-digestion assay. In addition I revealed that ZG16p binds to a high molecular weight complex at the ZGM (which is also protease resistant) and forms highly stable dimers. In light of these findings I suggest that ZG16p is a key component of a predicted submembranous granule matrix attached to the luminal side of the ZGM that fulfils important functions during sorting and packaging of zymogens. ZG16p, may act as a linker between the matrix and aggregated zymogens due to dimer formation. Furthermore, ZG16p protease resistance might be of higher importance after secretion since it is known that ZG16p binds to pathogenic fungi in the gut. I have further investigated the role of ZG16p binding motifs in its targeting to ZG in AR42J cells, a pancreatic model system. Point mutations of the glycan and the proteoglycan binding motifs did not inhibit the targeting of ZG16p to ZG in AR42J cells. I have also demonstrated that when ZG16p is present in the cytoplasm it interacts with and modulates the endo-lysosomal compartment. Since it is known that impaired autophagy due to lysosomal malfunction is involved in the course of pancreatitis, a potential role of ZG16p in pancreatitis is discussed.


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As últimas décadas têm sido caracterizadas por uma crescente indefinição do design, que refletindo um dia-a-dia cada vez mais complexo, não pode mais ser encarado como actividade fechada no projecto e acabada no produto. O seu universo aumentou e dispersou-se em mercados menores, alargando o seu alcance e sua importância, transformando-o em termo quantitativo e inflacionário. A crescente atenção de que é alvo dramatizou a sua relação com o consumo, o ruído nas prateleiras e a superficialidade da generalização de uma perspectiva do projecto focada nos new media, validando uma abordagem narcisista e de dispensa do diálogo com a indústria, tornaram-no sinónimo de especial. Este trabalho procura confirmar e refletir sobre a existência de um universo de produtos concretos e abordagens que de forma consciente partilham esta noção do contexto actual, em primeiro lugar, sugerindo caminhos alternativos e reacções resultantes da prática e discurso. Em segundo lugar procura analisar se tal reacção pode ser considerada como um movimento. Partindo de uma revisão bibliográfica, e de uma reflexão sobre um universo de produtos do dia-a-dia, procura-se, em terceiro lugar, interpretar e organizar as diversas formas e estratégias de rejeição da noção de design especial. Da procura de abordagens opostas a especial resulta uma ideia base de normal, normal sem ser banal, expressa na exposição Super Normal. Da extensão a um universo maior de produtos, reacções e autores, resulta a ideia de normal como um conceito mais abrangente, mas composto por conceitos menores, mais específicos, mais concretos e fáceis de identificar nos objectos. A organização e interpretação dessas abordagens resulta num triângulo de conceitos que constroem a noção de normal pela procura da evolução por recurso à memória e ao conhecimento, da invisibilidade pela integração e diluição do produto e projecto, e da liberdade como meio de adequação ao contexto actual. O livro resultante reflete uma abordagem definida de uma época, e não todo o panorama. A sistematização do conceito de normal a partir da segmentação em ideias menores, mais concretas e identificáveis nos produtos, procura proporcionar a consulta organizada de reacções ao contexto dominante actual, à ideia de especial, mas mais do que regras, procura fornecer um documento de reflexão a visitar no acto de projectar, seja como um todo, ou em partes.


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The main scope of this work was to evaluate the metabolic effects of anticancer agents (three conventional and one new) in osteosarcoma (OS) cells and osteoblasts, by measuring alterations in the metabolic profile of cells by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy metabolomics. Chapter 1 gives a theoretical framework of this work, beginning with the main metabolic characteristics that globally describe cancer as well as the families and mechanisms of action of drugs used in chemotherapy. The drugs used nowadays to treat OS are also presented, together with the Palladium(II) complex with spermine, Pd2Spm, potentially active against cancer. Then, the global strategy for cell metabolomics is explained and the state of the art of metabolomic studies that analyze the effect of anticancer agents in cells is presented. In Chapter 2, the fundamentals of the analytical techniques used in this work, namely for biological assays, NMR spectroscopy and multivariate and statistical analysis of the results are described. A detailed description of the experimental procedures adopted throughout this work is given in Chapter 3. The biological and analytical reproducibility of the metabolic profile of MG-63 cells by high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR is evaluated in Chapter 4. The metabolic impact of several factors (cellular integrity, spinning rate, temperature, time and acquisition parameters) on the 1H HRMAS NMR spectral profile and quality is analysed, enabling the definition of the best acquisition parameters for further experiments. The metabolic consequences of increasing number of passages in MG-63 cells as well as the duration of storage are also investigated. Chapter 5 describes the metabolic impact of drugs conventionally used in OS chemotherapy, through NMR metabolomics studies of lysed cells and aqueous extracts analysis. The results show that MG-63 cells treated with cisplatin (cDDP) undergo a strong up-regulation of lipid contents, alterations in phospholipid constituents (choline compounds) and biomarkers of DNA degradation, all associated with cell death by apoptosis. Cells exposed to doxorubicin (DOX) or methotrexate (MTX) showed much slighter metabolic changes, without any relevant alteration in lipid contents. However, metabolic changes associated with altered Krebs cycle, oxidative stress and nucleotides metabolism were detected and were tentatively interpreted at the light of the known mechanisms of action of these drugs. The metabolic impact of the exposure of MG-63 cells and osteoblasts to cDDP and the Pd2Spm complex is described in Chapter 6. Results show that, despite the ability of the two agents to bind DNA, the metabolic consequences that arise from exposure to them are distinct, namely in what concerns to variation in lipid contents (absent for Pd2Spm). Apoptosis detection assays showed that, differently from what was seen for MG-63 cells treated with cDDP, the decreased number of living cells upon exposure to Pd2Spm was not due to cell death by apoptosis or necrosis. Moreover, the latter agent induces more marked alterations in osteoblasts than in cancer cells, while the opposite seemed to occur upon cDDP exposure. Nevertheless, the results from MG-63 cells exposure to combination regimens with cDDP- or Pd2Spm-based cocktails, described in Chapter 7, revealed that, in combination, the two agents induce similar metabolic responses, arising from synergy mechanisms between the tested drugs. Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are summarized in Chapter 8, and future perspectives in the light of this work are presented.


