766 resultados para Community Opportunity And Vulnerability
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A comunidade de rotíferos do Lago Amapá (meandro abandonado da planície de inundação do Rio Acre) foi investigada sazonalmente. As amostragens foram realizadas semanalmente em três estações de coletas, em dois períodos: estação seca entre 08/V/1997 e 31/X/1997 e estação chuvosa, entre 02/I/1998 e 24/II/1998. A densidade e composição de rotíferos (48 táxons de rotíferos) foram determinadas. A diversidade e abundância foram caracterizadas por serem maiores, respectivamente, nas águas altas e águas baixas. Anova e teste F foram usados, visando observar diferenças sazonais nas variáveis ambientais e rotíferos. Transparência e pH foram estatisticamente altamente significativos (p < 0,01). As análises de correlações de Pearson revelaram que a condutividade elétrica foi negativamente correlacionada com a densidade de rotíferos (r = -0,8824; p < 0,05), na fase de águas baixas, bem como, profundidade, na fase de águas altas (r = -0,7513; p < 0,05). Mudanças sazonais, causadas pelas flutuações do nível da água, e baixa diversificação dos nichos influenciaram a composição e abundância do grupo estudado.
Opportunistic fungal pathogens are becoming increasingly important causes of both community-acquired and nosocomial infections. The most important fungal pathogens are yeast species belonging to the genus Candida. These species show differences in levels of resistance to antifungal agents and mortality. Consequently, it is important to correctly identify the causative organism to the species level. Identification of Candida dubliniensis in particular remains problematic because of the high degree of phenotypic similarity between this species and Candida albicans. However, as the differences between both are most pronounced at the genetic level, several studies have been conducted in order to provide a specific and rapid identification fingerprinting molecular test. In most candidal infectious, no single DNA fingerprinting technique has evolved as a dominant method, and each method has its advantages, disadvantages and limitations. Moreover, the current challenge of these techniques is to compile standardized patterns in a database for interlaboratory use and future reference. This review provides an overview of most common molecular fingerprinting techniques currently available for discrimination of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis.
Ant communities are sensitive to fragmentation responding through: extinction of specialist species compared with large habitats, invasion of generalist species, changes in community composition and richness of species. Because of these characteristics, this review aims at examining the main risks that ants have been facing to maintain their communities, as well as to report current conservation practices in Brazil and in the world.
University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleNational Science Foundation (NSF)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The stomach contents of 24 species of fish and unidentified species from four genera in a floodplain lake of the Pantanal were studied. Fish were collected during the dry season when the lake was isolated from the main river. A community food ingestion index (feeding index weighted by consumer biomass, FIWCB, where 0 < FIWCB < 1) was calculated to quantify feeding patterns. Detritus and algae ingested by Curimatidae were responsible for 46.5% of the FIWCB, while that for algae ingested by Loricariidae (armoured catfish) accounted for 13.2%. The importance of detritus in fish diets is discussed as a strategy for shortening food chains, thereby increasing community efficiency, and as a consequence, fish biomass. It was learnt that the main route of energy flow in this perennial lake was through the detritus chain. The floodplain lakes function as a dry season feeding ground for small-sized species of fish, which are potential prey for the more highly valued larger species of fish.
Objectives: To investigate the relationships between socio-demographic factors, infant feeding habits, oral hygiene and the prevalence and patterns of caries in Brazilian 3-4-year-olds. Methods: Systematic random sampling was used to select children enrolled in municipal nurseries in Araraquara, Brazil, in 1998. Clinical examinations were carried out by one examiner using dmft and dmfs indices and WHO criteria. Questionnaires for information related to the socio-demographic background, oral hygiene and dietary history of the children were completed by their mothers. Results: Caries was seen in 46% of the children; 17% of them had the more extensive pattern involving molars and incisors. Social class, mother's education, and age at which breast-feeding terminated showed statistically significant associations with caries. Feeding bottles with added sugars were still being given to 80% of the children. When the significant variables were taken into account only age at which breast-feeding terminated showed a significant relationship to the pattern of disease. Children who were never breast-fed or were breast-fed beyond the age of 24 months had a higher prevalence of the more extensive pattern of caries. Conclusions: The association between the length of time a mother breast-feeds and extensive caries should be a consideration in any local infant feeding policies or health promotion strategies. The duration for appropriate breast- or bottle-feeding should be emphasised.
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Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Community ecology seeks to understand and predict the characteristics of communities that can develop under different environmental conditions, but most theory has been built on analytical models that are limited in the diversity of species traits that can be considered simultaneously. We address that limitation with an individual-based model to simulate assembly of fish communities characterized by life history and trophic interactions with multiple physiological tradeoffs as constraints on species performance. Simulation experiments were carried out to evaluate the distribution of 6 life history and 4 feeding traits along gradients of resource productivity and prey accessibility. These experiments revealed that traits differ greatly in importance for species sorting along the gradients. Body growth rate emerged as a key factor distinguishing community types and defining patterns of community stability and coexistence, followed by egg size and maximum body size. Dominance by fast-growing, relatively large, and fecund species occurred more frequently in cases where functional responses were saturated (i.e. high productivity and/or prey accessibility). Such dominance was associated with large biomass fluctuations and priority effects, which prevented richness from increasing with productivity and may have limited selection on secondary traits, such as spawning strategies and relative size at maturation. Our results illustrate that the distribution of species traits and the consequences for community dynamics are intimately linked and strictly dependent on how the benefits and costs of these traits are balanced across different conditions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Defaunation, the loss or population decline of medium and large native vertebrates represents a significant threat to the biodiversity of tropical ecosystems. Here we review the anthropogenic drivers of defaunation, provide a brief historical account of the development of this field, and analyze the types of biological consequences of this impact on the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems. We identify how defaunation, operating at a variety of scales, from the plot to the global level, affects biological systems along a gradient of processes ranging from plant physiology (vegetative and reproductive performance) and animal behavior (movement, foraging and dietary patterns) in the immediate term; to plant population and community dynamics and structure leading to disruptions of ecosystem functioning (and thus degrading environmental services) in the short to medium term; to evolutionary changes (phenotypic changes and population genetic structure) in the long-term. We present such a synthesis as a preamble to a series of papers that provide a compilation of our current understanding of the impact and consequences of tropical defaunation. We close by identifying some of the most urgent needs and perspectives that warrant further study to improve our understanding of this field, as we confront the challenges of living in a defaunated world. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
The main objective of the meeting was to present recommendations to the Ad Hoc Committee established by the United Nations to consider proposals and elements for inclusion in an international convention aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Attending the meeting were key stakeholders from the human rights and disabled community, public and private sector, the academic community, and members of the United Nations system.