843 resultados para Children of military personnel
BACKGROUND: Physician advice is an important motivator for attempting to stop smoking. However, physicians' lack of intervention with smokers has only modestly improved in the last decade. Although the literature includes extensive research in the area of the smoking intervention practices of clinicians, few studies have focused on Hispanic physicians. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlates of tobacco cessation counseling practices among Hispanic physicians in the US. METHODS: Data were collected through a validated survey instrument among a cross-sectional sample of self-reported Hispanic physicians practicing in New Mexico, and who were members of the New Mexico Hispanic Medical Society in the year 2001. Domains of interest included counseling practices, self-efficacy, attitudes/responsibility, and knowledge/skills. Returned surveys were analyzed to obtain frequencies and descriptive statistics for each survey item. Other analyses included: bivariate Pearson's correlation, factorial ANOVAs, and multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Respondents (n = 45) reported a low level of compliance with tobacco control guidelines and recommendations. Results indicate that physicians' familiarity with standard cessation protocols has a significant effect on their tobacco-related practices (r = .35, variance shared = 12%). Self-efficacy and gender were both significantly correlated to tobacco related practices (r = .42, variance shared = 17%). A significant correlation was also found between self-efficacy and knowledge/skills (r = .60, variance shared = 36%). Attitudes/responsibility was not significantly correlated with any of the other measures. CONCLUSION: More resources should be dedicated to training Hispanic physicians in tobacco intervention. Training may facilitate practice by increasing knowledge, developing skills and, ultimately, enhancing feelings of self-efficacy.
It is becoming clear that if we are to impact the rate of medical errors it will have to be done at the practicing physician level. The purpose of this project was to survey the attitude of physicians in Alabama concerning their perception of medical error, and to obtain their thoughts and desires for medical education in the area of medical errors. The information will be used in the development of a physician education program.
Given the increased awareness and attention to human trafficking, including the establishment of federal laws and policies, federally funded task forces that provide law enforcement responses, and specialized victim services, it is important to assess the impact of these procedures and services on survivors/victims of international human trafficking and their immigrant children. By federal definition, certified victims of international human trafficking are eligible for all services provided to refugees in this country, including reunification with their minor children. This research is based on a qualitative study conducted in Austin and Houston, Texas with human trafficking victims/survivors. The project’s goal was to gain an understanding of the needs of human trafficking survivors after their rescue, their overall integration into American life, and the subsequent needs of their immigrant children after reunification. The project objectives examined the factors that either promote or hinder self-sufficiency, the determination of social service needs, and policy and practice recommendations to strengthen survivors, their children and their families living both locally and abroad. For this project, nine (n = 9) in-depth interviews were conducted with adult foreign-born victims of human trafficking. Researchers gathered data using a semi-structured questionnaire that queried about factors that promote or hinder victims’ services and needs. Interviews were conducted in participants’ homes using bilingual research staff and/or trained interpreters, were digitally-recorded, and subsequently transcribed. Participation in this study was completely voluntary. Specific steps were taken to ensure that the participants’ identities were protected. Open coding of data was utilized and the data were subsequently organized or grouped into properties and later developed into contextual themes around the research questions. The findings are grounded with the use of direct quotes from participants. As a result of progressive U.S. policy, many victims of human trafficking are being reunited with their minor children. Immigrant children are one of the largest and fastest growing populations in the U.S. and for a variety of reasons are vulnerable to exploitation. Research also indicates that victims of trafficking are identified by traffickers because of their perceived “vulnerabilities” or lack of opportunities (Clark, 2003). Therefore, it is important that practices and policies are developed to address the unique needs of these families with an eye toward positive outcomes for parent and child safety and well-being. Social service providers are provided a toolkit that may be utilized before and during the reunification period.
