992 resultados para Características qualitativas


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Apresenta a definição e descrição de células procarióticas e eucarióticas com o auxílio de figuras ilustrativas. Inicialmente detalha-se a célula procariótica e suas estruturas: parede celular, membrana celular, citoplasma, ribossomos, estruturas externas, região nuclear, plasmídeo, endósporo, morfologia celular e divisão celular. A seguir apresenta-se a célula eucariótica e suas estruturas: organelas, retículo endoplasmático, ribossomos, lisossomos, núcleo celular, mitocôndrias, cloroplasto e complexo de Golgi. No decorrer da descrição enfatizam-se as semelhanças e diferenças entre as células procarióticas e eucarióticas, apresenta-se a Teoria endossimbiótica e a árvore filogenética (Bacteria, Archaea e Eucarya).


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Nos dias de hoje verifica-se que no contexto escolar surgem diversas situações em que os alunos demonstram ter baixa motivação, o que resulta de uma baixa auto-estima e baixa auto-eficácia académica. Nesta perspectiva torna-se fulcral clarificar estes construtos e também outros não menos importantes, nomeadamente as atribuições causais e metas académicas e a pertinência dos mesmos no sucesso académico dos alunos. Nesta óptica, o objectivo central deste estudo consiste em tentar evidenciar se as características motivacionais, tais como, a auto-estima global, a auto-eficácia académica, as atribuições causais e as metas académicas influenciam de alguma forma o sucesso académico dos alunos que frequentam o 9º e 12ºanos, operacionalizado através das classificações dos exames nacionais (Língua Portuguesa/Português e Matemática). Complementarmente pretende-se perceber se as características motivacionais variam em função das variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, ano de escolaridade, género, habilitações literárias dos pais e área de residência). Neste estudo participaram 450 alunos de ambos os sexos, sendo 54,2% do sexo feminino e 45,8% do sexo masculino, que frequentam o 9º e 12º ano de escolaridade, em várias escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira no ano lectivo 2009/2010. Os resultados apontam para a existência correlações positivas e negativas entre as características motivacionais e o sucesso académico, tais como a auto-estima global, a auto-eficácia académica, as atribuições causais e as metas académicas encontram-se de alguma forma correlacionadas com o sucesso académico. Relativamente às variáveis sociodemográficas, os resultados evidenciam a existência de diferenças significativas entre as atribuições causais para factores aleatórios e evitamento pressão social em contexto escolar e o ano de escolaridade. Foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas na auto-eficácia académica para o género, habilitações literárias dos pais e área de residência. Para a auto-estima global não foram constatadas diferenças em função das variáveis sociodemográficas.


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Esta pesquisa tem como título Inovação Pedagógica em Busca de Mudanças Qualitativas no Ensino Fundamental I, com o objetivo de investigar a prática pedagógica no sentido de identificar a existência ou não de inovação pedagógica, no âmbito da Escola de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental Trilha do Saber, situada no município de Guaraciaba do Norte/Ceará/Brasil. A universalização da pesquisa se dá com foco nas interações entre professora e alunos e destes entre si. Os sujeitos desta investigação são os alunos e a professora do 3º ano, turma B, do Ensino Fundamental I. O referencial teórico utilizado nesta investigação tem como base os estudos de Fino a partir de (1999), Fino & Sousa desde (2005); Papert (1980, 1993, 2008); Vygotsky (2007); Perrenoud (2000); Freire (1979, 1985, 2011); Mendonça (2009, 2010); Toffer (1997); Gadotti (2006, 2008); Piaget (2010); Salviane (2009) e outros teóricos, que fundamentam concepções de prática pedagógica inovadora. Esta pesquisa com foco na aprendizagem, nos alunos e nos contextos de aprendizagem é de natureza qualitativa e estudo de caso, segundo a orientação de Yin (2001), Silva (2009), Macedo (2006, 2008); Alvarenga (2010) e Lapassade (2005), uma vez que esse processo de investigação permite a utilização de diversos instrumentos de coleta de dados; utilizou-se a observação participante e a entrevista semiestruturada, favorecendo o cruzamento dos dados (triangulação) no procedimento de análise e discussão dos resultados. Concluiu-se, que a escola deve ser um espaço aberto às mudanças e indagações dos alunos compondo-se dos aspectos criativo, dinâmico e inovador assegurando aos aprendizes novos contextos de aprendizagem situada. Concluiu-se, ainda, nesta investigação, que é mais difícil a inovação pedagógica acontecer nas escolas públicas em razão da inclusão de programas e projetos que são implantados pelas políticas educacionais.


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SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.


