913 resultados para Clown theatre
The subject of this bachelor's thesis has its origins in the frequently asked question of an author; whether any of their own theatrical techniques correlate with those of any well-known theatrical personality. The aim of this bachelor's thesis, consequently, was to find out the true nature of the author as an actor and theatrical professional. The author started to put together a puzzle, from different fields of acting techniques, and came up with a solid picture. Different acting techniques and the basics of them were clarified and tested in practice. Techniques were reflected on, through great personalities in the field of theatre, via discussion. The selected personalities were Jouko Turkka, Antonin Artaud, Konstantin Stanislavski, Kaisa Korhonen and Bertolt Brecht. The toughness and physicality of acting played a strong role in this thesis. "Black pedagogy" was strongly criticized. The methods of Jouko Turkka were thoroughly investigated and, surprisingly to the author, turned out usable, although the author questioned the brutal ways that Turkka used them. The author carried out some of the physical exercises that corresponded to the different acting methods, and did "human tests" to understand the true meaning of the methods. Antonin Artaud abandoned all of his past life and sacrificed himself to art, which the author refuses to even consider it. The author found a soul-mate in Kaisa Korhonen and agreed with most of her methods. Many people who had worked with Kaisa Korhonen were interviewed to find out if she actually used the techniques. The author debated objectivity with Bertolt Brecht but, whereas Brecht saw it as the basis of everything, the author couldn't even consider it a usable technique. The author also had a discussion with Konstantin Stanislavski concerning the basics of acting, the study of singing, dancing and oral expression, and other beneficial skills. In the end, the author put herself on a plate, chopped herself into tiny pieces, started to study the pieces, and found out how she became as she is.
This thesis examines the concept of intuition from different aspects. The basis for this thesis has been the author`s experience about education as a supportive process for intuitive thinking. It studies what taking advantage of intuition means for the author of this thesis and how intuition can be defined as a concept. This thesis shows what intuition means both from the performer`s and the director`s point of view. The author attemps to explain how these two areas of her professional identity either support or prevent intuitive creativity from emerging successfully. The intuition of a performer is examined through playback theatre and the insight associated with playback theatre. Regarding the work of a director, the author describes the making of a walking tour performance called "Sama maa" (2006) that she directed. The author attempted to fully utelize her intuitive creativity while planning the performance. The intuitive choices of the author were the basis for planning and carrying out the performance. This thesis studies a concept that is very challenging to explain in words. There is not a lot of literature about concept of intuition with respect to theater. The author of the thesis has ended up thinging about guestion that is very important to her, a guestion about relationship between controlled and authentic mental processing. The author also engourages others to think about the meaning of intuition and insight to themselves as a part of a daily life and as a part of the artistic creativity.
My final project presents the directing process of my experimental production based on King Lear by William Shakespeare. I describe the process from the first visions of the beginning to the completed performance and finally the feedback from the audience. I concentrate on the special qualities of the production, such as interaction, small and moveable audience, cinematic qualities, polyphonic dramaturgy, and use of the video. The Project is divided into six parts. The first part introduces the project as a whole. The second part concentrates on the process before the beginning of the rehearsals. The third part focuses on the rehearsals and co-operation with the actors, whereas the fourth part deals with the performance and its special qualities. Following this, in the fifth part I study the interaction of the performance with the help of the audience feedback. In the final part conclusions are drawn. The focus of this work is the use of intuition even as a starting point of the theatre directing process. My conclusions drawn from the description of the process suggest that the starting point of the theatre production may be an intuitive vision as well as some conscious subject or message.
In my thesis I discuss the elements of my professional identity from the perspective of an actor, a director and a team. What are acting and directing to me? What are the problems in the symbiosis of acting and directing? What are the difficulties in acting and directing and how important are the issues related to responsibility, power, trust and confidence in my work? I also discuss the consept of self-confidence. Behind all of this, there is also the thought of my ancestry and its dualism, how my roots from my father's and mother's side are struggling against each other or supporting each other, and how they affect my professional identity. The basic idea in the present thesis is the perspective of the traditional theatre and a professional team. Also the childhood influence on my professional identity is being considered. Education is discussed at the end. Moreover, a discussion on the kind of future theatre maker I want to be considered as, is included. I also try to handle all these topics through Harri Virtanen's Kiinteistövälittäjä vastoin tahtoaan (2005), which I directed, and my latest role in Arto Paasilinna's and Kristian Smeds' Jäniksen vuosi (2006). The conclusion of the present thesis is that it is very important for me to be a member of different communities, in which I can express my professional identity. My professional identity is formed by many elements that support each other. Such elements in their own right form an inticate relationship, which at the end, makes me what I am. In conclusion, I am a theatre maker, who in an alternative field of theater has opportunities to form the professional identity, as different situations and projects require.
