695 resultados para Celulas solares


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Informação Geográfica (SIG) ao estudo das energias renováveis, tendo como caso avaliar o potencial solar na ilha de São Vicente do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. A energia do sol é a principal fonte de energia renovável, e está disponível em quase todas as regiões do planeta. Quantificar o potencial energético solar de um lugar ou região é indispensável, para avaliar as potencialidades de produção de energia fotovoltaica. Outro fator importante prende-se com ordenamento territorial associado à exploração desses recursos energéticos, pelo que devem ser avaliadas as condições técnicas, ambientais e económicas, quando se pretende instalar parques para a produção de energia fotovoltaica. Assim, neste trabalho foram aplicadas as ferramentas SIG, para quantificar a radiação solar mensal e anual da ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde, através do modelo Solar Analyst. Numa segunda fase, aplicou-se a técnica de análise multicritério em combinação com os SIGs para definir as áreas mais favoráveis para a instalação de parques de produção de energia elétrica a partir da energia solar. Para o cálculo da radiação solar na ilha de São de Vicente, utilizou-se o modelo digital de terreno (MDT) e a latitude da ilha como parâmetros de entrada ao modelo. Para a análise multicritério definiram-se um conjunto de critérios que devem ser considerados na implementação de parques solares, nomeadamente, a disponibilidade de radiação solar existente na área, a distância à rede de transporte de energia elétrica e à rede viária, o declive do terreno, o uso e ocupação do solo e a proximidade às linhas de água. Para auxiliar na atribuição dos pesos aos critérios utilizados na análise aplicou-se a método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). As áreas resultantes do processo da análise multicritério, foram confrontadas com a Carta de Condicionantes do esquema regional de ordenamento da ilha de São Vicente, aferindo a conformidade das propostas e reajustes subsequentes, de modo a obter os resultados finais.


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Los dispositivos liberadores son utilizados en los satélites para desplegar los paneles solares, antenas y otros apéndices en las etapas iniciales de su puesta en órbita. En la actualidad, muchos de estos dispositivos tienen actuadores activados con cargas pirotécnicas. Esto trae algunas desventajas: niveles de shock elevados sobre los componentes cercanos, no son reutilizables y no son seguros de manipular. Por ello, es que desde hace unos años se están realizando importantes esfuerzos para desarrollar dispositivos no-pirotécnicos. En este trabajo se realiza el desarrollo de un dispositivo liberador que utiliza como actuador un cilindro tubular de una Aleación de Memoria de Forma (SMA, del inglés Shape Memory Alloys) de NiTi. Las SMAs tienen la posibilidad de deformarse por debajo de determinada temperatura y luego al calentarse, recuperar su forma original. Al restringir mecánicamente la trayectoria de recuperación, la aleación genera un esfuerzo mecánico. En el presente trabajo se caracteriza esta aleación, recurriendo a diversos tratamientos térmicos para obtener las propiedades deseadas. La liberación del conjunto se produce cuando el elemento de unión entre las piezas, el cual consiste en un bulón con una entalla circunferencial, se fractura debido al estiramiento de un actuador de NiTi previamente comprimido. Dada la importancia del bulón, se estudiaron diversos materiales para el mismo. Además se analizó el efecto de la geometría de la entalla y la profundidad de la misma. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas de integración entre el actuador de SMA, el bulón y otros elementos auxiliares. Se pudo probar el funcionamiento del conjunto con éxito.


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Programa de doctorado: Tecnología Industrial. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura.