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Apresenta a pesquisa como fator importante para os gestores das organizações na tomada de decisão nesse novo cenário evolutivo e dinâmico da economia global no qual a informação é um produto relevante para as empresas. Abrange os tipos de pesquisas, quantitativas ou qualitativas, os métodos de coleta de dados. Considera as características para a realização de pesquisa para gerar resultados, produto final, relevantes aspectos para os patrocinadores das pesquisas. Resume as questões éticas aplicadas a pesquisa para que as partes participantes tenham assim assegurados os direitos de todos os envolvidos. Por outro lado, a busca na literatura apresenta a importância dos resultados de pesquisa como parte do processo administrativo das organizações, dentre elas as unidades de informação em especial. Observa a visão sobre a opinião pública e suas aplicações nas pesquisas diante da visão de alguns autores pertinentes. Enfoca a necessidade do bibliotecário de aprimorar suas competências na área da Gestão da Informação e do conhecimento em geral para saber tomar decisões estratégicas e relevantes na melhoria da qualidade de produtos/serviços em unidades de informação.


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Self-efficacy, the construct developed by Albert Bandura in 1977 and widely studied around the world, means the individual's belief in his own capacity to successfully perform a certain activity. This study aims to determine the degree of association between sociodemographic characteristics and professional training to the levels of Self-Efficacy at Work (SEW) of the Administrative Assistants in a federal university. This is a descriptive research submitted to and approved by the Ethics Committee of UFRN. The method of data analysis, in quantitative nature, was accomplished with the aid of the statistical programs R and Minitab. The instrument used in research was a sociodemographic data questionnaire, variables of professional training and the General Perception of Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES), applied to the sample by 289 Assistants in Administration. Statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, reliability test (Cronbach's alpha), and test of significance (Pearson). Results show a sociodemographic profile of Assistants in Administration of UFRN with well-distributed characteristics, with 48.4% men and 51.6% female; 59.9% of them were aged over 40 years, married (49.3%), color or race white (58%) and Catholics (67.8%); families are composed of up to four people (75.8%) with children (59.4%) of all age groups; the occupation of the mothers of these professionals is mostly housewives (51.6%) with high school education up to parents (72%) and mothers (75.8%). Assistants in Administration have high levels of professional training, most of them composed two groups of servers: the former, recently hired public servants (30.7%) and another with long service (59%), the majority enter young in career and it stays until retirement, 72.4% of these professionals have training above the minimum requirement for the job. The analysis of SEW levels shows medium to high levels for 72% of assistants in administration; low SEWclassified people have shown a high average of 2.7, considered close to the overall mean presented in other studies, which is 2.9. The cluster analysis has allowed us to say that the characteristics of the three groups (Low, Medium and High SEW) are similar and can be found in the three levels of SEW representatives with all the characteristics investigated. The results indicate no association between the sociodemographic variables and professional training to the levels of self-efficacy at work of Assistants in Administration of UFRN, except for the variable color or race. However, due to the small number of people who declared themselves in color or black race (4% of the sample), this result can be interpreted as mere coincidence or the black people addressed in this study have provided a sense of efficacy higher than white and brown ones. The study has corroborated other studies and highlighted the subjectivity of the self-efficacy construct. They are needed more researches, especially with public servants for the continuity and expansion of studies on the subject, making it possible to compare and confirm the results


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The present dissertation analyzes the performance and acting of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Ministery, in the strategic perspective, while responsible Institution for the defense of the collective rights. The comprehension of this theme inserts in a context of modernization of the public administration, in which is inserted, as well as their functional and structural changes, in a reality of innovations there is passing the organizations, looking to rescue the legitimacy of the government organizations, aligning them to the democratic values of the society. It detaches the strategic administration and the public administration and it exposes the strategic performance about the central point of the study, focusing in the development of the organization in the last four years, and other relative subjects to the acting. It is a unic case study, framed in the characteristics of the qualitative approaches - descriptive and exploratory. The analysis showed, through the method of content analysis, by the criterion of thematic categorization, that MP / RN come developing in an intense way,and it detaches that the changes already happened reflect a good strategic acting of the Institution, especially in the structural and functional areas, showing the strategic conscience of this, although that is not still enough to consider it as a strategic organization, and it concludes that there is still a lot for doing, and that the occurrence of an administration typically strategic in the extent of MP/RN is possible, with the conscience and participation of all, members and servants


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The objective of this study is to assess the natural light of the classrooms sectors, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique, by using questionnaires and brightness levels measurements inside the classrooms. In order to check the users satisfaction degree, it was initially done a general approach on the related aspects to natural light: their characteristics, availability, sources, opening systems and evaluating tools. It was also determined the necessary brightness levels for the activities development in the classroom and the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique used in the search analyses. Then, it was made the UFRN Campus` characterization; the models` definition which formed the data collection basis; the detailing of the procedures used in the research, the processing description and the data analysis. Subsequently, the results that clarify the issues raised were shown through quantitative and / or qualitative data analyses. This research notes a high level of satisfaction by the users, despite some problems such as the reflections occurrence on the board, the lack of uniformity and, occasionally, the brightness low levels


