982 resultados para Chemical plants
FTIR-spektroskopia (Fourier-muunnosinfrapunaspektroskopia) on nopea analyysimenetelmä. Fourier-laitteissa interferometrin käyttäminen mahdollistaa koko infrapunataajuusalueen mittaamisen muutamassa sekunnissa. ATR-liitännäisellä varustetun FTIR-spektrometrin käyttö ei edellytä juuri näytteen valmistusta ja siksi menetelmä on käytössä myös helppo. ATR-liitännäinen mahdollistaa myös monien erilaisten näytteiden analysoinnin. Infrapunaspektrin mittaaminen onnistuu myös sellaisista näytteistä, joille perinteisiä näytteenvalmistusmenetelmiä ei voida käyttää. FTIR-spektroskopian avulla saatu tieto yhdistetään usein tilastollisiin monimuuttuja-analyyseihin. Klusterianalyysin avulla voidaan spektreistä saatu tieto ryhmitellä samanlaisuuteen perustuen. Hierarkkisessa klusterianalyysissa objektien välinen samanlaisuus määritetään laskemalla niiden välinen etäisyys. Pääkomponenttianalyysin avulla vähennetään datan ulotteisuutta ja luodaan uusia korreloimattomia pääkomponentteja. Pääkomponenttien tulee säilyttää mahdollisimman suuri määrä alkuperäisen datan variaatiosta. FTIR-spektroskopian ja monimuuttujamenetelmien sovellusmahdollisuuksia on tutkittu paljon. Elintarviketeollisuudessa sen soveltuvuutta esimerkiksi laadun valvontaan on tutkittu. Menetelmää on käytetty myös haihtuvien öljyjen kemiallisten koostumusten tunnistukseen sekä öljykasvien kemotyyppien havaitsemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioitiin menetelmän käyttöä suoputken uutenäytteiden luokittelussa. Tutkimuksessa suoputken eri kasvinosien uutenäytteiden FTIR-spektrejä vertailtiin valikoiduista puhdasaineista mitattuihin FTIR-spektreihin. Puhdasaineiden FTIR-spektreistä tunnistettiin niiden tyypilliset absorptiovyöhykkeet. Furanokumariinien spektrien intensiivisten vyöhykkeiden aaltolukualueet valittiin monimuuttuja-analyyseihin. Monimuuttuja-analyysit tehtiin myös IR-spektrin sormenjälkialueelta aaltolukualueelta 1785-725 cm-1. Uutenäytteitä pyrittiin luokittelemaan niiden keräyspaikan ja kumariinipitoisuuden mukaan. Keräyspaikan mukaan ryhmittymistä oli havaittavissa, mikä selittyi vyöhykkeiden aaltolukualueiden mukaan tehdyissä analyyseissa pääosin kumariinipitoisuuksilla. Näissä analyyseissa uutenäytteet pääosin ryhmittyivät ja erottuivat kokonaiskumariinipitoisuuksien mukaan. Myös aaltolukualueen 1785-725 cm-1 analyyseissa havaittiin keräyspaikan mukaan ryhmittymistä, mitä kumariinipitoisuudet eivät kuitenkaan selittäneet. Näihin ryhmittymisiin vaikuttivat mahdollisesti muiden yhdisteiden samanlaiset pitoisuudet näytteissä. Analyyseissa käytettiin myös muita aaltolukualueita, mutta tulokset eivät juuri poikenneet aiemmista. 2. kertaluvun derivaattaspektrien monimuuttuja-analyysit sormenjälkialueelta eivät myöskään muuttaneet tuloksia havaittavasti. Jatkotutkimuksissa nyt käytettyä menetelmää on mahdollista edelleen kehittää esimerkiksi tutkimalla monimuuttuja-analyyseissa 2. kertaluvun derivaattaspektreistä suppeampia, tarkkaan valittuja aaltolukualueita.
A high contrast laser writing technique based on laser induced efficient chemical oxidation in insitu textured Ge films is demonstrated. Free running Nd-YAG laser pulses are used for irradiating the films. The irradiation effects have been characterised using optical microscopy, electron spectroscopy and microdensitometry. The mechanism for the observed contrast has been identified as due to formation of GeO2 phase upon laser irradiation using X-ray initiated Auger spectroscopy (XAES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The contrast in the present films is found to be nearly five times more than that known due to GeO phase formation in similar films.
