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A numerical 2D method for simulation of two-phase flows including phase change under microgravity conditions is presented in this paper, with a level set method being coupled with the moving mesh method in the double-staggered grid systems. When the grid lines bend very much in a curvilinear grid, great errors may be generated by using the collocated grid or the staggered grid. So the double-staggered grid was adopted in this paper. The level set method is used to track the liquid-vapor interface. The numerical analysis is fulfilled by solving the Navier-Stokes equations using the SIMPLER method, and the surface tension force is modeled by a continuum surface force approximation. A comparison of the numerical results obtained with different numerical strategies shows that the double-staggered grid moving-mesh method presented in this paper is more accurate than that used previously in the collocated grid system. Based on the method presented in this paper, the condensation of a single bubble in the cold water under different level of gravity is simulated. The results show that the condensation process under the normal gravity condition is different from the condensation process under microgravity conditions. The whole condensation time is much longer under the normal gravity than under the microgravity conditions.


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Flammability limits for flames propagating in a rich propane/air mixture under gravity conditions appeared to be 6.3% C3H8 for downward propagation and 9.2% C3H8 for upward propagation. Different limits might be explained by the action of preferential diffusion of the deficient reactant (Le < 1) on the limit flames, which are in different states of instability. In one of the previous studies, the flammability limits under microgtravity conditions were found to be between the upward and downward limits obtained in a standard flammability tube under normal gravity conditions. It was found in those experiments that there are two limits under microgravity conditions: one indicated by visible flame propagation and another indicated by an increase of pressure without observed flame propagation. These limits were found to be far behind the limit for downward-propagating flame at 1 g (6.3% C3H8) and close to the limit for upward-propagating flame at 1 g (9.2% C3H8). It was decided in the present work to apply a special schlieren system and instant temperature measuring system for drop tower experiments to observe combustion development during propagation of the flame front. A small cubic closed vessel (inner side, 9 cm 9 cm 9 cm) with schlieren quality glass windows were used to study limit flames under gravity and microgravity conditions. Flame development in rich limit mixtures, not visible in previous experiments under microgravity conditions for strait photography, was identified with the use of the schlieren method and instant temperature measuring system. It was found in experiments in a small vessel that there is practically no difference in flammability limits under gravity and microgravity conditions. In this paper, the mechanism of flame propagation under these different conditions is systematically studied and compared and limit burning velocity is estimated.


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The embryonic development in Clarias gariepinus was studied under laboratory conditions. The developmental stages of eggs starting from first cleavage were examined microscopically. Photomicroscope was used to take important stages of segmentation, blastulation, differentiation of embryo and hatching. The films of the photograph were developed and printed for each stage produced. The accurate timing and detailed description of each stage was done. The results show that the blastodisc (Polar cap) appeared about 35 minutes after fertilization and the first cleavage dividing the blastodisc into two blastomeres occurs 15 minutes after polar cap formation. Details of the developmental stages of embryos and the timing from one stage to the other were described. The larva shook off the shell and emerged completely from the egg case about 22 hours after fertilization at a water temperature of 25.1 degree C. The accurate determination of the time of initiation of first mitosis is of great importance in fish culture and breeding especially in the production of tetraploids


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This paper sets out to explore how Uganda's lake Victoria fishery has been managed. It explores the management of the fishery during the protectorate period, and argues that the apparent success of regulation during this time may be attributed to the very heightened controls arising from Sleeping Sickness Controls. Once these were removed, entry into the fishery was rapid and uncontrolled, and the resultant impact on fish stocks was quickly felt. With its huge area, considerable shoreline, and innumerable islands, the lake Victoria fisheries service was quickly overwhelmed and disbanded as a result. In the early independence years, the Republic's government focused on developing the fishery, plans thwarted by turmoil of, and following, Idi Amin's reign. More recently, the fishery has prospered from Uganda's entry into the Nile perch fillet export market, which ahs adversely affected stocks. We present and comment on recently collected data that considers fishers' impressions of the status of the fishery, regulations and future managerial possibilities, and comment on these in the light of recent changes to Uganda's fisheries administration


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The reactivity of permethylzirconocene and permethylhafnocene complexes with various nucleophiles has been investigated. Permethylzirconocene reacts with sterically hindered ketenes and allenes to afford metallacycle products. Reaction of these cummulenes with permethylzirconocene hydride complexes affords enolate and σ-allyl species, respectively. Reactions which afford enolate products are nonstereospecific, whereas reactions which afford allyl products initially give a cis-σ-allyl complex which rearranges to its trans isomer. The mechanism of these reactions is proposed to occur either by a Lewis Acid-Lewis Base interaction (ketenes) or by formation of a π-olefin intermediate (allenes).

Permethylzirconocene haloacyl complexes react with strong bases such as lithium diisopropylamide or methylene trimethylphosphorane to afford ketene compounds. Depending on the size of the alkyl ketene substituent, the hydrogenation of these compounds affords enolate-hydride products with varying degrees of stereoselectivity. The larger the substituent, the greater is the selectivity for cis hydrogenation products.