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Los dispositivos liberadores son utilizados en los satélites para desplegar los paneles solares, antenas y otros apéndices en las etapas iniciales de su puesta en órbita. En la actualidad, muchos de estos dispositivos tienen actuadores activados con cargas pirotécnicas. Esto trae algunas desventajas: niveles de shock elevados sobre los componentes cercanos, no son reutilizables y no son seguros de manipular. Por ello, es que desde hace unos años se están realizando importantes esfuerzos para desarrollar dispositivos no-pirotécnicos. En este trabajo se realiza el desarrollo de un dispositivo liberador que utiliza como actuador un cilindro tubular de una Aleación de Memoria de Forma (SMA, del inglés Shape Memory Alloys) de NiTi. Las SMAs tienen la posibilidad de deformarse por debajo de determinada temperatura y luego al calentarse, recuperar su forma original. Al restringir mecánicamente la trayectoria de recuperación, la aleación genera un esfuerzo mecánico. En el presente trabajo se caracteriza esta aleación, recurriendo a diversos tratamientos térmicos para obtener las propiedades deseadas. La liberación del conjunto se produce cuando el elemento de unión entre las piezas, el cual consiste en un bulón con una entalla circunferencial, se fractura debido al estiramiento de un actuador de NiTi previamente comprimido. Dada la importancia del bulón, se estudiaron diversos materiales para el mismo. Además se analizó el efecto de la geometría de la entalla y la profundidad de la misma. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas de integración entre el actuador de SMA, el bulón y otros elementos auxiliares. Se pudo probar el funcionamiento del conjunto con éxito.


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Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces


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El objeto de la invención es un captador solar constituido por un concentrador cilindroparabólico (CCP) aislado térmicamente (4), una cubierta de vidrio en su plano de apertura (1), un absorbedor tubular situado en su foco por el que circula un fluido caloportador (3), con o sin encapsulamiento de vidrio (2), y un mecanismo de lamas rotativas absorbedoras (5). El invento permite, mediante la rotación de las lamas, optar entre un modo de operación en concentración solar en el absorbedor focal para el aprovechamiento de la radiación solar directa (3) y un modo de operación en placa plana convencional para aprovechamiento de la radiación solar global (6). Su uso se propone como parte de instalaciones solares térmicas con el fin de a) alimentar con un solo elemento procesos que presentan demandas combinadas de baja y media temperatura en función de su programación temporal o estacional, b) permitir un aprovechamiento solar suplementario en instalaciones de CCP durante períodos de radiación directa reducida y c) contar con capacidad adicional de regulación de temperatura y radiación.


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Los sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica a partir de paneles fotovoltaicos son una alternativa para zonas rurales aisladas. Se analizaron los elementos y variables que componen un sistema de bombeo impulsado por energía solar en base a las características técnicas y especificaciones de los diferentes componentes y su interacción, para determinar y poder proponer, asociando esta información a características de costos, robustez y disponibilidad, las mejores opciones el bombeo de agua desde un punto de vista de costo/eficiencia. La solución óptima es la conversión directa a 110 voltios en corriente alterna a partir de la corriente directa almacenada en el mínimo de baterías, con un banco de paneles que corresponda al amperaje a ser consumido por el motor. La bomba periférica tiene un consumo menor de energía por litro bombeado, mientras la altura total de bombeo no rebase los 20 m. Se diseñó y probó un sistema de bombeo abastecido por paneles solares, con un costo de inversión de 2330 US, que bombea entre 6 y 10 m 3 de agua al día. Palabras clave: Bombeo con energía solar, desarrollo participativo, DEPARTIR.


