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Given the increase of reconciliation processes initiated amid on-going violence, this study focuses on community reconciliation and its relation to structural transformation, or social reconstruction through reforming unjust institutions and practices that facilitate protracted violent conflict. Drawing lessons from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, mixed method analyses include eight in-depth interviews and 184 surveys. Four key dimensions of reconciliation truth, justice, mercy, peace are examined. In the interviews, participants prioritize reconstructing the truth and bringing perpetrators to justice as essential aspects of reconciliation. Notions of mercy and forgiveness are less apparent. For the participants, sustainable peace is dependent on structural transformation to improve livelihoods. These data, however, do not indicate how this understanding of reconciliation may relate to individual participation in reconciliation processes. Complementing the qualitative data, quantitative analyses identify some broad patterns that relate to participation in reconciliation events. Compared to those who did not participate, individuals who engaged in reconciliation initiatives report higher levels of personal experience with violence, live alongside demobilized paramilitaries, are more engaged in civic life, and express greater preference for structural transformation. The paper concludes with policy implications that integrate reconciliation and structural transformation to deepen efforts to rebuild the social fabric amid violence.


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El presente trabajo quiere presentar un panorama de los grupos étnicos indígenas que hoy pueblan el territorio colombiano. La "visión etnológica sobre los grupos étnicos indígenas actuales de Colombia con su bibliografía" tiene como objeto presentar la riqueza étnica de las minorías indígenas que, junto con los negros y blancos, conforman el pueblo colombiano. Como lo indica el título, esta no es una investigación profunda sobre cada grupo, pero es una recopilación de datos, informes y libros ya existentes para dar una visión de cada grupo étnico mencionado, aunque sobre algunos los datos son escasos, por varias razones que especialmente debido a la poca literatura eústente en la etnología actual. Después del índice, la introducción y agradecimientos, se encuentra la bibliografia general, a la cual sigue la presentación de los deparamentos, intendencias y comisarías donde existen los resguardos y las reservas indígenas, complementados al final del trabajo con su respectivo mapa; en cada resguardo o reserva aparece entre paréntesis el número bajo el cual se puede buscar en el mapa. A continuación se éncuentta la clasificación de los grupos étnicos por familias lingüísticas y la descripción de cada uno, ordenados alfabéticamente, divididos en subtítulos como nominación, o bajo cuales nombres se conoce el grupo, localización, resguardos y/o reservas indígenas, lengua y/o familia linguística a Ia cual pertenece, vivienda, economía, vestidos y adornos, organización socio-política, creencias y rituales, aculturación. Aunque los subtítulos no se compaften siempre, debido a la escasez de trabajos sobre algunos grupos y/o a su falta de disponibilidad, espero que aún de este modo el presente trabajo será de utilidad y por ello despuás de cada gupo se menciona la bibliografía de los trabajos existentes sobre el mismo, para quienes quieran profundizar sus conocimientos sobre el tema.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivos analisar a estratégia competitiva das adegas cooperativas do Alentejo, através da análise das ações que têm sido por elas desenvolvidas, propor linhas adicionais de ação estratégica e perspectivar as suas possibilidades de sucesso. A inovação e a flexibilidade das adegas cooperativas para se adaptarem ao crescente dinamismo dos contextos empresariais, conduziu a uma gestão mais profissional e a encarar a estratégia como necessária para uma maior competitividade. Nesse sentido, a cooperação entre as adegas cooperativas é vista como um meio de aumentar a competitividade no mercado internacional. A investigação permitiu constatar que o sector vitivinícola a nível mundial esta na fase de maturidade, com excesso de capacidade produtiva, procura global decrescente e queda de pregos, apresenta, no entanto, alterações significativas nos hábitos de consumo. As adegas cooperativas utilizam estratégias de diferenciação, apostam em produtos de qualidade e com elevados índices de notoriedade entre os consumidores. As principais diferenças competitivas entre elas estão relacionadas com a dimensão e a relação entre esta e a capacidade de recursos para investir ao nível do Marketing-Mix por forma a construir vantagens competitivas duradouras através da notoriedade dos seus vinhos. Para além disso, verifica-se também nas adegas de maior dimensão uma gestão estratégica mais orientada para a competitividade sustentável e maior visão estratégica. O método utilizado (estudo de caso comparativo, de natureza exploratória e, essencialmente qualitativo) não permite uma generalização extensiva dos seus resultados para além das cooperativas estudadas. Os resultados devem ser entendidos, de forma ponderada, no seu contexto específico e para os casos em concreto, pois, cada organização tem características únicas que influenciam o funcionamento da gestão. ABSTRACT - The present study has has been to analyse the competitive strategy of the Alentejo cooperative cellars, through the analysis of the shares that have been developed for the cooperative cellars, propose additional lines of strategic action and preview their possibility of success. The innovation and the flexibility of the cooperative cellars to the dynamic growth of the business contexts, accelerated shattering process of the enterprise contexts, lead to a more professional management and to face the strategy as necessary for a bigger competitiveness. In this direction, the cooperation between the cooperative cellars is seen as a way to increase the competitiveness in the international market. The inquiry allowed to evidence a world industry in maturity phase, with excess of productive capacity, presents a decreasing demand, alteration of the consumption habits and fall of the prices. The cooperative cellars use differentiation strategies, bet in products of quality and with raised indices of notoriety between the consumers. The main competitive differences between them are related with the dimension and the relation between this and the capacity of resources to invest to the level of Marketing-Mix for form to construct lasting competitive advantages through the notoriety of its wines. For moreover, a strategic management more guided for the sustainable competitiveness is also verified in the cellars of bigger dimension and bigger strategic vision. Due to the applied method (comparative case study, in searching manner and, essencialy qualitative) it cannot be purposed an extensive generalization of the results to another non-studied population. The results must be understood in a balanced way, in their Enterprise Strategy: Contribution for the Strategic Analysis of the Alentejo Wines Cooperatives specific context, and for real cases, since each company has its own features that influences the management work.