The availability of electrophoretically homogeneous rabbit penicillin carrier receptor protein (CRP) by affinity chromatography afforded an idealin vitro system to calculate the thermodynamic parameters of binding of penicillin and analogues with CRP as well as competitive binding of such analogues with CRP in presence of14C-penicillin G. The kinetics of association of CRP with 7-deoxy penicillin which does not bind covalently with CRP have been studied through equilibrium dialysis with14C-7-deoxybenzyl penicillin and found to be K=2·79×106M−1.−ΔG=8·106 k cal/mole as well as fluorescence quenching studies with exciter λ 280 K=3·573×106M−1,−ΔG=8·239 k cal/mole. The fluorescence quenching studies have been extended to CRP-benzyl penicillin and CRP-6-aminopenicillanic acid (6APA) systems also. The fluorescence data with benzyl penicillin indicate two conformational changes in CRP—a fast change corresponding to the non-covalent binding to CRP with 7-deoxy penicillin and a slower change due to covalent bond formation. With 6-APA the first change is not observed but the conformational change corresponding to covalent binding is only seen. Competitive binding studies indicate that the order of binding of CRP with the analogues of penicillin is as follows: methicillin > 6APA > carbenicillin >o-nitrobenzyl penicillin > cloxacillin ≈ benzyl penicillin ≈ 6-phenyl acetamido penicillanyl alcohol ≈ 7 phenyl acetamido desacetoxy cephalosporanic acid ≈p-amino benzyl penicillin ≈p-nitro benzyl penicillin > ticarcillin >o-amino benzyl penicillin > amoxycillin > 7-deoxy benzyl penicillin > ampicillin.From these data it has been possible to delineate partially the topology of the penicillin binding cleft of the CRP as well as some of the functional groups in the cleft responsible for the binding process.
The Earth s climate is a highly dynamic and complex system in which atmospheric aerosols have been increasingly recognized to play a key role. Aerosol particles affect the climate through a multitude of processes, directly by absorbing and reflecting radiation and indirectly by changing the properties of clouds. Because of the complexity, quantification of the effects of aerosols continues to be a highly uncertain science. Better understanding of the effects of aerosols requires more information on aerosol chemistry. Before the determination of aerosol chemical composition by the various available analytical techniques, aerosol particles must be reliably sampled and prepared. Indeed, sampling is one of the most challenging steps in aerosol studies, since all available sampling techniques harbor drawbacks. In this study, novel methodologies were developed for sampling and determination of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. In the particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS), aerosol particles grow in saturated water vapor with further impaction and dissolution in liquid water. Once in water, the aerosol sample can then be transported and analyzed by various off-line or on-line techniques. In this study, PILS was modified and the sampling procedure was optimized to obtain less altered aerosol samples with good time resolution. A combination of denuders with different coatings was tested to adsorb gas phase compounds before PILS. Mixtures of water with alcohols were introduced to increase the solubility of aerosols. Minimum sampling time required was determined by collecting samples off-line every hour and proceeding with liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The laboriousness of LLE followed by GC-MS analysis next prompted an evaluation of solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the extraction of aldehydes and acids in aerosol samples. These two compound groups are thought to be key for aerosol growth. Octadecylsilica, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), and mixed phase anion exchange (MAX) were tested as extraction materials. MAX proved to be efficient for acids, but no tested material offered sufficient adsorption for aldehydes. Thus, PILS samples were extracted only with MAX to guarantee good results for organic acids determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). On-line coupling of SPE with HPLC-MS is relatively easy, and here on-line coupling of PILS with HPLC-MS through the SPE trap produced some interesting data on relevant acids in atmospheric aerosol samples. A completely different approach to aerosol sampling, namely, differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-assisted filter sampling, was employed in this study to provide information about the size dependent chemical composition of aerosols and understanding of the processes driving aerosol growth from nano-size clusters to climatically relevant particles (>40 nm). The DMA was set to sample particles with diameters of 50, 40, and 30 nm and aerosols were collected on teflon or quartz fiber filters. To clarify the gas-phase contribution, zero gas-phase samples were collected by switching off the DMA every other 15 minutes. Gas-phase compounds were adsorbed equally well on both types of filter, and were found to contribute significantly to the total compound mass. Gas-phase adsorption is especially significant during the collection of nanometer-size aerosols and needs always to be taken into account. Other aims of this study were to determine the oxidation products of β-caryophyllene (the major sesquiterpene in boreal forest) in aerosol particles. Since reference compounds are needed for verification of the accuracy of analytical measurements, three oxidation products of β-caryophyllene were synthesized: β-caryophyllene aldehyde, β-nocaryophyllene aldehyde, and β-caryophyllinic acid. All three were identified for the first time in ambient aerosol samples, at relatively high concentrations, and their contribution to the aerosol mass (and probably growth) was concluded to be significant. Methodological and instrumental developments presented in this work enable fuller understanding of the processes behind biogenic aerosol formation and provide new tools for more precise determination of biosphere-atmosphere interactions.
