986 resultados para Canada -- History -- Fenian Invasions, 1866-1870.
Este libro prepara en la asignatura de historia para el OCR de enseñanza secundaria, dirigido a los estudiantes entre 16 y 18 años que estudian para el nivel AS. Los estudiantes deben tener una comprensión completa de los personajes, sucesos, cuestiones y controversias más relevantes de la época. Los temas del libro son: La iglesia y el Estado 1529-1589, la reforma alemana 1517-1555, liberales y conservadores 1846-1895 y la Unificación de Italia 1815-1870. Se incluyen una serie de hojas de trabajo para mejorar el entendimiento. Algunas plantillas genéricas se entregan al final para estudiantes y profesores.
La manera com s'han tractat jurídicament els principis d'igualtat i llibertat educativa en el segle XIX ens mostra aquells espais on Església i Estat, conservadors i revolucionaris, s'enfrontaren pel control de la joventut i de l'educació com aquell element del que se'n fa dependre el progrés de la societat. En aquest context, i a l'empara de la política educativa liberal del sexenni revolucionari, sorgeix i viu durant els quatre cursos que van de 1870 a 1874 una universitat, la qual, alhora que reclamava ser l'hereva dels estudis universitaris gironins clausurats per Felip V, pretenia fer-se un lloc en el complex mapa universitari i ideològic català i espanyol. Amb aquesta recerca veurem si efectivament es va poder instituir una universitat lluny dels cànons de l'ortodòxia científica i acadèmica marcats per l'Església i l'Estat en l'època isabelina, si van cobrir-se les necessitats educatives reals de la Girona del darrer terç del segle XIX i mantenir-se les prescripcions i exigències de l'ensenyament superior.
En 1871, el jesuita alemán Theodor Wolf comenzó a difundir el darwinismo en el Ecuador a través de las clases de geología y paleontología que impartía en la Escuela Politécnica. Expuso una posición conciliadora del evolucionismo con el catolicismo, en el contexto de un Estado que promovía la cohesión y la identidad nacional a través de la moral católica y las ciencias como vehículo para el progreso. En este estudio se discuten algunos apuntes que atribuyeron estas enseñanzas como la razón por la cual Wolf se separó de la Politécnica y de la Orden Jesuita en 1874, en el marco de una controversia mayor, en la cual el darwinismo fue determinante.
Annual loss of nests by industrial (nonwoodlot) forest harvesting in Canada was estimated using two avian point-count data sources: (1) the Boreal Avian Monitoring Project (BAM) dataset for provinces operating in this biome and (2) available data summarized for the major (nonboreal) forest regions of British Columbia. Accounting for uncertainty in the proportion of harvest occurring during the breeding season and in avian nesting densities, our estimate ranges from 616 thousand to 2.09 million nests. Estimates of the impact on numbers of individuals recruited into the adult breeding population were made based on the application of survivorship estimates at various stages of the life cycle. Future improvements to this estimate are expected as better and more extensive avian breeding pair density estimates become available and as provincial forestry statistics become more refined, spatially and temporally. The effect of incidental take due to forestry is not uniform and is disproportionately centered in the southern boreal. Those species whose ranges occur primarily in these regions are most at risk for industrial forestry in general and for incidental take in particular. Refinements to the nest loss estimate for industrial forestry in Canada will be achieved primarily through the provision of more accurate estimates of the area of forest harvested annually during the breeding season stratified by forest type and Bird Conservation Region (BCR). A better understanding of survivorship among life-history stages for forest birds would also allow for better modeling of the effect of nest loss on adult recruitment. Finally, models are needed to project legacy effects of forest harvesting on avian populations that take into account forest succession and accompanying cumulative effects of landscape change.
This article compares the efficiency of induced polarization (IP) and resistivity in characterizing a contamination plume due to landfill leakage in a typical tropical environment. The resistivity survey revealed denser electrical current flow that induced lower resistivity values due to the high ionic content. The increased ionic concentration diminished the distance of the ionic charges close to the membrane, causing a decrease in the IP phenomena. In addition, the self-potential (SP) method was used to characterize the preferential flow direction of the area. The SP method proved to be effective at determining the flow direction; it is also fast and economical. In this study, the resistivity results were better correlated with the presence of contamination (lower resistivity) than the IP (lower chargeability) data.
This thesis by publication contains an introductory summary chapter and three papers. The first paper presents a study of how the concept of historical consciousness has been defined, applied, and justified in Swedish history didactical research. It finds that there is consensus regarding the definition of what a historical consciousness is, but that there is variation in how the concept is applied. It is suggested that this variation makes historical consciousness a complex and vague concept. The second paper uses the results presented in the first paper as a point of departure and from thence argues for a broadened understanding of the concept of historical consciousness that incorporates its definition, application, development, and significance. The study includes research about historical consciousness primarily from Sweden, the UK, the USA and Canada. The paper presents a typology of historical consciousness and argues that level of contextualisation is what distinguishes different types of historical consciousnesses and that an ability to contextualise is also what makes historical consciousness an important concept for identity constitution and morality. The third paper proposes a methodological framework of historical consciousness based on the theory of historical consciosusness presented in the second paper. It presents arguments for why the framework of historical consciousness proposed can be useful for the analysis of historical media and it discusses how aspects of the framework can be applied in analysis. It then presents a textbook analysis that has been performed according to the stipulated framework and discusses its results regarding how textbooks can be used to analyse historical consciousness and its development.
From 1870 to 1929, the US economy moved to a system strongly intensive in consumption goods. When the main cultural, political, social and economic basis of the modern "consumer society" was built into the country, it's spread to other countries fast and successfully started (1900-1929). The role of American government, private corporations, advertising agencies, and other players is examined. This text is a partial result of an on going larger investigation, dealing with the history of advertising and marketing in Brasil, from its origins to present days, in a sociological framework.
This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes
This article compares the efficiency of induced polarization (IP) and resistivity in characterizing a contamination plume due to landfill leakage in a typical tropical environment. The resistivity survey revealed denser electrical current flow that induced lower resistivity values due to the high ionic content. The increased ionic concentration diminished the distance of the ionic charges close to the membrane, causing a decrease in the IP phenomena. In addition, the self-potential (SP) method was used to characterize the preferential flow direction of the area. The SP method proved to be effective at determining the flow direction; it is also fast and economical. In this study, the resistivity results were better correlated with the presence of contamination (lower resistivity) than the IP (lower chargeability) data.
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size - frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15 min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar o currículo da Escola Normal do Pará, mais especificamente no que se refere às Ciências Naturais que constaram em sua estrutura, desde 1870 até 1930. Esta instituição foi criada em 1871 com o fim de formar professores para atuarem na instrução primária. Situada em Belém, que era o centro mais urbanizado da região, a Escola Normal estava entre as principais instituições da instrução pública paraense. As Ciências Naturais fizeram parte do primeiro currículo da Escola Normal do Pará, sendo elas a Física e a Química, contudo deixaram de fazer parte em 1874. O retorno das Ciências da Natureza se deu durante a Primeira República, por meio da Física, da Química e da História Natural, as quais se consolidaram ao longo deste período. A pesquisa analisa esta trajetória partindo do pressuposto que o currículo é um artefato social e histórico, sujeito a flutuações e que refletiu e continua a refletir as relações de poder envolvidas nos processos de seleção e transmissão cultural. Outra perspectiva analítica deste estudo considera o currículo como um meio de difusão científica, que também determina os modos que esta deve ocorrer. Sobre a difusão científica, parte-se do princípio que este processo não é simétrico, que os saberes científicos são criados em centros mais fortes e que ao serem difundidos para a periferia tem que interagir com a cultura que os recebe, os quais são conformados e modificados, sendo-lhes agregados valores diferentes dos que possuem nos países de centro. Assim, a pesquisa divide-se em três capítulos. O primeiro tem o objetivo de ver o desenvolvimento das Ciências Naturais no currículo do município do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1850 e 1890, que era a sede do governo central e o principal centro difusor de idéias para outras localidades do país, tanto em termos de educação quanto em outras áreas da administração pública. Com isso, analisa-se o desenvolvimento curricular do ensino primário, secundário e normal do Rio, mais especificamente em relação as Ciências Naturais, a partir das Reformas Coutto Ferraz (1854), Leôncio de Carvalho (1879) e Benjamin Constant (1890), as quais determinaram mudanças no currículo e na educação de modo geral. O segundo capítulo faz um resgate do desenvolvimento curricular da instrução pública primária e secundária paraense (1840-1870), isto para ver qual era o cenário curricular da instrução pública as vésperas da criação da Escola Normal, o que permite perceber e analisar que mudanças foram introduzidas por esta instituição neste contexto. O terceiro capítulo, num primeiro momento, revê a trajetória da Escola Normal do Pará e, num segundo momento, analisa-se o desenvolvimento do currículo normalista do Pará em relação as Ciências Naturais, de modo que é evidenciado a emergência e solidificação dos saberes científicos, tal como a distribuição de carga-horária em relação aos outros saberes e as próprias ciências constituintes do currículo.
O objetivo deste texto é mostrar, por meio de uma análise dalegislação que regula a força pública em São Paulo, como se desenvolveram aspolíticas de segurança pública antes que o tema per se entrasse na pauta do debatepolítico. A partir dos exemplos extraídos dos documentos policiais, interessa-nosacompanhar a evolução legal que concerne às marchas e contramarchas da forçapública em São Paulo, de 1868, quando se cria o Corpo Policial Permanente, até1901, marco da última alteração legal que fixou a organização policial até 1924.Com isso, pretendemos colocar em discussão o processo de militarização porque passou o aparato policial paulista, bem como indicar como se deram, sobreo terreno, os impactos das múltiplas alterações legais nas práticas e rotinas dopoliciamento.
Este livro, de Braz Batista Vas, discorre sobre a logística montada pelas forças militares terrestres brasileiras para suprir as demandas do período final do maior conflito bélico já ocorrido na América do Sul. Enfoca os últimos dois anos da Guerra do Paraguai, de fins de 1868 a 1870, após a saída de Duque de Caxias e a transferência do comando para o conde d'Eu, que o manteria até o encerramento da campanha. Vas procura compreender e explicar a estrutura militar organizada pelo Império para o conflito, deflagrado no fim de 1864 e travado em território paraguaio a partir de 1866 sob condições extremamente desgastantes. Além de discutir o comando militar do conde d'Eu, que era casado com a princesa Isabel e membro influente da corte, o autor analisa a ação diplomática e por vezes até militar de José Maria Paranhos, futuro visconde do Rio Branco, assim como a interação entre os dois homens diante dos entraves logísticos enfrentados pelo Brasil para dar fim à guerra. A obra mostra que esses entraves afetaram ora a intensidade e as estratégias da ação militar, ora a ação diplomática brasileira com reflexos profundos na dinâmica política daquele período.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)