The reaction of permethylzirconocene dihydride and permethylhafnocene dihydride with methylene trimethylphosphorane affords methyl-hydride and dimethyl derivatives. Under appropriate conditions, the metallated-ylide complex 1, (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(H)CH_2PMe_2CH_2, is also obtained and has been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction techniques. Reaction of 1 with CO affords (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(C,O-η^2 -(PMe_3)HC=CO)H which exists in solution as an equilibrium mixture of isomers. In one isomer (2), the η^2-acyl oxygen atom occupies a lateral equatorial coordination position about zirconium, whereas in the other isomer (3), the η-acyl oxygen atom occupies the central equatorial position. The equilibrium kinetics of the 2→3 isomerization have been studied and the structures of both complexes confirmed by X-ray diffraction methods. These studies suggest a mechanism for CO insertion into metal-carbon bonds of the early transition metals.

Permethylhafnocene dihydride and permethylzirconocene hydride complexes react with diazoalkanes to afford η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species in which the terminal nitrogen atom of the diazoalkane molecule has inserted into a metal-hydride or metal-carbon bond. The structure of one of these compounds, Cp*_2Zr(NMeNCTol_2)OH, has been determined by X-ray diffraction techniques. Under appropriate conditions, the hydrazonido-hydride complexes react with a second equivalent of diazoalkene to afford η' -N-hydrazonido-η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species.


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The equations of state (EOS) of several geologically important silicate liquids have been constrained via preheated shock wave techniques. Results on molten Fe2SiO4 (fayalite), Mg2SiO4 (forsterite), CaFeSi2O6 (hedenbergite), an equimolar mixture of CaAl2Si2O8-CaFeSi2O6 (anorthite-hedenbergite), and an equimolar mixture of CaAl2Si2O8-CaFeSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6(anorthite-hedenbergite-diopside) are presented. This work represents the first ever direct EOS measurements of an iron-bearing liquid or of a forsterite liquid at pressures relevant to the deep Earth (> 135 GPa). Additionally, revised EOS for molten CaMgSi2O6 (diopside), CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite), and MgSiO3 (enstatite), which were previously determined by shock wave methods, are also presented.

The liquid EOS are incorporated into a model, which employs linear mixing of volumes to determine the density of compositionally intermediate liquids in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO major element space. Liquid volumes are calculated for temperature and pressure conditions that are currently present at the core-mantle boundary or that may have occurred during differentiation of a fully molten mantle magma ocean.

The most significant implications of our results include: (1) a magma ocean of either chondrite or peridotite composition is less dense than its first crystallizing solid, which is not conducive to the formation of a basal mantle magma ocean, (2) the ambient mantle cannot produce a partial melt and an equilibrium residue sufficiently dense to form an ultralow velocity zone mush, and (3) due to the compositional dependence of Fe2+ coordination, there is a threshold of Fe concentration (molar XFe ≤ 0.06) permitted in a liquid for which its density can still be approximated by linear mixing of end-member volumes.


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The variation of the energy interval between the intercombination line ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) of He-like aluminium with plasma density and temperature is investigated. Since such energy interval is equivalent to the exchange energy of the state 1s2p(P-3(1)), we consider the dependence of this energy shift on the plasma environment. It was found that the shifts of exchange energy increase ( decrease) with the increase of electron density ( electron temperature), and the shifts of exchange energy become more sensitive to the electron density as the electron temperature decreases, i. e. in the strongly coupled plasma regime. An approximately linear relation is found between the shifts of exchange energy and the electron density. The results show that dense plasma effects are very important for the simulation of the spectral fine structure. The relative shifts between the intercombination ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) are discussed for diagnostic applications.


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In this thesis we study Galois representations corresponding to abelian varieties with certain reduction conditions. We show that these conditions force the image of the representations to be "big," so that the Mumford-Tate conjecture (:= MT) holds. We also prove that the set of abelian varieties satisfying these conditions is dense in a corresponding moduli space.

The main results of the thesis are the following two theorems.

Theorem A: Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety, End° (A) = k : imaginary quadratic field, g = dim(A). Assume either dim(A) ≤ 4, or A has bad reduction at some prime ϕ, with the dimension of the toric part of the reduction equal to 2r, and gcd(r,g) = 1, and (r,g) ≠ (15,56) or (m -1, m(m+1)/2). Then MT holds.

Theorem B: Let M be the moduli space of abelian varieties with fixed polarization, level structure and a k-action. It is defined over a number field F. The subset of M(Q) corresponding to absolutely simple abelian varieties with a prescribed stable reduction at a large enough prime ϕ of F is dense in M(C) in the complex topology. In particular, the set of simple abelian varieties having bad reductions with fixed dimension of the toric parts is dense.

Besides this we also established the following results:

(1) MT holds for some other classes of abelian varieties with similar reduction conditions. For example, if A is an abelian variety with End° (A) = Q and the dimension of the toric part of its reduction is prime to dim( A), then MT holds.