After Western Medicine: From Hippocrates to Xavier Bichat (H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.) Who Goes First? The Story of Self-Experimentation in Medicine (David Sears, M.D.) Exercise and Health: From Pre-History to the Present (Carlos Valbonna, M.D.) Supernaturalism to Rationalism and the Man Between (Student Essay Contest Winners) (Don Lassus) The Fog of War’s Silver Lining: The Lasting Impact of Military Medicine (Student Essay Contest Winners) (Ajit Vyas) From Drummers to Detail Men: Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in the United States, 1900-1960 (Howard Brody) Eyewash and Thunderbolts: The Medical Adventures of Lewis and Clark (Herbert M. Swick) Angry Arrows and Satin Dresses: Tales from the Annals of Plague (Herbert M. Swick) The Greatest Books in the History of Neurology (Robert Gordon) Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Paralytic Illness: What was the cause? (Armond S. Goldman)
This study was a further investigation of the 1996 Texas Immunization Survey conducted by the Associateship for Disease Control and Prevention of the Texas Department of Health. The 1996 survey was conducted through 4,599 completed telephone interviews of families with a child between the ages of 3–35 months concerning the immunization status of Texas children. The present study determined differences in immunization rates for children aged 3–35 months for the last shot in the immunization series that should be completed before 2 years of age, a total of four shots, both overall and for different health insurance groups. Life tables were used to determine the percentage and distribution over time of completed vaccination rates for each shot. Emphasis was placed on the proportion of children that were immunized at the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule, and at 2 years of age. Univariate and multivariate analysis was also performed in order to ascertain which risk factors predict whether or not a child will be immunized. RESULTS: Between 80–90% were immunized for the last shot of Hepatitis B; Measles, Mumps, and Rubella; and Polio at 2 years of age. Approximately 2/3 of the sample was immunized for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus. Most of the children were immunized by the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule except for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Children of parents with private indemnity insurance were significantly more likely to have received two of the four shots; children of uninsured parents were significantly less likely to have received three of the four shots. In multivariate analysis, maternal education was the only variable that consistently predicted immunization status for the different shots. Results indicate that a substantial gap exists for immunization rates between children with private insurance and uninsured children, despite recent policy changes to provide immunizations free of charge. Health care providers should pay extra attention to the poor and uninsured to make sure that all children receive timely immunizations. ^
In urban Burkina Faso, siblings play a decisive role in local social security. Badenya, the unity of children of the same mother, compensates in particular for the economic failure of an eldest son no longer in a position to fulfill his familial duties. Although the institution of badenya is strengthened as it increasingly comes into play to help a family avoid social marginalization, it is also overburdened, which makes its future uncertain. This article enhances the anthropological understanding of kinship by focusing on sibling relationships. Findings are based on interviews conducted between 2007 and 2010 with two generations in households in Bobo-Dioulasso and on participant-observation over the course of more than a dozen research stays since 1989.
Childhood leukaemia (CL) may have an infectious cause and population mixing may therefore increase the risk of CL. We aimed to determine whether CL was associated with population mixing in Switzerland. We followed children aged <16 years in the Swiss National Cohort 1990-2008 and linked CL cases from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry to the cohort. We calculated adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for all CL, CL at age <5 years and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) for three measures of population mixing (population growth, in-migration and diversity of origin), stratified by degree of urbanisation. Measures of population mixing were calculated for all municipalities for the 5-year period preceding the 1990 and 2000 censuses. Analyses were based on 2,128,012 children of whom 536 developed CL. HRs comparing highest with lowest quintile of population growth were 1.11 [95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.65-1.89] in rural and 0.59 (95 % CI 0.43-0.81) in urban municipalities (interaction: p = 0.271). Results were similar for ALL and for CL at age <5 years. For level of in-migration there was evidence of a negative association with ALL. HRs comparing highest with lowest quintile were 0.60 (95 % CI 0.41-0.87) in urban and 0.61 (95 % CI 0.30-1.21) in rural settings. There was little evidence of an association with diversity of origin. This nationwide cohort study of the association between CL and population growth, in-migration and diversity of origin provides little support for the population mixing hypothesis.
Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections in childhood do not address the issue of abnormalities in Na(+), K(+), Cl(-) and acid-base balance. We have conducted a narrative review of the literature with the aim to describe the underlying mechanisms of these abnormalities and to suggest therapeutic maneuvers. Abnormalities in Na(+), K(+), Cl(-) and acid-base balance are common in newborns and infants and uncommon in children of more than 3 years of age. Such abnormalities may result from factitious laboratory results, from signs and symptoms (such as excessive sweating, poor fluid intake, vomiting and passage of loose stools) of the infection itself, from a renal dysfunction, from improper parenteral fluid management or from the prescribed antimicrobials. In addition, two transient renal tubular dysfunctions may occur in infants with infectious renal parenchymal involvement: a reduced capacity to concentrate urine and pseudohypoaldosteronism secondary to renal tubular unresponsiveness to aldosterone that presents with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and acidosis. In addition to antimicrobials, volume resuscitation with an isotonic solution is required in these children. In secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism, isotonic solutions (such as 0.9 % saline or lactated Ringer) correct not only the volume depletion but also the hyperkalemia and acidosis. In conclusion, our review suggests that in infants with infectious renal parenchymal involvement, non-renal and renal causes concur to cause fluid volume depletion and abnormalities in electrolyte and acid-base balance, most frequently hyponatremia.
We use a novel dataset and research design to empirically detect the effect of social interactions among neighbors on labor market outcomes. Specifically, using Census data that characterize residential and employment locations down to the city block, we examine whether individuals residing in the same block are more likely to work together than individuals in nearby but not identical blocks. We find significant evidence of social interactions operating at the block level: residing on the same versus nearby blocks increases the probability of working together by over 33 percent. The results also indicate that this referral effect is stronger when individuals are similar in sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., both have children of similar ages) and when at least one individual is well attached to the labor market. These findings are robust across various specifications intended to address concerns related to sorting and reverse causation. Further, having determined the characteristics of a pair of individuals that lead to an especially strong referral effect, we provide evidence that the increased availability of neighborhood referrals has a significant impact on a wide range of labor market outcomes including employment and wages.