This research deals with obstacles and opportunities with respect to creativity. It mainly focuses on the author's most meaningful discoveries as an individual and a professional in the field of theatre during the past two years of her education. The research is a description of that transitional phase in her life. Firstly, the research discusses creativity and presence. Secondly, it describes the author personally and professionally and compares her earlier and current ways of working. It contemplates the obstacles and opportunities considering her self-knowledge and creativity, and disucsses the problems she has faced on the way to freedom and well-being. Following this, the author presents the tools for increasing her creativity, self-knowledge and body awareness in theatre work: the Gestalt Method, Acting with the Inner Partner and the Authentic Movement. She discusses the relativity between overall well-being in life and the quality of theatre work. The final section of the present research discusses the process of directing the play Suurin on rakkaus in 2006. It deals with issues such as self-knowledge in directing, group management, the importance of terror and excitement in directing and ways of enduring both. The conclusion explanes the reasons behind the author's capability of working with small groups, with creative and passionate theatre workers. It also lists the benefits of exploring one's passions, cooperating with enthusiastic and creative artists and the pursuit for balance in art and in everyday life.
Os fungos são um grupo de microrganismos diversificado com uma grande ubiquidade na natureza, podendo ser encontrados no solo, no ar e na água. Alguns destes microrganismos são considerados como verdadeiros agentes patogénicos para humanos e, embora na grande maioria sejam inofensivos para indivíduos saudáveis, tornam-se patogénicos para indivíduos com fragilidade imunológica. A infeção por estes agentes em ambiente hospitalar tem sido relatada neste últimos anos como a principal causa de morte nos pacientes internados com debilidade imunológica. Neste estudo foi feita a monitorização da presença de fungos no ambiente de algumas unidades mais críticas do Hospital Agostinho Neto na cidade da Praia em Cabo Verde durante o mês de Janeiro de 2012, nomeadamente no Bloco Operatório do hospital, no serviço de internamento Cirúrgico e Queimadura, no serviço de internamento de Neonatologia, no serviço de internamento de Infeciologia, no serviço de Oncologia e no serviço de Hemodiálise. No total foram recolhidas 34 amostras de diferentes locais, detectadas 393ufc/m3 no ar, 685ufc/m3 na água e 2696ufc/m2 nas superfícies e isolados 104 fungos morfologicamente diferentes, sendo sido obtidos 29 a partir do ar, 21 de amostras da água e 54 de superfícies. A análise micológica destas amostras revelou uma forte presença dos géneros como Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp. e Aspergillus sp. em todas as colheitas. Sabendo que a contaminação do ambiente hospitalar por estes agentes pode ser um fator de risco para infeção nosocomial em pacientes com sistema imunitário muito debilitado, sugerimos no final do trabalho algumas linhas orientadoras para minimizar os fatores de risco e propor trabalhos futuros para correlacionar esses fatores com casos de ocorrência de infeções fúngicas no Hospital Agostinho Neto na cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde.
A partir d’uns quants entrebancs en la tasca de la traducció al català de l’obra An Ideal Husband d’Oscar Wilde (anomenats 'anècdotes'), s’observen i s’analitzen determinats conceptes teòrics sobre la traducció i algunes consideracions generals sobre l’especificitat de la traducció teatral (dites 'categories'), com són els de funcionalitat, representabilitat, fluïdesa, visibilitat, equivalència, reescriptura, fidelitat, adequació, acceptabilitat o estrangerització. La consideració d’aquests valors manejats per la teoria de la traducció entra aquí en diàleg amb les vicissituds de la pràctica de la traducció dramàtica, diàleg del qual resulta una reafirmació d’alguns d’aquests valors i, per contra, l’evidència de l’escassa productivitat (almenys amb caràcter universal) d’alguns altres
Loin de Medine est le dernier roman publie jusqu'a I'heure d'Assia Djebar, qui est la representante la plus celebree des femmesecrivains faisant partie de ce qu'on appelle la "Iitterature maghrebine d'expression franyaise", c'est-a-dire celle produite par des auteurs d'origine maghrebine mais ecrivant en franyais. Cette Iitterature francomaghrebine est particulierement active de nos jours: par le nombre et la qualite de ses productions, elle est au premier plan du domaine francophone, ou franyais tout court (car la majorite de ces oeuvres sont publiees en France), et les femmes-ecrivains, qui s'y sont la plupart incorporees assez recemment, y ont un role de plus en plus saillant. Assia Djebar, qui a deja une longue et fructueuse carriere derriere soi (six romans et un recueil de nouvelles publies, ainsi que des incursions dans la poesie, le theatre et le cinema),' est une des pionnieres de cette Iitterature, car son premier roman est paru en 1957.