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The PhD project addresses the potential of using concentrating solar power (CSP) plants as a viable alternative energy producing system in Libya. Exergetic, energetic, economic and environmental analyses are carried out for a particular type of CSP plants. The study, although it aims a particular type of CSP plant – 50 MW parabolic trough-CSP plant, it is sufficiently general to be applied to other configurations. The novelty of the study, in addition to modeling and analyzing the selected configuration, lies in the use of a state-of-the-art exergetic analysis combined with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The modeling and simulation of the plant is carried out in chapter three and they are conducted into two parts, namely: power cycle and solar field. The computer model developed for the analysis of the plant is based on algebraic equations describing the power cycle and the solar field. The model was solved using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software; and is designed to define the properties at each state point of the plant and then, sequentially, to determine energy, efficiency and irreversibility for each component. The developed model has the potential of using in the preliminary design of CSPs and, in particular, for the configuration of the solar field based on existing commercial plants. Moreover, it has the ability of analyzing the energetic, economic and environmental feasibility of using CSPs in different regions of the world, which is illustrated for the Libyan region in this study. The overall feasibility scenario is completed through an hourly analysis on an annual basis in chapter Four. This analysis allows the comparison of different systems and, eventually, a particular selection, and it includes both the economic and energetic components using the “greenius” software. The analysis also examined the impact of project financing and incentives on the cost of energy. The main technological finding of this analysis is higher performance and lower levelized cost of electricity (LCE) for Libya as compared to Southern Europe (Spain). Therefore, Libya has the potential of becoming attractive for the establishment of CSPs in its territory and, in this way, to facilitate the target of several European initiatives that aim to import electricity generated by renewable sources from North African and Middle East countries. The analysis is presented a brief review of the current cost of energy and the potential of reducing the cost from parabolic trough- CSP plant. Exergetic and environmental life cycle assessment analyses are conducted for the selected plant in chapter Five; the objectives are 1) to assess the environmental impact and cost, in terms of exergy of the life cycle of the plant; 2) to find out the points of weakness in terms of irreversibility of the process; and 3) to verify whether solar power plants can reduce environmental impact and the cost of electricity generation by comparing them with fossil fuel plants, in particular, Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) plant and oil thermal power plant. The analysis also targets a thermoeconomic analysis using the specific exergy costing (SPECO) method to evaluate the level of the cost caused by exergy destruction. The main technological findings are that the most important contribution impact lies with the solar field, which reports a value of 79%; and the materials with the vi highest impact are: steel (47%), molten salt (25%) and synthetic oil (21%). The “Human Health” damage category presents the highest impact (69%) followed by the “Resource” damage category (24%). In addition, the highest exergy demand is linked to the steel (47%); and there is a considerable exergetic demand related to the molten salt and synthetic oil with values of 25% and 19%, respectively. Finally, in the comparison with fossil fuel power plants (NGCC and Oil), the CSP plant presents the lowest environmental impact, while the worst environmental performance is reported to the oil power plant followed by NGCC plant. The solar field presents the largest value of cost rate, where the boiler is a component with the highest cost rate among the power cycle components. The thermal storage allows the CSP plants to overcome solar irradiation transients, to respond to electricity demand independent of weather conditions, and to extend electricity production beyond the availability of daylight. Numerical analysis of the thermal transient response of a thermocline storage tank is carried out for the charging phase. The system of equations describing the numerical model is solved by using time-implicit and space-backward finite differences and which encoded within the Matlab environment. The analysis presented the following findings: the predictions agree well with the experiments for the time evolution of the thermocline region, particularly for the regions away from the top-inlet. The deviations observed in the near-region of the inlet are most likely due to the high-level of turbulence in this region due to the localized level of mixing resulting; a simple analytical model to take into consideration this increased turbulence level was developed and it leads to some improvement of the predictions; this approach requires practically no additional computational effort and it relates the effective thermal diffusivity to the mean effective velocity of the fluid at each particular height of the system. Altogether the study indicates that the selected parabolic trough-CSP plant has the edge over alternative competing technologies for locations where DNI is high and where land usage is not an issue, such as the shoreline of Libya.


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN


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Tese submetida à Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia.


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A presente dissertação é o resultado de um estudo realizado entre Março de 2015 e Março de 2016 centrado no tema Eficiência Energética nos Edifícios, no âmbito da Dissertação do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). Atualmente, os edifícios são responsáveis por cerca de 40% do consumo de energia na maioria dos países da europa. Energia consumida, principalmente, no aquecimento, arrefecimento e na alimentação de aparelhos elétricos. Os hospitais, como grandes edifícios, são grandes consumidores de energia e, na maioria dos países europeus, situam-se entre os edifícios públicos menos eficientes. Neste contexto, representam um tipo de edifícios cuja atividade apresenta um potencial de poupança energético importante. O tipo de atividade aí desenvolvida, aliada às especificidades do sector da saúde, faz deste tipo de edifícios um alvo de análise e otimização energética bastante apetecível. O presente trabalho passa pelo estudo do potencial para a eficiência energética de um hospital situado na zona do Porto. Foi, inicialmente, efetuado um levantamento das necessidades energéticas, de modo a identificar os sectores prioritários de atuação. Este estudo conta com a análise dos consumos obtidos através do processo de monitorização, substituição da iluminação existente por uma mais eficiente, a instalação de painéis solares para reduzir o consumo destinado às águas quentes sanitárias, a substituição de caldeira a diesel por caldeira a biomassa, substituição de um chiller por um mais eficiente, entre outros. Os consumos registados no hospital em estudo serão comparados com um plano nacional (Eficiência Energética e Hídrica no Sistema Nacional de Saúde), para, desta forma, se perceber quais os consumos do hospital em estudo, quando comparados com outros hospitais.