The dissolution, accompanied by chemical reaction, of monodisperse solid particles has been analysed. The resulting model, which accounts for the variation of mass transfer coefficient with the size of the dissolving particles, yields an approximate analytical form of a kinetic function. Rigorous numerical and approximate analytical solutions have been obtained for the governing system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The transient nature of the dissolution process as well as the accuracy of the analytical solution is brought out by the rigorous numerical solution. The analytical solution is fairly accurate for the major part of the range of operational times encountered in practice.
Single crystals of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KAP) have been grown by slow evaporation method from aqueous solutions. Thermal analyses indicate that KAP crystals decompose into phthalic anhydride and KOH around 520 K. Electrical properties of single crystals of KAP have been studied along with the effect of X-ray irradiation of the crystals. The electrical transport appears to be associated with tunneling of protons. The irradiated crystal exhibits lower dielectric constant and higher ac conductivity.
Specific penicillin-carrier receptor proteins (CRP) have been isolated from the sera of penicillin allergic rabbits and human subjects in the unconjugated native state in electrophoretically homogeneous form by employing a synthetic polymeric affinity template containing the 7-deoxy analogue of penicillin G. The synthesis of the 7-deoxy analogue has been described. In this affinity system the antipenicillin-antibody is desorbed by 0·9M thiourea and the CRP in 8M urea. The CRP after incubation with penicillin is converted into the full-fledged antigen. Studies on the origin of CRP and the nature of antibody as well as comparative studies on the properties of the rabbit antibody and those of antibodies elicited by a BSA-BPO conjugate are reported.
The availability of an electrophoretically homogeneous rabbit penicillin carrier receptor protein (CRP) and rabbit antipenicillin antibody afforded an idealin vitro system to calculate the thermodynamic parameters of the binding of14C benzyl penicillin CRP conjugate (antigen) to the purified rabbit antipenicillin antibody. The thermodynamic parameters of this antigen-antibody reaction has been studied by radio-active assay method by using millipore filter. Equilibrium constant (K) of this reaction has been found to be 2·853×109M−2 and corresponding free energy (ΔG) at 4°C and 37°C has been calculated to be −12·02 and −13·5 kcal/mole, enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) has been found to be 361 kcal/mole and +30 eu/mole respectively. Competitive binding studies of CRP-analogue conjugates with the divalent rabbit antibody has been carried out in the presence of14C-penicilloyl CRP. It was found that 7-deoxy penicillin-CRP complex and 6-amino penicilloyl CRP conjugate binds to the antibody with energies stronger than that with the14C-penicilloyl CRP. All the other analogue conjugates are much weaker in interfering with the binding of the penicilloyl CRP with the antibody. The conjugate of methicillin,o-nitro benzyl penicillin and ticarcillin with CRP do not materially interfere in the process.
It has been possible to identify two critical compositions in the IV-VI chalcogenide glassy system GexSe100-x by the anomalous variations of the high-pressure electrical resistivity behavior. The first critical composition, the chemical threshold, refers to the stoichiometric composition. The second critical composition, identified recently as the mechanical percolation threshold, is connected with the structural rigidity of the material.
A brief qualitative comparison is made of perovskite ABO sub 3 and layered perovskite ABO sub 3 and layered perovskite A sub 2 BO sub 4 oxides with special emphasis on the influence of geometrical factors on certain physico-chemical properties. The layered perovskite oxides are distinguished from three-dimensional oxides by a looser packing, frustration in three-dimensional interactions, more internal pressure on B--O bonds for small tolerance factors, and by different values of site-percolation thresholds. Their influence on electronic configurations of metal ions, stabilities and syntheses of compounds is discussed. The influence of increased anisotropy in layered oxides on localisation of charge carriers and in suppressing the onset of long-range ferromagnetic ordering is also discussed.