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O Projeto que apresentamos insere-se nos estudos do Mestrado em Tradução Especializada dentro da vertente da Saúde e Ciências da Vida; é por isso que, partindo de um texto/suporte que visa promover uma alimentação saudável nas escolas (manual de referência difundido pelos Ministérios da Educação e Ciência e Ministério da Saúde de Portugal), procedemos à tradução (de português para espanhol) de um conteúdo que suscita, nos nossos dias, um grande interesse socioeducativo e cultural. É preciso destacar que o facto de ter nascido e vivido na Venezuela durante doze anos permitiu-me superar com êxito os meus estudos de espanhol na Licenciatura e no referido Mestrado; mas, ao mesmo tempo, tive que me adaptar, enquanto cidadã portuguesa, ao complexo e inacabado processo de ir interiorizando estas duas línguas – português/espanhol – tão próximas e no entanto com sistemas linguísticos bem distintos. Esta evidência encontra a sua maior justificação no grande capítulo dos erros (de forma e de significado) que consegui detetar e analisar graças à ajuda da minha professora orientadora, ao longo deste meu primeiro trabalho académico (texto traduzido para espanhol). Só agora, depois da minha primeira e “ingénua” tradução desse texto/manual, sou capaz de perceber com toda nitidez a dimensão do erro na atividade tradutora, assim como das suas consequências. Além desta importante reflexão, também o facto de elaborar este projeto permitiu-me abordar um aspeto linguístico da língua espanhola que me cativa pessoalmente (no que me diz respeito): o das variantes lexicais do castelhano nos países hispanofalantes. Não duvido em apontar um outro aspeto fundamental: o esforço de ter tido que corrigir minuciosamente e com rigor esta tarefa tradutora (com os seus respetivos comentários tradutológicos) converteu-se numa fonte de múltiplas satisfações pessoais; são aquelas que têm a ver com o cultivo de valores tais como o esforço, o espírito de superação, o exercício da responsabilidade e o (re)conhecimento da honestidade intelectual, entre outros.


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Cachexia is a complex syndrome characterized by severe weight loss frequently observed in cancer patients and associated with poor prognosis. Cancer cachexia is also related to modifications in cardiac muscle structure and metabolism leading to cardiac dysfunction. In order to better understand the cardiac remodeling induced by bladder cancer and the impact of exercise training after diagnosis on its regulation, we used an animal model of bladder cancer induced by exposition to N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN) in the drinking water. Healthy animals and previously BBN exposed animals were submitted to a training program in a treadmill at a speed of 20m/min, 60 min/day, 5 days/week during 13 weeks. At the end of the protocol, animals exposed to BBN presented a significant decrease of body weight, in comparison with control groups, supporting the presence of cancer cachexia. Morphological analysis of the cardiac muscle sections revealed the presence of fibrosis and a significant decrease of cardiomyocyte’s cross-sectional area, suggesting the occurrence of cardiac dysfunction associated with bladder cancer. These modifications were accompanied by heart metabolic remodeling characterized by a decreased fatty acid oxidation given by diminished levels of ETFDH and of complex II subunit  from the respiratory chain. Exercise training promoted an increment of connexin 43, a protein involved in cardioprotection, and of c-kit, a protein present in cardiac stem cells. These results suggest an improved heart regenerative capacity induced by exercise training. In conclusion, endurance training seems an attractive non-pharmacological therapeutic option for the management of cardiac dysfunction in cancer cachexia.


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Dissertação mest., Biotecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Tese de dout., Gestão, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009