Tämä työ käsittelee tarinateatteria teatterin ja taiteen tekemisen muotona. Pohdin työssä näyttelemistä sekä tarina- että perinteisessä teatterissa ja käsittelen tarinateatterin taiteellisia ja terapeuttisia ulottuvuuksia. Kerron työssäni, mistä tarinateatterissa on kyse ja käyn läpi miten tarinateatterin tekeminen on vaikuttanut minuun teatterintekijänä. Tarkastelen myös, mitä kyseinen teatterin tekemisen muoto on antanut minulle näyttelijänä. Pohdin millä tavoin se on kehittänyt muun muassa kuuntelu- ja improvisaatiokykyäni ja rohkaissut minua menemään teatterin tekemisessä kohti ihmistä ja ihmisyyttä. Lisäksi pohdin nykypäivää ja aikamme ihmisten suurta tarvetta tulla kuulluksi, kun tiiviitä yhteisöjä ei enää ympärillämme aina ole. Aluksi käyn läpi tarinateatterin historiaa ja valotan suomalaisen tarinateatterin vaiheita. Tämän jälkeen pohdin roolinkäyttöä ja näyttelijäntyötä sekä tarina- että perinteisessä teatterissa ja vertailen niitä keskenään. Kuvailen ja pohdin myös tarinateatterin eri tasoja sekä kerron, kuinka joskus tarinateatteria tehtäessä saa huomata jonkin ihmisissä ja maailmassa näkymättömissä olevan tulevan näkyväksi lavalle. Sen jälkeen esittelen ja kuvailen kaksi tarinateatteriesitystä, joista toinen toteutettiin Hämeenlinnan Kaupunginteatteriin ja toinen Lammille kehitysvammaisten hoitajille. Mietin, mitä nämä toisistaan monella tavalla poikkeavat tarinateatteriesitykset antoivat minulle teatterintekijänä, ihmisenä ja näyttelijänä ja minkälaisia ajatuksia ja näkymiä ne avasivat minulle tarinateatterin tekijänä. Pohdin myös, mitä nämä kaksi esitystä antoivat kokijoilleen ja mitä tarinateatterin olennaisimmista ytimistä näissä esityksissä toteutui.
BACKGROUND: The use of virtual reality (VR) has gained increasing interest to acquire laparoscopic skills outside the operating theatre and thus increasing patients' safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate trainees' acceptance of VR for assessment and training during a skills course and at their institution. METHODS: All 735 surgical trainees of the International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshop 2006-2008, held in Davos, Switzerland, were given a minimum of 45 minutes for VR training during the course. Participants' opinion on VR was analyzed with a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Fivehundred-twenty-seven participants (72%) from 28 countries attended the VR sessions and answered the questionnaires. The possibility of using VR at the course was estimated as excellent or good in 68%, useful in 21%, reasonable in 9% and unsuitable or useless in 2%. If such VR simulators were available at their institution, most course participants would train at least one hour per week (46%), two or more hours (42%) and only 12% wouldn't use VR. Similarly, 63% of the participants would accept to operate on patients only after VR training and 55% to have VR as part of their assessment. CONCLUSION: Residents accept and appreciate VR simulation for surgical assessment and training. The majority of the trainees are motivated to regularly spend time for VR training if accessible.