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Nesta dissertação são comparadas duas tecnologias de refrigeração. Uma tecnolo-gia é um sistema que usa a energia elétrica para fazer funcionar um ciclo de com-pressão de vapor, sistema comum em instalações de refrigeração. A outra solução é um sistema de absorção, em que a energia necessária para o funcionamento do sistema é energia térmica obtida através de coletores solares térmicos. Estas tecnologias são estudadas e comparadas para a refrigeração de um arma-zém de produtos agrícolas à temperatura constante de 5ºC para a região de Alque-va, região onde estão a ser desenvolvidos projetos hortofrutícolas a que estão as-sociadas necessidades de preservação dos produtos que envolvem refrigeração e em que a acessibilidade à rede elétrica é reduzida. É mostrado que a tecnologia do sistema de absorção com os coletores se apresenta a médio prazo mais vantajosa em termos económicos e ambientais; Abstract: Comparative analysis of a solar refrigeration system In this dissertation two refrigeration technologies are compared when used for the same objective. One is a technology using the electric energy to operate a vapour compression cycle, commonly used in refrigerated installations. The alternative technology is an absorption system driven by thermal energy, provided by solar thermal collectors. Both technologies are studied and compared for the refrigeration of an agricultural products warehouse at a constant temperature of 5ºC in the Alqueva region, where horticultural projects are being developed with associated needs of preservation of the products involving refrigeration, and where accessibility to the electrical grid is reduced. In the referred conditions it was shown that the absorption technology with collec-tors in the medium term surpasses the usual compression system, both from eco-nomic and environmental viewpoints.


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En el presente documento se describe el proyecto de factibilidad para utilizar energías renovables en una de las unidades del Hospital de Niños Benjamín Bloom, en El Salvador. En el primer capítulo se describe el marco referencia, donde se establece el proceso de definición de las variables a estudiar, se describen las herramientas que se utilizarán y la información de donde partirá el estudio. En el capítulo II, se describen las diferentes energías renovables, datos geográficos, datos de irradiancia, y la descripción de las tecnologías que se utilizarán en el proyecto, las cuales son: -paneles solares -calentadores de agua. Se hace una descripción detallada de éstos; así como las normas y reglamentos que regulan la fabricación y la instalación de estos equipos. El Capítulo III, se muestra la información que se obtuvo del personal que labora en el servicio, esto nos da el insumo para desarrollar el diagnóstico del equipo necesario.En la selección de la tecnología; se incluyen los cálculos matemáticos y la información brindada por los proveedores de tecnología, se establece el equipo, el consumo de potencia, y la energía a producir con las tecnologías de energía renovables. El capítulo IV se propone la tecnología, los accesorios y todo el equipo necesario para la ejecución del proyecto. Por medio de tablas se muestran los análisis de generación de energía, tiempo de recuperación y costo total del proyecto; esto se realizó con la ayuda de herramientas financieras que evalúan el comportamiento del proyecto. Al final se colocan las conclusiones pertinentes al proyecto, con respecto a los objetivos planteados y su respectivas recomendaciones para tomar en cuenta y evitar problemas durante la producción de la energía. Se han incluído los planos, tanto de los calentadores solares, como de los páneles, los primeros ubicados en el edificio de niños quemados y los segundos en la azotea del laboratorio del hospital