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The potential of online learning has long afforded the hope of providing quality education to anyone, anywhere in the world. The recent development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) heralded an exciting new breakthrough by providing free academic instruction and professional skills development from the world’s leading universities to anyone with the sufficient resources to access the internet. The research in Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative study was designed to analyze the MOOC landscape in developing countries and to better understand the motivations of MOOC users and afford insights on the advantages and limitations of MOOCs for workforce development outcomes. The key findings of this study challenge commonly held beliefs about MOOC usage in developing countries, defying typical characterizations of how people in resource constrained settings use technology for learning and employment. In fact, some of the findings are so contrary to what has been reported in the U.S. and other developed environments that they raise new questions for further investigation.


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Colombia’s Internet connectivity has increased immensely. Colombia has also ‘opened for business’, leading to an influx of extractive projects to which social movements object heavily. Studies on the role of digital media in political mobilisation in developing countries are still scarce. Using surveys, interviews, and reviews of literature, policy papers, website and social media content, this study examines the role of digital and social media in social movement organisations and asks how increased digital connectivity can help spread knowledge and mobilise mining protests. Results show that the use of new media in Colombia is hindered by socioeconomic constraints, fear of oppression, the constraints of keyboard activism and strong hierarchical power structures within social movements. Hence, effects on political mobilisation are still limited. Social media do not spontaneously produce non-hierarchical knowledge structures. Attention to both internal and external knowledge sharing is therefore conditional to optimising digital and social media use.


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Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009


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Este artigo visa contribuir para o conhecimento do regime jurídico da reserva legal das cooperativas no direito português...


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O objetivo desta investigação consiste em identificar o impacto da aplicação da NCRF 27 nas cooperativas portuguesas vitivinícolas da Região Demarcada do Douro. Para o efeito procedeu-se à análise dos rácios de solvabilidade das cooperativas com maior dimensão, com e sem a aplicação da referida norma. Os resultados confirmam que a aplicação da norma teria um forte impacto negativo ao nível da capacidade de financiamento, o que colocaria em causa a continuidade destas entidades. Com este estudo procurou-se sobretudo alertar para a necessidade de alterar o normativo contabilístico português aplicável às cooperativas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Professora Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira, e Professora Doutora Deolinda Maria Moreira Aparício Meira