There is nothing as amazing and fascinating as children learning process. Between 0 and 6 years old, a child brain develops in a waythat will never be repeated. At this age, children are eager to discover and they have great potential of active and affective life.Because of this, their learning capacity in this period is incalculable. (Jordan-Decarbo y Nelson, 2002; Wild, 1999).Pre-school Education is a unique and special stage, with self identity, which aims are:attending children as a whole,motivate them to learn,give them an affective and stable environment in which they can grow up and get to be balanced and confident people and inwhich they can relate to others, learn, enjoy and be happy.Arts, Music, Visual Arts and Drama (Gardner, 1994) can provide a framework of special, even unique, personal expression.With the aim of introducing qualitative improvements in the education of children and to ensure their emotional wellbeing, and havingnoticed that teachers had important needs and concerns as regards to diversity in their student groups, we developed a programbased on the detection of needs and concerns explained by professionals in education.This program of Grupo edebé, object of our research, is a multicultural, interdisciplinary and globalizing project the aims of which are:developing children's talent and personality,keeping their imagination and creativity and using these as a learning resource,promoting reasoning, favouring expression and communication,providing children with the tools to manage their emotions,and especially, introducing Arts as a procedure to increase learning.We wanted to start the research by studying the impact (Brice, 2003) that this last point had on the learning of five-year-old childrenschooled in multicultural environments.Therefore, the main goal of the research was the assessment of the implementation of a child education programme attending todiversity in a population of five-year-old children, specifically in the practice of procedures based on the use of Arts (music, arts andcrafts and theatre) as a vehicle or procedure for learning contents in Pre-school stage.Because children emotional welfare was a subject of our concern, and bearing in mind that the affective aspects are of vitalimportance for learning and child development (Parke and Gauvain, 2009), Grupo Edebé has also evaluated the starting, evolving andfinal impact in five-year-old children given that they finish Pre-school education at that age.
Loin de Medine est le dernier roman publie jusqu'a I'heure d'Assia Djebar, qui est la representante la plus celebree des femmesecrivains faisant partie de ce qu'on appelle la "Iitterature maghrebine d'expression franyaise", c'est-a-dire celle produite par des auteurs d'origine maghrebine mais ecrivant en franyais. Cette Iitterature francomaghrebine est particulierement active de nos jours: par le nombre et la qualite de ses productions, elle est au premier plan du domaine francophone, ou franyais tout court (car la majorite de ces oeuvres sont publiees en France), et les femmes-ecrivains, qui s'y sont la plupart incorporees assez recemment, y ont un role de plus en plus saillant. Assia Djebar, qui a deja une longue et fructueuse carriere derriere soi (six romans et un recueil de nouvelles publies, ainsi que des incursions dans la poesie, le theatre et le cinema),' est une des pionnieres de cette Iitterature, car son premier roman est paru en 1957.
Treball que prova d'esbrinar el perquè de l'èxit del primer muntatge teatral d'una companyia novell catalana que repren una obra de Gilbert & Sullivan i la transforma a la seva manera.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar más a fondo y consolidar los objetivos formativos y competencias del grado en Estudios Ingleses a través de un trabajo de escritura creativa, en concreto, la creación de una obra teatral original. Este trabajo consiste en, por un lado, una introducción al Naturalismo, como género literario en un marco cultural y metodológico, y por otro lado, la creación personal de una obra naturalista que incluye la primera parte del manuscrito. Este proyecto incluye un proceso completo de creatividad justificado gracias a las principales teorías de algunos escritores naturalistas, como: Émile Zola – como precursor del Naturalismo – y August Strindberg como uno de los mayores mentores de este género literario. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo son: la creación de una obra teatral original, una especialización en el movimiento Naturalista aplicado al teatro contemporáneo, y un profundo conocimiento de la lengua inglesa a través de la perspectiva de un dramaturgo.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an increase in the rate of undesirable events occurs after care provided by trainees at the beginning of the academic year. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using administrative and patient record data. SETTING: University affiliated hospital in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: 19,560 patients having an anaesthetic procedure carried out by first to fifth year trainees starting work for the first time at the hospital over a period of five years (1995-2000). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Absolute event rates, absolute rate reduction, and rate ratios of undesirable events. RESULTS: The rate of undesirable events was higher at the beginning of the academic year compared with the rest of the year (absolute event rate 137 v 107 per 1000 patient hours, relative rate reduction 28%, P<0.001). The overall adjusted rate ratio for undesirable events was 1.40, 95% confidence interval 1.24 to 1.58. This excess risk was seen for all residents, regardless of their level of seniority. The excess risk decreased progressively after the first month, and the trend disappeared fully after the fourth month of the year (rate ratio for fourth month 1.21, 0.93 to 1.57). The most important decreases were for central and peripheral nerve injuries (relative difference 82%), inadequate oxygenation of the patient (66%), vomiting/aspiration in theatre (53%), and technical failures of tracheal tube placement (49%). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of undesirable events was greater among trainees at the beginning of the academic year regardless of their level of clinical experience. This suggests that several additional factors, such as knowledge of the working environment, teamwork, and communication, may contribute to the increase.