984 resultados para CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE
La preocupante situación por el uso excesivo de productos químicos en granos almacenados, ha llevado a la búsqueda de métodos efectivos no químicos para prevenir las pérdidas ocasionadas por los insectos. Entre estos métodos tenemos el uso de atmósferas modificadas (AM) el cual ha sido utilizado en otros países con buenos resultados. Este método consiste en la descomposición o fermentación de materiales vegetales como substrato para la generación de CO2 (dióxido de carbono) en un biogenerador, conectado a silos metálicos u otros depósitos de granos herméticos donde el gas es transferido pasivamente al depósito de granos. Nos propusimos identificar fuentes naturales para la producción de CO2 y determinar la eficacia del método de atmósferas controladas en el control del Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. Para el estudio se realizaron dos etapas: Identificación de fuentes naturales para la producción de CO2 a partir del proceso de fermentación, donde se probaron caiia de azúcar, banano y maíz, utilizando para cada material tratamientos con y sin levadura comercial en concentración de 0.5% y 0% respectivamente de la cantidad total del material a fermentar en el biodigestor. Se determinó el momento inicial, máximo y final de la producción de CO2 . El tipo de biogenerador utilizado para todos los ensayos consistió de un depósito plástico de 18 l. de capacidad, donde se colocaron los materiales a fermentar. Se utilizó un indicador de agua. La variable a medir fue la emisión de burbujas en un período de tres minutos a intervalos de dos horas. Se determinó el porcentaje de mortalidad del S. zeamaiz en silos metálicos de 4qq. con maíz utilizando la AM. El silo metálico fue llenado con maiz hasta las 5/6 partes de su capacidad total; las jaulas que se utiüzaron fueron recipientes plásticos de 1L de capacidad con maíz-grano y 100 gorgojos del maíz adultos en su interior, colocadas a tres diferentes profundidades dentro del silo metálico. El porcentaje de C02 contenido en el silo metálico se midió con el método bioquímico del Hidróxido de Sodio (NaOH). El índice de mortalidad se evaluó a los 6, 8 y 10 días. Los mejores resultados en producción de gas se obtuvieron con el banano, con un rendimiento promedio de 91.9 y 52.6 burbujas por tres minutos a intervalos de dos horas en un período de 40 horas. Con un porcentaje mayor al 25% de CO 2 en el interior del silo metálico (atmósfera interna) y más de 6 días de exposición se obtuvo la mortalidad del gorgojo del maíz superior al 95%; concluyendo que la mortalidad del gorgojo del maíz estará en dependencia del porcentaje de CO2 en el interior del silo metálico.
Carbon thin films are very important as protective coatings for a wide range of applications such as magnetic storage devices. The key parameter of interest is the sp3 fraction, since it controls the mechanical properties of the film. Visible Raman spectroscopy is a very popular technique to determine the carbon bonding. However, the visible Raman spectra mainly depend on the configuration and clustering of the sp2 sites. This can result in the Raman spectra of different samples looking similar albeit having a different structure. Thus, visible Raman alone cannot be used to derive the sp3 content. Here we monitor the carbon bonding by using a combined study of Raman spectra taken at two wavelengths (514 and 244 nm). We show how the G peak dispersion is a very useful parameter to investigate the carbon samples and we endorse it as a production-line characterisation tool. The dispersion is proportional to the degree of disorder, thus making it possible to distinguish between graphitic and diamond-like carbon. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Reconfigurable shutter-based free-space optical switching technologies using fiber ribbon and multiple wavelengths per fiber for Storage Area Networks (SANs) application are presented and demonstrated. ©2009 SPIE-OSA-IEEE.
Reconfigurable shutter-based free-space optical switching technologies using fiber ribbon and multiple wavelengths per fiber for Storage Area Networks (SANs) application are presented and demonstrated. ©2009 Optical Society of America.
Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) has the inherent property of separating CO2 from flue gases. Instead of air, it uses an oxygen-carrier, usually in the form of a metal oxide, to provide oxygen for combustion. When used for the combustion of gaseous fuels, such as natural gas, or synthesis gas from the gasification of coal, the technique gives a stream of CO2 which, on an industrial scale, would be sufficiently pure for geological sequestration. An important issue is the form of the metal oxide, since it must retain its reactivity through many cycles of complete reduction and oxidation. Here, we report on the rates of oxidation of one constituent of synthesis gas, H2, by co-precipitated mixtures of CuO+Al2O3 using a laboratory-scale fluidised bed. To minimise the influence of external mass transfer, and also of errors in the measurement of [H2], particles sized to 355-500μm were used at low [H2], with the temperature ranging from 450 to 900°C. Under such conditions, the reaction was slow enough for meaningful measurements of the intrinsic kinetics to be made. The reaction was found to be first order with respect to H2. Above ∼800°C, the reaction of CuO was fast and conformed to the shrinking core mechanism, proceeding via the intermediate, Cu2O, in: 2CuO+H2→Cu2O+H2O, ΔH1073 K0=- 116.8 kJ/mol; Cu2O+H2→2Cu+H2O, ΔH1073 K0-80.9 kJ/mol. After oxidation of the products Cu and Cu2O back to CuO, the kinetics in subsequent cycles of chemical looping oxidation of H2 could be approximated by those in the first. Interestingly, the carrier was found to react at temperatures as low as 300°C. The influence of the number of cycles of reduction and oxidation is explored. Comparisons are drawn with previous work using reduction by CO. Finally, these results indicate that the kinetics of reaction of the oxygen carrier with gasifier synthesis gases is very much faster than rates of gasification of the original fuel. © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of supercritical CO2 turbulent channel flow has been performed to investigate the heat transfer mechanism of supercritical fluid. In the present DNS, full compressible Navier-Stokes equations and Peng-Robison state equation are solved. Due to effects of the mean density variation in the wall normal direction, mean velocity in the cooling region becomes high compared with that in the heating region. The mean width between high-and low-speed streaks near the wall decreases in the cooling region, which means that turbulence in the cooling region is enhanced and lots of fine scale eddies are created due to the local high Reynolds number effects. From the turbulent kinetic energy budget, it is found that compressibility effects related with pressure fluctuation and dilatation of velocity fluctuation can be ignored even for supercritical condition. However, the effect of density fluctuation on turbulent kinetic energy cannot be ignored. In the cooling region, low kinematic viscosity and high thermal conductivity in the low speed streaks modify fine scale structure and turbulent transport of temperature, which results in high Nusselt number in the cooling condition of the supercritical CO2.