(2) MT holds for Ribet-type abelian varieties.

(3) The Hodge and the Tate conjectures are equivalent for abelian 4-folds.

(4) MT holds for abelian 4-folds of type II, III, IV (Theorem 5.0(2)) and some 4-folds of type I.

(5) For some abelian varieties either MT or the Hodge conjecture holds.


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The technique of variable-angle, electron energy-loss spectroscopy has been used to study the electronic spectroscopy of the diketene molecule. The experiment was performed using incident electron beam energies of 25 eV and 50 eV, and at scattering angles between 10° and 90°. The energy-loss region from 2 eV to 11 eV was examined. One spin-forbidden transition has been observed at 4.36 eV and three others that are spin-allowed have been located at 5.89 eV, 6.88 eV and 7.84 eV. Based on the intensity variation of these transitions with impact energy and scattering angle, and through analogy with simpler molecules, the first three transitions are tentatively assigned to an n → π* transition, a π - σ* (3s) Rydberg transition and a π → π* transition.

Thermal decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane, chloroform, dichloromethane and chloromethane under flash-vacuum pyrolysis conditions (900-1100°C) was investigated by the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy, using the impact energy of 50 eV and a scattering angle of 10°. The pyrolytic reaction follows a hydrogen-chloride α-elimination pathway. The difluoromethylene radical was produced from chlorodifluoromethane pyrolysis at 900°C and identified by its X^1 A_1 → A^1B_1 band at 5.04 eV.

Finally, a number of exploratory studies have been performed. The thermal decomposition of diketene was studied under flash vacuum pressures (1-10 mTorr) and temperatures ranging from 500°C to 1000°C. The complete decomposition of the diketene molecule into two ketene molecules was achieved at 900°C. The pyrolysis of trifluoromethyl iodide molecule at 1000°C produced an electron energy-loss spectrum with several iodine-atom, sharp peaks and only a small shoulder at 8.37 eV as a possible trifluoromethyl radical feature. The electron energy-loss spectrum of trichlorobromomethane at 900°C mainly showed features from bromine atom, chlorine molecule and tetrachloroethylene. Hexachloroacetone decomposed partially at 900°C, but showed well-defined features from chlorine, carbon monoxide and tetrachloroethylene molecules. Bromodichloromethane molecule was investigated at 1000°C and produced a congested, electron energy-loss spectrum with bromine-atom, hydrogen-bromide, hydrogen-chloride and tetrachloroethylene features.


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A series of terl-butylperoxide complexes of hafnium, Cp*2Hf(R)(OOCMe3) (Cp* = ((η5-C5Me5); R = Cl, H, CH3, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2, CH=CHCMe3, C6H5, meta-C6H3(CH2)2) and Cp*(η5-C5(CH3)4CH2CH2CH2)Hf(OOCMe3), has been synthesized. One example has been structurally characterized, Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)CH2CH3 crystallizes in space group P21/c, with a = 19.890(7)Å, b = 8.746(4)Å, c = 17.532(6)Å, β = 124.987(24)°, V = 2498(2)Å3, Z = 4 and RF = 0.054 (2222 reflections, I > 0). Despite the coordinative unsaturation of the hafnium center, the terl-butylperoxide ligand is coordinated in a mono-dentate ligand. The mode of decomposition of these species is highly dependent on the substituent R. For R = H, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2 a clean first order conversion to Cp*2Hf(OCMe3)(OR) is observed (for R CH2CH3, ΔHǂ = 19.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -13 e.u.). These results are discussed in terms of a two step mechanism involving η2-coordination of the terl-butylperoxide ligand. Homolytic O-O bond cleavage is observed upon heating of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3) R (R = C6H6, meta-C6H3(CH3)2). In the presence of excess 9,10-dihydroanthracene thermolysis of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)C6H6 cleanly affords Cp*2Hf(C6H6)OH and HOCMe3 (ΔHǂ = 22.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -9 e.u.). The O-O bond strength in these complexes is thus estimated to be 22 kcal•mol-1.

Cp*2Ta(CH2)H, Cp*2Ta(CHC6H5)H, Cp*2Ta(C6H4)H, Cp*2Ta(CH2=CH2)H and Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHMe)H react, presumably through Cp*2Ta-R intermediates, with H2O to give Cp*2Ta(O)H and alkane. Cp*2Ta(O)H was structurally characterized: space group P21/n, a= 13.073(3)Å, b = 19.337(4)Å, c = 16.002(3)Å, β = 108.66(2)°, V = 3832(1)Å3, Z = 8 and RF = 0.0672 (6730 reflections). Reaction of terlbutylhydroperoxide with these same starting materials ultimately yields Cp*2Ta(O)R and HOCMe3. Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHR)OH species are proposed as intermediates in the olefin hydride reactions. Cp*2Ta(O2)R species can be generated from the reaction of the same starting materials and O2. Lewis acids have been shown to promote oxygen insertion in these complexes.