Background. Not only has obesity played a role in Texas adults but it is also becoming a large issue among low-income Latino children. In Latino children between 2-5 years of age, the Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance data in 1997 found the prevalence of obesity was 12 percent, highest among all ethnic groups. Children learn what and how to eat from their environment. Despite many mothers being working mothers they are still the principal caregivers and source of influence on their toddler's diet. Self-efficacy, a concept created by Albert Bandura, one's belief that one is capable of performing a behavior needed to reach an intended goal, is increasingly becoming important in nutrition and health education. This study is important to understand the degree of impact that a mother's self-efficacy will have on a child's diet. This is useful knowing if influencing a mother's self-efficacy could improve a child's diet to prevent certain public health issues such as obesity and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to examine nutrition self-efficacy of Latina mothers, focusing on sweets and beverage and if their self-efficacy impacted their child's diet. Methods. The data was collected during July-September 2008. Mothers were recruited from two federally qualified San Antonio health centers. In order to qualify, participants had to be Hispanic with children of toddler age. Mothers were informed of incentives available upon completion. The interview consisted of demographic info, a set of five self-efficacy questions repeated at completion, testing reliability and a 24-hour food recall diary asked of the participant's child's diet. Results. There were 225 mothers who participated between both clinics. The Crohnbach alpha scores for the two different times the self-efficacy questions were asked were .44 corresponding to the first time and .49 for the second time. The three most common beverages reported were milk, juice, and water. The mothers who met or gave their child more milk than recommended by the scientific community, 800mg of calcium/3 cups (24oz) set, had a higher self-efficacy score than those who did not meet the standard at all. Mothers who gave their children more juice than the standard recommends, 4-6oz for children 1-6 years of age, had slightly higher self-efficacy scores than mother's who simply met the standard. In general, the lower the mother's self-efficacy, the more sweets they gave their child and vice versa. Conclusion. This study's Kappa values were adequate and this research showed that Latina mothers did in fact have high self-efficacy. In general some of the children's diets did not reflect the current scientific nutrition recommendations. In order to improve self-efficacy and have an impact on children's diets, the scientific community has a responsibility to make recommendations that are easily understood and can be put into practice. The public health community needs to ensure that we encourage those we serve to be more active in their health and educate them about what constitutes good health and nutrition for both themselves and their children.^
Obesity has become a major public health concern throughout the world. Both developing as well as developed countries have been facing the consequences of obesity. [1, 2] According to World Health Organization, worldwide prevalence of overweight among adults was 1.6 billion and that of obesity was 400 million by the end of year 2005. At the same time, around 20 million children of less than 5 years of age were overweight worldwide. [3] ^ From amongst the obese children, around 15% of children manifest symptoms of depression before 18 years of age as compared to non-obese children of the same age group. Approximately 3-5% of these obese individuals develop major depressive disorders (MDD). [4, 5] The incidence of depression increases markedly as the child reaches puberty. The risk of persistent depression in childhood as well as in adulthood is two to four times higher if the child is obese as compared to those depressed adult individuals who are not obese in their childhood. [6, 7] ^ This paper will review the scientific literature concerning the association between childhood obesity and depression. ^
This descriptive, cross-sectional study addressed the relationship between variables of deployed military women and prevalence of gender-specific infections. The analysis of secondary data will look at the last deployment experience of 880 randomly selected U.S. military women who completed a mailed questionnaire (Deployed Female Health Practice Questionnaire (FHPQ)) in June 1998. The questionnaire contained 191 items with 80 data elements and one page for the subject's written comments. The broad categories of the questionnaire included: health practices, health promotion, disease prevention and treatment, reproduction, lifestyle management, military characteristics and demographics. The research questions are: (1) What is the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), urinary tract infections (UTI) and vaginal infections (VI) related to demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment? and (2) What are the differences between STD, UTI and VI related to the demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment. The results showed that (1) STDs were found to be significantly associated with age and rank but not location of deployment or military branch; (2) UTI were found to be significantly associated with intrauterine device (IUD) use, prior UTI and type of items used for menses management, but not education or age; and (3) VI were significantly associated with age, rank and deployment location but not ethnicity or education. Although quantitative research exploring hygiene needs of deployed women continues, qualitative studies may uncover further “hidden” issues of importance. It cannot be said that the military has not made proactive changes for women, however, continued efforts to hone these changes are still encouraged. Mandatory debriefings of “seasoned” deployed women soldiers and their experiences would benefit leadership and newly deployed female soldiers with valuable “lessons learned.” Tailored hygiene education material, prevention education classes, easy access website with self-care algorithms, pre-deployment physicals, revision of military protocols for health care providers related to screening, diagnosing and treatment of gender-specific infections and process changes in military supply network of hygiene items for women are offered as recommendations. ^