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This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout


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The mollusks present a great taxon variety and life habits in coral reefs being good environmental indicators. It is important to know the distribution pattern of the mollusks and the processes that influence it, so that disturbances in sea ecosystems could be monitored. The present study aims to accomplish the inventory and distribution of epibenthic mollusks in the Parracho of Maracajaú. 23 sites in different habitats of the Parracho were settled: 11 in the reef habitat, 3 in the sandy bottom and 9 in the seagrass bed. Qualitative and quantitative samplings have been done through snorkeling and scuba diving. Three band transects (10m²) were sampled in each site and the data were obtained to each m² of the transect, where the species were counted and the environmental variables (rugosity and recovery of the substratum) were valued. The data were submitted to multivariate analyses in order to find possible distribution patterns that could be associated to the substratum variables. The diversity indexes were calculated for each reef sites and compared with each other. A number of 46 species were registered. The reef habit at should to be the richnest area while the sandy bottom was poorest one. In the reef habitat, the mollusks were associated to rugosity and recovering of frondose algae and zoanthids, while for the seagrass bed, the animals exhibited a richness variation associated to the muddy and sandy sediment. There were found 3 species economically explored, what requires an appropriate management for the maintenance and conservation of the area resources in a sustainable way


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Artificial lakes must differ from natural lakes in important structural and functional aspects that need to be understood so that these ecosystems can be properly managed. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the artificial lakes (impoundments) in the semi-arid region of the Rio Grande do Norte State are more eutrophic and turbid and have different trophic structure when compared to the natural coastal lakes that occur in the humid eastern coast of the State. To test this hypothesis, 10 natural lakes and 8 artificial lakes with about 100 ha were sampled between September and November 2005 for the determination of some limnological variables and the abundance of the main fish species, which were grouped in three trophic guilds: facultative piscivores, facultative planktivores and omnivores. The results show that the artificial lakes had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , total and volatile suspended solids than the natural lakes. Results also show that the values of pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, turbidity as well as the coefficient of vertical attenuation of light were significantly higher in the artificial lakes than in the natural lakes. In the artificial lakes, the abundance of facultative planktivores was significantly higher, while the abundance of facultative piscivores significantly lower than in the natural lakes. There was no significant difference in the abundance of omnivorous fish between the two types of lakes. These results suggest that the increase in turbidity together with the other changes in the water quality of the artificial lakes, modifies the trophic structure of the fish communities reducing the importance of piscivores and the length of the food chains


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Fungal polysaccharides have received a great deal of attention due to itsbecause of their potential use in a wide rangegreat variety fromof industries. Some studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted offrom basidiomycetes they have presented significant properties as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tumoral properties. In spite of thisDespite these potential properties, these mushrooms have not been insufficiently investigated, and the great number of antibiotics number produced forby these organisms suggests that they canmay be a new source of bioactives composites source. In tThe present work, reports onlated the chemical composition, potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory and citotoxycity of extracted polymers extracted offrom the fruits bodies of the fungiius Geastrum saccatum and Polyporus dermoporus, native mushrooms of the Atlantic forest inof the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The Cchemical analyses had revealed ademonstrated text of total sugar rates of 65% and 49%, and proteins of 7.0% for in extracts of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus extracts, respectively. The analyses ofNMR spectroscopy of RMN had demonstrated that these extracts are composites forof a complex involving β- glucans and- proteins complex. The inhibition of the formation of superoxide radicals formation was of 88.4% in G. saccatum and 83.3% in P. dermoporus, and 75 and 100% for inhibition of hydroxyls radicals inhibition. TopicalThe topic application of extracts the 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg extract in BALBc mice with cutaneous inflammation induced byfor croton oil demonstrated to inhibitedion of ear edema of ear and cells polimorfonuclears cells atin the inflamed siteplace, being this reply more effective in lower concentrations being more effective. The evaluation of the glucans of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus glucans under induced pleurisy for carrageenan-induced pleurisya of showed the antiinflammatory action of these composites., being analyzed tThe frame number in the pleural exudates and thedosage of nitric oxide dosage was also analyzed. The cytotoxic action of these polymers was analyzed throughthrough the mitochondrial function (MTT). The incubation of the glucans with mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood demonstrated that the extracted glucans extracted fromof G. saccatum havepossess a moderate cytotoxic action. These results suggest that these mushrooms possess polymers formed byfor a complex glucana-protein complex, with antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions