1000 resultados para CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy)
Aquest treball pretén aprofundir en com es poden aprofitar les noves eines tecnològiques per millorar l'entorn educatiu. Analitzarem de quina manera els dispositius mòbils poden ajudar a incrementar la motivació, la curiositat i la cooperació dels alumnes i, en definitiva, l'aprentatge.
L'idée d'écrire cet article naît suite à l'arrivée aux urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois de deux cas cliniques de rupture de rate après colonoscopie. Ces deux patients se sont présentés à quelques semaines d'intervalle et illustrent une complication peu rapportée des colonoscopies mais décrite dans la littérature scientifique. Nos deux patients ont été traités avec succès par embolisation artérielle proximale. Nous présentons donc 2 cas de rupture de rate après colonoscopie. Nous comparons nos données avec celles obtenues par analyse après revue pertinente de la littérature. Nous avons mis en évidence les facteurs de risque inhérents aux patients et à la procédure. Les différentes prises en charges ont été analysées et les points principaux mis en évidence dans un tableau. Pour finir, nous proposons un diagramme de prise en charge des ruptures de rate de bas grade après colonoscopie par embolisation artérielle proximale.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the technical quality and the diagnostic performance of a protocol with use of low volumes of contrast medium (25 mL) at 64-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of adult, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed outside the United States and was approved by the institutional review board. Intracranial CT angiography was performed in 73 consecutive patients with nontraumatic SAH diagnosed at nonenhanced CT. Image quality was evaluated by two observers using two criteria: degree of arterial enhancement and venous contamination. The two independent readers evaluated diagnostic performance (lesion detection and correct therapeutic decision-making process) by using rotational angiographic findings as the standard of reference. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for patients who underwent CT angiography and three-dimensional rotational angiography. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess interobserver concordance concerning aneurysm measurements and therapeutic management. RESULTS: All aneurysms were detected, either ruptured or unruptured. Arterial opacification was excellent in 62 cases (85%), and venous contamination was absent or minor in 61 cases (84%). In 95% of cases, CT angiographic findings allowed optimal therapeutic management. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged between 0.93 and 0.95, indicating excellent interobserver agreement. CONCLUSION: With only 25 mL of iodinated contrast medium focused on the arterial phase, 64-detector CT angiography allowed satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic management of nontraumatic SAH.
Objective. The goal of this study was to present the pathological and radiological patterns of "vulnerable" atherosclerotic plaques in cases of sudden cardiac death. Method. This retrospective study was performed on forensic cases for which the cause of death was attributed to coronary artery disease. A complete autopsy was performed in all cases, along with either post-mortem CT-angiography, toxicological analyses and/or biochemistry. Results. 89 cases were selected (mean age 55±11.6 years; 75 men and 14 women). In 96.6% of cases a CT-angiography was performed. Acute coronary lesions were found in 60 cases (mean age 53±11.1 years), which included plaque erosion in 26 cases (mean age 47±8.3 years) and ruptures or intraplaque hemorrhage in 33 cases (mean age 58±10.4 years). Erosions were most frequently found in the left ascending artery (61.5 %), while only 36% of ruptures were observed in this artery. Chronic coronary pathology was described in 30 cases (mean age 58±10.4 years). CT-angiographies performed prior to the autopsy enabled an initial evaluation of coronary artery perfusion. Conclusion. In the face of decreasing clinical autopsy rates, postmortem studies on forensic autopsies, including modern radiological examinations, allow for a more thorough understanding of the clinical picture of disease which can result in sudden cardiac death.
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for the investigation of iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) and hematochezia, and report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews and primary studies regarding the evaluation and management of IDA and hematochezia was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy for these conditions. RESULTS: IDA occurs in 2 %-5 % of adult men and postmenopausal women. Examination of both the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract is recommended in patients with iron deficiency. Colonoscopy for IDA yields one colorectal cancer (CRC) in every 9-13 colonoscopies. Hematochezia is a well-recognized alarm symptom and such patients are likely to be referred for colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is unanimously recommended in patients aged > or = 50. Diverticulosis, vascular ectasias, and ischemic colitis are common causes of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB); CRC is found in 0.2 %-11 % of the colonoscopies performed for LGIB. Most patients with scant hematochezia have an anorectal or a distal source of bleeding. The expert panel considered most clinical indications for colonoscopy as appropriate in the presence of IDA (58 %) or hematochezia (83 %). CONCLUSION: Despite the limitations of the published studies, guidelines unanimously recommend colonoscopy for the investigation of IDA and hematochezia in patients aged > or = 50 years. These indications were also considered appropriate by EPAGE II, as were indications in patients at low risk for CRC with no obvious cause of bleeding found during adequate previous investigations.
Brain perfusion can be assessed by CT and MR. For CT, two major techniquesare used. First, Xenon CT is an equilibrium technique based on a freely diffusibletracer. First pass of iodinated contrast injected intravenously is a second method,more widely available. Both methods are proven to be robust and quantitative,thanks to the linear relationship between contrast concentration and x-ray attenuation.For the CT methods, concern regarding x-ray doses delivered to the patientsneed to be addressed. MR is also able to assess brain perfusion using the firstpass of gadolinium based contrast agent injected intravenously. This method hasto be considered as a semi-quantitative because of the non linear relationshipbetween contrast concentration and MR signal changes. Arterial spin labelingis another MR method assessing brain perfusion without injection of contrast. Insuch case, the blood flow in the carotids is magnetically labelled by an externalradiofrequency pulse and observed during its first pass through the brain. Eachof this various CT and MR techniques have advantages and limits that will be illustratedand summarised.Learning Objectives:1. To understand and compare the different techniques for brain perfusionimaging.2. To learn about the methods of acquisition and post-processing of brainperfusion by first pass of contrast agent for CT and MR.3. To learn about non contrast MR methods (arterial spin labelling).
Since the earliest years after the discovery of X-rays, radiological images have been used successfully for answering medico-legal and forensic questions. The possibility to evaluate the inside of a body without actually opening it has been appreciated and used in forensic pathology since then. However, the introduction of modern cross-sectional imaging techniques into post-mortem investigations has created controversial discussions among the medico-legal community. Terms like "Virtual Autopsy" and "Necro-Radiology" have led to confusion and controversy concerning the role of radiological techniques in forensic case work. Regardless, the use of those techniques in post-mortem investigations is increasing, especially the one of Muti-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT). But also other imaging techniques such as Postmortem Angiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging are increasingly applied. This presentation shall give an overview over the different techniques of postmortem imaging. It will critically explain their advantages and limitations in forensic death investigations compared to conventional autopsy. The role of postmortem imaging shall be discussed in order to distinguish between real state of the art and virtual reality.
El texto que se presenta muestra cómo se lleva a cabo la gestión de los libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Virtual (en adelante BV) de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (en adelante UOC). La BV pone especial énfasis en la adquisición de libros digitales para mejorar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos y a lascolecciones de una universidad caracterizada por su virtualidad. El documento presenta, en primer lugar, el entorno en el que se adquieren y se utilizan los libros electrónicos: se describen los distintos escenarios de adquisición en los que se puede encontrar la BV y se definen los circuitos internos que permiten su gestión, así como los procesos técnicos de los documentos. A continuación, se muestran las distintas opciones de acceso y consulta de libros electrónicos que actualmente se ofrecen desde la BV y se exponenlos análisis de uso de dichos documentos. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones a las que llega la BV sobre el nuevo contexto de libros electrónicos.
The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) to conventional, ante-mortem computed tomography (CT)-scan, CT-angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the detection and localization of the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhage with fatal outcomes. The medical records and imaging scans of nine individuals who underwent a conventional, ante-mortem CT-scan, CTA or DSA and later died in the hospital as a result of an acute hemorrhage were reviewed. Post-mortem computed tomography angiography, using multi-phase post-mortem CTA, as well as medico-legal autopsies were performed. Localization accuracy of the bleeding was assessed by comparing the diagnostic findings of the different techniques. The results revealed that data from ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological examinations were similar, though the PMCTA showed a higher sensitivity for detecting the hemorrhage source than did ante-mortem radiological investigations. By comparing the results of PMCTA and conventional autopsy, much higher sensitivity was noted in PMCTA in identifying the source of the bleeding. In fact, the vessels involved were identified in eight out of nine cases using PMCTA and only in three cases through conventional autopsy. Our study showed that PMCTA, similar to clinical radiological investigations, is able to precisely identify lesions of arterial and/or venous vessels and thus determine the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhages with fatal outcomes.
BACKGROUND: To identify patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage for whom CT angiography alone can exclude ruptured aneurysms. METHODS: An observational retrospective review was carried out of all consecutive patients with non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage who underwent both CT angiography and catheter angiography to exclude an aneurysm. CT angiography negative cases (no aneurysm) were classified according to their CT hemorrhage pattern as "aneurismal", "perimesencephalic" or as "no-hemorrhage." RESULTS: Two hundred and forty-one patients were included. A CT angiography aneurysm detection sensitivity and specificity of 96.4% and 96.0% were observed. All 35 cases of perimesencephalic or no-hemorrhage out of 78 CT angiography negatives also had negative angiography findings. CONCLUSIONS: CT angiography is self-reliant to exclude ruptured aneurysms when either a perimesencephalic hemorrhage or no-hemorrhage pattern is identified on the CT within a week of symptom onset.